Wednesday, February 27, 2008

The Rally

The rally was great! 1000's of people showed up on the State House's lawn! There hasn't been a protest this large since 1990! The governor called my boss personally and also made public announcements that he is rethinking the budget cuts and is going to try and see if something a little more feasible can happen! GO GOVERNOR Carcieri!!!

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Crappy Day

Crappy Day
Originally uploaded by jennluvsgable
No bounce in my hair. I can not wait to go to work.

Monday, February 25, 2008


Originally uploaded by jennluvsgable
Proof of her utter perfection!!!

And Because I am Feeling Bitchy... beautiful dog Sierra ONLY barks at people she doesn't like. Ugly stupid little dogs too.


The big rally is tomorrow. I am excited. I just wish there wasn't so much at stake.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

It Wouldn't Be a Sunday

without a photo montage of yours truly. EEK!!! Me in natural sunlight!

Photo 27
Originally uploaded by jennluvsgable

Photo 29
Originally uploaded by jennluvsgable

Photo 30
Originally uploaded by jennluvsgable

Photo 31
Originally uploaded by jennluvsgable

Photo 33

Photo 33
Originally uploaded by jennluvsgable

Photo 34

Photo 34
Originally uploaded by jennluvsgable

Happy Birthday Kayla!

We will be doing some shopping at Providence Place today and going out to a birthday dinner. Zach's flight is coming in around 9ish tonight, so I will be in Providence twice today.

OOOOOH! And we got some snow yesterday!!! Awww! Our first snow of the winter and it is almost spring! I suspect it will be gone by the end of today's 45 degree weather. Tomorrow will be even warmer. AND rain on Tuesday. Winter was fun while it lasted, though! Most of Rhode Island did see some snow this winter, but good old 'Gansett...only rain. Except for this last storm. I have been in Rhode Island too long if I am calling two inches a storm!!!

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Tomorrow is... baby's 18th birthday. I can't even string words together to describe the complexity of feelings and emotions I am experiencing right now. I can say she is beautiful, smart, strong, capable, moral, confident, truthful, and has only brought joy to my life. I am not sure how we got from age 4 to here. Age 4 is the most vivid in my mind. The other years kind of blend together. I was pregnant with Zach and home with the girls for most of the entire pregnancy and got to enjoy every moment with them while waiting for our "Littlefoot" which is what Kayla was planning on naming Zach.

Hayley will be 18 next summer. And Zach will follow in 4 years.

Speaking of Zachie...he is flying in tomorrow night. Can't wait to have him back home but I am glad he had such a nice vacation.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

The Thing I Loathe...

...pissing contests! Especially between two people in the same profession. Mostly the medical profession, nurses specifically, or two specifically that are employed by my place of employment. I work with a vast group of people, many of whom have different professions than my own, but we together make up a team of caring support personnel. We are teachers, nurses, social workers, pyschologists, administrative staff, etc. We all have specific job descriptions within the team and share the same mission and nobody's job is more important really than the others. My issue is when two people with the same job, within the same profession, on the same team, have differences of opinion and think theirs is the right way and issue two separate orders to be carried out. This can all lead to a sticky wicket, with toes and egos getting crushed. However, this job is not about them, or me or even the team. It is ABOUT THE PEOPLE WE SUPPORT!!!

Okay, I am glad I got that off of my chest. I love my job and I love the people I work with and I especially love the people we support.

The issue is budget cuts and certain people emphasizing the importance of their jobs to basically convince the powers that be of their own necessity, which in turn leads to back-biting, chaos and personal (AND personnel) discord.

There is a huge and I mean HUGE rally in Providence next Tuesday afternoon at the state house, which I will be attending. The fine governor of our state wishes to cut funding for our population of people with developmental disabilities. Budget cuts so huge that private care will be limited to one or two choices. How is this different than BEFORE Ladd School was shut down? Do we not recall the HUGE class action suit that resulted in the closing of the state hospital? Have we forgotten all of the hard work and progress that has ensued after?

