Saturday, April 30, 2011


Could AT&Ts 3G on my iPad be any slower today??? I don't effing think so!

Bella is outside playing with her Aunt Hayley. I was sitting outside but the sun is behind some clouds right now. I slept ok. Got up and walked 3 miles. Had a little breakfast, took a shower, going tanning and then I guess I will head to work. I need my nails done but that won't happen till Tuesday. :(

Friday, April 29, 2011


What a nice day today!!! I love wearing shorts and flip flops! Wearing shorts tonight too! I sat in the sun for over an hour and went tanning. Those first few days in the real sun really make a difference in my tan! Plus I'm wearing my red shorts and that always makes me look darker anyway.

Headed out in a bit. Gonna be a busy weekend for me! :(


It is another gorgeous day in paradise. Loving the warm days. Loving the hot nights!

It would be super great if the plans for this evening were canceled. I just need to make it to Tuesday. My day off. Salve is over till fall, so that'll seem a bit like a vacation.

My husband and son are now addicted to Glee. I think that's awesome!

I have to get ready. Work 10-noon.

Thursday, April 28, 2011


It is Thursday. That is all I know about the date today.

I'm really not feeling well. I feel better than last night but that isn't saying much.

Tonight is the last Salve. I may or may not be with Tonya tomorrow night. I'm working 2nd thru the overnight on Saturday and Sunday. Good overtime for me. Two staff members are already losing ETO. After the next couple of weeks, I will top out as well. The money is good and really, I have to sleep anyway, so I might as well be getting time and a half while doing just that!

I'm hoping the sun peaks out today. I need a pick me up. It has been so foggy the last two days. Sunny up the road but foggy right here on the water. Grrrrr. There's definitely a downside living so close to the ocean. Especially when you love the sun!!!

I love my husband. More than my car. Even if he may not have felt like it last night so I'm sorry. (He's much more level headed in crises except for the time I had a flat tire and I had to hang up him.)

Wednesday, April 27, 2011


What a weird month this has been. I'm going to have some overtime next week as well. I really wish things would get settled. I have over 100 hours of earned time off. In another week, I could potentially take a month off and still get paid.

We slept with the windows open last night. It was 85 in Warwick yesterday afternoon when we were there. Looks like it'll be a repeat of last year...skip Spring and go directly to summer.

Staff meeting this morning and then errands with David. Tomorrow night is the last Salve till fall. Friday will be busy unless Tonya cancels.

Mitch bought me season one of Glee last night. He's so sweet.

Alrighty, gotta go get ready.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011


A day off. I really could use several of these in a row.

I'm going tanning today. Haven't been since Friday. I'm going to maybe go for a nice walk today. I haven't done that since Friday either.

Bella and I are going to take Allison and Lori around the areas they'll need to get familiar with if they're going to live here. Kayla works 1-close.

So there was this contest and they were giving away a new car...a Ford Festiva maybe? Or maybe Focus? Can't remember the particulars...anyway, EVERYONE'S comment on the prize, except for a few, was exactly what I was thinking! Ah, thanks but no thanks. What, no Dodge Omnis to give away? It is like winning a door prize and it being a new pair of Crocs. (Speaking of Crocs, my sister and I have successfully turned off my daughter to those horrid shoes so we can rest easy that Bella will not be subjected to those ugly things.) I almost got myself talked into a Vera bag, in my defense it was a cute pink print I could live with, but I saw so many old ladies walking around with Vera that I couldn't do it. Then my sister said, "No way, Jenn! Vera is the Croc of the bag world!" Definitely put things in perspective for me! ;) Gotta love my sister for saving me from a costly mistake.

Anyway, the contest was geared towards their middle to upper class clientele, which was what made the contest grand prize so laughable. You drive in there with a new BMW, but you can win a Ford Festiva! Awesome.

Monday, April 25, 2011


Today is going to be a long one. I cleaned the counter off this morning and swept the kitchen. Kayla will have to get the dishes done while I'm gone. The rest of the house is in good shape considering the food and people here yesterday.

Lori has her interview today, so good luck to her.

Gotta go get ready for work!

Sunday, April 24, 2011


We had a light version of Easter dinner today. Ham, potatoes, squash, stuffing and snack stuff. Birthday cake and ice cream tonight. Bella has been super cranky. She had 8 teeth already. Not sure what is going on. She shouldn't be getting the others yet for a few months.

The windows have been open all day so that's been nice. Right now we're listening to some tunes on Pandora. LOVE Pandora radio. I have lots of different stations and unlimited data on my phone so yay me! Plugged into speaker system and it sounds great!

