Friday, March 30, 2012


This has been the worst week. Just tired of a lot of things, mostly work related. Having a sick kid on top of it hasn't made things easier. At least we should get some answers regarding that by Sunday.

I think some cleaning and organizing will likely make me feel better.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

I'm feeling so much better now that I've found a few minutes to workout, shower, tan, fix my hair...I'm almost done the first book of Game of Thrones. I have around 20 pages left. I can't wait to watch season one to see who plays who and if that's who I would have cast.


I really don't want March to leave so this speed, it'll be winter again before we know it!! I must figure a way to stop time. I will put that on my list of things to do. Another glorious day here in Narragansett, minus the super pain in the ass wind of yesterday. The sun was so warm yesterday, after the thunderclouds moved out, but the wind was cold.

I spent the morning catching up on fashion blogs I like to read and checked in with the Parenting online magazine where I read a blog post about a 5 year olds dress up party. Granted, the author stated this was her opinion and that she was just curious about others opinions on the subject, but sometimes I just feel like commenting with a "why"? Seriously??? I'm a woman, having been a former girl, who has happened to love every second of being a girl! I'm the mom of two girls (and a boy) and the grandmother of a GIRL! Not some androgynous being who must spend her life shying away from who she is to grow up and do what exactly? I was raised with the knowledge that I could do or be whatever I wanted to be when I grew up as long as I worked hard enough. I also grew up with my grandfather telling me every single day of my life until he passed away when I was 26, that I was the most beautiful baby he had ever seen, that I was better than any old boy and that he couldn't have been happier that his first grandchild was a girl. My girls loved dressing themselves, loved wearing my old prom dresses, Rainbow girl gowns, tons of maid of honor dresses, they loved getting into my make-up, wearing my my sister and I loved getting into our mother's, aunts', and grandmother's things. I climbed trees, played baseball better than most boys, rode bikes, ice skated on our frog pond, roller skated EVERYWHERE, swam, dove, double dutched till my legs ached, was on the gymnastics team, was a cheerleader, and just played with my friends. Everyday. Every. Single. Day. So my point is WHY make a big deal out of little girls having a dress up birthday party? Why, why, why? We're certainly not talking Toddlers and Tiaras. We're talking about little girls who need to pretend. Now, I'm sure we all have our bugaboos when it comes to raising kids...mine are (surprisingly) NO bikinis on my babies, no Apple Bottom clothes and as much as I really wanted to get Bella that most adorable little one piece bathing suit that said Juicy across the diaper, I didn't because there are fucking weirdos out there! I said surprisingly because my dad and I had a bitter falling out when I was about 5. All my friends had bikinis and my dad was adamant on me not wearing one. My mom finally relented when I was about 9 when we realized my dad wasn't even around that much when we were swimming anyway (he was a truck driver). When my girls were older elementary school age, I felt bikinis were fine because really?? This will be the only time in their life when a two piece is ever really appropriate without body parts falling out, hanging out, etc. Enjoy that flat chest while you have it. Enjoy it when you don't, too. I guess my other point is, some kids will always push the boundaries, will always want to be or act older than they are. A dress-up party is not going to make a child turn out promiscuous. And in case anyone is wondering, my son would want his nails and toes painted right alongside his sisters and he wore his manicures proudly. He played with dolls, and trucks and castles, wore a PINK power ranger costume because it was a hand-me-down from his sisters, and will turn out to be a great dad because of all of that. I can't stand when a parent acts like their daughter isn't a girl, because they "don't want the wrong kind of message sent". What exactly is that message telling them?

Bella is going to hear every single day of my life how smart, beautiful and wonderful I think she is because that is what a good grandparent does. I can't imagine going through life and not hearing my parents or grandparents tell me I was beautiful. Or smart. Or wonderful. How incredibly sad.

Monday, March 26, 2012


Went to bed with a stomachache and woke up with one. Feeling better now. It was nice and sunny this morning but now dark clouds have moved in. They're moving fast though, so somebody will be getting a thunderstorm, but not so sure it'll be us.

