Thursday, March 31, 2011


I actually slept 7-8 hours last night which is huge because last night was my overnight at work and I historically do not sleep well at all during my overnight. I think I slept because I'm exhausted and it is finally catching up to me.

Salve tonight. Looking forward to my day off tomorrow. I have Bella of course but not till 2. We're supposed to get some rain here on the coast. I guess Northern Maine could get up to 16 inches of SNOW! Eeeeek!!! Glad I'm not there!

My husband and I have a new record to break for the month of April!

I have been sneezing all morning. I've lost count of my sneezes.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011


I can't believe I didn't blog this morning. Tanned. Watching Bella so Kayla could run to Target.

Going to run some errands and pick up dinner for tonight then off to do my overnight. In-service tomorrow 9-11 and then Salve with Janice 2-9. I'm not going to the club with Tonya Friday night so hopefully that means I can have the night to myself! Well for me AND my husband!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


It is going to be "nice" today. In the 50s. Not so nice in my opinion but at least the sun is shining and it is my day off!

I have not a clue about what I'm making for dinner tonight.

The baby's pics are at 1.

Monday, March 28, 2011


I had a great day yesterday. It'd be nice to have a string of those but I will take what I can get. I only have a moment to blog. Work 10-2 then home to tan. Back to get Janice and head to the Crowne Plaza. I won't be relaxing in bed till at least 10 tonight! Tomorrow off. Wednesday will be a light day.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Cake Pops!

Cake Pops! by jennluvsgable
Cake Pops!, a photo by jennluvsgable on Flickr.

Pop Pop's Cake pops taste as good as they look! I love my husband for making these yummy treats!!

Saturday, March 26, 2011


I'm so tired. I had the worst headache yesterday and went to bed with it. Woke up with it, too! I'm on my second cup of coffee and it is finally gone. Either that or I'm just used to it at this point.

Was very ticked off this morning but at this point I'm too exhausted to give a care anymore. If something isn't easy at this point, I'm over it. Over trying. Over caring. Just over it.

I will be in overtime for the next couple of weeks it is looking like. I'm going to get my mileage turned in this week. My next paycheck will be another big one.

Going tanning before work. Maybe the movies tonight. Not really anything I am dying to see. Maybe I will just go shopping at job lots or something.

I have my shorts on today! I'm tired of covering up my tan!

Listening to iTunes this morning! Need something to get my energy up.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Ahhhhhhh... my nails done here in town. Right next to where I tan. They do a nice job, it is $3 more, no extra gas used and they are FASTER, but no hand/arm massage and it isn't as tidy as I like it, but in a pinch, it is adequate. And it was a pinch. I couldn't stand to wait till Sunday, plus I wanted to enjoy my day off with my husband without squeezing in appointments. I picked a nice summer-y orange.

Because I will be home early enough tomorrow night, I'm thinking I'd like to maybe go to the movies with husband before we have to pick up Kayla. I was hoping Tonya would cancel tonight and he and I could make a night of it.

Just waiting on Zach. I have to drop him off at the golf course. I'm definitely in need of more coffee if I'm going to stay awake tonight! I really just want wine but I'm sure that'll put me right to sleep. I wish I had slept a little better last night.


A beautiful sunny day. Only wish it were warm enough to drink my coffee outside.

I have a surprising amount of energy this morning, even after my husband kept me up last night. He can keep me up every night, I don't mind!

Let me mind has a surprising amount of body refuses to get out of bed.

This week went by kind of fast but on Monday and Tuesday it had felt later in the week, like a Thursday or Friday. So right now, I feel as if Thursday was repeated several times already. This is what happens with schedule changes and overtime. I get all screwed up.

Tomorrow I will find out if we're down another staff permanently. I don't like this person much but it'll be a pain covering all these hours till we hire someone.

