Thursday, March 12, 2009

Downward Dog

Downward Dog
Originally uploaded by jennluvsgable
Sierra on my yoga mat.

Swans are BAAAACK!

Swans are BAAAACK!
Originally uploaded by jennluvsgable
When Zach and I took our walk a month ago, looking for signs of spring.

Our Private Beach Area

The "River" that flows into the bay

At our private beach area at the end of the street.

Green GRASS!!!

Green GRASS!!!
Originally uploaded by jennluvsgable
Too bad the trees don't have leaves yet!!!

My Sk8TeR Boy

My Sk8TeR Boy
Originally uploaded by jennluvsgable

Seal at the Post Office

What the kids and I saw, basking on a rock, on our trip to the post office.


Originally uploaded by jennluvsgable

My Favorite Uggs

My Favorite Uggs
Originally uploaded by jennluvsgable
Love these!!

March 12, 2009

I am looking forward to the weekend because it is supposed to be sunny and warm. Just like last weekend. I'm just waiting for that first bikini day at the beach when the sun is so warm you just lay there and fall asleep, listening to the waves and the birds and Zach asking you to come swim in the water with him every two seconds.

I want some Bendaroos! Bailey and I call them wiki sticks but I think they are the same thing.

I am going to relax today. Maybe clean but that is relaxing for me. Laundry tonight. Errands tomorrow.

Mitch is sick. Not sure what his plans for today are. I do have to buy dog food.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Obsess much...

Sorry for my original misuse of affect vs. effect...

Never Boring

Not only do I have to proof read my posts...

Obsessed about the site meter, I think not!

First, I would like to address the site meter comment... I like to call it market research. I am trying to see my effect on my beloved's blog. I am only interested in enhancing the experience of her readers (you all) and if I negatively affect the blog, I want to know.

Anyway, I am not feeling that well today, making me not very creative. Tomorrow is my last early soccer practice this spring, that makes me happy. The time change has killed me, but I am told it helps the economy, so I will take the good with the bad. Well that is all for now, sorry it is so boring, I will do better next time.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

March 10, 2009

Watching more American Idol. Still working on grad school crap.

Thinking about my future is all consuming and overwhelming. Yes, Mitch, I am obsessing. Like you obsess over the site meter.

I just have to spend some time in prayer and continue to plug away, ever so slowly, towards my doctorate. Is 42 too old for a doctorate? I am going to be that age regardless, so I might as well be a doctor and 42! That is probably a good age to become a professor. That gives me almost 30 years of teaching at the collegiate level. Of course, I could retire early after 20 years and then be adjunct somewhere, advising and teaching a course here or there. I've been told by my professor friends that I had better be sure, because once I cross that line, I will be over-qualified if I decide it was a wrong choice. I've always wanted to be a professor, though, so eventually all this plugging away will begin to pay off.

Monday, March 09, 2009

March 9th, 2009

I seem to recall Daylight Saving being more enjoyable. I am exhausted.

Overwhelmed as well. I have spent all day working on grad school crap. YUCK!

I am opting out of a fancy dinner tonight in lieu of pizza rolls and fries. Boring, I know.

Friday, March 06, 2009


On Sunday, thanks to daylight savings it will be 7 PM and still light outside! YAY! Of course I am not excited about losing an hour of precious sleep. Methinks I'll be a bit grouchy next week!

March 6th, 2009

American Idol last night was interesting. It was the wildcard elimination round. They ended up picking 4 wildcards instead of the expected 3. Prior to airing, I was rooting for Tatiyana. However, she came out with a new found Puerto Rican accent (she does live there, however, she has not had even a trace of an accent for the last 4 times she been on television) and I feel she definitely put off the judges and the last few of us in America that were willing to put up with her obnoxiousness for the sake of hearing her beautiful voice. She also sang the same song that I believe she had sung twice before. Mitch and Zach were happy because they absolutely can't stand her. I also feel that this season is anybody's season. They are a good group and all pretty equally talented. Should be fun and interesting to watch. I felt last season was so boring because we all knew from the beginning try-outs that David Cook was the next American Idol. There had been that much of a gap between his talent and that of his competitors.

I think I am going to make some Copycat recipes tonight for dinner. It is this recipe site that pretty much has any recipe from any restaurant that you love and copycats it so you can make it at home. Not sure yet what I will make. Mitch isn't being very cooperative right now offering up ideas.

