Friday, July 29, 2005

Thank you!

It was a very happy birthday for me yesterday, so thank you to everyone. I was at work about 20 minutes and the flower delivery guy showed up with a dozen red roses from Brian. Very beautiful! After lunch, during the kids nap time, the flower delivery girl showed up with a beautiful basket of spring/summer flowers with a card that said, Love, Bailey! SO sweet! Jessy had made me a birthday cake from scratch and Sammi came to school to visit me. She has been at the Y getting used to the kids there because she starts kindergarten next month and she will be going to the Y's afterschool program. I then went home to get the girls. We went to my mother's for lasagna, with my brothers and my niece and nephew. Then the girls and I went to the movies to see Willy Wonka. It was good. I have the same thoughts about the remake as I did the first movie...I LOVE THE BOOK! Charlie and the Chocolate Factory was one of my all-time favorite books when I was a kid and I have read it so many times. It is just one of those books where the mental imagery is so much better than anything Hollywood can come up with. That is not to say either movie isn't great. It is just one of those cases where if I had seen the movie first, I'd have probably enjoyed it more.

I came home to find not one, but TWO cards from Brian. I knew they were from Brian immediately because only he and my mother write my FULL legal name on an envelope. I knew they were from Brian and not my mother because only Brian tapes the backs of cards! One was funny and one was mushy. I called him immediately to thank him for the cards and flowers and he asked about the present. I was like, "WHAT present?" SOOOOOOO, I have a package that should be here by today. I will stop home after work and check the mail and then be on my way to visit Brian for the weekend. I am so excited to see what he got me! :)

It is going to be a perfect weekend, weather-wise...sunny and mid to high 70's. Low humidity. Finally!!! :)

Two more weeks left for me at the preschool! We start interviewing next week.

Other than that, not much else is going on.

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Random Thoughts

It is finally RAINING!!! I hope this is a sign of some relief from the high temps today.
My neighbor is an older lady and she is deathly afraid of thunderstorms and Hayley is over with her right now, sitting with her, talking and playing cards. Dee (the woman) does okay if she has company. I think it is very sweet that all three of my kids understand and respect her fears and sit with her until the storm is over.

Kayla and I have a clean house and we are just sitting around, relaxing and reading. Kayla is reading Queen of the 3 in the Lestat series by Anne Rice. I am reading three books. I haven't done that since high school. I used to be able to keep a couple of books going at once. Right now, depending on my mood, I am reading book 7 of the Left Behind series, Wicked and She's Not There by Jennifer Finney Boylan about a person changing genders. It also has an afterward written by one of my all-time favorite authors Richard Russo (Empire Grill). After that, Hayley should be done her new Harry Potter book, so I can start it. I read the last one in less than 24 hours. I think I am going to savor this one.

I read about al-Qiada taking responsibility about the murders of the Algerian diplomats. Right after I read that they are writing Jennifer Garner's pregnancy into the script of Alias. Got me to thinking, who gives a flying f*** about her pregnancy or writing it in the show. The world is quickly falling apart and yet the media are keeping us abreast of Jennifer Garner. Then I started to answer my own question. Sadly, I have a feeling that more people in this country care about entertainment news than they do of world news. To play the Devil's advocate, I do think what makes us so resiliant as a nation is our ability to take it all in stride. While we may care about the world, it won't stop us from caring about more trivial matters that at least keep our minds off of constant doom and gloom. I've taken about a year's hiatus from watching television. I still watch movies on dvd with the kids, but as far as regular programming, I might tune into a show if I am at a hotel or what have you, but at night time, I go to bed and read. I have got to admit that after taking this year to detox, I am finding t.v. less than entertaining. It seems frivilous and mindless. Mind you, I still LOVE 90210, Buffy and Charmed. :) We all need some mindless frivilites once in awhile.

Okie dokie, it is thundering and lightning right now, so time to shut off the computer, surge protected or not!

There is a God!!!

5 minutes after posting my last post, Erica called from work. Carey is short on kids today, so even though I have a full class, the extra body isn't needed. So I was given a choice of taking the day off, or coming in to work so someone else could go home. I chose the day off! :) These 5.5 hours are not as important to me as they are to Erin or Carey right now. It is clouding up, though, so beach plans are off. Thunderstorms are looming. I'll go tanning later and spend today cleaning and relaxing with a good book and hanging with my daughters.

Hot, Hot, Hot!!!

