Tuesday, January 31, 2006

January 31, 2006

I'm feeling very weird today. I am looking forward to working at the learning center tonight. I think I need a little normalcy right now. The kids went off to school this morning. We played some UNO Attack last night and ate in the living room. It was strange eating on the couch without a black nose snooping around your plate. It was also strange to be able to play on the living room floor and not have a big dog try to sit down in the middle of the game. It was very nice to spend yesterday with the kids. We really needed that time together. Claire was wonderful on the phone and was very sad for the kids and me. And, thank you Iona for the email. Yes, I got it! :) You were probably the most aware of what has been going on with the dog the last few weeks. We are definitely considering another dog in the next couple of months. The kids and I've talked and 11 years ago, when Kodi was a puppy, it was stressful and overwhelming because all of the responsibility feel upon my shoulders. 11 years ago, the kids were 5, 4, and 1 1/2. Once they got bigger (and considerably stronger, b/c Kodi was a BIG dog) they were able to help me out so much. They took her for walks. Put her outside. Fed her. Helped me give her baths. So a puppy with 3 teenagers might be a little easier than a puppy and 3 babies. They really never shirked their responsibilities towards her. They might have groaned a little 6 or 7 in the morning, or swore under their breaths, but they've improved greatly with how much they help around here now. Not just with the pets, but with the cleaning, too.

I have to pay my car insurance today. The electric bill on Friday. The phone bill this week. Oil and rent. Usually my bills are spaced out enough so it is typically just one or two at a time. Every once in awhile, though, like twice a year, they all seem to come in the mail on the same day! This would be that week! :) My child support should increase February 15th, though. That will be a big help and we'll probably only need the heat on for another two months. I stopped using the furnace last year on the week we got back from our Virginia Beach vacation in April. Only then can I sigh a big sigh of happy relief. The kids and I made it thru another Maine winter! A lot cheaper than an Alaskan winter! Terri mentioned how cold it has been there! The kids and I have joked many times that we can be poor in Hawaii just as easy as we can in Maine!

Oh well. I need to shower up and get my errands done. I have to pick the kids up at 2 and then head to work.

Current Mood: better and very thankful for my wonderful friends and family
Current Music: Don Henley.......some things will never change! :)

Monday, January 30, 2006

Her Favorite Place

Originally uploaded by jennluvsgable.

Zach, Me and Kodi

Zach, Me and Kodi
Originally uploaded by jennluvsgable.
She loved her summertime baths.

After the Bath

After the Bath
Originally uploaded by jennluvsgable.
Her favorite thing to do AFTER her bath!

January 30, 2006

The kids and I stayed home today. Thank you, Terri, Eric, Erin and Tanya for your thoughts and prayers. They mean a lot to us. I washed the kitchen floor today, thinking that I won't be wiping up muddy paw prints for sometime. I have been preparing myself and the kids the last few weeks to say goodbye. What I don't think we were prepared for was the sudden loneliness. We are spending the day doing mindless tasks. Me and Kayla, cleaning and organizing, trying to keep are minds on something else. Hayley and Zachary are playing Super Nintendo video games, instead of the new ones. I think we're all trying to go back in time, at least in feeling, to when life was just normal. We're all still adjusting to my new job and our new schedules. I know we'll be okay, but they are growing up so fast and now Kodi is gone and we'll be moving either this August or next. I just want to catch my breath for a second.

Sunday, January 29, 2006

Goodbye Kodi

Our dog of 11 years passed away this morning. She had a rough night last night, so this morning, we made her as comfortable as possible, while I took my oldest out for coffee to let her know that today was probably the day we had to have her put down. We were gone 20 minutes or so and during that time, she passed away. She was gone when we got back. Kayla had laid with her all morning, crying and Kodi was trying to comfort her and love her like she always does, so I knew that Kayla needed to be the one to let her know it was okay to go. She never once whined or cried during the last two weeks. She seemed content to spend her last weeks curled up on the couch, cuddling with the kids. She hates the vets, so we made the conscious decision to not hook her up to an i.v. to prolong her life. She loved being home and loved her kids. Any sign of pain or suffering and we were prepared to have her put to sleep. About 6 AM this morning, she woke me up and was struggling to stay on her feet. Her back legs were giving out on her. I carried her to her favorite spot and offered her some water. Kayla was with her from 6:30 AM until her passing between 10:30 and 11.

