Tuesday, December 28, 2004

"Winter Lovin' "

My friend Eric met the one and only, John Travolta at the Hampton Inn in Bangor over Christmas weekend. How COOL is that?
I was like, did you sing "Summer Lovin' " to him? I would have! :)
Eric didn't even ask for his autograph, but read his blog to find out his philosopical reasons about that at www.rolyatcire.com

Anyway, Christmas is OVER! YAY!!!
I got lots of nice stuff, as did the kids, which is most important, but now I get to spending my money on ME again, instead of making sure there are equal amounts of presents under the tree, etc. This is the ONLY time I am envious of people with one child, not because of the financial aspect at Christmas, but because until you get everything wrapped and under the tree, and actually count who has how many presents, you don't realize that you've shorted anyone, which leads to last minute shopping trips in Bangor on Christmas Eve...oh the Horror!!! I made sure I had right turns to any establishment I shopped at on Christmas Eve. If i had to turn left and cross two lanes in traffic, they were not getting my business on this day. It would have been impossible anyway. Traffic was disgusting. What happened to online shopping? I did most of my shopping online this year. Target.com RULES!!! everything was delievered BEFORE Christmas!

Now, it is time to take down the tree and get my life back. I'm going to attempt to do this before New Year's Eve because I know I will lose all ambition on New Year's Day. Or at least I am hoping I have that good of a time on New Year's Eve that I will lose all ambition!!! :) I was going to New York for New Years and staying with my aunt in NEW jersey! but my aunt just had surgery on her hernia, and Flint wants us to go to his friends, and Eric said that Dick Clark isn't even going to be there. I told him I wasn't going to New York for dick! I was going to see the apple drop! He told me I was a perv! That is funny, if you've ever met Eric.

I got my first PAID holiday last week! :) I get one this friday too! I love being a professional! :)

Shannon is moving in with us again. She is my 17 year old cousin. She is asking John Travolta to the prom this year! :)
Karaoke at my house just isn't the same without Shannon and Barb!

Well, I gotta get my butt moving. Stay tuned for my Ode to John Travolta...it's called "Winter Lovin' "

Winter Lovin'
Happened so fast.
Met a boy on Christmas Eve.
He came in
Said he was crazy 'bout me!

More to come you crazy cats!

Friday, December 17, 2004

My Apology

After reading a few blogs from my friend, who shall remain nameless (Eric, Little Hitler, Knight in Shining Armour when I leave my lights on and need a boost or lock my keys in my car, whatever you must call him) I felt I must create my own blog.

My story begins...
There was a time when he was my best friend and I was his. (birds chirping, swinging hand hold, Smurf music in the background)

First, let's just say I have had an extremely dramatic summerfallwinter, ups and downs aplenty, finacial gains and losses and gains and losses, grad school nightmares, dating/breaking up, dating/breaking up and finally dating again (this is more fun if you sing it to "Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes"), the defeat of my liberal party, personal health issues, finding God again (if you've never tried to have a personal relationship with Big G, you have no idea how stressfull it can really be) et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. These are not excuses, they are simply a manipulative tool I am resorting to, to gain sympathy in my feeble attempt at a public apology.

We were there for each other, his late nite emails (pre-erin), his 3 AM emails because his schedule is all screwed up since starting work at the Hampton and he can't sleep, my rants about my soap opera life, dollar store hopping, movie going, watching the Patriots win the superbowl, you get the picture.

One day, I let him down. (Dramatic Pause)
I said I'd call and I didn't call. I guess I've done that more than once to him. Sometimes I take people for granted, without meaning to, and get so wrapped up in my own little life, that I forget about the people that mean the most to me. He deserves better than this. So he called me on it and what did I do? I got mad at him, instead of myself, which is the person I should be mad at and I offered some lame but truthful excuses about why I didn't call to cancel our plans when it became apparent that I was going to miss our shopping date. I take full blame and responsiblity. I desperately wish to have my name deleted from his UBER-shit list, even if only to make it back to the normal shit-list I usually find myself on. I have been arrogant and too proud to let him help me out. I have been selfish with my time.

So Eric, I am sorry. Please forgive me.