Zach will be home soon. He had a great vacation in VA. Went to the Yankees game last night. He was so excited to see A-Rod's grand slam!!! He's on the train now headed to Kingston station. Hayley's headed back to school. Allison and Lori will be here around 7.

Busy day tomorrow! I have Tuesday off and the rest of the week should be pretty mild.

He is Risen!

Happy Easter!!! Let us not forget what today is truly about! I love my Jesus, Lord and gracious savior! (Even saving those of you claiming to be atheists, or agnostic, yet wishing everyone a Happy Easter on facebook. Oh, that's right, you're celebrating a 6 foot tall furry rabbit who happens to hide eggs.) He's truly gracious because I wouldn't waste my time saving you.

Saturday, April 23, 2011


Tomorrow is going to be a great day!!! 70+ degrees. Easter dinner. Bella's birthday party. Getting the camper ready for company. Cleaning up the yard a little.

Our friend Lori has an interview with my company on Monday. She will be here indefinitely. More than likely permanently if everything goes well during the interview. Allison will be arriving Monday and be staying for the week as well. Gonna get the fire pit cleaned up. Firewood stockpiled. Lawn chairs and our double chaise lounge strategically placed. Tiki torches up. Summer is here!!!

Mitch and I went to the beach last night. Can I just say how nice it is to be in such a gorgeous location? Solitary time at the beach, stars out, waves rolling in, some wine and our snuggies...perfect. I don't understand why people continue to live in anti-soul nurturing locales. Seriously. You can be poor anywhere. Why not pick somewhere beautiful and temperate?

Today I love all the possibilities life has to offer. I found some kayaks on sale. Just what I think my husband and I need. Some competitive equipment allowing us to do some real exploring. I really really want a paddle board. They are so expensive around here though. My friend Libby has a friend who has connections, so I'm waiting to see what kind of deal I could get. In town, it is like $100 just to RENT one! But this is Narragansett. Oh well, we have bigger priorites right now. The kayaks will be fun though! And cheap entertainment. Plus it'd give Zach and his girlfriend something to do.

Friday, April 22, 2011


I have the day off today. I'm going to take a nice shower. Take my time getting ready. Go tanning. Maybe sit outside for a bit. Grab the last few items I need for Easter dinner. I have a few errands to run so I will grab Hayley either on the way there or on the way home. Who knows.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

happy Birthday Bella!!!

Our sweet girl is one today! Her birthday party will be on Sunday. Today, she and I and Sierra are playing outside in the nice warm sun. A little breezy or we would definitely be at the beach! I'm in my lawn chair, Sierra is napping next to me and Bella is chasing Uncle Zach's basketball around and playing in the grass. I can't say enough how much this girl loves the outdoors!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011


Last year on this day Hayley and I were racing to Maine so we could be with Kayla when she had Annabella. I also got a lovely speeding ticket in Mass that I was in too much of a hurry to talk my way out of. My attitude was, if you're going to give me a ticket then just do it so I can continue on my way. Short ugly men have HUGE chips on their shoulders. Seriously.

Last year on this day, it was sunny and warm. A great day to have a baby! Bella was actually born a year ago tomorrow at the sunrise. Speaking of warm, today I'm going to dig out my summer gear. Next week will be warm enough for skirts, shorts and tank tops. Gotta find my bathing suits too as I hope to lay in the sun when I can next week.

Workwise, this week has been a huge relief. So far, not alot of driving and no extra shifts on top of my already 44 hours. Next week everything goes back to normal so it'll seem like a vacation!!!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Great Day!!!

What a perfect day off! It is so warm outside even if it is cloudy. Alexis came at 9:30. Picked up Bella and took her to her house. I got gas, went to the grocery store and bought the stuff I needed to make one of my husband's favorite meals, spinach and cheese quiche. Rented Yogi Bear while I was out. Came home and scrubbed the shower clean. Also tackled the stove. Two of my least favorite household chores. Took a nice bath and shaved my legs. I went tanning and finally picked up Bella. We came home and she walked from the car to the steps, while I brought our gear into the house and then she and I played outside for about a half hour.

Now I'm going to settle in and watch the movie and relax a little while the kiddo plays.


I have a day off! Kind of. Alexis was supposed to watch Bella today to give me a break since it is April vacation, but who knows. I'm not banking on her showing up. If she does, great, otherwise Bella and I will clean the house today. It is warm but drizzly out there and I think it is going to stay that way.

Watched Tangled last night. Very cute.