It is so quiet not hearing her nails click on the hardwood floors. A month ago yesterday, we took her last photos.

Current Mood: very very sad

Saturday, January 28, 2006


That's right! I lost $20 at the slots. All I can say is F**K You, You F**king F**kers!!!

The birthday party today was fun. I hung out with my kids and my cousins and my Uncle Pat and Aunt Karen were up from Portland. I got to visit with my nieces and my grandparents. It was a very nice time.

Eric, Erin and I went out to dinner. A 2 hour wait at Texas Roadhouse. Yeah, right. An hour wait at Bugaboo. We went to Applebee's instead. Okay supper. Then on to the slots. The best thing about that was running into my friend Andrea and that I got carded again by the same security guard as last time. He is SOOOO cute! You have to be 21 to gamble and I am sorry, but I find it unlikely that I can be mistaken for a less than 21 year old. I'm not complaining, mind you, card me all night long.

Now I am home and I am going to read a little before going to bed.

Current Mood: sleepy
Current Music: TNT...............ACDC

So This is Life

So Brian has the flu. I am not having a very good weekend myself. I woke up to two almost flat tires this morning. Almost the exact amount of air out of both. Coincidence? I'm not so sure. I drove to Irving and filled them up. Let me reiterate. VIP could find NOTHING wrong with the tires. At least the damage doesn't seem to be happening at work. That was my biggest concern. If someone is messing with them in my driveway, it narrows it down to an ex-boyfriend or an ex-boyfriend's girlfriend, or just some punk teenager, or someone ticked off at one of my kids. It could also be some kind of random stalker, I guess, but that seems unlikely. One more incident and I am going to the police. I just don't think they can do much with out more evidence to go on. They can increase patrol around the area, but I have two cops living 3 houses over from me. It has always been an incredibly safe neighborhood, probably because of their presence, but safe nonetheless.

Anyway, I need to get out of the house. I think Eric, Erin, and Allison and I might get some dinner and hit the slots. I don't want a late night, but it beats hanging out here by myself and downing the two bottles of wine I purchased for that purpose. I just need to get out and feel human again. Brian is in one of his funks again and I feel the beginnings of a spiral for myself. Normally when I start to feel this way, I just stay in and hide and sleep. I know that is the worst thing I can do. I've just been working and sleeping, working and sleeping. Even when I am with Brian, we haven't done much but eat in and sleep.

I have a birthday party to go to at noon. My cousin Meghan's 16th birthday. Then I will come home and pick up, pick out the clothes I am going to wear, give Erin and Eric a call, make sure it is still a go and then we'll decide for sure what we're gonna do.

I think Allison has a new girlfriend. When I called to see if she wanted to go with us, she was like, well, let me ask Kristen if I can go. I was like, WHAT?

I don't know why that pissed me off, but it did. Brian would get very offended if he thought I felt like I had to ASK him for permission to do anything. I'm not saying I do things that I know make him uncomfortable. I love him, so out of respect for him, when I make plans with friends, I make choices as to how they would affect Brian. But I certainly don't need permission to go anywhere.

Well, I have to get to camp. The party is out at the lake. The icy, frozen, barren, devoid of summer families and the life they bring with them, lake.

I just need to get thru the weekend.

Friday, January 27, 2006

Four Things About Me

Just when you thought you knew everything!