Ok, I'm going to get started with my day I guess. I have to run to Rite Aid. Clean the house. Get ready. Maybe tan. Hayley needs to get picked up today because she will watch Bella tomorrow while Kayla works. I'm working 1-7 tomorrow. Mitch does his "errands". Sunday will be nails, getting a tote for my CDs , unless Mitch picks one up tomorrow, and Bella's year old pictures. She will be a year old in 4 weeks but we have to use that dang $50 gift card before the 31st!

I also need a belt. Not for my pants but a belt or two for my waist. I have some dresses and tunic shirts I'd like to belt. I know what I want, but finding what I want will be the challenge. If only it were 1985 and Ames was still in Old Town...they'd have what I want. I wonder how many times I walked by my husband when we were growing up. I wish we could do it all over.

Thursday, March 24, 2011


Sad day at work today. RIP Georgie.

This is going to be a long day for me. Did the overnight last night and was up just about every hour looking at the clock. Finally up for good at 6. Home for a few hours. Salve Regina tonight till 9 then I'm getting Kayla from work at 10. Finally finally finally I will hopefully make it to bed and get some much needed sleep.

I'm desperate to get my nails done...not looking like I will find time before Sunday. If Tonya cancels tomorrow night, then just maybe Mitch and I can do them then. This week has gone by much more smoothly than last even though I'm at 48.5 hours!!!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

At Wendy's

At Wendy's by jennluvsgable
At Wendy's, a photo by jennluvsgable on Flickr.

Some baby loves going out to eat!!!

Eating Fries

Eating Fries by jennluvsgable
Eating Fries a photo by jennluvsgable on Flickr.

So cute holding court!

What's Up There?

What's Up There? by jennluvsgable
What's Up There? a photo by jennluvsgable on Flickr.

Bella's teeth don't hurt so much with the Advil.


I need a tote to store my cd's away. Hanging onto them in case my iTunes decides to crash or something crazy like that, but other than that, I don't need them out. Tired of looking at "clutter".

I seriously hate that it is in the 40s and 50s this week. I effing hate the Northwest. Keep your crappy weather to yourselves or ship it up to Canada. My body hates the drastic changes. 70 on Friday, 40 today. Awesome.

I hate that I can't sleep in tomorrow because of this stupid overnight.

I love my newest plant in my bedroom. It is quite lovely.

I love that Bella is feeling better and back to her old antics.

We have to get her pictures done this weekend. Last pictures, if I bought "one more thing" I received a $50 gift certificate but it expires on the 31st of this month. It wouldn't have been a big deal but now that my schedule and Kayla's schedule are at times opposite, it is a big deal. Looking like Sunday it is! I have to get my nails done anyway.

Hopefully the staffing issue at work gets straightened out soon so I can have a less hectic schedule. I don't mind the amount of hours I'd prefer to do them in three days like I used to.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Poor Bella

Poor Bella by jennluvsgable
Poor Bella a photo by jennluvsgable on Flickr.

Trying to manage a smile for the camera. Cutting teeth is no fun!


Poor Bella is cutting some more teeth. We knew it was going on, as she has good days and cranky days with them, but today, the poor baby was just miserable! Maybe only got two bottles into her all day, only a few bites of breakfast and lunch before I figured out what must be going on. She just wanted to sit in my lap and whine. Got some Advil into her and tried to rub her gums around the teeth she already has with some Baby Orajel. And praise the Lord, she's a whole new baby! Ate dinner, sucked down two bottles and played by herself for over an hour before bedtime! I'm just sorry Nonni didn't figure it out sooner! My kids would all get runny noses and run a little fever with each tooth. Bella has never had a runny nose. She's only run one fever and that was with her uti. The only sign is she's crankier and more clingy than usual, but she gets that way when she's overtired too, so it wasn't till after her nap that I started putting two and two together. I will keep her dosed up pretty well tomorrow and hopefully she will have a happier day! Although I have to admit, I don't mind the extra cuddles! This afternoon, once I started suspecting her teeth, I tried shoving my finger in there to massage them a little and she smacked my mouth and stared at me like, "WTF???". It was so hilarious. Normally I wouldn't tolerate her hitting but I clearly asked for it!


