Saturday, December 27, 2008


Originally uploaded by jennluvsgable
We are in Maine. Our second night in our hotel. We spent the day shopping and dined with Mitch's parents this evening. We came back to the hotel to open more presents. YAY!!!

My Debi

My Debi
Originally uploaded by jennluvsgable
Out to dinner last night with the Debster

Good Times Good Friends

Kayla Riding to Maine

Kayla Riding to Maine
Originally uploaded by jennluvsgable

Mitch Driving to Maine

Me Riding to Maine

Me Riding to Maine
Originally uploaded by jennluvsgable

Sierra Girl Going to Maine


Originally uploaded by jennluvsgable

My Precious

My Precious
Originally uploaded by jennluvsgable

Us Christmas Morning

Us Christmas Morning
Originally uploaded by jennluvsgable


Originally uploaded by jennluvsgable

Christmas Exhaustion

Christmas Exhaustion
Originally uploaded by jennluvsgable

Zach Playing

Zach Playing
Originally uploaded by jennluvsgable

Mitch Rocking American Idol


Originally uploaded by jennluvsgable

First Pic with New Camera

Kayla Christmas Morning

Hayley Christmas Morning

Zachie's New Fender

Zachie's New Fender
Originally uploaded by jennluvsgable

Zach Loved It!

Zach Loved It!
Originally uploaded by jennluvsgable

My Guitar Hero

My Guitar Hero
Originally uploaded by jennluvsgable

Present #1

Present #1
Originally uploaded by jennluvsgable

Present #2

Present #2
Originally uploaded by jennluvsgable

Christmas Ham Disaster 2008

Our Homemade Gingerbread House

Sleepy Heads

Sleepy Heads
Originally uploaded by jennluvsgable

We Had a Snowstorm!!!

We Had a Snowstorm!!!
Originally uploaded by jennluvsgable

Our House with Snow

Our House with Snow
Originally uploaded by jennluvsgable
It is all gone now, but proof that we had snow!!!

My Dog

My Dog
Originally uploaded by jennluvsgable

My Man

My Man
Originally uploaded by jennluvsgable

The Beginning Stages

The Beginning Stages
Originally uploaded by jennluvsgable

Zach's Snow Igloo

Zach's Snow Igloo
Originally uploaded by jennluvsgable

Friday, December 19, 2008

December 19, 2008

We bought Zach's new electric guitar today. The snow storm isn't supposed to hit until will start out light and then by 3PM it is supposed to get very heavy. Like 1-2 inches per hour I guess, from 3-8PM. Can't wait!

I will hopefully get some good pics of the storm. I bought some yummy good stuff so we can ride out the storm. Rented Stepbrothers and Prince Caspian. Bought a game called Sequence Dice in case we lose power. Bought three snow brick makers so we can make snow forts and have a snowball fight! We've located the shovel because I will have to be out of my driveway at 8 AM tomorrow morning.

Now all I need to get is a few things for Kayla, Hayley's sewing machine and the stocking stuffers. Christmas will then be DONE. I still have one more shipment expected that I will need to pick up at the post office. It should have been there today, but it wasn't, so hopefully tomorrow. If not, I will begin panicking by Monday!

Other than that, I am grouchy. I didn't sleep enough last night and I am not as energetic as I would like to be today. I should probably take a nap but I know it will screw me up for sleeping tonight and then I'll want a nap every afternoon. It is better if I can hold out until bedtime!

Thursday, December 18, 2008


Wellllll,Mitch came home early today and we went and bought the tv this afternoon. LOVE IT!

Only 6 More Posts!

Only six more until my 2000th post. Exciting! Not really!

I am still working on my book review. Not as easy as one would think! I kind of feel like I am writing a 5th grade book report.

I am home. Waiting for tomorrow to get here. We're supposed to get some snow. They are calling the lot of it "ocean enhanced," my guess is that is their way of equating it to lake effect snow. Typically, living on the coast as we do, we get little to no snow. The winds are changing direction for this storm though, and it looks like we might get what I wished for. If it heads a little north or even a little south, we're only going to get rain and freezing rain. It needs to hold steady and keep moving in the line headed this way! Aside from getting the tv tomorrow, and a few odds and ends, I have nowhere to be, so let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!

I am getting this new tv because everyone I know has plasmas now and I don't. I am not worried about this whole analog-digital tv crisis as I have cable and everyone I knows has cable, too. Do people really even use rabbit ears anymore? My point of all this is that all the talk is creating a mad tv craze and I will be ticked off if I go get our tv tomorrow only to find them all sold out! The one I want does indeed happen to be sold out online. Thankfully we're surrounded by like 5 Walmarts, so I should get lucky. Especially if it snows and most people stay home! When I think about it, I am actually surprised we have a tv since we can watch whatever shows we want right online now and can watch plenty of movies online as well and have episodes and movies right on your iPod. The tv might very well go by the way of landlines. I think the television's saving grace is that the new technology allows for the them to double as computer monitors. So maybe cable tv might be what becomes obsolete, except for the fact cable does have quite a market hold on providing internet. The television of my future will be a large wall mount that allows for me to access my email right from bed, using a handheld for typing and web browsing. I can watch traditional television, blue rays or access my shows or movies via internet or iTunes, plus have access to any podcasts or audio book downloads. I am sure most of this is already available that is why is said the television of MY future.

Anyway, I am hoping hoping hoping for a little puppy under my tree. Compared to the television, a little puppy is about as uncomplicated as life can get these days!

On a different note, does it even seem like Christmas will be here in less than a week? I started getting into the spirit right around Thanksgiving and yet it still seems to have flown by! It seems like there needs to be another week or two. I can recall times in years past of feeling so sick of Christmas music and crowds and long lines but this year seems different. I have that familiar anticipation again, like I did when I was a child. Christmas was so fun when I was a kid. It was fun when the kids were little, but I was way too stressed to enjoy it. I wanted my kids to have what their peers had so they didn't feel left out and would knock myself out trying to provide for that. This year, I gave myself more time. I also made a decision to enjoy every moment of it and not wish it to hurry on by. The last few years, I absolutely hated Christmas. It is such a depressing time of the year when you are alone and your kids go off to their dad's and you just can't wait until it is all over. When God gave me Mitch, He also gave me Christmas back.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

December 17, 2008

Glad my work week is over! Blah! Anything that could go wrong, did, and for some reason, people told me about it like 1. I could do anything about it and like 2. I had anything possibly to do with it! It seems like the harder I try to just mind my own business and take care of what I need to do and only worry about what I need to do, and let others do the same, more people are wondering why I've suddenly stopped picking up the slack. Or expecting that because I've picked up the slack in the past, it has become MY responsibility. I go to work, do my job and just want to come home. I will be glad when I get back to work in grad school.

