Monday, March 26, 2007

I'm Still Here!

SOOOO, I am having major issuses with my landline AND with my internet at home and with my internet at is really a major conspiracy to keep the (wo)man down...thankfully my laptop is Po-to-bull...

Not a whole lot has changed in the last 9 days. I am writing a grant. I am job hunting. I am still with the most adorable and amazing man EVER!

I had a conference last week. Fun catching up with Chelsey, Stacey, and Kassie. We got some lattes after the conference and hung out for some girl chat. They wanted the dish on Mitch. I was so happy to oblige! Stacey is having a sex toy party in a few weeks. I've been invited. Should be funny, to say the least. I am sure I'll have a few funny stories to blog about.

I finally sent Erin my measurements for my best man dress. 35 1/2, 27, 35...almost a ten inch difference between my ass/hips and my waist...I feel pretty oh so pretty...actually I just feel fat. Ah well, I am getting old. I will be 35 in July. That is just crazy. I can't believe I am so old. At least Mitch and I are the same age, so we're getting old together.

Okay, I must get back to work. I am 5 minutes late from my lunch break. I hope everyone is living, laughing and loving!!!
God Bless!!!

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Saturday Afternoon

I had a nice two days in Portland. We spent some time in Old Orchard. It was nice to spend a sunny, 60-degree afternoon in March, hugging each other on the beach, looking out at the waves. I wish I was doing that right now actually. We dined at DeMillo's...pretty much Portland's MOST expensive restaurant...I got the broiled scallops and Mitch got some steak. We hung out at Re-Ra's after making out for a bit on the East Promenade. We had done some shopping earlier in Freeport and in South Portland.

Today, I am just getting back from taking Shannon to a job interview and dropping Hayley off at Allison's and getting my latte. I'm kind of in need of another one! Lots of rain today. The river was well-below flood level before the rain, so I think we'll be okay. They are just worried about all the melting snow and ice on top of all the rain today and tonight. I don't know why they act so isn't like we don't go through this EVERY stinking year. Snow and ice melts, we have warm days and nights, and lots of those little things called April Showers...and pre-April showers...more often referred to as March showers.

Anyway, I have books to read and grants to write. I applied for a teaching job in Rhode Island. They emailed and said they'd call when they were ready to interview. This could be a long process. I believe they are hiring for this fall, which is perfect timing for my schedule. I've already looked into starting my home daycare. Not too hard, but they did say it is usually a 2-3 month process. With a license, I can have 6 kids in my house, which is $1800 a week and I still get $500 a week in child support for another 2 years. I will be doing that while we're going through the little bit longer process of licensing an off-site daycare center. With two teachers in my house, we can be licensed for 12 kids, which is $3600 a week...even if I took 70% of the profit, since it is MY house and my house insurance and my responsibility for relicensure, my co-teacher would still be making $1080 per week. Mitch emailed the realtor yesterday and there is a house we absolutely love, but it might not still be available when we need is a 5 bedroom cape on like 5 acres of land...I don't want land, but Mitch does. So anyway, it is a gorgeous house. Even if we don't get that one, we let the realtor know that we're looking and we'll be needing something by July/August.

I'm also in the process of trying to save $1000 a month. Not hard if I cut out my shopping! =) If I can save that much a month, and counting what I already have saved, I'll have $6200, including my stipend I'll receive when my contract runs out. That should give us plenty of money for moving and enough for a month or two, until we're in a position to start saving again. Things should be easier anyway, once we combine bills. We're currently paying two rents, two cables, two cell phones, my house phone, my utilities, blah blah we won't need all of that.

Anyway, I am just thinking aloud. I like the idea that I can take care of all of this financially even without Mitch's help. I know that bugs him. He wants to feel useful. And he is.

So the rest is in the Lord's hands. I trust He'll find us the perfect house in the perfect location and I can teach full-time until the I get licensed for a home daycare and then of course, I'll be working from home. Kayla will be 18 next year. I'm pretty sure she'd like to be my co-teacher and making $1000 a week, until we get the center open. My hope is that she will assume directorship of the daycare once she graduates from college with her degree in Early Childhood Education. I'll just be the owner and working on my doctorate at that point.

For my Christian friends, please pray that I always remember where my help comes from and ultimately, who is in charge. I have been given so many wonderful gifts, it is very important for me to remember not to love the gifts more than the Giver!

Grace and peace everyone!

Tuesday, March 13, 2007


I can not wait until tomorrow. Portland and Freeport bound. Some fun in the hotel and then home for work Thursday night.

I slept in this morning. That was great. Mitch called and woke me up and I was like, WTF? But then he was like, "Jenn, it is after 9!" We were both out by like 11 last night. I guess I needed the 10 hours of sleep. I feel super today! Lots of energy again. Shannon and I got our lattes, ran to the grocery store, went tanning. I worked out a little, took a nice shower and packed my clothes for tomorrow and Thursday.

