Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Weird Day

I slept horribly last night. Didn't even try to sleep in because really that is just setting me up to making this a trend. Tonight, I'm going to retire early. I will read for a bit, but I want my eyes closed by 10 the latest.

I got about 1/2 mile in this morning for my workout before I gave up. Even if it is going to be hot, I can usually manage to squeeze in 2 or 3 miles if it is early enough. I was out there at 8:30 am and halfway up the hill, my eyes were stinging from the extremely poor air quality. It was already 87 degrees by that point, with extreme humidity. Gah! Not fun. Now my lungs are congested from breathing that crap in.

I guess we'll find out tomorrow where Hurricane Earl is supposed to make land fall this weekend. Rhode Islanders and people on the Cape are hoping it goes by us. Currently it is a category four with 135 mph winds. Awesome. Earlier during the weekend, we had a severe high surf warning due to Tropical storm Danielle. Should make Labor Day weekend interesting to say the least.

My anniversary is in 13 days! Really feels like we've been together forever. Not in a bad way, just in a we know what we're thinking, gonna do, gonna say, kind of way. Last year was NYC. A carriage ride around Central Park and the VMAs. It was a magical night. That all followed the hugest of huge fights. Hmmm, marriage isn't dull that is for sure!

Monday, August 30, 2010


Just the baby and me for a few quick minutes. Zach has a football game. Hayley walked to the little store up the road to get us some snacks. Kayla went to the library to do some studying.

Bella is napping. She's been fed, bathed, played with and rocked to sleep. Sierra is next to me, while I blog. Listening to some iTunes and organizing my house. Things are coming together since I began my reorganization. I have little projects for my downtime when I have days off. Which I have plenty of!

Today I dusted. Swept. Mopped. Going through piles of old mail. Seriously wish I had a paper shredder for that. Candles are going. Incense burning. Walls bleached and wiped clean. Really just gearing up for flu season. 95+ degrees outside. I sat outside for about an hour and a half before it got way too hot. The air is going nicely and I even had to turn it down a little.

Sunday, August 29, 2010


It is 8:45am and I have the whole day ahead of me. Not sure what I want to do. A part of me wants to grab my bike and head over to Block Island on the ferry. Or spend the day at Beavertail in Jamestown, or head to Blue Beach. We haven't been there in two years. Or we could just spend the day at Our beach. Or I may just decide to lay in the sun here at home. Really depends on how hot it is going to get today. Supposed to be in the nineties the next few days. The problem? I really do not want to drive anywhere. I'm really done with traffic by the time I get a day off. Done with traffic lights, stop signs, people in the wrong lanes messing the flow up, moronic pedestrians and people that insist on driving below the speed limit. We all have places we want to be. Is it too much to ask for a driver to actually focus on driving and planning out their route before they venture out? That means looking at the road instead of talking on the phone. I have no problem with people who talk on phones and drive. I do. Just don't be in the wrong lane and expect the world to stop so you can rectify your mistake and STILL not put the phone down!

Saturday, August 28, 2010


Not really any fun plans. I had to drop Zach off early at school so he could catch his bus to go to his football game. First one of the season. He'll call around 1 to be picked up. I'm going to try to sit in the sun. It is supposed to be in the 90s all week. Awesome. 90+ degrees is too hot for laying in the sun. I'm going to the beach tomorrow and Monday.

Zach starts school on Tuesday. For once, I don't feel as if the summer flew by. I feel as if it kind of dragged on.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Friday, Friday

So glad today is done! Busy day at work all around. Glad I'm only there one day a week.

I took a lovely super hot bath with my Aveeno Lavender body wash. Relaxed a little. Having Asian chicken wraps for dinner. Now I'm going to cuddle with the baby, hen cozy up in bed with my book and hopefully be off into dreamland before 11. I'm having my period so going to bed early-ish is just what the doctor ordered.

I have chapped lips right now. Driving me crazy.

FYI: I'm NOT impressed with AT&T's 3G service for my iPad. Right now it is searching for the network. It does this most evenings around 6, 7, or 8ish PM. My cell service is Verizon. I will be sticking with Verizon because a little birdie told me that Verizon would be carrying iPhones this winter. Till then, I will be sticking with my Blackberry. And Verizon. AT&T, you suck!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

I want nothing more than to go back in time a few days to my days off. I had trouble sleeping last night. It got too hot in the bedroom so I woke up and could not fall back to sleep for the longest time. I will not be able to sleep in tomorrow because I have to work and Saturday morning seems so far away and I think Zach mentioned he has a football game anyway, so he will probably need to be dropped off early. No chance of sleeping in on Sunday. Monday it is! I know, I know, I could have a crappy M-F job and never get to sleep in!