However, it seems so selfish to complain when there are so many without a job and so many that are really struggling with the economy. I have a good paying job and it seems like that job is secure for as long as I want it, Mitch has an okay paying job and has good benefits and job security. We have two vehicles, an affordable roof over our head, plenty of money for Christmas, health insurance, a safe neighborhood, our wonderful church family, and a loving God that has abundantly provided for us this year. The kids and Sierra have full bellies and all the love we can provide. Mitch and I are madly in love even though our schedules makes us bicker sometimes. At least we're bickering because we WANT to be together all the time. All in all, this is a good life and one that I need to remember to always be thankful for.

It looks like South County Rhode Island might be getting a good old fashioned snow storm on Friday!!! So far we have NO snow. This would make me so very happy! The only thing that does not excite me is that I have to pick up the plasma on Friday. While I am prepared for any kind of snow, having grown up in Maine, and currently in possession of a good 4X4, I am not so crazy being on the road with my highly prized Plasma with drivers not familiar with driving in these conditions!

This blog is 4 years old this month! I've been through a lot of changes.

My very good friend from college is having another baby! I am so happy for her.

Monday, December 15, 2008


I think I am going to head out early Friday morning and pick up Mitch's BIG gift! I might need to borrow the minivan that day. He's looking for Zach's guitar and amp. I will also pick up Hayley's sewing machine this week. A jacket for Kayla and I think I am done except for some movies and odds and ends to buy. There may be one more thing I buy Mitch and Zach...the perfect pull-up bar. I bought Mitch the perfect push up thingys so I think they might like this too. I have my recumbent bike and we'll probably get an elliptical and a rower. Our next house is going to have a gym. I want a wall of mirrors in it and a tv for my exercise videos. Eventually we'll get something like a bowflex too. It is so much easier staying in shape in the summer, with all the swimming we do.

I am so excited for Mitch to open his presentsssss!! I ordered two personalized Christmas items this year. They are supposed to be here before Christmas...I am hoping they do because one is for the is an ornament that says "A Perfect Pair" and our names and wedding date and another is a porcelain Santa figure reading/writing his Christmas list and all the names on the list are of our family and Sierra! I definitely see it as something my grandkids will enjoy seeing thru the years. I want to start a tradition of buying Mitch a new ornament every year that he opens on Christmas Eve. Eventually, we'll have amassed all kinds of ornaments that are unique and special to us and when we're gone, they will be a piece of us on our kids' and grandkids' trees. My hope and prayer is that each one of them finds a love as special as ours.

Things I've asked for that I may or may not receive are:

a shark steam mop
a new cutting board
a red tea kettle
American Idol Encore edition
a new puppy
anything from Hickory Farms
any kind of gift card
Yankee candles

I really really really don't want to work tomorrow. I have to wait for Christmas for my vacation! :(

Happy Birthdy DEBI!!!

We miss you! We'll see you on the 26th!

So we had a lovely time at my sister's house. Zach and Grace played all afternoon. Grace just loves him to pieces! Loves Uncle Mitch, too! Charlie is such a sweet sweet baby! It was a great time catching up and we all had pizza for dinner. We definitely need more visits like this one!

My cousin Jamie is pregnant! Congrats!

So funny that my niece has nicknamed Hayley "Waggy Debbie"...not sure where this has come from but it was funny. "Come on Waggy Deb, let's go play!" And Gracie calls Zach "Zack-a-wee" or Wacky Zachie. Too cute for an almost 3 year old!

Zachie Geocaching

Zachie Geocaching
Originally uploaded by jennluvsgable


Originally uploaded by jennluvsgable
Yes they both need haircuts!

Mitch & I done Geocaching for the day!

We still didn't find it!

View of Cruise Ship from our Town

Our Tree

Our Tree
Originally uploaded by jennluvsgable
After it was first completed, without all the presents underneath.

Christmas Countdown!

Christmas Countdown!
Originally uploaded by jennluvsgable
Love this!

Our New Stockings

Our New Stockings
Originally uploaded by jennluvsgable

Our House

Our House
Originally uploaded by jennluvsgable
Mitch did a nice job!

Our Tree

Our Tree
Originally uploaded by jennluvsgable
Blurry because I wanted a pic without the flash, BUT I love how the lights reflect off the hardwood floor!

Uncle Mitch & Charlie

Uncle Mitch & Charlie
Originally uploaded by jennluvsgable

Chip, Grace & Zach

Chip, Grace & Zach
Originally uploaded by jennluvsgable


Originally uploaded by jennluvsgable
Such a sweet face!

Hayley, Zach & Grace

Hayley, Zach & Grace
Originally uploaded by jennluvsgable

Saturday, December 13, 2008

December 13, 2008

I took my baby boy driving tonight. He did very very well. I would say a 95 out of 100, if he were being tested. Not bad for his first time driving. He was pretty excited.

SO glad I have the next few days off. I can chill on Monday.

Tonight is pizza rolls, sweet potato fries and some yummy homemade chex mix and hopefully It's a Wonderful Life, if it is on!

Friday, December 12, 2008


I am literally just getting home from a whole day of shopping with the kids! We're wrapping gifts now. Craziness! FINALLY found the charging station that I wanted to get Mitch. It is wrapped under my tree. Got some more odds and ends for the kids and got my nails done. We picked up the CUTEST Calvin Klein baby layette set for my nephew for his gift this weekend. So sweet! Zach picked him out this adorable Hurley skateboard hoodie also because he doesn't want his baby cousin dressing like a weenie or too girlie. I have to say, he has a point and some of the baby boy stuff is way girlie! I did not dress Zach that way. We also picked out an AquaDoodle for my niece. My sister said she didn't have one yet and I can't wait to try it myself! I almost bought one for me two Christmases ago! We bought a nice frame for Kayla's senior picture for my sister. I am sure she will love it because Kayla is one of her most favorite people!

I am exhausted and excited about visiting my sister in Connecticut this weekend.

Are You Kidding ME???

Okay, there is snow down south, snow in Texas, snow up north, but 60 degrees here in my little state of Rhode Island. Lots of rain today and definitely some flooding going on.

I am missing the SNOW!!!

Off to do some shopping on my day off. I'm going to check out plasmas and get my nails done. Also find something for my niece and nephew for this weekend.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Lazy Day

I am just about done shopping for Mitch for Christmas. I still need to get him a valet-type charging station for his cell phone, iPod, my nano or phone, etc. I've been looking at several and I like the 4-6 outlet varieties. I am so tired of wires and keys and messes all over the dresser. This should help a bit to stay organized. I might get a 3 outlet one for the kitchen in the future, as the kids each have cell phones and iPods that are always in various stages of charging.