I'm amazed at how much we've gotten done this morning. Zach went to school. Mitch fixed his brakes, Kayla did her laundry while I watched the baby. All three of us managed to shower and get ready for work and I was able to tan and blog! Bella is taking a nap right now. She and I have to take Kayla to work and then come home and wait for Zach, who will need a ride to the golf course. I'm not working today but sometimes watching Bella feels worse than work! She is SO busy!

Italian stew and Texas cheese toast fir dinner tonight! Tomorrow night is homemade pasta primavera.

Monday, March 21, 2011


Had a good day at work. Long day but good. It is amazing how much of a difference it can make you feel coming home and having it still be light out! Still worked the same hours, but loving the longer day light. I have tomorrow off!!! Makes me happy. Right now I'm trying to decide if I want a glass of wine with dinner before going to bed with a book or a cup of tea to do the same.

Sunday, March 20, 2011


Bella is 11 months old tomorrow!

My throat is a bit sore today as is my left ear...not bad enough for Tylenol so I'm hoping it is just a spring/allergy/dramatic temp changes kind of deal.

I'm am super bitchy this morning. I'm in a mood where I could seriously pack up the kids and just disappear, but there are jobs and school to consider. I hate the weekends. I hate absolutely everything about this house. I hate that it is only 50 degrees outside so it isn't exactly comfortable being outdoors, which is what I want to do. I have no desire to be nice to anybody today that isn't directly linked to me by blood and even that is iffy.

Thank God tomorrow is Monday!!!

Saturday, March 19, 2011


I have to get my day started. I desperately want to do nothing! rarely works that way.

I'm going to write the grocery list and plan the week's menu. Next week will be similarly busy as last but probably less of a shock, and any little measure I take to pre-plan or prep for next week can only help!

Friday, March 18, 2011


My week is winding down. It is nice to not have a whole lot planned for today. I'm going to finish picking up a little. Work is crazy right now. One person is angry and is consequently on a month long vacation (which I guess is better than him just quitting) because he was told there would be no DTA position in our program again because funding just isn't there, only for them to give the position to another staff. He had this conversation months ago when there was no funding and the staff person who got the "promotion" ALWAYS goes above and beyond with notes, paperwork, organization and quite frankly, having been in charge of another program, I have no desire to take on more responsibility and welcome one position to handle it all and I feel the better person got the position. Another staff person resigned, not over this as I feel he would love to know that me or this other person got the DTA over the person that did not. Lastly, the "new" girl (she's been here about 7 months) is driving everyone crazy and now she's "out" till the 25th with a doctors note after nobody would fill her shifts for her because we are tapped out! Listen up you effing skank, don't mess with me. When I'm not at work, I'm with Bella or my husband. Period. The END. No, I will not fill your shifts and no I'm not trading because my shifts are much coveted and there was a reason they were given to me, as I am trustworthy and can work unsupervised and have already paid my dues you dumb ass. After her first week hired she was hitting up more gullible staff to cash personal checks because she can't get a checking account. Hello?? Red flags anyone? Pay your bills and don't write bad checks and maybe you'll at least have credit enough for a checking account.

Now I feel better about that.