And just when life seems so...blah...little Miss Annabella gives me a smile or does something very cute to make me smile. Bella so wants Sierra to join her in her fun, but aside from a lick or two, Sierra just watches her from across the room. She is not jealous or any more protective of the baby than she is the rest of us. She's kind of ok, whatever about the whole baby thing. She does get nervous when the baby cries, but that is about the only time she acknowledges her existence Sierra is just such a good dog. She definitely knows how to go with the flow.

I gotta go jump in the shower. Kayla's boyfriend Mark has an interview in Newport at 10, which I'm taking him to. I have to be at Janice's at 2. Hayley has an interview on Friday at 1. Kayla's classes start soon. As soon as football is over, then Zach needs to get his driver's Ed done so he can get a job. He really wants one and will get hired very quickly. He's smart, good looking and presents well, has a good sense of humor, etc etc. He could have one now, but he needs to be focused on school. Football takes up so much of his free time and he is most definitely NOT an overachiever. This school year finds him in Algebra II, French I (because "he's done with the Spainards!"), chem and History and American lit. Should be an interesting year for Mr. Lazybones! He's hellbent on going to URI. It is an interesting enrollment. I personally not encountered one student that demonstrates any kind of intelligence whatsoever, yet my cousin Nick applied there a few years ago and didn't get accepted. Mind you, Nick was straight A student, just got accepted into med school kind of kid. So I guess I'm confused as to the acceptance process. Anyway, I'm not going to worry. Zach and Mitch have his life all figured out and he won't have to pay tuition in Rhode Island because of Mitch's job. And in two years, I get to move into a fancy condo in the city.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

I STILL Don't Like Wednesdays

Even though I don't really work on Wednesdays anymore, the 2nd and last Wednesdays of every month are spent in three hour long staff meetings. The first Wednesday of every month is the three hour committee meeting that I attend. I get paid for the meetings so I guess it would be classified under work. I've been attending these meetings for three years and I believe there's only me and one other person that are original cast members of the ever changing group. The funny thing is, when I go over my notes from three years ago, we're talking about the SAME things!!! Super waste of time in my opinion.

It's days like this that I dream of a coffee/bookstore job but then I come back to reality when I remember that I'd have to deal with customers all day and I'm not a people person. And I'd make like 1/4 of what I make now. No thanks.

Tomorrow I'm buying my candles and hopefully will be in the vicinity of a Walmart so I can pick up one small tote for the last stack of books. I also need to plan out next weeks menu. Zach goes back to school on Tuesday and it will be very stressful the first week or two until we figure out his football practice/game schedule. By figure out, I mean what times I have to pick him up, when is Mitch picking him up, what days I absolutely can't get him, etc. So if I have a menu in place, I won't have to waste time trying to think up something to cook. It worked well for us last school year.

I have to drop off a movie in the Redbox. Hopefully pick out some new ones. There's slim pickings these days. That should change since the Blockbusters and Movie Galleries are all closed.

I suppose I have to get ready. This day has begun whether I wanted it to or not. I really enjoyed my last four days off and I'm sad to say goodbye to them.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010


I finished up two Yankee candles in two days. My last tall one will finish up today. I still have the two medium ones I bought two weekends ago with Mitch. Now is the time to buy. I just got a promotional coupon $10 off an order of $25, plus I can use it with the buy one get one 50% off. So two large candles for $35. I will order them online Thursday night. It is a flat rate $5 shipping fee, but it saves me gas and/or tolls going to Cranston or Newport.

Thursday with Janice, I need to pick up one more small tote for the books I have in the corner. These are books I haven't read. The books that I have read are going to the book donation drop off. I'm trying to free my place up. Put away a few baby items that seemed to just be taking up space more than actually being used. I can still get to them if I need to or if we want to switch them out.