I also need to get him a plasma for the living room. That will be more of a family gift. That also means I will be getting rid of our current tv in the living room. Too big for the bedrooms really and all the bedrooms already have tvs. We are also upgrading the bedroom tvs to LCD models this year. I was going to just toss it even though it is still a good tv, but when I mentioned that to Mavis, she was like, DO NOT THROW ANYTHING WAY WITHOUT CONSULTING ME FIRST!!! She always knows somebody who needs something.

I dropped off two full bags of gently used clothing at the drop-off box. I have another bag of very nice items that were hard for me to part with, but that I honestly NEVER wear, and I can't justify the space those items are taking up in my closet. So I will be bringing that bag with me to Maine and give to Shannon. It also makes space for any new items I might want to pick up!

December 11, 2008

Whenever I read all my friends' blogs I can't help think but how witty and exciting they are and how fun their lives must be. My blog is so boring to me.

Mitch is out of town until Sunday. Recruiting for the team. There are times when I really hate his job. The kids and I are going to Connecticut this weekend to visit my sister and niece and baby nephew. This will no doubt be the only time I see them for the holiday. That also happens to be another thorn in my side. I wish we had a better relationship. She lives an hour away and I've seen her only two or three times since we moved here. Honestly she can be one of the most difficult people I know and has so many "chips on her shoulders" that it can be overwhelming for me at times. I am sure she thinks I am equally difficult. A regular Cain and Abel story I guess. My three are not like that. They bicker but they love spending time together. It wasn't always like this with my sister and I. When my three were little, we seemed to have a better relationship, albeit short-lived I guess. I am much closer to my brothers. My sister isn't close to anyone. Always the outsider, even when the 4 of us were young. I don't like to blog about it because really it can be hard to be objective in matters such as these and I really don't want to be unfair. There are two sides to every story. She is so unwilling to see the changes in my brothers or I, though and that is so frustrating to us. To her, we will always be her unfair siblings, always getting more attention, always getting more love, more money, more presents, more 'fill-in-the-blank'. My brothers have essentially written her off until further notice. I continue to try. Not that I am any kind of martyr. I have been blessed/cursed with an effective and bitter tongue and can cut someone down to size quickly and effectively and I am happy with the work God has done in me in curbing that. Things I could and sometimes would like to say to her, would makes things irreconcilable.

So pray the kids and I have a safe trip and pray that we have an enjoyable time and can have a (Happy) memorable visit with my new nephew.

My work week is almost over. Only two hours added to my schedule. Next week, there should be no extra. Christmas plans are finally squared away. Our tree is gorgeous. I am really pleased. Mitch did the outside lights last night. They came out nice too. I will try to get pics of it all this weekend.

Monday, December 08, 2008

December 8, 2008

I am feeling a bit better. Quite a few of my ornaments/holiday decorations were destroyed as we discovered yesterday. Most were irreplaceable. The very special ones I've since put away in a much safer place and I doubt I will use them on the tree in the future. BUT there is some good in this. My son pointed out that change is good and this will be the first year that I've done things a bit different. I so don't like change when it comes to my Christmas tree!!! I went to bed feeling like it wasn't even Christmas, but I bought a new tree skirt (also destroyed) and I have packed away my personal Christmas stocking. My grandmother made it for me when I was born and thankfully it wasn't destroyed. Zach's unfortunately was. My grandmother made the kids' stockings as well. This year, I bought Mitch and I some really nice matching ones and there were some cute football music playing stockings at Walmart, so I think that is what we'll get the younger three. The girls can still use theirs, if they want of course. They might want me to pack theirs away for safe keeping too. I also found some great sales on Holiday decor today! Like half off on most items. So I bought an adorable Christmas penguin cookie jar and it is now filled to the brim with cookies!

I finished up Kayla's shopping (I think). All we need to get her now is her iPod nano. Zach is just about done. He has a few items that are being still being shipped, as are some of Mitch's. And we still have to get him an electric guitar and amp. Hayley needs her sewing machine, patterns, cloth, and sewing accessories. I am going to a craft store today after I get the kids from school because we're going to make some ornaments tonight to help replace some of the ones we lost. While I am there, I will pick up patterns for Hayley. I was only going to pick up a small amount of cloth for her, that I KNOW she will like, to get her started, and then a gift card so she can actually pick out material that she wants.

I've been looking online today at baby stuff. I found the stroller that I want! It is from Land of Nod. 2009 UPPAbaby Vista Stroller...price tag $ Walmart strollers for my baby! The UPPAbaby Vista is like the SUV of the stroller world. It's rugged and good looking. It's ready to take on everything from city streets to suburban sidewalks. Handsome, lightweight and functional.

• Made by UPPAbaby
• Made with aluminum alloy (used in aircrafts) to keep stroller exceptionally light
• Bassinet fully lined with organic soybean fiber and cotton
• Fully welded and formed alloy frame provides more control than plastic can
• Telescoping one-touch handle height adjustment for parent's comfort
• Folds and stands in one motion with or without the seat attached
• Pram and reversible seat mode
• Three position seat angle adjustment
• Interchangeable bassinet and seat come ready to attach (no fabric changing)
• Elevated seat and bassinet height brings parents closer to baby
• Features high performance extra wide aluminum spoke wheels, rubber coated tires that never go flat, shock absorbing front and rear suspension and a floating arch "no kick" rear axle
• Red/Green successful attachment indicator
• Full size storage basket and convenient cell phone pocket
• Removable, machine washable fabric
• Includes weather shield, mesh sunshade, bug cover and pop-out SPF 50 canopy extension providing 30% more sun coverage
• 1680 denier fabric
• Stroller weight: 18.75 lbs.
• Newborn to 50 lbs.

Nice HUH?? I also like the Stokke® Sleepi™ System 1 oval shaped crib. Can't wait can't wait can't wait!!!

What The...

Okay, today's high is supposed to be 27 degrees. Wednesday's high is supposed to be 60 degrees. Can we pick a temp and stick with it???

I got my tree picked up, brought home, up and decorated. I will post pics later. I will be headed off to do some shopping with my list in hand. I'm feeling good about my list! We got a little dusting of snow yesterday morning so it was a perfect time heading out to get the tree. There is nothing better than picking out a tree when it is snowing. Seeing as how it didn't snow here last year, it was a BIG thing to me!