Four Jobs I've had:

Coordinator of Family Learning Center
Preschool Teacher
Administrative Asst./Student Supervisor-Athletic Department
Wendy's Cashier

Four movies I could watch over and over:

Practical Magic
Just Married
Black Sheep
Tommy Boy

Four books I could read over and over:

The Bible
Gone with the Wind
Are You There God, It's Me, Margaret
Seduction by the Stars

Four places I have lived:

Milford, Maine
Old Town, Maine
Bangor, Maine
Washburn, Maine

Four TV shows I watch:

Dancing with the Stars
Grey's Anatomy
Wife Swap

Four places I have been on vacation:

Virginia Beach/Washington, D.C.
bike tour of upstate New York and all of New England

Four websites I visit daily other than email:

all my favorite blogs
yahoo mail

Four favorite foods:

Crab Rangoon
Shepard's Pie
Broiled Scallops

Four places I would like to be right now:

on the back of a motorcycle
somewhere HOT
with Brian

Four people I want to participate:

Eric, Erin, Iona, Shannon

Thursday, January 26, 2006

January 26, 2006.

I got my second flat tire in less than a month tonight. The general concensus is that somebody is messing with my tires. The tires were brand new in October. Tonight, someone just let air out of it. Less than a month ago, I woke up to a flat with a puncture in it. There was no nail, nothing. Just a perfectly round hole. My mechanic was able to plug the hole and the tire is fine. Tonight was a different tire. Not all the way flat. It was fine yesterday and was fine driving to work tonight. Anyway, they checked the tire out thoroughly at VIP and nothing wrong with it. They re-beaded it and said that they think someone just let the air out of it.

It is all fixed. Thanks to Carl, my brother Darren, and Bill. They helped me out a lot.

I am finishing up laundry now. I need to get my stuff packed for Presque Isle. Zach and I are heading up after work. The mechanic checked my car for other things because I told him I was headed up there tomorrow. He said I should be fine. He also said my car was in great shape for having as many miles on it as it does. He asked me if I drove a lot. I said, Yeah, why? He said, well this car has an awful lot of miles for being as new as it is. I said, Yup, she does. She's earned every single one of them.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006


So I forgot to mention...a student nurse comes into work yesterday and Claire passes her along to me and we find out she is from Fort Kent, which leads to everyone asking if she knows so and so...which leads to Iona mentioning a last name that I will not mention for the sake of privacy, but suffice it to say it is the SAME last name of AJ, so any of you know my ex AJ, are familiar the last name...anyway, Claire knows everyone. She says with raised eyebrows, you've dated JP's son, as in the millionaire?

Oui, Oui!

Apparently she DOES know my favorite manwhore! He's got quite the reputation now. But I'd like to think I knew the real AJ.

Scheduled Outage at 4 PM PST?

I'm starting to feel like I am back on FirstClass!

I guess I had better do my updating now because the scheduled outage will occur when I typically update my blog. I worked last night and was home by 9. Talked to Brian until he fell asleep and then went to sleep myself. Pretty boring! Yesterday wasn't so boring. I worked until noon. I got a lot accomplished and finally spoke with one of the artists that will be working with Robert Shetterly on The Mural Project. We are filming the project as a documentary, so everyone be on the look out for that in the upcoming year!!! :) I think it will only be aired on Public Access Network.

I am going over to Eric and Erin's tonight after work to see their new place. Our schedules make it pretty difficult to spend much time together anymore. I'm working nights 3-8, Eric works thru the night until morning, so he sleeps most days. Erin works the day shift. We all get weekends off now, which is an improvement, but for me, that is the only time I can see Brian, and because of his knee injury, he's been staying home and I've been visiting him. But he promises to come down soon, and a bunch of us will have to get together.

