Friday, September 30, 2011


Goodbye September! The only good thing about this month really is our anniversary. October is kind of blah too, except for Halloween. After Halloween, November and December race by, January is long and boring, with nothing exciting, then my favorite day, Valentine's!!! I loved the holidays when I was a kid. My parents, grandparents and aunts and uncles always made them so much fun for us, teeming with goodies and traditions. Every year, even once I was an adult with my own children, my grandfather's Halloween costumes and "scary" antics would get more and more elaborate. On Valentine's day, my dad always got me lots of fun stuff, playdoh, paints, boxes of chocolate just for me! And Valentine's day at school was THE best! I loved getting all those Valentine's and as I got older, my mother always made me help my little brother do all of his. Even St. Patrick's Day at school was fun!

It's nice to think back on all those good times.

I currently have a Bella sitting in my lap. This is all she wants to do right now apparently. She keeps hugging me and kissing my cheek. What a sweetie!

This week went by so fast! I was invited to a wedding shower for a friend next Saturday in Waterville. I think I'm going to go. I took the 8th off but really wasn't feeling it one way or another, but I think it will be good to get away for one night. Alone. Mitch gets to travel with the team, and while I'm supposed to believe he hates it, I can't help thinking a night not coming home to the never ending chores must be nice. Plus, when he's gone, he can relax knowing I'm here dealing with all the crap.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011


Got my workout, shower, and make up done while Bella amused herself. Swept, did the dishes, and finally sat down long enough for her to fall asleep in my arms. She's now napping on the couch and I've bleached the cupboards, walls, counters, and baseboards. When she gets up, she's going to have lunch, a bath and then maybe we will take our walk now that it is sunny out. We will have dinner, she will play with Zachary and then bedtime in Nonni and Pop's bed till her Mommy gets home. Took a little bit, but Bella and I have our Tuesday routine DOWN! Just this past week though she's really gotten out of the baby stage. As Zach says, she's like a little human now!


I completed my two hours of cardio pretty early on yesterday so last night while dinner was cooking I went for a walk too! I slept pretty darn well last night! Today I will be lucky if I get a workout in. I have Bella till 10:30 pm. She might let me squeeze my bootcamp booty into the day, but that's a wildcard. However, she WILL let me hold her all day and dance my ass off! The sun is supposed to come out this afternoon, so we will probably go for a walk, too!

I need coffee. I need to go hug my love bug. I hear her crying.

Monday, September 26, 2011


It's going to be another hot and humid day today. Busy, too.

Work has shifted gears. I almost don't even recognize it anymore. Gone are the happy faces of employees who love their jobs and are paid well in wages, bonuses, and benefits. The people who could leave, have. The people for whom these cuts haven't really affected (me included) are staying to ride out the storm. Positions have been completely eliminated. Mileage is capped. What it is boiling down to is more work, less pay. Meetings that were so important have been deemed nonessential. In services are now being done online. Granted, some of these changes are actually for the good, in the sense that after the storm, I think a few of the practices should be left in place.

I'm just sad for my friends who these changes affect significantly. It is scary too. All of a sudden, I'm senior staff. We're in the part of the Monopoly game where you have to sell off a few houses and maybe mortgage a property or two till you pass Go a couple of times. Business wise, I might consider these exciting times, if my heart weren't so heavy for my friends.

Sunday, September 25, 2011


Can't believe September 2011 is coming to a close!

What a great day! First, finally a day off!!! Second, got TWO hours of cardio in. We're having meatball subs for dinner, with fries and pumpkin cookies for dessert. Yummy. Also going to enjoy some wine and some music before calling it a day.

Saturday, September 24, 2011


Blech. I made the mistake that I occasionally do from time to time,and that is check my archives. I wanted to see what I was doing 6 years ago.

The only good news from doing that is being reminded how lucky I am to have such a wonderful husband. He is perfect. It makes me sad to think I wasted any time on anybody else.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Merry Christmas to ME!!!

ALL my jeans fit now. Even my skinny ones. And they even look better on me now than they did when they were part of my regular every day wardrobe.

Really glad I stuck with my diet/exercise program, even though the scale never seems to budge! I chose to not get discouraged and not let others discourage me, and decided to let how I was feeling, as opposed to what I was weighing, determine if it was working or not. A tape measure has become my best friend. Still wish the scale and I were on better terms, but muscle weighs more than fat and takes up much less space. I've only lost 11 pounds total, but the proof is in my clothes. And it took FOREVER to lose those 11 pounds. Ideally, I have about 15 more to go, if I go by scale standards. Otherwise, I think I look great, and I feel great, so we shall see. If I get much smaller, I will need new clothes. I love the collection I have now. That should make my husband happy. That, and me sleeping naked.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Went for a nice walk on the beach. Need to recharge a little. I breathe and feel better indoors though. Very muggy and smoggy outside. My eyes and lungs and throat were burning after about a half hour. I have to work for a few hours and then home for some relaxation. Maybe a glass of wine. Doubt I will be able to read. I have Bella till 10:30.