I'm hoping for a pretty unexciting day. Tuesdays are my tech-free days. Kind of. Obviously I'm blogging right now. From about 9-4, I ignore my email, blogs and other online time sucks. I DO listen to my iTunes on either my iPad, laptop or iPod. I ignore all phone calls/texts except from my husband and kids. The tv is off. Bella loves to listen to music. It does wonders on your stress levels. Quite like my beach days because my phone has major delays in texting when I'm at Scarborough Beach, on the other side of the road. This side, I drop calls but texting is usually ok. (Point Judith beach is one of the few places I get absolute perfect reception.). Of course I will keep my phone close to catch any cute photo opps of Bella that come my way. Pics are so much easier to post from my phone than the old school way of using a digital.

Alrighty, some baby wants my attention.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Just Maybe...

It is looking like after Easter our schedules will go back to normal at work. Back to 35-38 hours. One staff is still out. One isn't coming back but we hired three new ones and we are all trying really hard to help them work out. 52 hours last week for me. So this should be my last crazy week. Please please, let it be so.

My husband is incredibly cute and I love him very much! I don't tell him nearly enough how great I think he is.

So I'm going to read my Bible for a bit, cuddle with an adorable baby and then off to work I go!

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Happy Saturday

I'm still very sleepy this morning. I'm feeling a bit snippy so I'm going to make the decision to keep my thoughts to myself as much as possible.

I'm going to work on the menu for the week. I haven't done one for about 2 weeks. Lots of fast food and pizza sneaked its way in. Really though, the last 2 weeks have been that kind of crazy. Time to get back on track.

Friday, April 15, 2011


Our taxes are done to the pleasure and utmost satisfaction of Uncle Sam. Me? Not so much. Paying in again! But in the big scheme of things? I have an amazing love affair going on with my husband, when we're not exhausted that is. We are fit, healthy and good looking. And yes that IS important. We each have a lovely vehicle. Food to eat. A roof over our heads. Simply glorious and breathtaking views in our town. A wonderful dog. A family that loves us. Supreme joy in being able to watch and help Bella grow up. And jobs that only make us miserable some of the time.

Today is a nice sunny day. I sat outside for a bit, drinking my coffee and reading my Bible. I then went tanning and got my nails done here in town. That frees me up for a Sunday of enjoyment without necessarily being on a schedule. We have to pick up the baby's year old pics at Target. Stop at Savers. And then pretty much just relax.

Next Friday, I have to get Easter basket stuff for Bella. New sneakers for her. We're having her birthday party on Easter since that way we all have the day off. This week, I hope to get a ham, and fixings for dinner. Birthday cake and ice cream for dessert. I'd like to be in Maine on Easter, but our schedules just aren't leaving a lot of room or energy for travel.

Thursday, April 14, 2011


So this month is cruising right along.

I'm beginning the slow process of recovering mentally and emotionally after the ridiculously busy month on March. Work, watching Bella and coordinating everyone's schedules. Driving, driving, and more driving. Almost 1700 miles last month for work alone. And I never left the state. The smallest state of this great US. That is saying something.

It is going to be around 70 today and I'm stating to see more blue than grey, so this is most welcome. Shower is done. Going tanning and then off to work. I can not wait till Sunday. I am getting my nails done.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Feeling Pretty Darn Okay


I think my husband may have done some praying for me today because my day went entirely smoothly. Bella and I cleaned, though right now, it does look like a bomb went off, thank you Bella. She slept for just about an hour after dancing and singing with me. I woke her up at one hour because we were going to have to do some driving today and I wanted to drive with Bella not Grumblina. She was perfect the whole way. Slept for about another 30 minutes. Now we are home and she's playing and making a mess. She will be all ready for bed around 7:30 or 8pm.

Surprisingly I'm not really stressed about work anymore either. It'll either work out or I will move on. I can honestly see myself living with either option! I will sleep well tonight!


This is going to be a quick post. I'm super stressed about work. Trying to just not stress and roll with it and give it to God but it is so difficult this time. I literally slept maybe three whole hours last night. I was so grateful when it was time to get up. My husband has been great. My bosses have been great. Human Resources has been a nightmare.