We're in the final countdown of "newborn" phase. Bella is doing the military crawl and crab walk scoot to get to things. It'd be easier if we didn't have hardwood floors. Actually it is easier if she is barefoot; then she just slides around. However, she is getting very frustrated not being able to do more or move more efficiently. She gets her knees tucked under her pretty well and kind of dives for things. Like I said, we're on the downward slide of things. She's not interested in the newborn stuff. She's always had excellent head/neck control, even from birth, but she tires less easily now. Does well in her Bumbo seat. She's only in it about a half hour at a time, but she's content in it a little longer each day.

She will definitely be walking in a few short five months. Hayley walked at 9 months. Kayla was 10 months to the day. Can't remember when Zach officially walked because it seems like I carried him till he was twelve. Always his preferred mode of transportation. Being hauled around by his mommy. She definitely has more drive than the three of mine. Really wants to participate in things like a big girl. She is also fascinated by cellphones and my iPad. I have some first words sight apps for her, and all she has to do is touch the screen and it switches to a new flashcard. The computer also pronounces the word. It has animals, foods, baby toys, colors and shapes and letters. It is never too early to start the reading process. Of course she benefits from reading aloud cuddle time, too. I just want Nonny's girl to be very prepared for school. All of Bella's grandparents are willing to spring for all sorts of lessons and activities when the time is right. I started gymnastics at age three and I DO hope she loves the sport as much as I did, but I will survive if she likes soccer. I want her to find her own niche and discover what she likes, but I also want to encourage in her an appreciation for some finer things. We already started her off on the Boston Pops! When she's older, like early teens, I really dream about being able to include her on our travels, to Italy, Greece, Ireland. I'm gonna have lots of fun with this girl!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Today's Not Writing

Today was not spent writing really, though I did blog this morning. I finished my block project. It is fabulous. I will post pics of it soon. Other than that, I spent today grocery and household shopping. AND cleaning! It was a rainy day so I took advantage of it and cleaned the house.

The house looks organized again. The bathroom was scrubbed out and sanitized. Time to get back into anti-flu mode. I've also cleaned out the fridge. Always a nasty job. I washed the floors and febreezed the curtains and couches. Now my candles are burning and I have dinner simmering on the stove. Italian stew. I even slept in a little this morning. All in all, a very satisfying day!

I have one more corner to organize and then the house will be complete-ish. Once I sit down, I always see a million more things to clean or dust.

Not sure what I'm doing tomorrow. It is supposed to rain again. I'd like to catch up on reading and things along that line. It is so nice to have this rain. It is only in the seventy degree range. Feels nice. Did I mention this was a satisfying day?
My crafty mood paid off! I'm in love with the photo blocks I made. I ended up stopping at an unfinished wood furniture store and they had 1 1/2 x 1 1/2 wooden blocks for $.26. Can't beat that! They would have cost more at the craft store! I printed off baby pics of Bella, some letters that spell her name and bought some scrap booking paper in a print I could live with, and some Mod Podge. I am picking up some fine sandpaper today to finish the antiquing process. They are adorable as is, but I want them to have a more finished effect. I picked up a little mantle shelf kit for like $7 and the blocks look perfect on it. Assuming I'd had the supplies (the Mod Podge, foam brushes), this project would have cost $1.20. I also picked up some large photo blocks from the craft store. $5.99 a piece. Did the same with that only using just pictures. Cute, but I prefer to pay for my wood reasonably priced and not amped just because it is in this store.

Next up, I'm going to buy the wood ornament cut-outs and apply the same techniques and make ornaments using the kids pics, Sierra, etc., Christmas wrapping paper on the backs.

Sunday, August 22, 2010


I've been exploring lots of crafty and/or green blogs. I'm really into this Apartment Therapy bloggish kind of site. I subscribe to it on my Flipboard on my iPad. Anyway they usually feature creative people and what they've done to create a nice place using their small space. I think to qualify, it has to be under 1000 square feet. It has been fairly inspirational and features a lot more homes in my taste range, as opposed to the ones in home design mags, because really, who likes that? I also watch some crafting shows, so today I'm just brimming with crafty ideas.

I really like the idea of revamped thriftshop finds. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. Also, one particular blog I'm starting to love, revamps clothes. She makes the CUTEST girl dresses out of t-shirts, old dresses, skirts, bandanas, vintage pillow cases, you get the drift. The dresses take 15 minutes to make. Of course it takes me that long to thread my machine! She also has a way of bringing new life to aging camisoles and tanks, because like skirts, their hems rise and fall drastically season to season!