The week is winding down for me. 55 hours worked this week. Beyond done. Not to mention I've been sick, with the two worst days of it being Sunday and Monday, and of course I was having my period to top it all off. Feeling a whole lot better today. Sinuses are draining. My cough is productive. I got my workout in. Currently 100% humidity right now. Yeah, the air is still on and it's the end of September.

Sunday, September 18, 2011


Well I was right about it being a stinky week. Our anniversary was Tuesday. I woke to the news that a very dear friend passed away. Still very much shocked and sad, but Mitch came home early and we spent the day together.

I love my Amazon Kindle very much. I can't believe how light it is! I can read all day and often only put a book down to stop reading to give my cramped hands a break, so I love that this alleviates that. I still love the physicality of books, their smell, how they feel, nothing like a new book, then again, nothing like an old book, but the Kindle will definitely have a place in my life. The simple fact I can hold 3500 books in the palm of my hand and I don't have to buy yet another bookshelf. The kindle version of a book is also cheaper than the paper version and hey, maybe we will save a tree or two.

I have a cold from Hell. We're all fighting one. I've been up since 4:30 because my head and sinuses were killing me and I needed some Tylenol. It is rare that I wake up because I need medicine.

I've been watching lots of infomercials this morning and now I'm watching Mass with a priest with a lisp. All morning I have found I've been turning these infomercials and now the Mass into Saturday Night Live skits. Honestly, the batteries are dead in the remote and there's no way I'm flipping through channels manually. Mass for this former Catholic it is!

Glad it's finally Sunday. I am working this afternoon/night for Lisa. Tomorrow, I get back to my regular schedule. Going to enjoy the brief normality and then Kayla's schedule gets shaken up next week. She will be working days. Good because no late nights with Bella, but a little challenging trying to coordinate but I think it'll actually work out fine so no worrying till I have to. Nobody had better take any more time off here at work. I'm really tapped out but I have a hard time saying no when someone asks me to fill in for them and you can hear the stress in their voice and you know they need the time off. God has given me an abundance of strength and will to perservere and I try to have a positive attitude about the overtime. I try to see the situation as a win/win. The overtime is nice and the big paycheck is always welcome but a regular week is fine with me too because it means I get to spend more time with the family.

We had a great night Friday night. We were all home. Mitch or I didn't have to go back out to pick anyone up, so we opened up a really yummy bottle of red. Zachary wasn't hiding in his room. Bella was being adorable with Mitch and Zachary chasing her around. Then we listened to some music. It was a much needed two hours where we kind of all got recharged. None of us are really feeling great with this cold, so it was nice to just hang out.

The thing I love about this Mass on tv is that it is EXACTLY like Mass at home. Wow. Never really sat and watched it on tv before. It feels like Sundays with Mimi when we would go to church together long before my grandparents started going on Saturday afternoons. I prefer bible study type churches now, but a part of me needs Mass once in awhile, because it is just so familiar that it fills me with wonderful memories of my friends and family. Amazing though how much is autopilot. The priest says his bit, you say yours.

I hope this week proves to be better than last.

Monday, September 12, 2011


This is the start of what's likely to be a stinky week. At least I've started it on an energized note. My cardio and shower are done. Going tanning in a bit. Have to drop off my library book. Took a break from DG to read Water for Elephants. Wanted to read it before I accidentally watch the movie. Finished it in less than 8 hours. I had higher hopes for it, since it's widely popular amongst my friends. Good book. I'd have liked it more if I had stumbled upon it and there was no hype. Reminded me of The Notebook. Like I said, a good quick read with memorable characters, perfect length for a transition to screenplay. Doesn't require much of the reader, other than to sit back and enjoy the show.

Back to my agonizing week, with the only good news being Kayla has tomorrow off. Good for a number of reasons. First being, I will only have Bella for a few hours till Kayla gets done testing at the Lincoln campus. God knows how long the bus ride home will be. But it will be before 10 PM at least. Second reason, it's our anniversary tomorrow. Third reason, Mitch won't have to pick her up at 10. Wednesday, staff meeting than work. Thursday, regular schedule. Friday I work with Emily 10-2 then Hopkins 3-8. Ick. Saturday I work 4-the overnight. Sunday I am working 3-the overnight. Ick, ick, ICK!!! At least I might get some overtime out of this.

I really hope I can get a second workout in today.

Saturday, September 10, 2011


Fun date to write today. Tomorrow's won't be of course.

I seem to have lost all motivation. Guess that's what a day off gets you! I'm about 1/2 way done weeding my clothes. Hayley was a big help last night. I sent a bag with her back to school last week and I guess her roommates snagged everything! So I'm doing a more thorough job this weekend. Now I have to go through my dressier shirts and all my jeans.

I have no idea what to get my husband for our anniversary. Maybe we will just have dinner and go shopping. He can buy what he wants. I'm at least kind enough to give him a detailed list so he doesn't wander around aimlessly, wasting money on something I would never use. Yeah, yeah, blah, blah, spare me the "it's the thought that counts" bullshit. Not when you have a joint checking.