Today I am going to just enjoy. I'm watching Bella today. Zach has a golf match if it isn't rained out. Kayla works till 10 tonight, so Bella will be mine 10-10. I'm going to ignore the phone, except to text with my husband, stay off the computer and keep the tv off. Bella and I are just going to play. I might get a chance to clean a little. She loves to "help" and will sit with the broom. She's getting a little cleaning set for her birthday since she's so helpful! Speaking of birthday, her's is coming up quickly! 9 days to be exact! If you ask her what a dog says, she does a little woof. If you ask her what a cow says, she does a little woof! Haha. She will make the "m" sound when you say moo. She can also say "ack ack" when you say quack quack. She loves loves loves to be sung to and really enjoys when Hayley and I play Glee karaoke on the Wii. After, she sits on the floor in front of the tv holding the mic. She can wave bye, give a high five, working on the exploding fist bump, play peekaboo, patty cake, itsy bitsy spider, and this little piggy. She babbles constantly and loves when you talk to her like you know what she's saying! She understands way more than her speech indicates. Her nicknames are Bella-boo, Boo Boo, and Grumblina when she's cranky. Pretty much right on target for a very soon to be one year old! Walks, beginning to talk, eats real food, drinks from a sippy cup, still has a few bottles but is being weaned, does NOT use a pacifier and sleeps through the night!

Saturday, April 09, 2011

Best News of Today?

I sat in the sun! Yay! I was too lazy to go inside and grab my bathing suit so I just laid out with my shorts and bra...haha...I was in the backyard so big whoop! It still felt slightly naughty, even though my bra probably covers more than my bikini! ;)

Loves Her Doggie

Loves Her Doggie by jennluvsgable
Loves Her Doggie, a photo by jennluvsgable on Flickr.

Sierra just got done licking Bella's face, hence the hairdo.

Not Again!

Not Again! by jennluvsgable
Not Again!, a photo by jennluvsgable on Flickr.

She just cracks me up!!!


Last night was a long night! Couldn't wait to head home and get in my comfy bed! Getting my nails done tomorrow. Maybe a trip to Savers.

I have a little tornado. Her name is Bella. Yesterday, she went on a rampage in my bedroom for only about 5 minutes. I got her cornered and said, "There's no where to hide, you little animal!" So she covered her eyes with her hands! The funniest and cutest thing ever! I love that you can really play with her now. She's getting to the fun ages.

Friday, April 08, 2011


I don't feel as blah as I did yesterday, so that's something. I'm awake incredibly early this morning thanks to individuals who shall remain nameless. They know who they are!!

Finally supposed to hit the 70 mark next week. It only hit 70 ONCE in March this year.

I'm 2/3 done with Voyager. Not exactly what I'd call pacing myself!!!

The Internet could not possibly get any more boring, could it?

So I've come up with a list of requirements for my vacation.
I refuse to drive. The end.
I will do nothing but eat, swim, drink, tan, or read. Okay, sex is allowed I guess, assuming my husband is coming with.
Pretty easy to please, huh?
There will be minimal cell phone contact, emergencies only or checking on Sierra and Bella.
NO INTERNET...which will be tricky because my phone has Internet.

Thursday, April 07, 2011

Vata Dosha

Yeah, I'm out of whack! My vata dosha is imbalanced. Funny how different religions and/or medicines have have different names for the same thing! To pretty much sum this up quickly: I'm stressed out!!

Too much work or too little work=stress for me
Too much exercise or too little exercise=stress for me
Irregular eating habits=stress
Irregular sleep habits=stress
Stress AT work=stress for me
Unresolved tensions in my relationships=stress
Lots of city/busy highway driving=stress
A perceived long winter=stress
Teenaged children and one on the way out=stress
New baby in the house=stress
Aging grandparents and parents=stress
Money pit hellhole of a house=STRESS
Moving in a few months=stress
Buying another new vehicle=stress

Stressed out me=tired eyes, dry skin, anxiety, more sleep trouble, irritability, desire to run away, resentment of feeling forced to deal with others' drama, faulty perceptions, and really excited about the thought of the world ending.

I need a vacation and going home is NOT what I consider a vacation.


Diana Gabaldon's Voyager is great!!! I'm about a quarter of the way through it. Voyager is book three of the Outlander novels. I'm trying to pace myself because they are so good and before I know it, the series will be all read and Claire and Jamie will just become good friends that I don't see anymore.

This week has been so bizarre. I have not felt settled or at home in my own skin for the duration. I just need some distance between me and work, between me and family, between me and friends. I'm pretty certain once I can get outside and enjoy the spring, all will be well again.

Wednesday, April 06, 2011


I'm going to enjoy my day off even if it kills me! I do have a meeting 3-5 but other than that I'm going to read! It looks truly beautiful outside but it'll only be about 60 and I can already hear the wind. Not exactly a "read outside" kind of day.

I have never been so desperate for a day at the beach.