Just 9:30 in the morning and it is already 88 degrees out. This has been one hot and muggy summer!!!

I really, really hope Jessy hires someone soon for Jade's job. I liked my 8-12 shift because it gave me somewhat of a summer with the kids. This 10:30-5:30 crap is getting very old very fast and I've only been doing it since last Friday. Isn't is funny though, that when you don't want any extra hours, you find yourself in situations where they can't be avoided and when you do need the hours, we'll have snow days or viruses going around the daycare, sending everyone home early? On the bright side, and yes, there is always a bright side, I get to spend more time with my preschoolers during my last 3 weeks there. I end one job and start another the next day. That one will be full-time and there goes the end of my summer! :)

Well, I suppose I should spend some time with the kids before heading off to work. We went shopping last night. I bought a new pair of Calvin Klein jeans (size 6, which surprised me) and two new shirts. One Ralph Lauren polo shirt (black) and one Red Fox polo shirt (hot pink). I also bought a really nice leather photo albumn for the Laconia bike trip photos. I put them all in it last night. I think I am going to buy another one for all of the D.C./Virginia Beach trip photos.

Monday, July 25, 2005


Now on to Brian and myself. We would make beautiful children together. My kids would LOVE to have a baby in the house. Brian's don't live with him. It is definitely something to think about in the future, but we'd have to know for sure it isn't just because we are quickly facing the "empty nest" years. I honestly don't think we'd regret the decision to have another one, but having our own seems so selfish though when there are some many children out there now that need parents to love them.

Again though, this would be a ways down the road. We need to at least live in the same zip code, be married, etc. We're getting there, slowly but surely.


I spent the weekend with Brian again. We had another wonderful few days together.

Jessy fired Jade last Thursday. I closed for her Friday and I am doing so again today.

My uncle's funeral was very sad. It was good to see the rest of my family, though. I even had a chance to see my Aunt Cindy, whom I haven't seen in about 3 years.

I have to get to work and I will blog alot more tonight. Exciting news will be: Brian has finally come to the conclusion that I am THE ONE. Also, Brian and I discussed having kids. It was in the heat of the moment kinda thing, and we're both not ready to have any now, but we talked briefly about adoption and the possibility of having his vasectomy reversed. He is not very keen on that idea. His sperm can also be extracted without a reversal, about $5000 a pop, and he wasn't too keen on THAT either! And I don't really have 9 months to commit to a pregnancy, being as busy as I am and will be for sometime. So I said that I would probably be just as happy with a puppy! :)

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Another Boring Day

Only 6 kids in the preschool today. I now have tomorrow off, but I will be taking the kids to the beach. I possibly have Friday off, too.

Tuesday, July 19, 2005


That's right! Bored Out Of My Freaking Mind!!!

It is too hot to do anything useful, like cleaning! I tried reading but my room is way too hot. Kind of late in the day for the beach, plus with such high humidity in the air, I am not relishing the idea of getting wet and then feeling wet the rest of the evening.

I could take a run out to camp to visit with my grandparents and swim in the pool...BUT there is bound to be lots of sadness in light of recent events and I am not really feeling up to that.

It is just one of those hot hot days when you don't want to do a darn thing but whine about how hot and miserable you are!

Plus, I am missing Brian like crazy!


Well, we had a total of 8 kids today in the entire building. A virus is going around. Fun, Fun!!!
I only had 2 preschoolers. I gave my notice today. I let them know that August 13th will be my last day.
I am going to help in the interview process so we can find a good replacement and Carey will be leaving the daycare as of August 4th. She will be joining her husband on the army base he'll be transferring to.

My uncle's service will be Friday.

It is hot and muggy today. Worse than yesterday. I'm hoping to head to the beach tomorrow after work, as the day is supposed to be beautiful.

Other than that, the day has been uneventful so far. A much nicer alternative than yesterday.

Monday, July 18, 2005

Sad News

I had a wonderful weekend with Brian and I got back this morning at about 7 AM, drove to work and was there by 8 AM and received a phone call about 10 minutes after getting there. My uncle committed suicide last evening and my aunt received the news about 3 AM this morning. The police showed up to her house and told her. They had been divorced a few years now, but it was still pretty devastating news. She immediately went to my mother's house and from there, my mom and dad and my aunt went to my grandparent's so they could tell Meghan. Meghan is my aunt and uncle's 15 year old daughter, who was staying out to camp with my grandparents for the weekend. Needless to say, Meghan is taking this hard. My uncle has had depression problems in the past, but personally, I never in a million years thought it would end in this way. He hid it well. The details are still trickling in. Like, it was a gunshot wound, like he had already called the funeral home and made arrangements just prior to pulling the trigger. He had left two notes, one about the funeral arrangements and one to his girlfriend. He had called Meghan yesterday at lunchtime and she had noted that he had sounded sad and that he had been crying, but with this not being his first "sad" call, and her being only 15, she didn't think much of it.