I've ALWAYS been a clothes horse. That'll never change. I've also never liked seeing things I own on other people. It kind of loses its cool for me, when everyone has one. I'm not talking about staples. Obviously, leggings are in. It is fine for everyone to own a pair of black leggings. It is a trend staple that one should own. Plus they're super comfy no matter your size. I used to love the first day back to school after Christmas vaca to show off my new and hopefully unique clothes.

Gah! I can talk clothes all day! My point is, I'm excited about this new prospect.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Another Day

It is very nice out today. I'm running Hayley to the DMV and I have a meeting to discuss behavioral data for my latest job responsibilities. Fun fun. I'm pretty sure it is as simple as putting the updated copies in the permanent binders. What I really want to do today is get some sun, if it doesn't get stinking muggy out.

I have my iPad loaded with various news sources, which I read in my Flipboard app and in my Slate app. I also subscribe to various mags on my book reader apps. This is how I spend my mornings and evenings. Reading current events, tech trends, celebrity gossip, movie and book reviews and NY Times long reads. It got me to thinking about our current state of technology availability. I read somewhere this morning that the number of devices connected to the Internet are supposed to hit like 5 billion by the end of this month. Crazy. I can get my email in five different venues at least. My Blackberry, my Wii, the PS3, iPad, Macbook, iPod touch and Zach's PSP, and Mitch's Droid. Ok so that is 8. That's excluding net books and other laptops in this house. I'm really never not connected. Honestly, I think it can be a little overwhelming. I have music loaded on every device. Movies and podcasts. I'm all prepared for that day that I'm bored out of my mind or lost in the woods for a day or two, assuming I have a device. Except that day hasn't come. Even when I'm bored, there is always my blackberry, which texts, emails, IMs, calls(who does THAT), face books, tweets, blogs and is even loaded with Office. And I wonder why I'm exhausted after a day off.

This is precisely why I am dragging my feet about my 20th high school reunion this weekend. I already "see" everyone daily. We are minute by minute updated on all our lives. Need a prayer? Facebook. Need cheap car referrals, advice, services? Facebook. Somebody always knows somebody. Weight loss buddy? Done. New haircut reviews? Done. I get to Maine more often than I'd like sometimes, so I visit people face to face as my time allows. I don't feel like if I don't go that I will be missing anything. I highly doubt that I will be able to thoroughly catch up with everyone in my class in a day and to even think of trying overwhelms me. I think some people want to go if they have something to prove or if they were fat in high school and are now thin or what have you. I'm pretty much where I always expected I'd be at age 38. I have nothing to prove. I show my family off daily on facebook and my blog. I'm pretty much the same girl I was in high school, just better educated and probably a little bit nicer, though that's debatable. And my high school friends are in the same boat. We're all comfortably middle-class, except for Allen and his Jag convertible! Lucky duck! :) All have kids. All of us are educated.

I'm sure I'm going to be inundated with up to the minute pics, video calls complete with drunken "get here this minute! You JUST missed Billy fall off the bar stool!" pleas, video
play by plays throughout the day and evening, so I will certainly feel like I'm there.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Still More on NOT Writing

My last post developed a mind of its own! Happens when I'm passionate about a subject and learning processes are among those subjects.

My original post was going to be about my efficiency of NOT writing. Ugh! I need a writing office first and foremost. A place with little distraction, yet it needs to have everything I would need like: coffee maker, filters, creamer, sugar, coffee, snacks, microwave, mini fridge, electric tea kettle. Judy Blume has an amazing office retreat. Check out pics of it on her website. It is fabulous!!! I once passed a car in NY that had JBlum on the license plate. I think it was her but it was like a Honda CV or something. Judy Blume would have a way cooler car than that! But maybe she has obnoxious fans so she tries to blend in, but then why would she put Blume on her plate? So only her true, non-obnoxious fans would recognize her, and nod in her direction, knowing she needs her creative space so she can work her magic, of course!

Instead of writing, I've done a lot of reading about writing. And filing. And cleaning. And cleaning up my filing. I'm probably now the most organized person in my current field. Not necessarily a good thing. It isn't that difficult to stand out. What's that line? The one from Waiting, when the character Mitch says it is like being called the smartest kid with down syndrome. Completely inappropriate, especially considering my current job, but sort of true in this sense.