I also read Erin's blog about Jessy, my friend and former boss. I know what you are going thru, Erin. With Julie, Erica, Jade and me still there, she couldn't get away with any of that because we had all worked for Sue. Now that Erica is the only one there that has much knowledge of how things used to be run, she is more comfortable pulling the "I'm the boss" routine. Trust me, I honestly didn't think she could get much lazier until filling in for her when she was one vacation. She has to decide if she wants to just be the owner or an employee. I think she would do a better job if she hired a new teacher and was just the owner, like Sue was. She is obviously not willing to put her hours in or do her share. This daycare, when full, brings in over $3000 a week. With only 4 employees other than herself, she is making quite the profit. The rent on the entire facility is only $600/month. She maybe spends $100-$200 on food per month. I recently found out that the break person was only getting six something per hour. I was like, WHAT? That is a new development, too. The former employees all started well-above minimum and in the Portland area, daycare/preschool teachers are making $14-$18 per hour. When she combines classrooms to let a teacher go early, the money the business saves in employee wages goes right into her pocket. The only way she will change this behavior is when enough of the parents complain. That is only a matter of time. If I was shelling out $165 a week in childcare, you better believe I'd be getting what I was paying for. Personally, I do like Jessy. Professionally, she isn't a good boss. But I do find it helpful to kind of "shadow" her for when I want to open my own preschool in Portland. Sometimes you can learn more from someone who is doing it wrong. Sue ran the business very successfully and had good retention of employees. I've had the benefit of learning from both. My biggest problem with Jessy is her inability to say NO to incoming students. There is one in particular who is in the preschool room, who clearly has behavorial and emotional issues to the point where it is disruptive to the entire classroom environment. He desperately needs to be put in a specialized program with a BS-1. My question is, how effective is her screening process? She is so bent on filling up the center for her own financial gain, she is letting in kids that she KNOWS will not succeed. This hurts the child, the staff and the learning process of the other children. She has a really good thing going right now with her staff and I see it quickly going downhill because of her unwillingness to share the load and for being unsupportive and/or unresponsive of her employees' needs and concerns. I do believe she is the only one in the building now without a college education. Definitely something to make you go hmmmmm.

Okay, I need to mop the entryway floor and the kitchen floor. It snowed yesterday and the kids track it all thru the house! :(

Current Mood: good
Current Music: Don Henley.........he's back...it is close enough to spring isn't it?

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

January 24, 2006

I didn't plan on being into work today until 9 AM becaue I am working tonight. So that meant I would have a few more minutes to sleep in this morning. I am up earlier this morning than ever! Kind of like how tired I used to be when I was a kid and had to get up for school. I would feel exhausted and NOT want to get out of bed, yet I could go from that feeling to wide awake if school was canceled for a snowday. It doesn't help matters much that I was in bed asleep a little after 9 PM last night.

I went grocery shopping last night and then hurried home because the kids and I had a date to watch the new Wifeswap. I've also been sucked in to Dancing with the Stars. Bailey and Madison LOVE that show. I only watched it for the first time on Tnursday and then I HAD to see it on Friday. It is on this Thursday, too. I have officially become a loser! :)

January is almost over and for me February always flies by, with it being a shorter month of course, and because it is full of birthdays. My brother's is the 6th, Kayla's is the 24th, Jim's is the 11th. Valentine's is the 14th. We also have President's Day. So all of this will take us to March pretty quick. March is full of spring anticipation. It is usually when I start finalizing my vacation plans with the kids. I am pretty sure no Virginia this year. We've gone the last two years in a row, once in February and once in April. I prefer April's weather in VA. I was wearing shorts and my bikini on Virginia Beach.

Sunday, January 22, 2006

I Love Viggo!!!

Viggo Mortensen!!! I'm watching Lord of the Rings part 3...I've loved him since the first time I laid eyes on him. I even loved him in 28 Days.

Right now, I am picking up the living room. I'm doing some laundry.

Yesterday, Zach, Shannon and I went to Tajin's 4th b-day party. It was at the Discovery Museum. I forget how much fun that place is. Then we took advantage of the 50 degree weather and did some shopping downtown Bangor. After that, I went and looked at some new cars. I've narrowed it down to a Jeep Wrangler, a very sporty 2-door Saturn, or a 4-door Saab.

Friday night, I babysat Bailey and Madison. We had a lot of fun.

Thursday, January 19, 2006

I'm Back from China!

I'm spending tomorrow evening with Bailey-boo and Madison. SOOO excited! :)

The trip to China Lake was pretty eventful. We lost power at 3:19 PM because of the 60-plus mile an hour winds. Trees down, parts of the roof flying off...good times! There were only 10 of us (out of 50) that stayed. If we had left, we'd still have to drive back the next morning. So, not knowing if we'd get power back for showers, heat and meal preparations, we lit a fire in the lodge, lit some candles,found a few flashlights, and settled in for a game of Two Truths and a Lie. How hilarious! We are quite a colorful bunch, that much I'll say. We agreed what happened at the fire, stays at the fire! :) We got power back around 8 PM...we were all sitting around the fireplace, talking and laughing when it came back on...we just looked at each other, sighed some relief that we'd have HOT showers in the morning, and Ryan walked over to the light switch and shut the lights back off. We resumed our fireside chat. The meals were delicious. The cook outdid herself. The accomodations were this side of a low security prison, but decent for one night.