Saturday, December 06, 2008

Friday, December 05, 2008

Christmas Shopping

I love shopping online. Not only do you get exclusive online items at, you don't have to sort thru clothes finding the right size, which is what I end up doing when I am buying for Mitch and Zach. The girls are happy with a Gap gift card and I like to try on my stuff but it really is great for shopping for the guys! LOVE it! is being a pain however. The site is speedy until I get to checkout mode. If it is going to take this long for a page to load, I am not putting my credit card number on there to hang in the wind. I will unfortunately have to make the trip in to buy the item at the store OR just give my business to Walmart.

Today I am cleaning my house on my day off. It was disastrous! But my laundry is done. With the exception of one more load of offs and ends that didn't seem to make its way into the sorting process.

Thursday, December 04, 2008


I have so much to say about my pastor and a recent news article, more so about the some 350 online comments...I don't necessarily agree with my pastor on EVERY angle, and I am not even going to discuss that whole can of worms at this time, other than to say his comments were made in HIS CHURCH. The media came to him. He was not picketing, harassing or getting in anybody's face, however, I feel so compelled to shut up some of the ignorant people that feel the need to spout off things they don't have references and citations to back up. Not to mention the major grammatical and spelling errors in their postings. Please people, if you are going to publicly comment on a news article or write an editorial, the least you can do is use some kind of spell checker. Instead of having an intelligent and thoughtful conversation to discuss the issue and try to come up with a resolution of some kind or even an 'agree to disagree' resolution, the best you can come up with is slander and insults. WOW!

I will leave you with this:

Matthew 12:36-37 (New International Version)
"But I tell you that men will have to give account on the day of judgment for every careless word they have spoken. For by your words you will be acquitted, and by your words you will be condemned."

***Almost done my book and my book review will probably be written by this weekend. I can't believe I am actually writing book reviews!

Oh Oh...and one more thing, if you don't even believe in God, then He can't be responsible for all the ills of the world.

December 4, 2008

SOOOOO, OMGoodness! I am in a fog. A 23.5 hours of overtime induced fog! The extra money will be nice for Christmas so I am trying to remind myself of that when times get stressful.

My sister had her baby boy Monday night (I think...remember my fog). I'm not even sure what I did last night. Everything keeps blurring together!

My niece Gabby will be having a birthday on the 6th and my mother on the 7th.

There was other news but I can't seem to remember. I am going shopping this weekend and also decorating our tree this weekend.

Sunday, November 30, 2008

November 30, 2008

Again with the overtime! Funny how when you're not looking for it, you have an abundance! I am picking up 11 hours of overtime this week. My Christmas shopping purse is not complaining! This past week's overtime was also helpful for getting me out of the house while Mitch's kids were here. I am usually okay for a weekend. 5 days is a bit much. It has been quite awhile since I've had to deal with whining and fighting over any and everything. And no, when Mitch and I have one more, I still won't have to deal with that because really, a baby and three teenagers won't have anything to fight about. Not to mention, Kayla will be in college in the fall and Hayley will be college the following fall. Zachie will be 15 in May...BOOOOO!!!! I so did not want him to ever grow up! Honestly, it isn't fun having the girls grow up either, but with Kayla, being the first, you are always pushing them to the next step. Rolling over, sitting up, crawling, walking, potty training, moving out of the crib, going to kindergarten, losing teeth, riding a bike, middle school, high school, driving and now college!!! It is so exciting! With Zach, I am happy to just savor every moment. I cried when he lost teeth. I am sure with this next one I will cry, too!

Today is my little brother's birthday. He was my first baby! Having Zach around is like living with my two brothers again. He looks and acts and talks a lot like they did. His feet look soooo much like my both of my brothers' feet! It is crazy. Both of my girls definitely have parts of my sister in them. One definitely has the attitude! The other one looked more like her than me, but now that she is growing up, she is starting to look a little more like me.

So at work, things are hectic as usual. Lots of sickness going around. Kind of glad I got my flu over and done with. I am now helping out the people that helped me out when I was sick. As much bickering and pettiness that goes around, I have to say, everyone really does pitch in and help out in times of trouble. AND this flu is TROUBLE. It is relentless and lasts more than the 24-48 hour variety. Really it is two days of complete miserableness, with a day or two on the beginning of just not feeling right and about 3 days on the end, dealing with weakness and that cough. Some of us have gotten bronchitis or pneumonia after this flu, some didn't have any further complication. It is just yucky! There is also severe ear complications with this sickness. Everyone has some kind of varying degree of earache/ear infection. One was extreme enough to cause severe vertigo. Mine just ached and my daughter's ears felt plugged up. There were also high fevers and extreme sweating as symptoms. I can say, in all my life, except of course with food poisoning, I've never been that sick.

In other news, I got my little tree decorated today. We're gonna buy our big Christmas tree tomorrow hopefully.

Monday, November 24, 2008

November 24, 2008

Blogger is running a bit slow today...hmmm!

Really I should be wrapping presents but I am enjoying my (now cold) coffee and relaxing for a bit. Hayley had her friend Alexis over last night. They were playing American Idol and DDR. They were funny to watch. I should have taken a video but I still need new batteries (digital rechargeable). Maybe I will pick some up today.

I have gotten a lot accomplished the last few days as far as Christmas shopping goes. I am ahead of the game compared to where I am usually! I have always waited until the last moment except for when the girls were little. Back then I used to drive myself crazy buying them every little girl toy and Disney movie available and spending my entire paycheck each week on presents leading up to Christmas Day. Thank GOD their dad paid all the bills then! :)

I am currently reading my book that I will be reviewing on my website very very soon! Loving it! Ties into the Twilight hype and my recent reading of The Historian. Lots of Christian-Vampire themes. I love stories that tie real historical events into a lovely fiction novel...or movie...all the Indiana Jones movies, The Da Vinci Code, the National Treasure movies, The Historian...and now this latest get the drift!

I am so proud of myself! I got TWO pairs of Gap jeans on SALE for my growing son! It would have come to over $100 but thankfully he is at that awkward boy-man phase and those sizes tend to be found on clearance! He is a 26-28 waist with a 30 inseam. He can still get away with wearing size 18 in boys because he is so skinny and has no butt and his pants just naturally fall off his waist. It is much more difficult finding Mitch's size on any kind of clearance or sales rack, so I end up paying full price and often have to order the jeans online. Sometimes I will get lucky, though, and when I find his size, I buy all that is available!

