Tuesday, April 23, 2013


Bella went to the doctor's today and she has double ear infections...poor baby girl. She started her antibiotics today. A little different than the norm, as she's allergic to penicillin and amoxicillin. Around dinnertime, she started to finally play! She hasn't really played much at all this past week. Yesterday was THE worst Monday that I've had in a long time and I'm so grateful for good friends at work that helped me out. Today was a pretty nice day, and rightly deserved I think. Looking forward to another chill day tomorrow and Thursday/Friday will be their usual super busy selves BUT hey, it also means it's the weekend! Tomorrow is supposed to be gorgeous as is Saturday and Sunday! I'm spending the weekend laying out and reading. I have three library books to finish. I'm almost done Ape House by Sara Gruen of Water for Elephants fame, and I have Flight Behavior by one of my personal favorite authors, Barbara Kingsolver and I can't think of the other book I got, and I'm too lazy to get up to go look on the counter. I'm also surprisingly loving The Host by Stephanie Meyer. Who knew. I got it on sale for my Kindle and I forgot to bring Ape House the other night, so I decided to start it and it's great. Well the writing could be better but the plot is excellent and I'm sucked into the story at this point so I'm happy with it. Sometimes you just want a story...not a life changer...in a novel. Tonight we're having BLTs for dinner. I'm excited. For some reason I'm craving them tonight. After dinner, we're going to bed early to finish Django. We both fell asleep watching it last night, not because it wasn't one of the best movies I've ever seen, but because we were exhausted! It is a fabulous movie. I'm a huge Quentin T. fan anyway, but wow, I really wasn't expecting to love this movie this much. This was a great year for movies for me...Django, Life of Pi, Lincoln, Argo, Zero Dark Thirty, Rock of Ages, Here Comes the Boom...also a great year of shows...The Walking Dead, Supernatural, Dr. Who, Game of Thrones, American Horror Story, Downton Abbey, Parks and Rec, catching up on Weeds, Arrested Development, Ugly Betty and Parental Guidance on Netflix. Life is good!

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Happy 3rd Birthday Bella!!!

We are having her party tomorrow night at her house, and I hope the poor girl is feeling better soon! She has some kind of nasty virus (cold or flu) although I think she got her flu shot so it is probably a cold. Yucky nose, fever, achy. I'm not feeling terribly great since I sent her home, so that's exciting news to start off the new week! I'm so glad for a regular work week! Vacation is over thank the freaking lord! I've never worked so much during a vacation week! I'm feeling cranky. I don't mean to be. It was just a crazy week and the weekend went by too fast

Thursday, April 18, 2013


So it's been a very crazy week. Boston got bombed. I had friends there and it was heart wrenching to watch the events unfold and having to wait to hear from them. Boston is a huge part of our life. We celebrate our 4th of July every year in this great city. I briefly thought of canceling our celebration this year, but I think this is the year we will make our celebration the best ever! I refuse to let terror win. In better news, Bella is THREE on Sunday!!! THREE! Totally crazy how quickly three years have raced by. Her birthday party will be Monday night. One more day to get through and finally it'll be the weekend! I am so ready for it!

Sunday, April 14, 2013


I'm having a super crappy day. Bella was awake till 2 am last night and when she did sleep, it wasn't well. Her little nose was stuffy and she was restless. I'm also irritated because I had hoped for some time off this week and found out Friday that I will only have Tuesday off now. I'm trying to stay in a positive mood about everything and try to keep things in perspective but seriously, I feel like crying. My friend Sara's son and his girlfriend had their baby yesterday morning and the baby died minutes after. It's just been a yucky day and it isn't even MONDAY yet! And of course, my car is on empty, so I get to leave for work even earlier than I have to leave, which was already earlier than my regularly scheduled work week and I get to drive the flipping wheelchair van at work tomorrow and I KNOW that needs gas first thing. See what I mean about perspective??? It's just an inconvenience for me, nobody has died, I really shouldn't be so upset. Hormonal I think. Last week it was my anxiety. So I guess I'm just going to watch some Nick at Nite, read a little and pray a lot and hopefully get to sleep early. Here's to a good week!