Friday, July 15, 2005

Happy Birthday Hayley Jordan!!!

My Hayley Jordan is 14 today!

I am presently getting ready for work and packing for the weekend and BLOGGING! :)

Last night, Erin and Eric, Kayla and I went to the movies. We saw Dark Water. It was okay. The ending kind of sucked, but a good way to waste 10 bucks nonetheless!

The girls will be with their dad all weekend and Brian and I will be in Presque Isle attending the Hog Rally and the Festival.

Today I have to:

get my latte
go to work
pick up daughter Hayley
go to bank
take girls to their dad's
get gas
throw clothes in car
be out of town no later than 1 PM!

I wanted to go tanning today, but it isn't looking good. Not if I want to be on the road by 1. They are paving a lot of roads in the area which isn't condusive to speediness.

Current Mood: still sleepy
Current Music: Run to You....... Bryan Adams

Thursday, July 14, 2005

Happy Birthdays and other stuff...

Happy Birthdays to my Aunt Dawn and my cousin Shawna (July 14th) and Happy Birthday to my little girl Hayley (15th) and to her grandfather (16th).

So my little nap that I was to partake in at 3 PM turned into an all-nighter. I slept from 3-8 PM, talked to Brian for awhile and then back to sleep until 7 this morning.

I have a phone conference at 2 PM today, then tanning, then my hair appointment. Tomorrow I work until noon and then I am driving to Presque Isle for the weekend. The festival is this weekend, as is some Hog Rally (hogs as in Harleys) that Brian wants to go to. The weekend is supposed to be beautiful, so I'm sure we'll be doing some riding.

I think work has seemed so hectic lately because I've had a full class everyday this week. I've gotten kind of used to the laid back days when some of the kids would be on vacation. Sammi's last day is tomorrow. I am going to miss her bigtime, but she lives close by so I'll be seeing her often, and one less body in the class will probably make a big difference.

Zach has been calling more frequently. He starts missing home about this time in the summer. He will be back in Maine on the 11th of August, but he will be in Presque Isle the 11th-21st, visiting with his dad and his dad's parents. Lucky for him Brian lives in Presque Isle, so I plan on seeing him the weekend he gets back. I'll still leave him up there for the week, but it will be good to get my arms around him!!!

That is pretty much all to report. I'm still tired but I don't think I will do a nap today. Payday is tomorrow! I can't wait to see Brian!

Wednesday, July 13, 2005


I am wiped out. I have one quick errand, which is to run to the post office. After that, I think I am going to read a little and take a NAP! I can't believe tomorrow is Thursday already! This summer is flying by!!!

Bailey & Jenn

Bailey & Jenn
Originally uploaded by jennluvsgable.
Just me and my girl!

Bailey, Sammi & Crystal

Bailey, Sammi & Crystal
Originally uploaded by jennluvsgable.
My most favorite 4 year olds!

The Girls

The Girls
Originally uploaded by jennluvsgable.
These are my girls. Hard to believe Sammi's (on the bottom) last day is Friday! She starts kindergarten in the fall.

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

One Left

Only one kitty left. The rest have found nice homes and this one probably won't last long.

Nothing terribly exciting going on since leaving work today. I went tanning and ran a few errands with Kayla. We came home and cleaned a little and then treated ourselves to some iced coffee from Dunkin' Donuts.

I caught up on some current events. The world is quickly going to Hell in a handbasket.

I am missing Brian BIG TIME right now. When I drove up to see him this weekend because we were missing each other so much, we started thinking about it and we had only been apart for 4 days. We've gone weeks without seeing each other before, but the last 3 months or so, it has been increasingly difficult and frustrating. He mentioned renting a house on the lake for a few weeks so we could spend some time out there. I think that will be fun.

Current Mood: very happy
Current Music: Kelly Clarkson

Trying to Sleep

Trying to Sleep
Originally uploaded by jennluvsgable.
Bailey and Baxter trying to sleep. They were too excited getting to know each other.