Crap! Dancing with the Stars is on. I can't find the remote to change the channel! Oh stop the madness. It is sucking me in!!! That Lisa Rinna!!! I'm really into exclamation points tonight!!! The performers look like a circus troupe. Oh puleeeeease. Does anyone even say 'Oh puuuleeeease' anymore? Really, I had to say it.

Okay, I have a major stiff neck and I want to read for a little while before sleeping. I know it is only 8 PM, but I am tired.

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

January 17, 2006 Part 2

My brain feels fried. The dog is sleeping now. She had a good time at the center. The kids loved meeting her and she was very well behaved. She is drinking more water. Still no food.

Stacey is picking Sarah and me up tomorrow and we are meeting Chelsea at her house and then driving to China Lake, weather permitting. I just need to pack for the night and that is it. The kids are going to stay here. Shannon is going to spend the night with them here. I will call them later and check on them and the dog. I just don't feel comfortable leaving Kodi here at the house alone, being so sick and it wouldn't work well taking her with the kids to my mom's because I doubt Kodi would get along with my mother's dog, especially while she isn't feeling well.

It has been suggested that we bring umbrellas and our own alarm clocks to this conference. NICE! I'm so looking forward to this! I am looking forward to being away from technology for the night. It'll force me to go to bed early and catch up on my reading. I am assuming we at least have electricity! It is catered, though, so 5 meals cooked and prepared for me is a vacation all in itself! :)

Current Mood: sleepy
Current Music: Centerfield........Fogerty

January 17, 2006

Loved your comment, Erin! :) Yes, China Lake.

Well, I am home for a few more minutes. I came home for lunch today to check on the dog, etc. The vomiting has stopped and she is drinking water again. She still isn't interested in eating, but she is sniffing food again. A step in the right direction. She is sleeping a lot today, but gets excited when she's going out. I'm not sure if she is doing this for my benefit or not.

I have to now go get the kids from school and head to the learning center. I think I am bringing the dog with me tonight to keep an eye on her.

Monday, January 16, 2006

Weird Holiday

I've decided I don't like long weekends. It messes me up more than helps me out. It feels like Sunday, instead of Monday and now tomorrow will feel like Monday.

It's been a weird day. Started out good. I did my usual morning routine, got home and had to go to Bangor to pick Kayla up at Kylie's. Got back home and noticed that my dog is looking thinner than usual. It has been hard to keep weight on her since her accident and anyway, she had zero interest in eating. Still no interest. I even bought her a cheeseburger from McDonald's. Her FAVORITE!!! But she is finally drinking water again. The vet says that she probably just has an upset stomach from something she got into. She has vomited twice today. She is otherwise energetic and has the same disposition as usual. She isn't whining or in any kind of pain. She just isn't very hungry. Her teeth look good. Her eyes aren't yellow, which would lead him to think she might have some liver or kidney problems stemming from the accident. He did say that animals will stop eating and drinking when they are ready to die, but she'd probably be lethargic and in some kind of pain. She isn't exhibiting any kind of symptom other than turning her nose up to dry food, canned food, baby carrots (she normally loves these), hamburger (raw and cooked) and like I mentioned before, her favorite McDonald's cheeseburger.

In other news, it looks like I'll be carpooling with Stacie and Chelsea to China Lake on Wednesday and Thursday. That is a relief. I wasn't looking forward to driving in the bad weather by myself. Sarah wants to drive alone. She said she is going thru some "stuff" and is looking forward to the alone time. I didn't press her about it. She and her husband have been on again/off again for the last few years.

We are having Shepard's Pie tonight for supper. It will be ready in a few minutes. I told Hayley how to do it and she's made it all by herself! :) I am very proud of her!