Saturday, April 13, 2013


This has been an incredibly busy busy 2013 for me. Work has been wonderful but I'm definitely ready for a vacation. The weekends fly right by but the work weeks are going by even faster! So Miss Annabella's birthday is coming up next Sunday! I already ordered her American Girl doll. I think we're doing her family party either on the 22nd or the 29th, at her house at 7pm, so we can all be there. It depends on if her doll arrives on time or not. I should have ordered it last week, but I'm a procrastinator. I'm waiting for my new glasses and new contacts to come in. Love when I get new ones. My doctor loves when I get new ones too! :) My blood pressure was taken last week and it's 124/80, so that has me feeling pretty good. I figured it'd be sky high because of all of the changes that have taken place recently, but my body's handling it well it seems. We all know that even positive changes can be stressful. I'd like it a little lower but what can you do? I have always had myself on a low/no sodium diet since around age 19. I don't eat a ton of red meat or processed foods and when I do, it's a burger out or in some kind of pasta dish because I can not stand the taste of turkey burger anymore... or a steak about once a year. I exercise regularly, at least 30-60 minutes per day. I sleep fairly well...at least 8 hours a night. If anything can be said about my diet, it's that I usually consume less than the recommended daily allowance. I usually top out around 900-1000 per day and I should be at 1200-1500 per day. My point is, I appear to be doing all of the recommended things to keep blood pressure low, and it's still 124/80. It isn't high enough to treat with medication, but any reading over 120 and under 130 is considered a pre-high blood pressure reading. BUT then I find out that that is the number only in America. In Europe, anything under 130 is perfect and considered low. America leads the world in heart disease and that is why we're stricter with our numbers. What exactly is America doing wrong? I'd check on the pesticides and additives in your foods and lack of exercise. America also leads the world in obesity and in diabetes. Sad way to live ones life don't you think? For me, I can't imagine not having been able to play with my children (tag, baseball, skiing, swimming, hiking) and I certainly would hate not being able to play with Bella. Being a sideline parent or grandparent is not for me and the thought of that is all the motivation I need.

Saturday, April 06, 2013

One Week

It's been one week since the girls have moved into their new place. I've had one week of a clean house. I've had a week of quiet zen-like moments. I've had a week of being able to pick things up and have them stay that way and a week of getting used to being able to put my iPhone or iPad down without a sweet two year old picking it up and adding/deleting apps. I'm really liking visiting her and seeing her so excited when I knock on her door. She comes racing around the corner yelling, "is it Nana, is it Nana? It IS Nana!!!" We will pick her up at 5 today and keep her until tomorrow afternoon. I will be able to get my hugs and kisses in and it'll give Kayla a little break. Mitch and I do have to remember that she is doing this alone (with lots of help from her family of course) but that is certainly different than having the other parent helping out. Even when I was doing it "alone" with my kids, I received child support and got a break on the weekends, with the kids going with their dad or with my parents. I do want to mention that as they got older and turned into really really cool kids, they spent most weekends with me by their choice, and we spent those weekends swimming, hiking, skiing, traveling, and making lots of fun memories. I was speaking more of when they were Bella's age and I remember loving those little breaks I'd get when I didn't have to get up every two seconds to get someone a drink or put a movie in or clean a mess or wrangle the kids and our very bad puppy. Having survived it all, I'm able to understand just how short of a time it is in the big scheme of things and yeah, Bella can be a handful, but she's our handful and she will be going off to college before we all know it!

Thursday, April 04, 2013


And we're back to another weekend! My husband and I are both feeling yucky. Head colds from HELL. Mine has moved to my chest though and my husband's is bothering his throat. We're a pair, we are! Date night tomorrow and we're probably going to spend it drugged up on Nyquil! I have so many things to get to that I don't want to be sick! I need to see Lincoln. We're totally hooked on the show Parenthood. I also want to see OZ, in the theater. I have books up the wazoo that I need to read. Tons of home decor/improvement projects. Oh my! I will not be bored for a long long time! I was reading a blog and in this particular post, the lady was talking about things she wished she knew before she got married and I'm guessing they waited to have sex on the honeymoon. Anyway...I'm SO glad that is not a problem we have! I feel bad for women who allow themselves to feel unsatisfied in the bedroom. My husband IS a rockstar in the bedroom, of course, DUH, but I'm also not the type of person to ever fake anything and if something isn't working, oh, we will change it. Anyway...I'm just grateful we don't have "issues". So things I wish I knew before I got married...income taxes SUCK when you both make middle class salaries. I wish I knew how many arguments we would have that have NOT ONE thing to do with us and our relationship. Every argument seems to revolve around kids and/or family or work infringing upon our "us" time. We are very jealous of our time together and that's actually a good thing, I think. Couples who don't put each other first, will often end up divorced. I wish I knew how hard of a time I'd have giving up my independence. I love having a husband who loves to do everything for me but it is important for me to feel like he knows I CAN and have taken care of myself, and I think sometimes I beat him over the head with that. All in all, there is no other person I'd rather be with. He's funny, normal, considerate, smart, clean, HANDSOME, good in bed and a wonderful provider who rarely puts his needs before mine, and incredibly romantic. I am such a lucky lucky woman!