This day has been a freaking miserable Monday so far. I would like ONE day in which I just have to take care of what I've already agreed to take care of...on Mondays that is Bella and me...I work till 8, an hour and a half of that is with Bella, then I go home, clean the house because people just keep adding to the dishes and the dirt and continue to pile up the trash in the kitchen and bathroom...three adults can't manage to take a dog out, who I'm sorry, doesn't have opposable thumbs and who happens to be at the mercy of a bunch of fucktards. I know she hasn't been out when she trips over herself to make it to the backyard in time. I have just enough time to clean, get myself and Bella ready and head out to go back to work, and part of this work includes taking an individual to doctor's appointments which happen to not be negotiable. I'm so tired of talking, yelling, and threatening. I'm tired of a million texts and phone calls. If it isn't my family, it is work. Seriously. Leave me alone.

So tomorrow is Tuesday. Tuesday is set aside for Bella, Sierra and me. My phone will be off till I have to be at work.

Sunday, March 25, 2012


Workout done, tanning done...watching The Muppet Movie and then Hugo, also finishing Game of Thrones. Zach wants to read it next. Pretty lazy Sunday. Pretty lazy weekend for that matter.

Friday, March 23, 2012


What a great workout I just had!! I love it when I get that burst of energy when I'm almost done and then I push it even further! I worked up a great sweat and don't feel as lazy as I did when I first woke up! I got woken up around 7 and decided I'd try to go back to sleep, which I did, but then woke up after 9:30...that's late for me. I wasn't feeling terribly energetic either and I really had to talk myself into working out. Glad I did!!!

Other than my very late start, I'm feeling pretty good. Still loving the weather! Another 70 degrees today. It'll be in the 60s the next 5 days or so, so I guess it's back to a typical spring for us. Loving all the flowers and budding trees.

I'm really getting into Game of Thrones! The first 30 or so pages I felt like I might have made a poor choice, but was determined to give it a solid try. So glad I did! LOVING it!! Thanks to Scott, I have the first three books to read and the others (I think there are five) I will get on my Kindle. So I'm a new fan of George R. R. Martin.

Ok, it is now noon and I really have to get a move on if I want to get an ab workout in and go tanning. Picking up David at 2 to run a few errands then home to enjoy my husband!

Thursday, March 22, 2012


March has flown right by. Granted life's been busy. I'm still pretty tired from my incredibly long day yesterday. And when I'm tired, I'm forgetful and now I'm remembering all the little things that may or may not have gotten done at work. I'm usually the person who double checks to make sure the other person didn't forget anything and will do it if they have, and of course I didn't get around to that so I'm having a blah morning because of that. Sometimes you just don't want to hear about all the stuff that didn't get done and so I'm waiting for the text or phone call...

I need to focus on good The Hunger Games movie tomorrow!! And the nice Spring we've been having. So I'm going to say a little prayer and let God take care of the rest.

I'm going to work out, tan, read a little, then go to work. Home tonight at 9, then I'm off through the weekend.

I'm going to make some coffee and get my day started.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012


Beautiful day! I worked out, tanned, spent some more time outside reading and watching Bella play. It really doesn't get much better than this, unless it's a day at the beach or the lake!

I hope to go to sleep early tonight and get some good rest before I have to be up at 5 tomorrow morning. It'll be an early start and a late finish but then the downward slide begins! Hopefully I won't be rudely awakened again at 2 am by a bunch of party animals in the back yard!!

Happy Spring!

I completed an hour of cardio and an awesome ab workout. Now I'm going to hop in the shower before Kayla leaves and it's just me and Bella. I will maybe take her to the park later. Really feeling like I just want to be a homebody today though so we will have to play it by ear.

Monday, March 19, 2012


It's Monday!! Geez, it comes around so fast! Mondays are early days for Bella and me. I'm hoping we get outside this morning. Very very nice out. She's yawning already though and it isn't even 9 am yet. It is going to hopefully be an early night for us. I'm running on about 3 1/2 hours of sleep.

I finished A Thousand Splendid Suns. My rating of it improved. I think the story is a powerful one, yet I'm interested in hearing it from an actual woman from Afghanistan. I'm not saying the author didn't do a fine job, but I am saying that these women had no power, no voice, no choice during the Taliban reign and it is virtually impossible for a man, even one living alongside these women, to truly grasp their circumstance. I'm curious as to how many of the women's true stories will come to print, since education was outlawed for women during the Taliban occupancy, and even before the Taliban, education wasn't an option for every woman.

I'm now starting Game of Thrones.