Brian was being a dink today on the phone. I had called for some advice about the dog and he has this way about him sometimes that comes off as very superior acting and completely makes me feel inept and minimizes anything that is concerning me, yet gets pissed off when people say he is unapproachable. He did the same thing this past Saturday night too, but then apologized last night. I cut the call short, that is how pissed off I was.

Anyway, I am having fun hanging out with my children tonight. At least they love me.

Current Mood: irritated
Current Music: Aladdin video game theme music

Sunday, January 15, 2006


I am taking Hayley and Zach to the movies tonight. We are going to see Narnia. They've seen it already but I still haven't yet. They don't mind going again. Not much else to do tonight. Brian is home taking a nap. His knee was killing him all last night so he didn't get much rest. If things aren't much better with it by this week, he has to go in for an MRI.


Originally uploaded by jennluvsgable.
Her first semi-formal.

Mom and Kayla

Mom and Kayla
Originally uploaded by jennluvsgable.
She is growing up fast!

Day 6 of Tanning

Day 6 of Tanning
Originally uploaded by jennluvsgable.

cool zach

cool zach
Originally uploaded by jennluvsgable.
He is so cute!

January 15, 2006

I have a secret. I LOVE the Dukes of Hazzard movie. It is stupid and fun...much like the series. I watched it with extremely low expectations, which is why I was not disappointed. Bo Duke (Sean William Scott) looks and acts like my ex-boyfriend Todd. He is absolutely adorable in this movie.

I have a tanning appointment at 11:30. The roads aren't too bad. I went to Ampersand's this morning. The storm watch has demoted us to 2-4 inches. Earlier this morning, they thought we might get 3-5 inches. Presque Isle looks like they could be getting 10-15 inches total snow accumulation by the time this is over tomorrow late morning.

I'm going to clean today, run an errand or two, watch movies, and work on that report. I might take a nap, but I doubt it. The kids and I slept in until 10 AM. We were asleep by 11 last night.

I will blog again later.

Saturday, January 14, 2006

To Portland or Not to Portland?

I decided against it.

The kids and I were going to spend the day shopping in Portland and have supper at DiMillo's tonight, but we didn't get up until about 9:30. Then after tanning and lattes and showers, we weren't ready until noon. We decided to buy some movies and eat at Governor's. It was nice. A lot cheaper than a trip to Portland would have cost. We bought Christmas with the Cranks, The Dukes of Hazzard, Madagascar, and Bad News Bears.

My throat is kind of sore. I think it is because of the weird weather we're having. 54 degrees today, rainy, and then chilly at night.

Oh well, I need to get back to the movie!

Friday, January 13, 2006

Friday the 13th

Two of the kids are FINALLY at the Y dance. I say finally because we almost got to Devon's to pick her up, when Zach says, "Oh Crap! I'm not wearing shoes!" I was like, "How could you go outside in the cold and not notice that you didn't have shoes on?" He lifted up his foot and showed us his slippers! So we go and get Devon and then get almost back at the house to get Zach's shoes, when Devon says, "Oh crap! Jenn, you're going to kill me! I left my money at the house!" So back to Devon's we go, to get her money and then I finally drop the three of them off. Kayla and I stopped at Dunkin Donuts so she could get an iced coffee and now we are relaxing at the house until I have to pick the other kids back up at 10:30.

I am going to try to sleep in tomorrow and then go tanning. Kayla went tanning with me tonight. She got a package for Christmas. I don't think I am headed out of town this weekend. It would have been ideal because of the 3 day weekend, but Kayla has a semi-formal dance Sunday night and her boyfriend is picking her up in a limo. Don't really want to miss seeing her off to her first real dance. Brian could come down, but that is highly unlikely. His knee is still messed up and in that kind of pain, I don't blame him for wanting to stay in his own house. Plus, we're supposed to get a ton of rain on Saturday and into Sunday. While we're getting the rain, they are probably going to be getting lots of snow, which means and all-night plow fest. And I think he's feeling guilty about having me up there the last two weekends in a row. He hates taking me away from the kids, unless I make it very clear to him that they have other plans with their dad or grandparents, or friends.

I can't believe it is the middle of January. I can't believe we've had 50 degree weather all week!