At Last

At Last
Originally uploaded by jennluvsgable.
Finally napping after the morning's excitement. I predict a lifetime of lots of happy napping with this pair!

Bailey and Baxter

Bailey and Baxter
Originally uploaded by jennluvsgable.
The best day of Bailey's life! :) Her parents said she could keep one of my kittens. She is so happy and excited! Baxter LOVES his new mommy!

Monday, July 11, 2005

Home Again

I am finally home. I left Saturday morning and headed up to Presque Isle to be with Brian this weekend. I left this morning and drove home in time to get my latte and then head to work. We had a great time this weekend. Saturday we just hung out and he cleaned the office and we visited with his parents for awhile. Then we went to Carl's Seafood Shack in Perth-Andover (Canada) for some supper. Sunday we spent the day riding the motorcycle and cooked out on the grill for supper. We had some yummy steaks, some fiddleheads and some potatoes I sliced up with some onions, butter, salt and pepper, and motz cheese, wrapped it all in tin foil and threw that on the grill. Delicious. It was very sweet and romantic, just cooking for the two of us, with no kids to feed. We went for an evening stroll after dinner and then home to bed.

It was good to be back to work today. I missed the kids. David (Bailey's dad) said he is letting Bailey and Madison have one of my kittens! :) That makes me SO excited. Bailey too!

I'm bushed and I am heading to bed.

Friday, July 08, 2005

Another Busy Day

I had a meeting at 9 AM this morning at FLC in Parkwoods. I met with Claire and Shawn and discussed the upcoming year and my job responsibilities. It was nice to connect with them and to run into some of the kids. Courtney kept hugging me. She is five and would say, "I just need another hug! I missed you!" I haven't seen the kids since our Christmas party.

I talked to Brian this afternoon. Cassie wrote him a 2 page letter, so I hope things are headed in the right direction for them. He was having a stressed out afternoon and was glad I called when I did.

After my meeting, I picked up Kayla at my mother's. Then we went to work so I could get my check, which wasn't there. It was at the other Brian's work in Brewer. While at the preschool, I could hear the smoke dectector going off in the apartment upstairs. Nobody was home. So I called Jessy and explained the situation. She was going to call Cindy and/or the Bangor Fire Department to check things out. Then I drove to Brewer to pick up my check. Finally made it back to Orono to deposit my check, pick up daughter number 2 and then head over to my grandmother's to pick her up so she could run some errands. We ran all of her errands, I dropped her back off, and then went to the post office to take care of bizness. It is now 3 PM. I am beat. I am going to relax for a little while and then go tanning.

Thursday, July 07, 2005

I'm glad I got that little burst of energy! Any project I was putting off for "spring cleaning" next year, I got done TODAY! I amaze myself sometimes. I have all three children gone right now. Hayley is at Devon's house. Kayla is at my mom's. Zach is still with his dad in Virginia, obviously. Let's see how long things stay picked up now! :)

The day zipped right by with me staying busy! I hate being bored. I even put some more pictures in my photo album. This one is now full. I want to buy a motorcycle themed one for our Laconia pictures. Someday I might even get around to scrapbooking. I have always wanted to, but I am just so darn busy and I find the whole process overwhelming. Too many decisions to make and I am quite a perfectionist when it comes to things like that. So what I did a few Christmas's ago was buy Kayla tons of scrapping paper, fancy scissors, different paper cutters that cut paper evenly, borders, stickers, accessories, etc and a big fancy snapping, plastic box thingy to hold everything. I also bought her a few scrapbooks and rolls of film. I gave her my 35 mm camera to use. She got right into it and now she and her sister both do it. Hayley is more into knitting. So that year, I bought her tons of yarn and needles and pattern books. She is quite good now and last year, I swear, I spent MORE money on her knitting supplies for Christmas than I did for any of the other stuff. It is a very expensive hobby but it is good for her attention span and she makes scarves, blankets, mittens. All I can make is a scarf. I am better at crocheting. This Christmas, I also bought Hayley some cross-stitch kits and she is learning that, too. I love to cross-stitch. One of those things that I don't have time to do anymore. I used to do it when the kids were napping when they were little.

While cleaning my room today, I found a note from Zach. It read: Dear Mom, I love you! I would like to watch a movie with you that YOU want to watch. Love, Zach. P.S. Please don't pick Little Nicky.