Last night I made a new soup for me. My take on an Italian-wedding style soup with a Zuppa Toscana flair. It was SOOOO fast to cook this baby up! Perfect for a chilly New England supper. Get a smaller size stock pot. Dump in a large can of chicken broth. I add about another can of water because I like to spice it up with my own salt, pepper and herbs. I cut up some red new potatoes, threw them in the pot, got it boiling and gave the potatoes a slight head start. Added some already cooked meatballs and some mini-cheese raviolis (frozen works best) and chopped up some fresh baby spinach and threw that in. Simmered it for a bit to make the house smell yummy and served it with some fresh parmesan cheese and some oyster crackers. Mitch and the kids seemed to think it was pretty yummy. The fact that I had no leftovers is usually a good sign. I also made homemade chocolate chip muffins for a snack/dessert.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

November 20, 2008 Still

So I haven't blogged for 10 whole days except for this morning. I'm sure you're all wondering what I've been up to. Wellllll, nothing really. Just work. I got a bit of overtime last week. This week, I am taking it easy. Got some more Christmas shopping done.

It was also Mitch's birthday on Sunday so we went to church in Maine. Yes, Maine! We drove there and back in one day. 10 hours. I got to see my Rachel but not my Debi! BOOOOO! She was at dinner in Winterport??? Hmmmm. That is what I get for not telling her I was coming to church. I did want to surprise her.

It was not a visit to Maine. We visited nobody. Not even my parents. Just up and back so I want ZERO slack from anyone asking why we didn't visit. I wanted to spend 2 hours at MY church. My home church. And just let the Lord do His thing. Mitch was amazing and generous at letting me think that that is what he really wanted to do for his birthday. I have a wonderful wonderful husband. I got him some nice gifts and we had a good little time together.

The good news about visiting my home church is realizing I'm not missing a whole bunch. It makes things easier for me at our new church. Our first time visiting this new one made me feel so sad and so homesick for my brothers and sisters in Christ. It just wasn't the same. But that is the thing. It isn't the same. It isn't supposed to be. So my lesson? God is everywhere I want Him to be.

Other news, Rachel and I still haven't got our prayers answered! We both want babies. How cute would it be if we were pregnant at the SAME time???

Mitch bought be a cute little tabletop Christmas tree for our counter in the kitchen. I wanted a silver tree with blue ornaments because when I was a kid, my mom had one and I so loved that tree!!! It is a little miniature version of it. We will of course still have a traditional fir tree in our living room as always.

I have already picked up quite a few things for the kids. It seems like a lot until you split it into threes. Lots of stocking stuffers too. I think we're going to wait until the week after Christmas to worry about Mitch's kids' presents because we don't have them this Christmas. We will probably do it the weekend after. Which is really good in a way because I get paid again. Plus there will no doubt be lots of clearance sales. I want this Christmas to be extra special for my kids because like I mentioned before, we're on the tail end of their growing up. I remember my last Christmas at home with my family. I was pregnant with Kayla. My parents were still married to each other. My grandfather was still alive. I wouldn't change a thing, though.

Right now I am trying to decide when I should begin wrapping. I don't have a lot of storage space in this house. At the same time, I don't want to be wrapping presents for two days straight either. And if I wrap too soon, I am likely to forget exactly what I bought and maybe buy it again. At least when the tree is finally up, I can put some of the wrapped presents underneath it. Pretty much all I have left to buy are the three big presents, and then their games, dvd's and odds and ends that go with their big present.

November 20, 2008

Feeling kind of blah today. Mitch and I bought a Caravan last night. We still have the Suburban and my car. We'll probably sell the Suburban because even though gas is like SUPER cheap right now, it won't always be. Or we might just save it for the times we need the power. Anyway, anybody that knows me knows my thoughts on the minivan. Not a fan. It is so not my style, but it really makes more sense for me for work on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. I end up having a lot of people in my car on those two days and driving the suburban on those two days this summer was getting pretty pricey. My place of employment does offer gas/mileage reimbursement, so that is a nice help...but still, it has like a 31 gallon tank...when gas is say $4/gallon that is a $124 fill-up my friends. And we are getting about 20 miles per gallon on h.w. which is GOOD considering the size but not good when you think about what you are paying for gas. I would fill up once a week only and use the other car more frequently.

All said though, I love driving the Burb. It is a big piece of machine and I love being in control over it.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Christmas List Update

I just got a brilliant idea for Hayley...I think I am going to purchase her a sewing machine. Cloth, beginner patterns, thead, accessories! I learned to sew in 9th grade and did not have an easy time with it. My mom bought me a sewing machine for Christmas when Zach was a baby and I never used it. She needed to borrow it when hers broke and she has since kept it since she borrowed it so much. She made my sister's wedding dresses, prom dress, brides maid dresses, and Halloween costumes with my machine. I read the reviews for the $99 Singer model. "Seams" good for a beginner. Mine was a Brother model and I don't think my mom has had a problem with it, but I think it was a pricier version.

I am playing with that idea and also thinking of getting the kids one of the mini-Acer laptops. The pink and white ones are adorable! Sorry Zach! They have my old iBook and fight over that and my new Macbook. Really the girls just check email, Myspace, load up pics off their digital cameras, and need it for word processing. At like $350 you can't beat it! However, they are out of stock online and they aren't sold in stores! I should have bought it two days ago when they were still in-stock! Then again, Mitch has had his two laptops crash because of viruses and I don't ever have to worry about that with my Macs, soooo not sure how much of a deal it will be if we run into trouble.

Christmas List

The kids are bigger which means more expensive stuff!!!

Zach wants a electric guitar with can get crazy expensive with that stuff but I found some great deals on top of the line equipment that is used. I would rather get him a top name brand piece that has been used professionally to learn on than some cheap student guitar. If he likes it and sticks with it, then we'll take it from there in the future.

He also wants a surfboard. We all do. Well, I want a paddle surfboard which is over $1000, and we are surrounded by the ocean and it seems ridiculous not to cater to that. Good used boards are as expensive as new ones, I've found. They just aren't out there. Surf shops around here are charging as much for used boards as the new epoxy ones. I work with several year-round surfers and one girl I am good friends with swears by her epoxy board. It is sold as indestructible. The wooden boards break I guess? And are more expensive. But the surfboard and paddle board business could be taken care of when I get my income taxes this spring. People here do surf year round but I would personally rather learn in the warmer weather and then if we love it, like I think we will, we'll invest in wet/dry suits, etc.

Kayla wants an iPod. She is the only one in the family without one. Why? Because she got $200 Uggs for her birthday instead! I already picked up a book and some scrapbooking stuff she wanted.

I ordered Zach some stuff from Old Navy and The Gap online.

I've bought Hayley only a few things and I can't even remember what they are. I'll have to look. She loves anything crafty. Pre-packed craft kits work better for her. The kits have everything she needs and she can stay organized that way. She also loves yarn for her knitting, but seriously, I want to buy her more stuff than just fancy yarn every Christmas...although some of that yarn can get darn right expensive!!!