Current Mood: tired
Current Music: Feel Like Making Love............Bad Company

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Part 2

I'm feeling a little less grouchy. I went to the daycare and finally picked up my paycheck. I visited with Jessy for a bit. I then hung out with Erica for a minute and had a chance to talk with Carey on the phone. Carey is coming back in 3 weeks. Her husband Eric is being deployed for Afghanistan at that time. She and her daughter will be living with her mom. She is also pregnant and due in September. Congratulations to them! :)

Then I went to get my hair cut. It is so nice having someone else wash your hair! Just little things like that can put a smile on my face. I went tanning this morning. Another blissful 15 minutes of heaven.

Now, I think I might get to doing some laundry. I'm still not really feeling it, but it needs to get done. Even if I just do some towels.

I am missing Brian!

Current Mood: less grouchy
Current Music: Don Henley

January 11, 2006

My quarterly report is due January 18th. I have seven more days in which to procrastinate. I wish procrastination was a job. I would seek full-time employment.

I am going tanning this morning. I am also going to go get my latte. So much for me giving up that habit.

I'm grumpy today. I was A SLEEP by 10 last night. I slept my 8 hours. I'm not even tired. What is worse than being depressed? Being depressed AND well-rested! It isn't that I am depressed. I'm just moody today and I was yesterday. It's early still, my seratonin hasn't kicked in yet. At least my anxiety is gone for now. I hate that antsy feeling.

Things I WAS going to do today:

sleep in (not gonna happen)
laundry (maybe, but this morning i'm just not feeling it)
visit some friends on campus (not gonna happen, don't want to deal with parking)
tan (of course)
latte (duh!)
pick up kids (i'll be there early)
work (of course)

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

January 10, 2006

I just got back from tanning. What a wonderful 15 minutes!!! And I didn't even burn! I don't typically burn as a rule, but I will usually feel a bit warm for a few hours the first couple of times. Not this time. I am going again tomorrow.

I needed to do something. My moods have been okay lately but I had a restless night and this morning, I was on the edge of tears all day. For no reason. I was just feeling hopeless and tired and just not myself and I was feeling pessimistic because I really don't want to go thru another down spell. Then it hit me. Go tanning. I wasn't going to start until next month, but why wait? I needed a boost now. It definitely did the trick. I am feeling a million times better. Last year, I was noticing significant color by day 5 of tanning, so I am optimistic about that. One down, four to go!

I even ran all of my errands today. I let some errands from yesterday spill over into today because I was seriously lacking in the motivation department yesterday. This was good for the yesterday me, but the today me was feeling overwhelmed by all of the stuff I needed to get done. I buckled down and did all of the pesky errands. Like standing in the eternal line at the post office, buying a couple 2 cent stamps. Like grocery shopping. Like tanning! :) Now I just have to hit walmart but I am thinking, do I really need everything on my list today? Or can most of it wait until tomorrow or even Friday? Or even just the next time I am in Bangor. I don't need to make a special trip just because I am OCD and like to have everything on my list bought and in the appropriate spot.

Now, I just need to go dry and style my hair. I am getting a hair cut at some point this weekend. I will be flying high after that. Between the new cut and the tanning, I'll be feeling much better. I've been so focused on the center, my kids and Brian, that I've been letting the little things that I enjoy, slide...like going to the gym, tanning, getting my hair done, even shopping. I definitely needed this little "spa" day to perk me up.

Current Mood: at peace, but a little sleepy
Current Music: Fleetwood Mac (my feel better music)

Monday, January 09, 2006

What a long freaking day!

Wendy's is cooking supper for us tonight. I have lost all motivation.

The artist Robert Shetterly is coming to the center tomorrow night. I am so very excited. He is going to become my new BFF.

Current Mood: tired
Current Music: It's in the Way that You Use It............Clapton

Peyton sleeping

Peyton sleeping
Originally uploaded by jennluvsgable.
My friend Lynette's new baby boy!!! Welcome to the world Peyton Joseph!
Hugs and kisses!!!