Now I guess I am going to relax and finish my book. Brian will be calling later. He was so sweet on the phone last night. I was just rambling on about something and he interrupts and says, "I love you."

Current Mood: happy now that things are organized!
Current Music: You & Me Lifehouse


I am taking a little break at the moment, but I've been organizing for over an hour straight! Hayley is cleaning up the kitchen for me and then we're going to weed thru clothes. Then I will clean out the pantry and fridge and we can go grocery shopping later and fill it back up. I don't know why, but reducing the amount of stuff I have in my house is very stress-relieving and relaxing. I love to throw things away. It seems I do this 3 or 4 times a year, with one major one in the spring.

Okay, back to the grind!

July 7th

Hayley's birthday is next Friday. My birthday isn't until the end of the month. I'm excited about spending some of it with Brian. Last summer, at this time, we were broken up and I was seeing AJ. I got quite a nice shopping spree out of the deal, but I'd rather have been with Brian.

Well, I have a spur of energy, so I am going to put myself to good use and clean a little. I'll blog later!

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Sad News

Well, yesterday was full of sad news. I found out that my OB-GYN, who has been my doctor since I was 16, passed away back in February. He died of natural causes while skiing at Sugarloaf. He wasn't on call the evening I had Kayla on February 24, 1990, but February 24th was his birthday, so that was kind of neat. Hayley was born in 1991 and Zach in 1994. Any woman who has kids knows how close you get to your doctor while pregnant. What is hard for me to fathom is that he was 63!!! Not that 63 is old, but he was 48 when Kayla was born! Sometimes you just expect people to stay the same age, especially when you only see them from time to time, and he definitely never looked his age. He was a very young looking, very good looking doctor, which is why I stayed with him all this time! :)

One of the kittens passed away at the vet's unexpectedly.

My cousin Melanie and her husband Sean had their baby on July 2nd. The doctors are doing some tests because there was some indication while inutero that the baby had down syndrome. It is hard to tell for sure right now, with the baby only a few days old. He appears to be healthy otherwise. Down syndrome babies tend to have problems with their hearts and kidneys, which this one does, but he was 9 lbs and 1 ounce and his name is Henri Michael, so that is a good healthy size. Obviously this baby will be spoiled rotten regardless of its medical conditions. My mother and two aunts are special education teachers, so if any family is or can be prepared for a special needs child, it is this one.

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

July 5th

Okie dokie, update time. Let's see. Brian called me early Friday evening very upset, saying he really needed to talk to me. He finished up at the office and called me after he calmed down a little later in the evening. He had gotten in a huge fight with his almost 19 year old daughter. Let's just say, the divorce between he and his ex-wife was extremely messy, with her cheating on him several times, once with her own sister's husband, yet he STILL speaks fairly nice of her around his kids. He also knocks himself out making himself extremely available for his children, even if that means canceling plans with me on occasion. He drives himself crazy trying to be there for them and for me and he can get very overwhelmed at times. So it was a complete shock to him to have his daughter start swearing at him and say some of the things she said to him. It started with Cassie moving to North Carolina with her boyfriend a few weeks ago. Brian did not approve of this arrangement, but figured if he wanted a relationship with his daughter, he kind of had to let her do what she wanted. She is an adult. Well, this adult still gets gas cards from Dad and still gets her cell phone paid for by Dad and still got several hundred dollars for miscellaneous expenses for this moving trip he didn't want to happen. While in Laconia, we picked out several things for her and he sent it in a big package, along with more gas cards. Days went by, he didn't hear from Cassie. No thankyou, nothing. Finally, he called and asked how she liked the stuff. She informed him she never received a package. Brian said, Well, that explains why I haven't heard from you. She completely flipped out, yelling and swearing at him, saying that the phone goes both ways and she is the child, while he is the adult and she isn't going to play his games, chasing him around, yet she calls her mother 5 or 6 times a day on the cell phone he provides. She wanted space from him, yet when she got it, now he's being neglectful. She went on to say he's never been there for her and if she wasn't biologically related to him, she'd have no respect for him at all.

Brian is the most wonderful and honorable man I can think of. He has always put his children and my children first, and while that can be frustrating at times, I wouldn't love him if he did not. So be accused to not "being there" was extremely hurtful. He has not missed one event of hers. So after taking about 45 minutes of the abuse she was dishing out, he basically told her that it is now time for her to float her own boat and that the cell phone and finacial help from him is being cut off as of Tuesday.