There's a super charged issue locally with the Michael Woodmansee case. So sick of hearing and dealing with lynch mob mentality that makes up the town next door. I personally have met the father and older brother of the little boy because they are always at work fixing our appliances, and I know first hand after Holly was murdered a year and a half ago that there can sometimes be no forgiveness in you, and I could STILL watch Holly's killer be taken apart piece by piece and feel no remorse, so I understand and empathize with Mr. Foreman and feel he needs to do what he needs to do. HE needes to do what HE needs to do. That being said, I'm very concerned with the mentality of the lynch mob. What Woodmansee did was terrifying and horrifying and I think a psychiatric hospital is the next best step for him since he's served his sentence. If you don't like the laws, I suggest you work towards changing them instead of killing a man who kept up his end of the bargain that was AGREED to by the little boy's father! But by engaging in this type of feeding frenzy you appear undereducated, low class, barbaric and I'm just as concerned and scared about living next door to you as I am a
convicted child killer! Not to mention, woodmansee was 16 at the time of the crime. Yes, old enough to understand the reprehensible mistake he made that day, but according to all reports he had been bullied and picked on all through school. He was a heavy kid and just not socially accepted. In 2011, we KNOW what years of torment can do to a person or even what PTS can cause a person to do. Now there are many whom have endured what Michael did, and probably worse, and they never did what he did, but to simply deny that society has a certain amount of responsibility in this case is purely ignorant. The 70s and 80s were a cruel time to be socially inept. In the age of Facebook, it is a graveous time to be socially inept. Bullying is unacceptable. The END.

There, I feel better now about THAT.

Ok, ummmm, for the safety of the planet, let's put all nuclear power plants in areas that are known for their potential of enduring natural disasters. Great idea.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Yeah, Yeah St. Patricks Day

My busy busy busy day is almost over! Just another hour and a half I guess...if Mitch can get Zach then that's even better. I'm starving. Can't wait to be home and done driving. Been to Jamestown, NK, Providence, Pawtucket, NK, back to Pawtucket, then NK, Jamestown and finally HOME! 85 miles and I'm not even to the "back to Pawtucket" part yet.

I really hope Bella continues to sleep for a bit longer. She's been out for about 40 minutes or so...she's not exactly a happy passenger these days! Front facing car seat here we come. She's definitely tall enough and still hovering around the 18 pound stage. She walks, eats real food, drinks out of a sippy cup, etc, time for a big girl car seat. Hard to believe she will be 11 months in 4 days! Four weeks to go till her big day! I want to get her a little broom set...after I sweep, she likes to take a cute.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Day 3...Bella has had a nice nap. The dishes are done. I've showered and shaved my legs. Tanned this morning. All I need to do is sweep and steam mop the floors. Making baked Mac and cheese tonight. Zach did a fabulous job on dinner last night. Tomorrow is going to be long and stressful trying to make sure everyone gets to where they need to be and on time but I will be home by 4. Mitch can hopefully grab Zach tomorrow after golf practice, then I won't have to go back out.

Right now, while Bella is playing, I'm going to read a bit and enjoy some chamomile tea. Only took me a day or so to get back into the swing of things of spending the days alone with her. Hard to believe I did this with 3, all 4 and under. I always said that baby number two is the one whom pushes you over the is like one, two is like having 10, three is like three. But when you're done with all that, it is tough to be willing to be tied down again. I will say Bella is a bit more busy than mine were and really wants to play WITH you. I've structured her afternoons with songs and dance time, we read a book and then we do a learning activity, usually one of her interactive games on my iPad and she's showing interest in holding a pen now...her mother would sit for hours scribbling on paper from about 13 months on, so soon I hope to be able to start some craft projects with her. Plus the days are getting warmer so park and beach days, especially as her walking improves daily, will be on the schedule. Can't wait to take her to the zoo!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


I've started this blog post three different times today. Little Miss Bella-boo can be quite demanding! She's been out since about 7:30 and she does sleep thru the night, thank goodness, but that would be her mother's problem anyway. I'm off the clock when she finally gets home from work tonight, until 1pm tomorrow.

Really I am fried. Going to read my Bible for a bit before bed. Tomorrow won't be too bad, but Thursday will be ridiculous. My day won't end from work till at least 3:30, but I will have Bella till her mom gets home around 10:30. Then no babies till next week!!!

Monday, March 14, 2011


What an extremely busy day and I'm thanking God that it was made a bit easier on two, Lester didn't want to go far today, two, Zach got a ride to Laurel Lane country club with someone on the team.

So now Bella and I are playing toys. I had planned a trip to the playground but this supposed partly cloudy day has been a mostly cloudy one! I think weather forecasters might prove more accurate if they actually LOOK out the window like the rest of us! Kayla should be done around 5ish.