Sunday, January 08, 2006

A Quickie

Just a quick update. I am just getting back from Presque Isle. I spent the weekend with Brian. He hurt his knee really bad, so it was nice to be able to help him out. I've been worried about the injury all week so it was also nice to be with him. His birthday was the 5th! Another reason why I headed up this weekend. I didn't leave there until 6 PM tonight.

Anyway..............I am exhausted from playing nurse all weekend. I'll blog later.

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Gracie Sleeping

Gracie Sleeping
Originally uploaded by jennluvsgable.
My beautiful new baby niece...Gracie. How adorable!!! I can't wait to meet her.

Gracie Sleeping 2

Gracie Sleeping 2
Originally uploaded by jennluvsgable.
Another one of Gracie sleeping.

Gracie in her Boppy

Gracie in her Boppy
Originally uploaded by jennluvsgable.
Looking VERY much like my daughter Kayla as an infant.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Crab Rangoon Recipe

For this yummy treat, you will need:

* a package of uncooked wonton wrappers
* cream cheese
* scallions or chives
* crab meat or lobster meat, imitation or real
* or whatever kind of filling you want...cut up boiled chicken or beef/cheese if you want raviolis...stuff them with mushrooms or olive cream cheese...

Mix up the ingredients and put a small amount in the center of a wonton wrapper and wrap up. Have a deep fryer ready and waiting. Put the wontons in and wait until they are golden brown. AND there you have it...Crab Rangoon!

Did I Not Post Yesterday?


I have this morning and afternoon off. I pick the kids up at 2 and head to the center until 6. We were planning a trip to the movies tonight, but that might wait until Sunday. I got a great recipe from Tosha. The kids and I LOVE Crab Rangoons. She told me how to make them after letting me sample her recipe. They were even better than any I've ever gotten at any Chinese Restaurant! So I bought the stuff tonight to make them. I cannot believe that Chinese restaurants typically charge $4 or $5 for a half order of them. I can make 120 of them myself for $8. I also got a recipe for Wonton soup and homeade raviolis. I've decided I DO like cooking. It is BAKING that I do not enjoy. Once I made this determination, I have thoroughly enjoyed cooking supper every chance I get.

Anyway, I know it will be hard for blogworld to believe, but I AM behind on my daily chores.

Did I mention that on Brian's fridge, he has alphabet magnets and when I got there Friday, I noticed that they said "Brian and Jenn"..........AWWWWWWWWW!

His birthday is tomorrow. It's really not convenient being so close to Christmas! :)

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

January 3, 2006

Well the new year is starting off brilliantly. I was in such a hurry to get ahead of the storm on Friday that I forgot to do a few things...paying a bill, stuff at the bank...it'll all be okay by noon today, but I forgot that Monday was also a holiday for most places, which means an extra day of stressing about what NEEDS to get done but the inability to do anything about it until the world recovers from New Years and post-holiday stress syndrome and re-opens.

I get to work the lovely shift of 8-8 today, with a two hour lunch in the middle. It's not that bad, though. It isn't like I am doing manual labor for 10 hours. I just want to crawl back in bed and sleep. I want to wake back up in Presque Isle, in bed with Brian, or at least just sleep in my bed all day.

My sister had her baby on Thursday, I think. It is all a blur right now. A very long labor. I was told she and Gracie are doing well.

Okay, I am officially late now. I need to start the car and get my latte and get to work. 8:15 AM works better for me anyway! I'm glad I don't have a slave driver for a boss!

Monday, January 02, 2006

Happy New Year

I am just getting back from Presque Isle. A very nice long weekend. I got up there Friday and plowed with Brian for a couple of hours. We went home and went right to bed. Saturday morning we ran some errands and went home and watched some movies. Saturday night we went to a party at some friends. Rang in the new year with them. Sunday was our "naked" day. Not really. More like pajama day. Our goal was to stay in our pajamas all day and just relax. He made me breakfast in bed, which we didn't even eat until about 11 AM. Then we couldn't stand it any longer. We were fixing things on the plow by 1 PM and hung out at his sister's for a little while.

It was a great weekend. I picked Zach up at his grandparent's house on my way home and now we are waiting for the girls to get home.