He called me crying and extremely upset. He was at my house by 8:30 AM Saturday morning on the bike. Barbara has been having some financial struggles in the last few weeks, waiting for her checks to start from her new job, so I knew she wouldn't be terribly hurt by my bailing on the Boston trip. I left Saturday morning with Brian and the plan was to just drive and see where we ended up.

We had the most wonderful and romantic time. We rode all over Maine, New Hampshire, and Vermont on the bike. We were going to stay in one of those cottage like motel things on the side of the road, but Brian and I didn't like the looks of them. We were cold and tired, but not desperate. There was this beautiful condo lodge, with jacuzzis right in the room, that he said we could stay in, but then we decided just to head to Concord and get a room at the Holiday Inn so we could be closer to the places we wanted to visit the next day. We slept like the dead after hot showers and some yummy room service.

The next day, we just went where the roads led us. Stopped in little towns, talked to local people, and just cuddled and kissed a lot. We had a very nice dinner at Margarita's (not Orono) and watched the fireworks back at the hotel. A very hot and very romantic evening ensued, ending with us again sleeping like the dead. We got up the next morning and got ready. Loaded the bike and headed back to Maine. Our mission: to take as much of coastal Route 1 as possible. We went up thru Portsmouth, Kittery, York Beach, Ogunquit, shopped in Kennebunkport, Old Orchard Beach, Saco, Portland, Yarmouth, Freeport.

Brian almost decided to stay in Bangor for another night. Neither of us were ready to see our mini-vacation end. He didn't leave my driveway until almost 8 PM and called from Houlton at 9:35. He didn't call again until he was home in bed at 11. We were both sad, already missing each other and weary from all the riding.

All in all, it was an interesting holiday. Just goes to show you, expect the unexpected sometimes. While the weekend started out tough for Brian, we both admitted to having a wonderful time with each other.

And interestingly enough, Brian has been taking things so slow with me for our children'ts sakes. It is hard meshing lives sometimes when children are involved, but Cassie's little outburst has kind of given him a wakeup call. He has been knocking himself out, trying to make things easier for them, and unintentionally more difficult for us. He said it is time for him to start living his own life again and that that life includes me.

Friday, July 01, 2005

Sweetest Word EVER...Vacation!!!

I have never been so glad to see a day END! All of the kids were super cranky at work today. After naps however, they became little angels! Bobbi, Sammi's mom, said that she is giving her 2 weeks. Sammi was starting kindergarten in September anyway, but I will still be sad to see her go. I have a new student, Ashley, starting July 11th. That will give me 8 kids for 2 weeks until Sammi leaves.

Jade's boyfriend brought Erica, Jade and I Blizzards from Dairy Queen in to work this afternoon. YUMMY!!! Nothing else terribly exciting to report. Just chillin' with the girls tonight, I think. That unmotivated feeling is still hanging in there.

Happy July!

I decided to take a nap around 4 PM...I awoke with a start at 7:15 PM, thinking it was 7:15 AM, and thought I was late for work. The kids had a good laugh about that! So I fell back to sleep and slept until Brian's phone call and then slept right thru until 6:30 this morning. I'm guessing I needed it. The funny thing is, I certainly didn't feel exhausted. My eyes were just a little sleepy from reading. I had even had my latte, plus I was working on my second cup of coffee when I was kidnapped by the sleep fairies. I'd probably be in a coma if I wasn't addicted to caffeine!

So I work all day today until 5:30. But it is Friday! :) It is supposed to be rainy tomorrow. Sunny Sunday, Monday and Tuesday.

I am reading the book "Wicked: The Life and Times of the WIcked Witch of the West" by Gregory Maguire. A great book. It is now a musical production on Broadway. My sister and I LOVE Broadway musicals. There isn't much else we have in common. She also lives in Connecticut now. But we do talk on the phone. The kids and I saw her at my grandmother's birthday bash, the day after we got back from Virginia. She just informed us that she is PREGNANT! I am so excited! While at my grandmother's birthday, she asked "So, when are you going to get a REAL teaching job?" My reply, "So when are you going to have a real baby and stop with the $2000 puppies?" I need to stop here and explain my sister...even though we come from the same parents, somewhere along the line she assumed her last name was Kennedy. Thankfully, she and her husband have highly lucrative jobs so as to support her lavish tastes.

ANYWAY...I got to get to work!