So me and my suburban full of friends that I support will be attending this rally to let our voices be heard. Let people with developmental disabilities continue to lead a life full of the same freedom and choices and integrity that those of us without cognitive or developmental disablilities have.

If you don't think this is your problem, you're fooling yourself. Many of the people we support were just like you, when one day an accident or an illness, took from them many of the abilities they once had, but with support and friendship and a strong and caring team, were able to rediscover the abilities they had and discover new ones, to again lead their lives to the fullest and be strong members of their communities.

Then again, maybe the governor needs to learn the lesson the hard way...sometimes what goes around comes around. And like most of us already know, it usually does.

If you're in the area, let your voice be heard.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008


I hope American Idol proves fun tonight. I am very so over it right now because of all of the damn audition episodes. Otherwise, I will just sit tight and wait until March for the newest season of Dancing with the Stars. I LOVE that show.

Not a lot going on today. I was so bored yesterday. As you can probably tell by all of the pictures. Sometimes you just need a day to be bored, though and yesterday was mine.

Monday, February 18, 2008


Originally uploaded by jennluvsgable
I got this for Valentine's Day, too!


Originally uploaded by jennluvsgable

A Long Day with Photobooth

A Long Day with Photobooth
Originally uploaded by jennluvsgable

Sweats CAN be sexy!!!

All Mitch's

All Mitch's
Originally uploaded by jennluvsgable
I wish my legs really looked this skinny!

I Kind of Look Tan Still

I Kind of Look Tan Still
Originally uploaded by jennluvsgable

Just Trying to Generate Hits

Not sure

Not sure
Originally uploaded by jennluvsgable

A Rainy Day in February

A Rainy Day in February
Originally uploaded by jennluvsgable


Originally uploaded by jennluvsgable

Happy Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day
Originally uploaded by jennluvsgable
My present!!! I love my iPod nano...I would love it more if there was Snood of iPod...we're still waiting for that! Come ON Snood people!!! I will have to settle for Tetris.


Originally uploaded by jennluvsgable
Can u tell I like pink? Me texting my loverboy!

My Hair is Getting Long Again

Gosh, I am sooooo pale now. I need to get tanning again. Maybe I should just embrace my Irish roots! I am 35 and I have a pimple right on my left cheek. NICE!


Originally uploaded by jennluvsgable
Looks like I am dancing bed no less! But really I was putting my hair up in a messy bun.


Valetine's Day was good. We went out to dinner and had a nice time. I got my hot pink iPod nano! Yay! I spent all day Saturday transferring all my files to it. I will post a pic of me and my new gift very soon.

Mitch and I drove Zach to New Jersey yesterday to meet up with his Aunt Christy. He will spend the week in Virginia like he does most February vacations.

Mitch and I decided to drive along the coast of New Jersey back to NYC. We had fun. There is nothing from Philly to Atlantic City along the coast. Rodeos and car farms...this was along Rt. 9. Just towns where the nicest house on Main St. is usually the local funeral home. It was just really hard to believe that that stretch of the road is just an hour from a major city in one direction and about two in the other. Atlantic City was cool as always.

It was good to get back home. Rhode Island coast definitely beats the Jersey shore!

I am enjoying a relaxing day at home. It is 56 degrees outside. It is supposed to get to almost 60. Very breezy though.

I need some coffee to wake up. Grocery shopping today. UGH!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Rain Rain...


I have to go shopping in this rainy mess! Ugh!!!

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Almost Valentine's

I have to do my Valentine's shopping tomorrow. I am sleepy. It has been an extremely loooooonnnnnngggg day.

Picture Speaks a 1000 Words

Staff meeting today...12-3...blek!

Monday, February 11, 2008

The Funniest Thing...

...that I've heard in awhile...or Ode to King Richard...

"Okay, hun, if you TELL me you're lying about the size of my penis, then it kind of defeats the PURPOSE of lying about the size of my penis."


Originally uploaded by jennluvsgable
I love photobooth! I love iTunes radio, I just have to say. Nothing like a little Mr. Roboto to aid in blogging.