Sunday, March 13, 2011


Bella has spent the last 15 minutes trying to figure out how to put my flip flops on! She's so cute.

I started tanning again. Big yay! Nothing more gross than going to the beach on the first warm day and being white, except maybe SEEING blindingly white people there and/or people that should never consider a skimpy bathing suit.

I have a busy week ahead of me. I'm trying to enjoy my downtime when I get it.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Hot Shot

Hot Shot by jennluvsgable
Hot Shot a photo by jennluvsgable on Flickr.

Ummmm, yeah, my husband is lucky!! :)


For an indefinite amount of time my beach schedule will look something like this...Sunday and Tuesday all day, 2 Wednesdays a month all day, Thursdays till 2, Fridays all day, Saturdays till 3. So the only day I can't do is Mondays and most Wednesdays. Yes, my work schedule needs to mesh with my beach schedule. Priorities priorities.


I was just sitting down, re-doing my calendar for March...because of staffing issues and my willingness to be a team player and because I'm downright helpful, I will only get 6 days off in March!!! What?!?! I averaged 14 days off per month last year whilst maintaining my full-time status. I went "part-time" for about two months total. I requested and dreamed of going part-time for about a year prior to actually going part-time.

The most bizarre thing of all? I haven't been this happy at work in a long time!


Lent started yesterday. None, and I mean NONE, of my friends gave up FB this year. It was all the fashionable rage last year, trying to last 46 days without FB. (Not sure why people say Lent is 40 days. It is 46 start to finish. Kind of like most women are 40 weeks pregnant which equates to 10 months...not 9. Except that the day you're officially pregnant, missed period, positive pee stick, medically you're at 3 weeks already.)

Last year, I gave up red meat. This year, I'm going to focus on my driving. I can get angry pretty quickly on the road. I'm amazed every day at the high level of stupidity on the road. My hope is that the rising gas prices will force the stupid ones off the road, since they're unlikely smart enough to land a well-paying job to ride out this gas crisis.

So, when I want to swear, give finger bouquets, slam on my brakes because someone is on my ass, I'm going to use that time to talk to God. This will be a long 46 days. I am in the car a lot!

Wednesday, March 09, 2011

Skippy Salmonella

Yeah, see? Salmonella in the Skippy. Google it. There's a reason we are a Jif family but I agree that we aren't really a peanut butter family anyway. Yes it gets eaten, by one person, because he eats anything. I only eat peanut butter if it is Jif, except this one time when I was starving and you had bought No SALT peanut butter! What's the point of peanuts if there's no salt?

Oh well, I'm over it.

The latest wake up wrap from DD is divine! It is cheap like the original wake up wrap, but good for you because it is the eggwhite version. They combined the egg white flatbread sandwich and made it into a snack wrap. Yummo. 99 cents AND only 150 calories? Don't get me wrong, I still love the flatbread version, but the wake up wrap is virtually guilt-free. And free is good.

I seriously do not want to begin my day. Freaking staff meeting. Bi-monthly that'll no doubt be rescheduled, and then off with David.

I'm hoping this coffee kicks in soon.

Tuesday, March 08, 2011

Just to Clarify

OK I'm 0-1 on the peanut butter. I definitely screwed up with the no salt peanut butter. There is a good reason there is salt in peanut butter, because with out it, it is as if you spread brown Crisco on bread.

AS FOR THE SKIPPY,IT WAS ON SALE!!!!!! Enough said.....

And to comment on this whole "Jiff Family" thing... I don't prescribe to labels. We aren't even really a peanut butter family. With that said, We have never had any type of peanut butter in the house that hasn't been eaten. Even the no salt stuff will disappear. And Jiffy has been the exception not the rule in our house. And yes I'm cheap!!!!

With all that said I will be buying Jiffy from now on. I Love You Honey!

Happy Mardi Gras!

I am so flipping tired! I'm only working a couple of hours this morning but I really wish I had the whole day off. Not feeling like getting out of my pjs.