They love gift cards but I leave those to extended family. Their grandparents and aunts and uncles give them cash and gift cards. The last couple of years, the girls got almost $500 a piece after it was all added up!

The girls love books as much as me and it is cool that they like used books like I do. I love new books too, but the used ones just have a familiar smell that I love and an energy about them that gets transferred from different readers. I don't know, there is just a history about them. Anyway, they get a ton of new books and quite a few used if they are titles they have been looking for. Plus, the one area where I am a pain about in this Reduce*Reuse*Recycle era we're living in, is paper waste. I have a hard time tolerating it. As much as I love books, the idea of electronic readers is miraculous. Think of all the trees and paper that will not be wasted!!! Think of all the storage spaces that will be saved! Of course, libraries are a wonderful, wonderful thing! I am so incredibly lucky to have had wonderful library experiences. Old Town, where I grew up, has a wonderful library, thanks to famed author Tabitha King, another former Old Town kid, who happens to be married to Stephen King! She has spent a ton of money keeping that library in tip-top shape! Thank you, Kings!!! They have also spent a lot of money on the Bangor library, where I spent many many days of my early adult years, with my young children in tow. One of the gems of Rhode Island is their library system. The state is small, but there are a lot of wonderful libraries and the beauty is one card lets you use all of them. You can even return a book at your local library, that came from another Rhode Island library. They also offer downloadable books and video. You just need to use your card. This is good for after library hours. Another cool thing is that the hours are long. In Maine, most libraries (except for Fogler at UMaine) close at the quaint hour of 5 or 6 and aren't open on the weekends. They might be open on a Saturday now, but I don't think so.

I still haven't received the book I am supposed to be reviewing. Maybe today!

I also need some rechargeable batteries. I have a few sets, two for my digital camera, and I gave some to the girls for theirs, but they are convinced their brother took them for his toys, anyway, I need a pair for my Flip video camera. I want to be all set for Christmas morning and our activities. We will hopefully be getting a tree shortly after Thanksgiving. The other Christmas stuff is going up right after Thanksgiving. Ohhhhh, guess what I just realized??? I will have the day after Thanksgiving off! The girls and I will have to go and experience the horror at Providence Place! As most of you know, I don't buy anything on this day, I just like to get up early and go watch the chaos, sip on some lattes and have some fun.

The cookies came out fantastic. Or so the kids say. They are kind of too sweet in my opinion. Very rich. The chocolate ones are anyway, and one definitely goes a long way. So maybe that is good. You can't eat too many at once!

I will be getting to Maine in a few weekends. Shannon wants a Christmas party and I need to see Allison and drop off all her stuff that she forgot here. And I want to do some Christmas shopping in Camden and Freeport like I have been doing the last few years. I remember one year, it must have been very close to Christmas Eve and Allison and I spent the day in Freeport and every store or shop we went to had cookies and hot chocolate and other Christmas-y snacks. We had a great time and had lunch at the Japanese restaurant in town.

I also remember another time and I was with Eric and Erin and we had chocolate martinis at this little martini bar/restaurant while shopping. Lynette and I once had frozen mudslides at lunch at Ruby Tuesdays in the Bangor Mall and then did our shopping. Some bad clothing choices were made on THAT day! On my part anyway. Okay this post is so far from my title of Christmas List!

I want a puppy! I've got my eye out.

Sunday, November 09, 2008

November 9, 2008

The kids and I are watching Rudolph today and I am making a nice dinner. Also making Peanut Butter Brownie cookies and Peanut Butter Blossoms (the ones with the Hershey Kisses in the middle).

I think I have discovered the secret to having one of those enviable holiday seasons. You know the people that are perpetually happy and doing all the holiday stuff with a smile on their faces? That has never been me, but I've always wanted it to be me. Sooo, I am getting into the spirit earlier than usual, while it is still fun and getting some of my big holiday shopping items out of the way now, buying some when I see it, some online and I got a lot of stocking stuffers already bought! I am sure a lot of you are like, DUH! But I don't think it is as simple as just getting my shopping done by July. You may laugh, but I know people that do this!!!

I also bought some magazines with some good decorating and homemade gift ideas. I am going to let the kids go thru them and pick the things they want to make for friends and family and take them to the craft store and make some stuff.

I also am very particular about my tree and how it looks and how it is decorated. I still probably will be, but I vow to be less anal retentive about the whole thing.

In reality, this will probably be the last year I have the three kids together. Kayla graduates. I'm sure she'll be home for Christmas break but she has a LOT of family she will have to visit. And then Hayley graduates next year and pretty soon, the kids will be married and have kids of their own for the holidays. :(

Okay, that train of thought just has me feeling sad. Back to enjoying this Christmas season!!!

Friday, November 07, 2008

November 7, 2008

I love my husband! I love my kids! I love my Sierra! I love my Jesus!

Most of the leaves are off the trees now. It is 65 degrees today even though it looks like it should be snowing.

I am so excited about Christmas. I haven't really had this kind of excitement in a long time. I did when the kids were little, but then it got so complicated. Now I have a husband that stays up late at night with me and helps decorate the tree naked (him, not me!) He puts lights up outside. We have a tacky gigantic snow globe for the front yard! Movies on Christmas night.

I love Thanksgiving too I guess, but this year, I am getting into the Christmas spirit early. My radio station is playing holiday tunes. I can't put a tree up until after Thanksgiving but that isn't too far away!!! I have been decorating my Myspace page for the holidays and it has helped get me into the spirit sooner! I bought some eggnog! Yum!!!

A perfect Christmas would be a puppy waiting for me under the tree and of course a plus sign on a pee stick!

Hopefully today the new book for my review will be in.

Thursday, November 06, 2008


I am loving my new schedule even though up until this point, it hasn't been any different than past weeks. I have tomorrow off though, which is different. Sunday, Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays off. I used to have Sundays, Mondays and Thursdays. This schedule will be perfect in the summer. 4 days at the beach. Love it!

Anyway, I hope the book that I am supposed to be reading and then reviewing is in today. I'd like to get started on that assignment.

This day is kind of boring for news and blogs. The drama and suspense of the last few days has been a bit addicting. No news is good news I suppose.

Mitch and I had a good day Monday of shopping. Tuesday and Wednesday were a bit crazy for me with work. Today is quiet. Mitch is at work and the kids are at school. Tomorrow will be quiet, too!

November 6, 2008

7 weeks exactly until Christmas! About 3 weeks until I get my tree. Still 55-70 degree days.

I have a shower to take, some errands to run and then kids to pick up.