I am reading book two of the Twilight series. New Moon isn't as easy for me to get into as Twilight was. I am sure it will still be an excellent read, I am just having some trouble getting sucked in, like I did with the first one.

Thursday, March 05, 2009

Jon and Kate are reading our Blog!

While insanely watching the site meter to see if anyone had read my first attempt, I noticed a view from Pennsylvania. The view came on the day after Jenn posted an entry about Jon and Kate's new house. Now the normal rational human being (Jenn) thinks it's not them, but I was not going to give up that easy. A little google search of their home town and the view location, next thing you know, I have verification. Ok, so I sound like those people that say they are going to just show up at their house to say, "HI".  The truth is there was probably 300 miles between the two locations, but if I were psycho enough, I could manipulate the map to make the two towns look close to one another. I promise you I don't think it was them, but it was fun to have Jenn think I was being crazy. Oh, and for the record, I do watch Jon and Kate Plus 8 with Jenn (she likes it and if she likes it then, I watch it). In a Kate moment, Jenn just told me that it should say, "if she likes it then, I like it".  Anyway, I may be taking this blogging thing too the extreme, but I was told by the boss I had to be serious about this.

Mitch Taking Over Blogger

My New Blog Contributor

I am thrilled. I don't look thrilled. But I am thrilled.

TV Commercial Must Have Caught Our Eye

Reading Over His Shoulder

He DOES have his own laptop. TWO of them!

Checking Spelling & Grammar

Hurry Up! It is MY turn!

Not Sure I'm Liking THIS...

March 5, 2009

It is supposed to be in the 60s tomorrow. Forties today, sixties tomorrow. Needless to say, I have a weather-related sore throat due to high levels of humidity rapidly changing to dry winter arctic air, only to change back again.

Still enjoying my days off. I was only supposed to work 7 hours yesterday but ended up working 10. Kathleen was in a car accident and asked if I could stay later. Absolutely! She is okay. Just minus a car I guess.

I have cabin fever in a big way and want to get to DC for a spring visit. The kids and I like to go in April. Just once I'd like to hit the cherry blossom week. It is like one weekend in April and it is usually the weekend before or just after we get there! I love history and I love the drama and elegance of the Civil War Era and everything is FREE in DC, such as the museums and zoo and monuments. I definitely want to hit up the Holocaust Museum again. I haven't seen any of this stuff with Mitch so I am sure we'll have a lot of fun.

Speaking of Mitch, I've allowed him author privileges to this blog. I think it will shake things up a bit, letting him give his perspective on things. Plus, we want to take this blog on the road and I think it will be easier for me to have some help with the posting.

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

There's a bad speller in the house...

This is the first of many contributions to come (unless there is an overwhelming cry for them to stop), I am the man of the house (well, the male that is in Jenn's House), ok I have just got approval to say I am the man of the house.  If I can weather all of the rules that are associated with my role of contributor (like the head of the house sitting over my shoulder and telling me I spelled something wrong or have a dangling participle) I hope I can entertain you with my simple mind.

I will first tell you up to this point I have only viewed this blog once in my entire life stumbling on it by accident early in our relationship. I didn't even read it, but it started a chain reaction of events ending in our lives being ever linked to the ruckus I like to call "who is stalking me" (and subsiquent private setting for a short time). Now that this is out of the way, on with the simplistic ramblings of an over educated college soccer coach that is ridiculously in love with his wife (I will apologize up front to manly men because I am sure I will find myself often sensitively discussing how much my I love the woman of this House!). It appears that although it was not popular when I was a kid, I might suffer from a slight case of "look something shiny" syndrome (Jennifer told me to tell you, that this syndrome is more commonly known as ADD).  So we are clear, I was not insulting your intelligence by the explanation she was concerned that I am too simple. I have managed to write a whole paragraph without saying anything and I am told that you already know everything about me, so I will finish with a short snow story.