Last Wednesday we played racquetball. Of course, Mitch won all three matches. Not by a lot, but fair and square. He knows better than to "let" me win. On Thursday, we had a great day. After working at the center, I treated all of us to some dessert at Governor's. Mitch, Kayal and Zach had me in stitches for most of the evening. On the way home, as Mitch was dropping us off, he goes, "Don't forget your racquets in the back." And so my 12 year old son pipes up, "DID YOU JUST TELL HER SHE HAS A NICE RACK??? GEEZ, I AM STILL IN THE CAR!!!" Mitch and I about died from laughter. Kayla was laughing so hard, she couldn't undo her seatbelt and just laughed until she almost passed out. After, we asked Zach to kindly grab the RACQUETS from behind the seat and to bring them in the house because I was going to take a few minutes to say goodbye Zach grabs the racquets and proceeds to tell Mitch not to "do anything I wouldn't do." AND then a few minutes into our goodbye, Zach actually took Sierra out to pee, which is funny because not only does Zach hardly ever take the dog out, it is NEVER at night! He was being cute, though.

Anyway, that is pretty much the news from here. Work is work. I can't wait until August. My hair is looking pretty great today. I got some new jeans and a couple of shirts, and a very nice Abercrombie wool sweater from Allison that I LOVE! They fit perfect! Mitch will be thanking her after tomorrow! =)

Hi ho, hi ho, it is off to work I go! Catch yall later!

Sunday, March 11, 2007


It is Sunday. The kids, Allison and I slept in until 11 AM!!! Two kids are still sleeping. Hayley and Shannon.

I bought them American Idol for their PS2 Friday night, after I dropped them off at Great Skates. They've played with that most of the weekend.

Yesterday Debi and I met in town for coffee, errands and lunch at Happy China.

Work has been a nightmare, but I am hopeful that will be changing soon. In the big scheme of things, it doesn't really matter anyway because we'll be in Rhode Island before you know it!

God is good.

Wednesday, March 07, 2007


Mitch and I are playing some racquetball today. I can't wait. I haven't played for awhile. It will be fun to visit with everyone at the gym. I saw Dianne when I was skiing a few weekends ago, and I see David more frequently than the others, but other than that, I don't really see anyone anymore. I do see Scott most mornings at Ampersand's. Scott played some soccer with Mitch in college and he now coaches the women's soccer team at UMaine.

I already tanned and got my latte. Just waiting for my ride! =)

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

The Last...

...few freezing cold days are today, tomorrow and Thursday. It'll warm up again this weekend and be warm all next week. However, I still have to make it thru the next few days! At least, I'll have some company for two of them!

We're playing some racquetball tomorrow. Which reminds me, I have to go to the gym today and sign out the court.

I am in the slow process of getting things ready for my move. I did the Christmas stuff and my bedroom last night. I threw out a ton of stuff that I could have probably made some good money on if I had had a yard sale, but I just wanted it out. It is so liberating to throw it out. I am going thru my linen closet next. I really don't need more than 2 sets of sheets for every bed. The extra bedspreads are going to go. The old curtains, gone too.

I got some reports done yesterday. I have a few more to work on today and then I will be all caught up.

I have to run and get my latte. Go tanning and pick up some stuff at the grocery store. I also have to make an appointment with my eye doctor.

Next week is Portland. Two days of shopping pleasure for me. I have a few things I want to pick up in Freeport.

Saturday, March 03, 2007

March 3, 2007

Weird weather we're having. Bright and sunny today. Any snow from yesterday is melting quickly! YAY!

I'm sitting here with a lazy doggy by my side. Zach is outside playing in the snow. Hayley is knitting. Kayla is taking a shower.

Friday, March 02, 2007

Happy Snow Day!!!

The storm is definitely most officially currently underway! I left work early to avoid the heaviest snowfall. I headed to the grocery store and apparently not only do people drive retarded during snowstorms, they also can't handle driving shopping carts either! There is an understood rule at our grocery store about one way shopping traffic. You start out on the right at the produce and deli area, then proceed to the left and walk up and down each aisle accordingly. I don't do well with haphazard cart driving and going in both directions with people racing around the store grabbing illogical snowstorm items...unfortunately for moi, I had to do my regular grocery shopping anyway, so I had to endure. I usually save my big grocery trips for the night, just because I can't stand being around a lot of people in a grocery store setting. It increases my anxiety and makes me cranky.

But, I am home now with a freshly stocked fridge and pantry. The kids are enjoying their snow day. I am making chicken and dumplings for supper and sliced toasted baguettes drizzled with olive oil, sliced roma tomatoes and melted fresh motz cheese with some basil for our snacking pleasure.

I'm in for the rest of the day and night. Going to ride out the storm in style. Movies, books, video games, pajamas, snacks and some hot cocoa. I should only have to go out to move my truck for my plow guy. He'll probaby come once tonight and clean up the driveway tomorrow.

Yesterday, I got my nails filled and repolished. I got my hair washed, trimmed, blown dry and styled, went tanning and did a little shopping.

I plan on taking the kids roller skating tomorrow night. Maybe some Sunday skiing, but chances are, we'll save the skiing for next Saturday.