Monday, November 03, 2008

Sunday, November 02, 2008

November 2, 2008

LOVE DAYLIGHT SAVINGS!!! It was so nice to feel like I've slept in only to wake up and realize it is still 8 AM. I still have a day that has not been wasted. I feel rested. I woke up and it was light outside. I need to remember all this happy goodness when it is dark tonight by like 5 PM. Can't win them all I guess.

I got a cute message from Bailey last night. She loves and misses me and wants me to call her. She and Madison are certainly some of the people I miss the most in Maine. Her birthday is in December and she will be turning 7. I am having a hard time fathoming this.

I am drinking some gingerbread coffee this morning. Hopefully a little bit of blogging and a touch of caffeine will get my butt into the shower. I would love to do nothing today but I promised myself I'd get my nails done and over with and Zach wants a new game for the house. Not a video game. He wants those too of course, but those are waiting for Christmas. A new board game. We definitely need a new chess game, he wants Stratego and I want the new Monopoly with the credit cards. Banking was always the worst part of Monopoly for me...I am hoping this makes it a little more enjoyable and a little more fast paced.

Okay, I have wasted a half hour. Got to get in the shower.

Saturday, November 01, 2008

Happy November

I am so looking forward to being able to sleep in tomorrow. And the next day. And I am going to certainly enjoy the extra hour of sleeping because of daylight savings.

Big day tomorrow. I'm going to get my nails done. I am being sarcastic. That is all I have planned.

Friday, October 31, 2008


I don't know if I mentioned my new favorite thing...I am a member of I love to read. Everyone knows this about me. However, there are times when I am doing things that don't allow me a chance to read so I have the opportunity now to download books into my iTunes and then load them onto my iPod. I LOVE this! I have the Bible loaded on my iPod. Honestly I can listen to anything with the voice of James Earl Jones! I have Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis...some fairy tales that were free to download, a David Sedaris book that I haven't had a chance to read yet, with him as the narrator. I've been browsing their other selections and they have a ton of Stephen King, Judy Blume, and other of my favorite authors. This is all good for when I am in the car driving, cleaning the house, get the picture.

Other news...Teresa I received Flat Stanley. LOVE it! Oh my gosh, the kids and I are going to have so much fun with this! I absolutely love this idea. I will see how many places we can get him on the East Coast for you. Mitch and I are going to Florida in January so he'll hit the warm sun this winter. Maybe we'll stop in DC on the way and get some pics at the White House. And of course, he'll get a chance to go with us to NYC in a few weeks!

For those of you who are like WTeff? Flat Stanley Project. Check it out. It is way cool!

Okay, my Hayley girl is making me some bruschetta...gots to run!

Happy Halloween!!!

Poor Zachie is miserable. He is so sick. I had to work overnight last night and Mitch is out of town. Zach texted me at midnight. At 4:30. At 5 AM. 7AM. Needless to say, I didn't get a lot of sleep last night. He still had to go to school this morning and cried when I dropped him off. He really can't afford to miss anymore school and he has been on antibiotics for a few days, so he isn't contagious or anything. He is just still sick. It takes about a week or so to run its course. Still it made me feel horrible to drop him off at school this morning.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

More October 30, 2008

I only have like 51 more posts to go before I hit 2000! Yay!

I was checking the weather forecast. It is chilly here but still only sweater/sweatshirt weather. In Maine, it is jacket and fire up the furnace weather. YUCK! Not terribly sad to miss that!

Tomorrow is Halloween! I should have planned some kind of Halloween Party for the kids. As it is, we'll have a full house anyway. They wanted some friends over to watch scary movies and order pizza. Zach and his friend Tom are going to go trick or treating and see if they can score some major candy. The girls and I will stay here and pass out candy. I bought some yummy good stuff at the grocery store. I should dress up but this is our first year in the this neighborhood. I'm not sure how many, if any, trick or treaters we'll get. Not sure I want to get dressed up for nothing. Too Miss Haversham for me!

I'm doing the overnight tonight and working all day tomorrow. Starting next week, my permanent schedule will give me Monday and Fridays off. I am hoping to pick up some freelance work. There is was a nibble from Boston. Work from home and only be in the office on Fridays. We'll have to see where my journey takes me!

Jury's Out for Now.

I think I may be selling out. I often offer reviews of products, books or movies, fashion, food, etc. just because I like to read user comments myself when I am trying to make a decision to sink money into a new product. I like to be informed, so I just assume that others like to be informed as well and if I can help, I will.

Well...I signed up to be a book reviewer blogger and I am pretty excited about it. I will get a new book sent to me, I'll read it and then review it and then get another book and so on and so on. But pretty much this means that I will read a book and post a review and offer free advertising. For me being an avid reader though, a new book every few weeks is payment enough. Got me to thinking about other opportunities out there for product reviewing. I love trying new stuff so this seems to be right up my alley.

Depending on how things go with this new company, I may be posting more reviews than ever before and if it proves lucrative, then I will indeed advertise for them on my blog. Until then, the jury is out.

October 30, 2008

Things that worked for this flu:

Mucinex (This really works. Quiets cough. Thins mucus secretions.)
Delsym (Love love love this stuff! Tastes wonderful and quiets cough for 12 solid hours!)

Also lots of fluids, rest and vitamin C.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

October 29, 2008

SIX days since my last post? Hmmmm.

This was my second week back to work after my vacation. It hasn't exactly flown by like all of the weeks leading up to my vaca, but that isn't necessarily a bad thing. I am pretty certain my schedule change will make a HUGE difference in things.

Mitch is out of town this weekend. The last of the season games are this weekend. Then I think they have a few days of playoff crap in a few weeks, but I think once they lose they are done. They don't have to stay the entire time, unless of course they win. We'll then have Thanksgiving and once again get back on with our regularly scheduled lives! No more football for Zach. No more soccer for Mitch.

Mitch and I are going to Florida this winter. I am excited about that.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

October 23, 2008

I still feel pretty yucky. On the mend I think, but this cough and chest congestion is relentless. Probably another few days of this before it is thru. October is almost over. Just have to get the next 4 months over and I can start enjoying spring again.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

October 19, 2008

Oh Man! The flu has hit hard and fast. I was feeling kinda crappy yesterday, but around late afternoon and all evening, I was miserable. Still am when the medicine wears off. High fever. Cough. Body aches. Headache, my ears hurt. Lost my appetite.

Sounds like the flu to me.

Mitch will be home later. I hate when he is out of town. He especially hates it. Usually I am working so the time goes by fairly quickly for me. Let me just say, I never thought yesterday was going to end. I actually cheered when midnight came. I stayed up until 2 AM. Thought I'd be able to at least sleep a little. Tossed and turned and finally looked at the clock and it was only 4. I took some more medicine and it got me thru until 9ish. My problem is when I take my fever reducer, I spend the next 4-5 hours sweating profusely and in like a perpetual hot flash. When it wears off, I get the fever and chills back. Not sure if that is normal?