I spend a lot of time looking at people in my fine state of Rhode Island and comparing them to Family Guy characters. Instead of writing. I also do a lot of driving. It is impossible to get lost in this state. Every road eventually ends back on Rt 2. Trust me, I've tried!

My yard is a highway for the most wild animals I've ever seen in one area, which is saying something since I lived 35 years in Maine! I have deer, rabbits, birds, ticks (boo), coyote, raccoons, skunks, fisher cats, wild turkey, Canadian geese, and the occasional bear gets spotted in town. We also have great white sharks that summer here with the tourists. I wish they'd eat a few hundred. It's odd being so close to three major US cities (Providence, Boston and NYC) and be so rural. In Maine, you generally have to search for animals, but that's because their natural habitat is left mostly undisturbed.

Then of course, there is the fine Internet highway that is easy to get lost and sidetracked on. Everyone is a writer. Everyone is a critic. I was in a used bookstore the other day and found several books on Getting Your Songs Published. Huh? Is there a big market for this? It should have been titled Getting Your 'Getting Your Songs Published' Book Published!

Anyway, this post a huge digression from my current tasks at hand.

On NOT Writing

The summer is winding down here in Narragansett. Can't say I'm sorry to see the tourists go! September is the month us full-timers look forward to very much. Tourists gone, ocean all warm from the hot summer, our beaches are free again. You get the idea. It has been an odd summer though, which is another reason I'm glad it is on its way out. Pretty much hit the 100 degree mark every day in July. Being surrounded by ocean on three sides makes us humid all year round, but this summer was ridiculous. I did not work out or lay in the sun for most of the summer. Even while at the beach, most days were too hot to enjoy yourself, unless you stayed in the water the entire time, which is hard to do with a sleeping baby in the cabana.

Our major goal was to acclimate Bella to our seaside lifestyle as quickly as possible. She's been a trooper! Loves water, the colder the better! She was a perfect angel for our 24 hour 4th of July in Boston, even sleeping through the fireworks and cannon fire and most of the Boston Pops concert. I hope I've helped Kayla realize that you don't have to sit out on the fun just because you have a baby. I had three under the age of 4, and it didn't slow me down much. You just have to plan ahead. Where's the baby going to sleep, have enough diapers and wipes, food etc. Babies can sleep anywhere if they're comfy. Also we made sure there were enough hands to pass her off to if she were to get cranky, which she didn't. Worst case, we'd leave. I think babies respond positively to adults who seem like they have the situation under control. Babies sense fear, tension, anger and happy and calm. So back to the acclimating. She's been on every road trip this summer. Been on every day outing. Like I said, a real trooper.

Babies absorb everything at this age. Every new thing they see forms a new wrinkle on their brain. The more wrinkles you have, the smarter you are. That's why it is so important for the baby to be out of the house at least once a day. It improves vocabulary skills, which a lot parents don't think about as long as their kid is saying mama, dada. Well kindergarten comes fast and so many children end up seeing a speech pathologist the first few years of school because they have speech pattern problems or trouble with sequencing and comparisons/ contrasts, which is bigger, smaller, which part of the story comes first, etc. Reading to your baby is the number one thing you can do for her, but ensuring they are well socialized gives them a confident foot forward, as does talking to them constantly. I'm not an expert but I am an English teacher. Don't think we can't pick out the kids that sat in front of the television their first five years of life.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Attitude is Everything

I got a lot accomplished today, even though none of it was really for me! Janice had a doctors appointment and then some kind of advocacy meeting and then errands to run. I DO get paid for this. Rather nicely to boot, but today was supposed to be my day off. Days off are important to me so I can work on my writing and catch up on things here on the home front. Honestly though, if I'd been home, I'd probably mess around online and not accomplish much anyway!


It's been over 48 hours since I purchased anything from the Devil, so I should be able to post my review AND get a new book to read and review. Lesson: sometimes you have to get in bed with the Devil. Irony: this is a supposed Christian book publisher. Things that make you go hmmmm! I hate hypocrisy. Things start out good and well-intentioned and then greed takes over.