Friday, March 16, 2012


So pathetic that a new pair of cute shoes can make me this giddy! ;) They are just so stinking cute! TOMS, if you don't already know thanks to the amount of press Angelina Jolie gets when her kids wear them, is a shoe company that gives a pair of shoes to a child in need for every pair you purchase. It is a business model that could and should be copied. They also sell eyeglasses and match the purchase of those as well. Next up will be a pair of TOMS cordones. Love them and would like them in either a grey chambrey or denim, or both! (Just in case my husband wants to shower me with gifts!) I think my husband is just glad for once I like a pair of shoes for under $150!!

Hayley and Zach have company for the weekend. Maybe a fire in the fire pit tonight! :)

Tomorrow, while my husband ditches me for a few hours, I'm going to workout, go tanning and then get ready for our day/night of togetherness! I'm so much happier these last few weeks because we've been managing to actually have time together! Only problem is that it makes me want even more time! When we don't have to worry about conflicting schedules, bills, or taking turns being sick, we actually have a lot of fun together. We can both become very resentful when we have to share our precious few hours of alone time with anyone or anything else. Life's short and we love being together.


I'm about 1/2 way through A Thousand Splendid Suns. I guess I would say I enjoyed The Kite Runner more up to this point, but it's still a good story. I don't want to imagine being forced into an arranged marriage, being owned like property, having to wear ridiculous clothes that get in the way of everything, and pumping out kids just to perpetuate this cycle. What I enjoy are the same rights everyone should be allowed to enjoy. When I awaken every morning, ultimately I'm doing what I want, within reason. Do I want to work? Not really, but I do enjoy buying what I want when I want. I enjoy our clean living conditions, clean water for drinking and bathing, fresh food in our supermarkets with money to buy it, a closet full of clothes and a husband who would never say no to anything I really wanted and instead would say, "we'll find a way." The bottom line is I CAN work, I DO work, and if I really didn't want to, my husband would find a way to make it happen. I have an education that many of us take for granted because even today, it's an opportunity that some never get. So maybe I'm not enjoying A Thousand Splendid Suns like The Kite Runner because this story is from a woman's perspective and I want to jump through the pages a throttle a few people.

In other news, my weekend has started! We've hired a new girl who we all think can handle the particular circumstances at our location just fine and I might just be able to take some time off!! I am looking forward to a bigger check next pay period with all the crazy overtime! Plus my mileage will be included in the next one too.

It's only going to be in the 50s today but starting tomorrow, a week long of 60/70 degree weather!! And NO staff meetings!!!

Thursday, March 15, 2012


Loving this early spring!! 60s and 70s all next week too! I think I'm going to wear a skirt today. I'm so glad it's a short day at work. So glad that I have tomorrow off!!! I am running a bit behind schedule today, so I'm going to have to hop in the shower now if I want to have time to do my hair.

I'm definitely NOT tired. I feel achy and stiff from laying in one spot all night and a bit shaky because my blood sugar is low from not eating for 16 hours.

Time to get a move on.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012


Crazy warm today!! I was locked out of work this afternoon, so I spent 2 hours out on the LOTS of color today!

I am so tired and can't wait to be home in my bed! Two more hours. However, the hill is climbed and I'm on the downward slide now!! The week went by fast!

I'm going to sleep in tomorrow, workout at a good pace and not have to rush, go tanning and just plain enjoy my day!

I'm watching American Idol and trying hard to stay awake for two more hours.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012


My busiest part of my day is over. The meeting took forever! Why you ask? Because the computer at work is a windows operating POS. And I've requested and was granted permission to use my personal MacBook, even though it's highly classified information. Thank the good Lord! I could actually probably use my iPhone with better success than that Dell, because yeah, it's just that awesome.

So anyway, big points with the boss because I'm so computer savvy. And of course, because of all the extra hours I'm putting in. I'm also thinking of bar-tending one night a week for some extra cash. We'll see. Typically with a poor economy, it is suggested you DON'T get a second job, unless it's highly lucrative because come tax season, you're screwed every which way, so like I said, we will see.


Chicken on the grill last night, put into a very yummy salad. It was really good. Yesterday was an easier day and even though it was a Monday, and I usually hate Mondays, I am so thankful for an easy day. Today will be hellish. I have a stupid meeting at 10, which means I'm now bringing Kayla to work at 1:30 so I don't have to bring Bella to the meeting, back to get David, turn around and head BACK to Providence, pick up Hayley on the way home, get Zach at 5:30, and be at work myself at 8 for the overnight. Home from work at 7 am Wednesday, meeting 11-1, and then work 3-10. Thursday will be easy because Salve is on Spring Break, and I have Fridays off again! I guess I'd rather have 2 busy days in the middle of the week and have restful weekends and Mondays.