It was a good weekend. I bought a new pair of Gap ballet flats. Soooo cute. I love them.

Winter arrived this morning! It is beautiful and sunny, but windy and only 13 degrees!!! It has been in the high 40s and 50s quite steadily and even in the 60's on two the crispness of the air this morning was a bit of a take-your-breath-away-quite-literally kind of a surprise! It actually feels good. In Maine it is like that almost daily in January and February. Not a cloud in the sky though. It is so very beautiful out. The wind is howling. It has been all night. So what did I do? Put in Stephen King's Storm of the Century, of course!!! The temp is supposed to crawl back up to the 40's by this afternoon, so I will enjoy "winter" while it lasts. I got to wear my ski jacket this morning and actually feel comfortable in it. Usually I wear it and then get way too hot if I do any kind of moving around in it.

I just updated my personal/work/special events calendar on my computer with the information all color coded. Can we say OCD?

Oh well, I am going to enjoy my cozy, baby it's cold outside, day off!

Saturday, February 09, 2008


I have the next 2 1/2 days off. Yay! I need a break. I think we are going shopping tomorrow at the outlets. That should be fun. If we don't do that, we'll head to CT to visit my sister and fam.

Well, it is almost 11. I have no idea how that happened. It was just 6:30, I swear! Time for sleepy.

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

What Do You Get When...

What Do You Get When...
Originally uploaded by jennluvsgable give me lots of free time and a new MacBook with photo booth software?

Me being stupid. Enjoy!

Me 2

Me 2
Originally uploaded by jennluvsgable

Me 3

Me 3
Originally uploaded by jennluvsgable

Me 4

Me 4
Originally uploaded by jennluvsgable

A Little Time To Myself

I am home alone with the dog! I don't believe it! The kids are at school, Mitch is at tv blaring or disgusting country music coming out of my daughter's room. Just quiet. The dog isn't even snoring. I do hear the fog horn every 15 seconds in the distance. The fog is thick today. It is supposed to be up near 60 degrees today. It IS February right???

I am going to take a shower, mess around on the computer, read the paper, do the crossword puzzle and pretty much spend my day relaxing. I will run my errands when I get the kids from school.

I was just looking at pics of my little cousin Melanie's two babies. They remind me of when she and her two sisters were our (me and my sister's) babies! I was 8 when she was born, age 10 with Kacie and 11 or 12 with Jamie. My sister and I spoiled them silly on school vacations, summers and family gatherings.

Tuesday, February 05, 2008


I am enjoying the mild 50-degree weather these days. Ultimately, I believe I have found the perfect living conditions. Little to no snow during the winter in COASTAL Rhode Island. They get some snow about 20 minutes north of here, but it really only rains in Narragansett. Zach was still swimming in the ocean the last weekend in October. It was still 40 and 50-degrees in December, even though we did get a dusting of snow for Christmas. January got a bit cold. 30's mostly. I love experiencing all 4 seasons which is what keeps me from moving only where it is hot. My least favorite thing about Maine is that the winters are so long. Just 5 hours south and the winters are manageable, even though a smaller amount of snow can shut down the state. Mainers would laugh that three inches of snow could close businesses and schools.

I have Wednesday and Friday off this week. Yahoo! And Sunday thru Tuesday, too. I still will have worked about 50 hours though. Lots of money to be had, so I am taking it. I am buying Mitch dvd players for the Suburban for Valentine's Day. That is what he said he wanted. Hopefully I get a cutesie hot pink iPod Nano, with something sweet engraved on the back. My old iPod is archaic and Mitch's is new but bigger because it is the video one. I bought his for him last Valentine's Day and he said I could just use his. He only uses it when he is on the road, but I want a new hot PINK one! I could use the kids' too, but I want a new hot PINK one!

I need my hair trimmed. Maybe on Wednesday.

Sunday, February 03, 2008

Friday, February 01, 2008


It is 8:30 PM and 50 degrees out. Strange winter we're having!

I am tired after working an extremely long day. Maybe I will blog tomorrow.