Don't get confused by the word. It means saying one thing and doing another. I don't pretend to be good or well-intentioned, because rarely am I. What I am not is a hypocrite. I'm a selfish person, I have about ten minutes of good in me for the random stranger in any given day, I can be shallow, but I'm NOT superficial, and I struggle daily with letting God lead my life. I'm pretty honest about this and I am who I am. God made me imperfectly, so when you see me doing something nice, it is because of Him, and He deserves all the credit!

Ok now I'm off to Booksneeze!

Monday, August 16, 2010

I'm up early. I'm pretty sure I fell asleep early, but I didn't look at the clock before I went to bed. I'm sure it was 9ish. Zachary has football practice till noon. Mitch is at work. I have to get the coffee brewing, my nails done and then run a few more errands. It appears the have rained during the night and I'm not seeing any sun at the moment, so maybe we will have a much needed rainy day.

I'm not feeling terribly creative this morning, writing career wise. Hopefully after some coffee that'll change. My goal for today is to work on some character sketches.

Sunday, August 15, 2010


It was a nice time shopping today. We got two new Yankee candles. Autumn Leaves and Autumn Fruit. My house smells yummy. If I wasn't so tired, it might have been a better time shopping. I'll go back tomorrow to get my nails done and to pick up some groceries.

Now we're just relaxing at home, watching some movies and getting ready for dinner and some good wine.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Big Hugs.jpg

Such a sweet baby!

High-maintenance Coffee Maker

I must have the slowest coffee maker on the planet. I have a Krups duo coffee/espresso machine. Slow! Not sure if this a brand quirk or not, as I know someone else with this trouble, with a similar machine. If my timer setting worked, I wouldn't have to complain, as I could set the timer when I go to bed and have coffee ready when I wake up. I'm notorious for hanging onto appliances just because they still work and this one takes the cake! Any unsuspecting person could walk into my house and think they could just make a quick cup of coffee the usual way and they'd be wrong.

First, you have to decide how many cups you'll need. I usually make 8 or 10, but it could make 12 if it worked right. See, if you want 8 cups of coffee, you have to fill the carafe to the 9 cup line because it eats a cup of water EVERY time! I have no idea where this extra cup goes. Mr. Krups is thirsty. This is why I can't make 12 cups, because I have no more room in the carafe for that extra cup. If you don't add that extra cup, and make it the right way, you will be minus one cup than you put in, and it will be strong! For instance, if you fill it to the 8 thinking you'll get 8 in return, you're wrong I already mentioned its slow speed and faulty timer. It also needs special care when putting in the special #4 filters. I like to dab my finger in water and touch the rim of the filter once it is in place so as to adhere it, otherwise, a corner or whole side of it will flip down and now you have coffee grounds mixed in your coffee! And there are some mornings that I am in no mood for all this foreplay! So I then go to Dunkin Donuts or Starbucks.

I never want to give up my coffee habit. I have cut down on my latte/coffee expenses. We have learned how to brew our own coffee so it tastes even better than coffee shop versions. If I'm just staying home, I brew my own. I only buy coffee when I'm headed to work or running errands, as a special treat. Sometimes I even bring my own coffee from home because I prefer the taste now. Even when I'm back in Maine, the lattes I get from Ampersands don't taste as good as the lattes Mitch makes for me. I still visit Ampersands but it is for the memories and friendships. I spent 1998-2007 going to Ampersands every day. That is $11,497.50 they made from me in 9 years. It was worth that to keep me relatively sane. I would have had to spend a lot more on medications and therapy for a similar effect, I think.

On a different note, I organized my crap for work! Yippee!!! I am now using a larger binder than I've been using, with more room and an expandable file section that I have labeled for each client that I support. Room for my calendar and mileage sheets, as well as expenditures for work, receipts, etc. I don't care to carry a million different folders or use my car as my filing cabinet, like some of the people I work with. This folder has a handle so it has a briefcase like feel. If I out grow this one, then I will need to make some career decisions because really, I don't care that much about this one, to lug that much crap around, suggesting I do.

Friday, August 13, 2010

My Monday AND Friday!

Yes, that's right! Fridays are the only day of the work week that I work at the day program and have traditional 7-3 hours, so Fridays feel like Mondays in the morning, and come 3 o'clock, they become the actual Friday that they are. I even feel as exhausted as I do putting in a full week! Figure that out!

The day program zaps my creative energy so my guess is my blogging and career pursuits will be cut short today. I'm going to relax, eat some dinner, and crack open a bottle of wine. I will take a nice bath before bed, with my Aveeno lavender body wash and put on some comfy jammies and pop in my go to put-me-to-sleep comfort movie It's a Wonderful Life and put an end to this day.