I currently have my bedroom window open and the birds are chirping away. It's overcast and humid right now but I'm loving it because it makes it smell like spring/summer out there! And really, if I'm working and driving all day, I'd hate for it to be a beach day!

I'm hoping to squeeze in some tanning today. Have I mentioned how much I don't want to go to this meeting today? Oh well, the sooner I start my day, the sooner it'll be over. I read a Deepak tweet yesterday that said something like, we spend all our lives thinking about the past and the future, and so what we're living is a dream till enlightenment. Kind of depressing. I do spend an enormous amount of time thinking (worrying) about the future. When I actually get a minute, I will contemplate this more.

I finished A Tree Grows in Brooklyn. Immigrants in Brooklyn did not have an easy time of it pre-WW1. I'm sure immigrants don't have an easy time of it, in any period, even today. Thankful to all my Irish ancestors and what they had to go through to get me to where I am today. Thankful for my French ancestry as well. Pretty wild to think about the different areas my ancestral tree branches started out and quite simply the fact that they could possibly even converge at all. Only in America!

Next up, I guess, will be A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Husseini author of The Kite Runner, as I'm STILL waiting for Scott to bring me Games of Thrones. I may just break down and buy it for my Kindle. I'm saving Stephen King's latest for my Kindle beach read. Thoroughly looking forward to reading my Kindle on the beach. No pages flipping around on you, no hand cramps trying to keep the book in a position so as to not leave a tan mark.

Best news?? Only TEN days till The Hunger Games!!! Can not wait!!!

Monday, March 12, 2012


Feels so nice to wear shorts and flip-flops! That stinking wind is gone now. It ruined two otherwise beautiful days. The birds are out, buds are budding, grass is turning green again and the days are getting longer!

I have to shave my legs, get my workout in, and then Bella and I are going to hang at the beach for a bit. Not sure how this will go down because she loves the water. I don't mind her playing in it but we have to be in NK for 3...I guess I will just bring her change of clothes.

Sunday, March 11, 2012


Crazy overtime this week!! At least I was able to spend most of the day with my husband today. Bella and I are hitting the beach tomorrow! It'll be sooooo nice!

Headed to bed. It's going to be an early start tomorrow.

Friday, March 09, 2012


Worst cramps ever. Tempted to stay in bed all day.

Thursday, March 08, 2012


Not sure why my husband's side of the bed is always full of crumbs!! :)

This wind can stop at anytime. Geez. Talk about ruin a warm sunny day!! The buds are sprouting and I love seeing the daffodils getting ready to flower.

The "news" was a nightmare yesterday...a girl won $1,000,000 lottery AND still continued to collect welfare..."Well, I was expecting them to shut me off and they didn't!" Ummm, well you NEED to report it you lunatic. It says right in the contract that you signed. When asked if she thought she deserved this welfare money she said, "Well, yeah, kinda, because I don't have a job." Excuse me? So people like me are busting our asses to not get ahead so you can not work, have kids, play the lottery and win and you think you STILL deserve our help? "Well, it wasn't a million, it was like $700,000 because I took the lump sum and then it ended up to be about $500,000 after taxes." Oh, sorry, my mistake.

I also heard something come out of Sarah Palin's mouth that made me wish I'd have taken up sniper shooting as an her defense response of d-bag Rush Limbaugh, "those leftist wackos make fun of handicaps..." I stopped listening, with my mouth open in horror. Did she just say that? DID she just say that? This is not golf, you lunatic! Your baby boy is not a handicap. We do NOT call people with disabilities handicaps, cripples, retards. ARE YOU SERIOUS???

I am only going to say one thing about Kirk Cameron. Kirk has a right to his own opinions and should actually be admired for having the courage to say what those opinions are after being ASKED. If you don't want to hear my reply, don't ask the question! That being said, MY opinion is that I really wish people with such deep hatred of anyone or any group would stop using the Christian title. I love Jesus. How could one man who was so loving and kind and gentle attract so many lunatics? "Many will come in my name..." Rush, Kirk, are the people Jesus warned me about!