Last year on this day, Mitch, Zach and I went to our private beach and watched the sunset, wearing shorts!!! Today, I will wear flip flops but seriously hoped for weather warmer than 50.

Bella is so cute! I could just eat her up.

I suppose I have to get ready for my day. In a couple of hours, I will be back home and hopefully relaxing!

Monday, March 07, 2011


10-2 will not go fast enough. The day will not go fast enough. I'm so looking forward to going to bed early tonight. I literally woke up every hour to check the clock till I had to get up at 6. Overtime, overtime, here I come!

This morning I'm wearing flip flops and a sweatshirt! No jacket required!

Obviously I'm exhausted but I'm on my second cup of coffee and about 6 hours away from a complete body crash!

Kayla starts her job today. She's excited. Bella is going to work with Pop today. Technically, she didn't have to because I'm out of work in time to watch her but I welcome and appreciate the break.

On an unrelated note, my husband is on a 0-2 losing streak with peanut butter. First he bought the store brand AND it had no salt. Blech. We are a Jif family. Next, Skippy appeared in the cupboard. Creamy Honey? WTH? We are a Jif family. A smooth Jif family.

Sunday, March 06, 2011

Happy Sunday!

I'm enjoying a clean house and having all the windows open and listening to some tunes! Spring is wonderful! Sierra is asleep at my feet and all is well and surprisingly normal after last week!

Another overtime week this week...that'll be three in a row. Plus my mileage will be included in this next check...should be huge.

Seriously HATE people that walk by my house with their stupid little dogs off their leashes. People, ignorant people, just because you feel you can walk your dog off leash, you shouldnt. Stupid little poodle like things that don't listen and don't come when called are likely going to get bitten when they roam into a yard and then the property's owner has to stop their dog from killing yours.

MY dog is perfect off leash, and she NEVER leaves my side unless it is to jump in water, but because she is a pit bull, I NEVER have her off leash when we're away from home because of all the negative stereotypes regarding her breed. I will not be responsible for further damaging the breed's image. Can you imagine however, if I replayed the above scenario, but didn't have supreme command of my dog at all times in our own yard and that stupid little thing got bit? For the record, Sierra would have just played with it, but I just can't get over the lack of concern some dog owners have. Don't even get me started on people who don't clean up after their dogs.

Sierra needs a shirt that says Beware of My Owner! She Bites!

Friday, March 04, 2011


Sierra has Lyme disease and she is going to be okay!!! As soon as Mitch texted me, that is when I started really crying. Sobbing for joy is a very weird feeling. Doesn't happen often.

She came home with 4 weeks of antibiotics, some painkillers and a rabies shot in the rump! She was overdue door her shot. I'm going to pick up some more Frontline Plus, which is the treatment I used to have her on, but since she doesn't have fleas and she's mostly an inside dog, I stopped treatment. Lyme disease is rare where we lived in Maine. Here in Rhode Island, we are close to Lyme, CT, where the disease originated and are a hot bed for ticks. I might even have to get the Frontline spray which is more effective for ticks. I'm also going to investigate some natural remedies because I hate harsh chemicals on her or around the baby.

But tonight, I'm going to sleep easy knowing Sierra is going to be okay!


Mitch has Sierra at the vet right now. My heart is not doing well currently. Hoping for the best right now. She's eating, drinking and walking again, but now feverish, achey and shivering a lot. Waiting is not something I'm good at.


I've been going through some of my archives. 2006-07. I was gearing up for the big move to Rhode Island. My life was pretty much perfect. Funny how you forget about some things and only remember the perfect times. I'm sure 10 years from now, these times will be the "perfect" times.

Life is never perfect, but good memories are. It is nice to have record of how excited I would get when Mitch was with me. I wouldn't say we take our time together for granted now, but we most often have to deal with the business side of our relationship instead of what made us work in the first place. I'm really scared of being settled. Of being boring. Of letting the business side of things weed out and choke the excitement and creativity out of us.