I can't believe it is already almost 9. My mind is just spinning. I'm hoping that reading will slow it down some. I feel as if I've fallen down the rabbit hole.

JIF Out of stock everywhere!

In a related story to the last post, millions of men have flocked to grocery stores all over the world to buy JIF peanut butter. Word spread quickly of JIF's power to get men "lucky". JIF has upped production of its creamy peanut butter to keep up with demand, and peanut farmers everywhere are smiling. There is talk of a new slogan "Who needs dinner and a movie when you can get lucky in a JIF!". The Trojan company has contacted the peanut butter company in hopes of some dual packaging possibilities.

Tuesday, April 05, 2011


My husband bought Jif!
Somebody's getting lucky tonight!!!


Grrrrrr! Today feels as if it should be a Monday.

Aside from work being crazy busy right now, there's internal stuff going on within the company, raising suspicion and has everyone walking on eggshells. A 30-year employee was just fired last week.

I think the gas prices have people losing their dang minds. Seriously, you're spending what, $20 extra maybe per tank, like really? This is worth the extra craziness? I mean, don't get me wrong, I would rather spend that money on something for me, but if twenty extra dollars is this important to you, you have bigger problems and might consider getting a secondary job.

Whatever whatever. My friend Elaine lost her mom yesterday. I feel horribly for her, as she couldn't get back home to England in time to say goodbye. She in fact won't fly out till Thursday.

Poor Bella has her very first cold! :( She has done well. Not even a sniffle during her last 11 months. She has a runny, snotty nose, low fever that comes and goes and runny eyes. She didn't sleep well last night I guess. She just looks at you pathetically and wants you to cuddle with her. This is how I know she's sick, as she only wants to cuddle when she's teething or now this. We're just keeping an eye on her for now because the cold can turn into an ear infection or lung issue all to quickly, as this seasoned Mommy has learned. I know she was bound to get sick and this is actually good for her immune system but it is much harder when you're the Nonni and not the Mommy! It physically pains me to think she has to suffer any ounce of pain in her life and I would take a million times the pain if it meant she never had to have any!

Monday, April 04, 2011

Yep Yep It's a Monday

Supposed to rain today and tomorrow. Can't say I mind. I'm in a foul mood. Have been since yesterday.

The bright spots of my day will include coffee, Bella and my wonderful husband who puts up with me. I'm working today but there will be lots of downtime so I hope to get some reading done. I finished book two and started book three yesterday before my nap. I slept for just about am hour yesterday afternoon and it was nice. Usually with naps, I sleep too long and unless I'm way behind in sleep, it'll mess up my schedule.

Watched Due Date twice last night. It was funny and predictable...just what I needed. After today, the rest of my schedule should be pretty light. Should be.

Sunday, April 03, 2011

Spring Cleaning Part 2

First I have to make note of the fact that I am currently, albeit briefly, ALL ALONE!! Kayla is working. Zach is playing basketball at the park with friends. Hayley took Bella for a walk to the park. Mitch went to the store for me. I needed shower cleaner, a new dustpan and stuff for dinner this evening. I literally can not remember the last time I was completely alone.

Back to Spring Cleaning 2011. Floors scrubbed, bleached, steam mopped, swept, vacuumed even. Tables and shelves dusted. Couches vacuumed and febreezed. Curtains should be washed and rehung but not sure if I will get to that today. Bathroom tackled. Just waiting on the shower cleaner. Candles lit.

After the bathroom, I will make some lunch, drink some wine and quite possibly just do nothing. Maybe I will read.

Saturday, April 02, 2011


Today's my grandfather's birthday. The 2nd without him.

Looking at Bella is like looking at my own bratty self in the mirror! She's the one who was wished on me because my kids were perfect babies! She's perfect BUT opinionated, defiant, loud, daredevelish, and never stops moving!!! I do love having a mini me.

The weather is going to be beautiful today and tomorrow and actually most of next week! Hello spring! Nice to finally see you!

So glad we didn't get snow. So glad. Not sure when I will visit Maine now. Who the heck wants to leave spring to go back to winter? Supposed to go up for Elaine's show. Who knows.

Gotta go pick up Hayley. She's watching Bella so the rest of us can work today. Thank God for Aunt Hayley!

Friday, April 01, 2011

Yes this is me upon waking


I have about as big of a smile as I can give upon first waking up in the morning, which if you know me, isn't really a "smile" but a hahahahahaha so glad I didn't wake up to snow!!! And I actually slept until 9.

I'm going to enjoy my day off and relax, clean, and cook.