Wednesday, March 07, 2012

Tanning is My Drug

Michelle Obama can kiss my tan ass with her tanning tax. Bitch please. She can also take her mini size Happy Meal French fries and "apple" slices with her. I wouldn't call them apples because I found some abandoned ones in my car (thanks Bella) and they were rather too well-preserved to be real apples. What's unfortunate is that my kids and I would SHARE a Happy Meal when they were little and now the size of the fries doesn't make that an option. And here's a news flash...I don't go to McDonalds for a healthy meal! I go because sometimes life is shitty...effing ridiculous taxes, budget cuts, gold in my gas tank, and sometimes good old Ronald McDonald can make life better. Albeit briefly. As can Jack Daniels. But I digress.

My point is, fat people aren't fat because McDonalds exists. They're fat because they can buy Twinkies with foodstamps. Duh. See what I did there? I stereotyped all poor people as fat. I also stereotyed all fat people as Twinkie lovers, too! Just like she has with her healthy fast food... So basically all people (who aren't the first family of course) abuse their kids by pouring cokes and Happy Meals down their kids' throats because they aren't smart or energetic enough to cook from the four basic food groups.

Here's the husband and I work long hours at mentally stressful jobs, when I'm not at work, I watch Bella so my daughter can work long hours at a physically laborious job, so she can take care of her child (and still not make enough to move out on her own) I pay bills, I pay taxes, I READ to Bella every spare second I have that isn't spent on personal upkeep (working out/tanning, etc), I buy mostly all organic foods, we're college educated and if I want to buy my kid a flipping Happy Meal, it really is none of the goverment's, or anybody else's business! By the way, we're also insured, through no help from our government. If they were going to pay for my healthcare, then maybe I wouldn't complain about a tanning tax or a laughably sized Happy Meal.

Don't even get me started on the Republicans. Can we just have a common sense political party?


I really wish I didn't agree to working today...I went through some off my clothes...underwear, socks, skirts...hopefully I can be all done that project by this weekend.

I'm going tanning today!!! I didn't go at all last week because I was so sick, then when I felt like it, of course my schedule couldn't accommodate it. Good news is I'm all done my paperwork so I don't have that looming over me tomorrow. I can actually enjoy the beautiful weather before I have to leave for Salve.

Tuesday, March 06, 2012

Last Year

This week last year, Kayla started her new job! A year ago tomorrow actually! Bella had short hair and was cutting teeth. I had just returned to full-time status. We made some yummy cake pops. The golf team was gearing up for Zach.

Little did I know a month later, major vehicle issues would arise, as would an income tax pay-in from Hell, they would give me trouble about my mileage reimbursement, and I would be looking at a barebones skeleton crew at work for the rest of that year.

Well THIS week, we still have a barebones skeleton crew. I'm still working out. Bella has long hair now and is NOT teething! I'm overtime status, haha, as I can't even remember a week when I've had "regular" hours. My car is running pretty darn well and I hope it maintains.
  by jennluvsgable
, a photo by jennluvsgable on Flickr.


Feeling better physically. I did a great ab workout yesterday. I've had no desire to use those muscles since I've been sick. I'm going to do one of my videos today. I'm hoping the workout and some good music will snap me out of my funk.

I need a beach day. I'm thinking Thursday will be the best opportunity for that. I'm now scheduled for 46 hours this week and next. Blah! Late nights every night this week. Last night, 7:30. Gone tonight. Tomorrow night, 10. Thursday night, 9. Friday, OFF!!

Monday, March 05, 2012

Hi Friends!

  by jennluvsgable
, a photo by jennluvsgable on Flickr.

Which one of you toys want to play with me today???

  by jennluvsgable
, a photo by jennluvsgable on Flickr.

Let's Have Fun!

  by jennluvsgable
, a photo by jennluvsgable on Flickr.

Bella's idea of fun is a lot like Sid's on Toy Story.


  by jennluvsgable
, a photo by jennluvsgable on Flickr.

Sometimes her dolls fall down the staircase, take an unfortunate plunge out an attic window, or go for slide down the roof!

Break Time

Things are coming along nicely around here. Floors swept and mopped. Again. I need to get some shower cleaner. And some scented oil for my Glade plugins. Poor Bella is exhausted but I won't sit down long enough so she will take a nap. If I stop now, I will crash. It's too long of a day for me to crash this early! 45 hours this week and that is with me taking a shift off. 45 hours next week too! I am long overdue for a nice vacation!


I slept like crap!!! Up till midnight and awake every hour after till 4. Bella's had an early start as well, so hopefully an early nap for her. I won't be home till 7:45ish tonight. Blech!