Zachie in the Canoe

Zachie in the Canoe by jennluvsgable
Zachie in the Canoe a photo by jennluvsgable on Flickr.
Love this pic of Zach out camp. Sierra HAD been in the canoe but jumped out!

My Cutie

My Cutie by jennluvsgable
My Cutie a photo by jennluvsgable on Flickr.
My favorite picture of us!

Sierra & Me

Sierra & Me by jennluvsgable
Sierra & Me a photo by jennluvsgable on Flickr.
One of my all time favorite pics of me and Sierra!


Like by jennluvsgable
Like a photo by jennluvsgable on Flickr.
I like my eyes in this one.

Catching Some Rays

Catching Some Rays by jennluvsgable
Catching Some Rays a photo by jennluvsgable on Flickr.
Can't wait till we're both laying in the sun!!

Sierra Girl

Sierra Girl by jennluvsgable
Sierra Girl a photo by jennluvsgable on Flickr.
My sweet baby! She's making an effort to walk this morning!!! She's resting on her dog bed under my bed. She walked in here and her click clack of her nails woke me up. She still needs help getting on the couch or off a bed. Like she needs to be carried but she walked in here! Yesterday she wouldn't even do that! Going to the vet this afternoon.

Thursday, March 03, 2011

Old Pic

Old Pic by jennluvsgable
Old Pic a photo by jennluvsgable on Flickr.
Summer sister, Aunt Dawn, me, my brother and Aunt Teen. Not sure of the construction going on out camp.

Sierra Girl

She seems to be resting comfortably. Poor baby!!!

Bella & Sierra

Bella's been giving her kisses and trying to engage her best friend to play but to no avail.

Time for the Vet

Sierra still isn't doing well. She's not interested in attempting to walk anymore. She walks outside still but doesn't go more than five feet or so. As of Monday, she was racing through the backyard. She is not whining or showing any kind of pain or distress. I've been crying all morning. We're just waiting for Mitch to get home.

Wednesday, March 02, 2011

Bella Boo

Better Days

Originally uploaded by jennluvsgable
Back in our younger, better, prettier days...this used to be one of our favorite spots...and would become the place of horror where Holly would be murdered, not far from here. I don't have the heart to go back there.

Me & Sierra

Me & Sierra
Originally uploaded by jennluvsgable
Gosh, I was five years younger!!! Look at my skin! And where is that Harley t-shirt?!

Just For Dogs

Just For Dogs
Originally uploaded by jennluvsgable
Somebody needs to invent Just for Dogs. Poor baby is going white fast! I don't notice it so much till I look at her younger pictures!! Her eyes and teeth are still good for an aging dog! She's 7 this month!

Getting Zach

Getting Zach
Originally uploaded by jennluvsgable
This picture is almost 5 years old exactly. Zach was 11. Sierra was 2ish. She's somehow hurt her back right leg and is walking pretty stiff on our hardwood and tile floors. She moves much better outside, even running a little. She's not acting like she's in any pain and she's currently curled up on the couch asleep next to me, per usual. Zach was pacing outside my bedroom till I finally said WHAT?! He came in asking for a hug and if we should bring Sierra to the vet. He's texted twice already checking on her. I forget how anxious a kid Zach is. I doubt he slept much last night, worried about Sierra. I told him if she gets worse today, then of course she's going to the vet. If she's not better tomorrow, then I will have him and Mitch take her tomorrow evening.

Tuesday, March 01, 2011

Happy March!!!

So Bella is walking. Walking to the cheers of her mom, uncle Zach and Pop. While I was not cheering, I was not expecting to feel so sad. She's been climbing up on furniture for awhile but I guess Zach hadn't seen her get into the recliner. He just stood there laughing at her, "Oh my God, she's like, like a little person."

It is looking like it'll be a gorgeous day today and tomorrow, tomorrow being the better of the two. My whole week is thrown off. I'm not even sure what day of the week it feels like anymore. The week after next should feel more settled.