So, it snowed...alot...a freak'in wicked lot!  Although this excited the woman of the house, the man of the house had to remove it from the driveway. What started out as a simple task for a simple ex-Mainer, turned into a nightmare task with back pain and shovel throwing.  I knew that there would ultimately be back pain (sleeping gives me back pain), I did not foresee the extreme anger that would occur at the town workers as they plowed cluelessly on that snowy Monday morning.  After shoveling half the driveway from one end to the other I reached the plowed road. I felt accomplished and relieved I was halfway there, the main road was mostly clear on our side except for the watery slush mix.  As I started shoveling my way back towards the house, I stopped to hydrate (I have learned from Man vs. Wild this is important in cold weather...well in pretty much any weather water is important).  As I picked up the shovel to resume, I heard the roar of the plow coming up the street. I started out optimistic that they were plowing the unplowed side of the street (across the street from our house), but my optimism turned to frustration when not one, but two plows both spraying that watery slush mix all over not only the shoveled portion of the driveway, but also the unshoveled portion as well.  Almost instantly, the shovel flew from my hands in the direction of the plows and words not becoming of a sailor came flying out of my mouth. The woman of the house came out and asked what was wrong and then she saw the driveway and had a smile (ok... she was laughing). She, as always, made me smile and gave me the strength to finish the rest of the driveway. 

Well, that's it, my first entry, I hope this does not cause you to never read Jenn's House again. Let the woman of the house know what you think, your opinion does matter. If she thinks for one minute that you won't read her blog because of me, I will go back to being the guy in the bikini climbing the tree.

Day Off with Photobooth

My new sundress...

My Hair is UP

My Hair is UP
Originally uploaded by jennluvsgable
Rarely is my hair up and like JD is elusive to the public eye.


Originally uploaded by jennluvsgable

March Madness

March Madness
Originally uploaded by jennluvsgable

March 3, 2009

Yesterday was so enjoyable. I wish every day was like that.

Lots to do today. Tan, work out, groceries, bring back the movies, go to the post office, the bank, pick up the kids.

I have to work for 7 hours tomorrow. The only blemish on my otherwise perfect week!

Today it is just me and my Sierra for the morning and early afternoon.

I watched Jon and Kate last night. I also have read some blogs and news articles written by people that actually know the couple. Makes one think at least. After knowing some behind the scenes stuff, kind of makes the show less enjoyable. Like the fact that their new house is like 1.2 million dollars. I mean, really? I don't care if I ever DID have enough money, you'd better believe I'd be living in a normal house. Of course, in Narragansett, 1.2 million only buys a shack on the beach. They are in PA. In the woods no less. Our house is assessed at $750,000 but $650,000 is just for the land it is sitting on alone, which is precisely the frustration Mitch and I have living here. $750,000 buys a pretty nice house in Maine!

Monday, March 02, 2009

The Good Thing About...

...snow days and having teenage children is you can rent scary movies and watch them!!! We rented Quarantine (I've already seen it and thought they'd appreciate it) and The Haunting of Molly Hartley. We haven't seen that one yet.

I am also making Tater Tot Casserole. I swore I'd never make it, but I get tired of hearing how good it is, so I thought we'd give it a try. Mitch has academy tonight (soccer crap) and Hayley is with Alexis so Zach, Kayla and I are watching scary movies, noshing on chips and dip, nachos and dinner is in the oven! I'm drinking a glass of red wine...yum...except that it isn't even 4 PM yet!!!

Spring Cleaning

The spring cleaning is mostly done! That was easy. The kids were actually a big help today. Zach's room is clean. The girls still have a lot of sorting. They are thinning their wardrobes and tossing out stuff they don't want. Kayla needs to thin her stuff especially because she'll be moving with it all in June.

Anyway, feeling so good that things are taking shape! I can enjoy my next few days off doing little cleaning projects now that the big stuff is taken care of. Like furniture being moved so everything can be swept and mopped. Again, I have to say how much I LOVE my Shark Steam Mop.

March 2, 2009

Happy March! The kids have a snow day today! Not sure why...we got mostly sleet. Not sure what the rest of the world looks like out there. The Weather Channel is making it seem like a big deal. I was expecting like a foot of snow when I got up. Needless to say, I am a bit disappointed. I don't mind snow this stage in the game. It will be in the 50s again by Friday or Saturday, so any kind of accumulation will melt quick and it gives you an unexpected day off!

I didn't do much of anything yesterday. Hung out in bed for most of the day. Today I was going to start my spring cleaning, but the kids are home. Not sure what I'll get to with them hanging around.