I finished Rasputin's Daughter in one day. Good book!! I'm finishing A Tree Grows in Brooklyn. I'm about 1/2 way through. I started it before I got my Kindle and it kind of fell to the wayside, so I'm going to finish it before starting anything else on my list.

Work is incredibly WEIRD right now. Another house manager has stepped down. Another staff person in our house has quit...this one on their first real first day (not training). Crazy crazy crazy...soooooo, there may be some business opportunities on the horizon for me, whether I'm interested or not. We will see. Potentially, that would be almost doubling my paycheck. I haven't been interested in the slightest, since I've worked for the company, and I'm still really not interested in more duties and responsibilities, but the extra money would be nice.

I'm drinking a lovely cup of coffee and I'm going to get things picked up a little around here. It's not in terrible shape as I've done nothing but clean since everyone has been sick!! Just Bella's toys and of course, I have to sweep. Sweeping and mopping is a never-ending chore. Good thing I don't really mind it.

Friday, March 02, 2012

Book List

Books on the Agenda

The Game of Thrones (books 1,2,3)
A Thousand Splendid Suns
Reading Lolita in Tehran
Pigs in Heaven
A Widow for One Year
Rasputin's Daughter
Until I Find You
Life of Pi


Ahhhhhhh, I'm wearing one of two new bras. Nothing is poking or pinching or all stretched out. And it was an interesting story. My husband and I shop at Kohls enough that they send email deals fairly regular. I usually ignore them and never thought of buying my bras there, as I have always bought my bras at Macy's, during their buy 2 get one free sale. Kohls had a similar sale, buy one get one half off, and I discovered they carried my brands AND I had an additional 15% off coupon code, plus there would be free shipping if you spent $50. It gets interesting because the total without the 15% off was like $58, with Free shipping. With the 15% off, it brought the total below $50 and then they added $8 for shipping!!! Uh, not really a deal. So I checked the clearance rack and found the most adorable Paul Frank pajamas for Bella, added them to my shopping this is the best part, by buying MORE, it brought my total down to $52! Still qualified for the free shipping and I got those $30 pjs for Bella for just about $3! Anyway, I ordered them over a week ago and I'm just glad I am finally wearing a new bra.

I'm slowly returning to the and of the living. My stomach still has its moments, and the cold (allergies?) that I was dealing with before the stomach bug is still lingering...draining mostly, causing a tickly throat, dry cough, head/nose/ear congestion and LOTS of sneezing!!

Just watched a depressing infomercial from Feed the Children regarding starving children in America. Grateful for what we have. I'm also grateful my husband and I are both the kind of people who would work several jobs each to make ends meet if we had to. I don't understand people who don't work who could or should be working. Spare me the "nobody's hiring" spiel. My husband and I would take second jobs at a fast food place if we had to! He, with his MBA and me with my BS. I would have another job if I wasnt watching Bella for Kayla so she can work full time. Anyway...feel bad for the kids who have to go without because of their parents.

I have to sit down after any kind of exertion this morning. I know I'm dehydrated and have had little food the last few days but whatever I seem to get into me comes right back out. Guess it's back to sipping some green tea.

Thursday, March 01, 2012


So glad for March and SO glad that we didn't get any snow! There were some flakes but the melted on the rain soaked ground and then turned into all rain.

I found a quick way to drop some pesky pounds...severe intestinal virus. Feel like a new woman today but from 5:15 yesterday morning till 7:30 last night I was in great distress. Yes, that was how I spent my Leap Year...knew I hated that day for a reason! It has now gone through our entire household, so goodbye and good riddance. Highlights of the event were Zach wrapped up in his Yankee snuggie and couldn't get up fast enough...tons of blue raspberry slushy vomit everywhere! Oh well, bought him another day off from school, which he can't afford, but I can't send him till it's been 24 hours since he last puked. If other parents abided by the rule there may not be so much sickness around. What I hate most of all are the bizarre dreams and hallucinations. What a long day and night it was!

I'm currently nursing a 1/2 cup of coffee, as I chose wisely and had none yesterday but I had a headache from Hell because of it and I'm also drinking some green tea. Still not really feeling hungry yet.


  by jennluvsgable
, a photo by jennluvsgable on Flickr.

And Reading

  by jennluvsgable
, a photo by jennluvsgable on Flickr.

Just Being a Cutie

  by jennluvsgable
, a photo by jennluvsgable on Flickr.

Having Conversation

  by jennluvsgable
, a photo by jennluvsgable on Flickr.