I finished Jodi Picoult's book Keeping Faith. Not quite the tear-jerker that My Sister's Keeper was, but entertaining anyway. It was thought-provoking, as is any story of stigmata is to me, even if it was fictional. Towards the middle to the end, though, I felt that there was a never ending barrage of new characters. In my opinion, there were way too many characters to keep track of and because the story frequently jumps perspective, I had a hard time remembering why so-and-so was significant to the story since we haven't heard from him since page 11. Still Jodi is a skilled storyteller and remains one of my favorites.

Saturday, October 18, 2008


I've been doing a lot of research on detoxing one's body, benefits, ways to do it, etc. There seems to be lots of evidence supporting the act. There also seems to be a lot of doctors and nutritionists that don't support anything other than a high-fiber, high protein, low fat diet high in anti-oxidants. It seems most don't want to even entertain the thought of Eastern therapy or any kind of holistic healing method other than their own pharmaceuticals.

Personally, I have always been a big believer that fresh or raw is better...salads, fruit, veggies, sugar, chocolate, tea, coffee. So I eat lots of fruits and veggies in the raw, drink green tea and take a daily multi-vitamin. Areas where I don't do well in are not getting my eight glasses of water in me per day and eating lots of junk food and even processed foods like cheese, pizza, take-out...

I am interested in this acai juice and psyllium fast I guess. I think everyone should fast every so often to cleanse the body on the inside.

Spiritually, fasting is encouraged across the board. For Christians and other groups, fasting is a part of a lot of religious walks. Jesus fasted often. I think there is strong evidence for a "Bible-based" diet...there were no processed foods back then, limited ways to store food, or cook it properly, so I think the foods the Bible promotes were foods that could be prepared easily and made to last without refrigeration. Meats, grains, yeast-free breads, wine, fruit and vegetables are spoken about at length at times. To me, that sounds just like a high-fiber, high protein, low fat diet high in anti-oxidants. So I believe God has instructed us on how to eat and when to eat and when eating becomes gluttonous. Exercise was also a big part of early man's life...there weren't a lot of high paying office jobs back then. So if you think about it, you would have to cram into your hour work-out all the calories you would burn if you had to manually work at everything you take for granted from sun up to sun down. Like carrying water to heat up to clean, or walking to a river. Gathering wood to make a fire. Planting and harvesting. Raising children and livestock. Not so sure my 3 mile jog or walk covers all of that!!!

Very Brady

I loved The Brady Bunch. I'm not sure what has taken Maureen McCormick so long to "come clean"...I am pretty sure back when Dad Brady came out of the closet so to speak, or was forced out, our bubble was burst, along with watching the public struggles of fellow tv stars from the Partridge Family, Diff'rent Strokes, One Day at a Time, etc, etc, etc...

Anyway, I am glad she's cleared the air for herself, just not so sure any of us are truly surprised but any of it.

I have a fever, cough, chills and congestion. I hate being sick. I am freezing and can't seem to warm up. Unfortunately, I have to drop Zach off at his school for a football game in an hour and then pick him up later, so going to bed anytime soon for rest doesn't look likely. I slept about 12 hours last night. That is about 5 too many in my opinion and now I have that hangover headache feeling on top of my illness. My ears feel like I have water in them, too.

Friday, October 17, 2008

October 17, 2008

Ugh! Only 2 days and 21 hours left of my vacation. I've enjoyed sleeping in when the occasion arose. I've enjoyed not stressing if I wake up in the middle of the night because it doesn't matter if it takes too long to fall back to sleep because I could take a nap, which I didn't do on this vacation. I've enjoyed not thinking about work. I've enjoyed not working, for that matter. I've enjoyed cleaning my house and being able to keep it clean for more than one day in a row.

I am not sure I want to go back to work.

October 17, 2008

Hi Teresa! I hope you and the baby are doing marvelous! Hubs and boys as well! I know, weird about the dreams, huh?

Speaking of the dreams, I think they and my God given gift of anxiety are examples of me and trying to figure some stuff out. I say God given gift because while I hate an actual panic attack and am so thankful that they are very infrequent these days, they typically mean I am unhappy with something or a situation in my life and I am refusing to deal with it consciously. I think God uses and has used my panic attacks to get my attention. In my dreams, I am struggling with the Devil. In dream books, the Devil represents power, control, etc. The fact that I always invoke the Lord's help in my dreams suggests to me that I DO want the Lord to have control over my life and I think I currently feel like I may have taken the reins back again. In my waking state, I have been feeling overwhelmed by the things going on around me. I think I am one of those types of people that emotional vampires can get an advantage on. I am currently working at a place with 5 emotional vampires and 2 that are but are unintentionally that way. They latch right on to my positive energy and after a conversation with them or sometimes just being in the same room with them, I am left feeling very drained. SOOOO, I have been trying to deal with it myself. And all that got me was a weeklong "vacation." I have spent the last few days in heavy meditation and will continue until my week is up. I am praying for some spiritual armor and when the Devil comes knocking, the Lord will be answering the door!

I am feeling more like myself today. The night before last and yesterday were probably my worst. I haven't had a panic attack in I'm going to say maybe 2 years. This one was mild considering the ones I used to have, but still uncomfortable nonetheless! Uncomfortable, yet familiar and almost welcomed, if that makes any sense. I knew one was lurking and was going to show itself soon, so I was glad to be "on with it."

I also woke up to an email from my friend Lynette. Lynette is Wiccan and one of my most spiritual friends. Our religious beliefs are vastly different yet unusually similar at the same time. She and I exchange only a few emails throughout a year, so it is significant that she should respond to my spiritual cry for help. I never wrote her or called her. I did post a mood change on my myspace, which I do daily. Just thought about her a lot over the last few days and she emailed this morning asking why I was feeling anxious. I dabbled in the occult before getting saved and I know that it is not for me, but at the same time, the Bible doesn't deny the power of the occult. It just warns us to not get involved.

Also 3 times yesterday, the same Bible verse was brought to my attention. Once in an email from Proverbs 31 Ministries. Once on a random blog I was reading while browsing yesterday...the girl used it as her blog headline and again in my daily devotional Bible. “The LORD your God is with you, He is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you,
He will quiet you with his love, He will rejoice over you with singing."
Zephaniah 3:17 (NIV)

This is very fascinating and interesting to me.


Originally uploaded by jennluvsgable


Originally uploaded by jennluvsgable