I've really want to sign him up for the wines of the month club, but holy expensive. Someday we will be cooler versions of ourselves.

I wore jeans yesterday for the first time in like 4 months. A bit regrettably I might add, as I remembered why fall is a difficult season...cold mornings, very hot afternoons...I was sweltering and grouchy by late afternoon. I still can't understand people who wear jeans/pants all summer. Unless you work in a cold air-conditioned environment all day, put some shorts on, you're making me hot just looking at you!

Still haven't found motivation to leave my cozy bed. Such a beautiful sunny day out, too. Maybe I will go sit outside for a bit before work.

Thursday, September 08, 2011


I got tomorrow off!!!


I didn't end up having to drive to NK last night after all. Instead I got called into work to take someone to the ER. Kayla's boss was kind enough to let her out a bit early so she could catch the last bus home. We both got home around the same time...midnight.

Prior to the 911 texts I was getting, followed by phone calls, Zach and I watched Will Ferrell's movie Everything Must Go. It was ok but kind of depressing. When I got home, I put in Your Highness. Fell asleep watching it but I'm trying again this morning.

I'm going to workout, tan and get ready and then go to work. Come home, feed Zach and Bella, get her to sleep and then drive to NK tonight to get Kayla from work.

Wednesday, September 07, 2011


I only have to go to my committee meeting at 3 now. Previous engagement was canceled. Now if only the meeting would get canceled too! Still have to drive to NK tonight to get Kayla, but at least I can go tanning now.

Tomorrow should be a relatively short day and Friday is what it is.


Today is filled with stuff I do not want to do. I do not want to drive anybody anywhere today. I do not want to sit through a 2 hour committee meeting. I do not want to drive to NK tonight.

So I've been hearing about this thread up program. You box up your outgrown baby's clothes and get to pick a box in return. Sounds great, huh? So I signed Kayla and Bella up, listed Ralph Lauren, Calvin Klein, Baby Gap, LL Bean, Life is Good, etc, as the clothes we would be donating. The boxes that were available at that time for us to choose from were from Target, Walmart, JC Penney. You get my drift. So I'm going to donate QUALITY name brand clothing to get your used Walmart clothes? If I wanted them that badly, I guess I would have bought them new. Frustrating. Oh, and some of the people thought they'd be clever and list Baby Gap first, to get a nibble, then list one Gap onesie and a long list of Target/Walmart clothes. Not exactly a Gap box now is it. Frustrating because I would love to see Bella's stuff get used to its utmost. Guess we will just continue donating to Goodwill...

I have to get my hour of cardio in and begin my blah day.

Tuesday, September 06, 2011


Bella is actually taking a nap when she's supposed to! The house is clean. Toys are picked up. Her books put away and her letter magnets on the fridge! I can't decide what I want to do in the next hour!


I'm loving this rain! I really wish I could lay in bed all day. I will give myself a few more minutes, laying here, enjoying my coffee, catching up on current events before I get my hour of cardio in and begin my day off with Bella in tow! She was so cute at 6:30 this morning. She came into my room like she does every morning, but this time she was dry, so I actually let her get into bed with me, and all she wanted to do was cuddle. Bella is not a cuddly baby. She will spontaneously hug you and kiss you, especially if she wants something in return, but she's far too busy to just sit still. She wants to play. All day. Every day. She will sit for a book and you better get your cuddles in then.

The next two weeks are going to be long and annoying. When I look down that path, it is very overwhelming, so I guess today I'm just going to get through today.

Monday, September 05, 2011


8 days till our anniversary!

Glad this is the last holiday weekend this summer. I need to get back on my tanning schedule now that their regular hours will be starting soon, which means they'll be open on the weekends again! I got a lot accomplished even though I felt like I was in lines and in traffic for a lot of the day!

My bathroom looks great! Happy with what I did with it today!

Kayla has been cleaning her and Bella's room today. I might do my closet tonight! Desperately need to see what I have and what I will need for fall. Then again, I might just read a book till I fall asleep!

Saturday, September 03, 2011


Ten days till our anniversary.

This has been a long week and I'm glad to see it come to a close. I have Sunday, Monday AND Tuesday off!

I got my workout done early. Go me! I find I'm less stressed about working out if I just get it out of the way early. My preferred time to workout though is in the early evening, but so much can happen in a day that if I have to alter my schedule, my workout is usually the first thing to get eliminated and I hate to miss a workout.

The weather is looking great for the holiday. No rain in the forecast till Tuesday. We will be grilling and drinking and maybe some exploring. I want to hike down to the seal preserve again. We will certainly be celebrating the fact that all the tourists will be gone after Monday! Please do not come back.

I also want to get some reading done.
  by jennluvsgable
, a photo by jennluvsgable on Flickr.

  by jennluvsgable
, a photo by jennluvsgable on Flickr.

  by jennluvsgable
, a photo by jennluvsgable on Flickr.