Oh my gosh! I just looked at the clock! It is only 3:30! Oh my oh my oh my!

Thursday, August 12, 2010


So my link to the review I wrote for the Devil (Amazon) is STILL not showing up on my site, which makes it difficult to verify with booksneeze.

It has been a long day! Took Janice to her appointment today in Providence, then ran some errands and picked up items for dinner. Spent my free time messing with that stupid Devil site. One more day. That is all I'll give them!

I have to officially work tomorrow. 7:30-3PM. I've basically been working 40+ hours in two days. Crazy, but oddly better than dragging it out all week. As soon as we hire more bodies, I will hopefully be only working about 30 hours. Salve Regina University starts back in September. I have committee meeting stuff going on, now that I'm a Safety Skills Trainer. Zach's football has started. And now, I get to maintain behavioral data for work. Lucky me. I desperately need to get back into my organizational swing. Plus I need to make time for writing! I'm going to put it on a big block calendar and see what blocks I can highlight for writing/reading, work, play and exercise.

Now, it is Bella time!

Review of Booksneeze

Okay before Booksneeze was Booksneeze, it was a cool publishing site that would send you a free book for you to read and then review on your blog. You read. You review. You blog about your read with a review and then they send you a new book! Cool. Except now they've teemed up with the Devil, Amazon.com. You have to post your review to your blog and now Amazon Typically I like Amazon, but in order to post a review, you have to have bought something from them. Hmmmmm, way to go for screwing up something cool! I have bought things from amazon, FYI, but to be forced to? I think I may be taking my business and reviews elsewhere.

Eric Wilson

I review books for Booksneeze and the latest book I've read was Field of Blood: Jerusalem's Undead Trilogy-Book 1 by Eric Wilson.

This book was very entertaining. Historically and biblically accurate, with vampire lore mixed in, Wilson takes the reader to Akeldama (Aramaic for field of blood) where some construction work is about to begin. This site also happens to be where Judas Iscariot, Jesus' disciple, reportedly took his own life, after betraying Jesus. It is also where the "souls" of the demons called Legion, are laying in wait for new hosts to invade.

The "souls" invade and excitement and horror ensue. I'm very much excited to read book two, and have passed this book on to perhaps the biggest vampire critics I know, my teenage daughters.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

My iPad

I have been a proud owner of my iPad since July 28th, 2010. I'm going to attempt to give it a proper and honest review.

The packaging was neat and trim and PRETTY. Important first impression. Out of the box, still neat, trim, pretty and very lightweight! I could not wait to get playing! I want to mention I got the best of the best version. Complete with wifi AND 3G capabilities. Just shy of $1000. So imagine my surprise/horror when I turn it on and I only have iTunes on my dock. Say what?! Where's my, I don't know, EVERYTHING??? Not even a calendar. None of the stuff that my Macbook came loaded with when I bought it two years ago. All I got was a message screen saying I had to hook up my iPad to a computer with iTunes. Now, just imagine if I owned say, a Dell, and this Dell did not have iTunes. Maybe I use Limewire or whatever! So I would have to download the latest version of iTunes before my $1000 toy could be played with. Or God forbid, I didn't already own a computer. What then? Luckily for me, I own a computer. With iTunes. So it wasn't a complete backfire.

Other than some griping about what I had to do to set it up, I've had a wonderful experience. Most apps I've added are free. I have bought a couple. I love that I have Amazon's Kindle on this, as well as other book readers, so I can download books and magazines and read them wherever. I have friends that have the Sony book reader and a Kindle and this by far, beats the individual devices, which I will no longer have to purchase.

Things I don't like:
No files (would it kill them to give you a drop down menu that let's you create a new folder?)
No camera

I do want to point out that this toy was created for existing iPod Touch/iPhone users, who expressed that they would use their device for everything, if only it had a bigger screen, thus implying the iPad has everything.

I feel that Apple had a great opportunity to really take technology to a much higher level and instead basically enlarged the iPod Touch. This was an opportunity to offer a full computer with all the handy options of the iPod touch. Blowing all competition out of the universe! I am in love with my toy and can not imagine life without it now, but cell phone companies already offer net books with 3G and this could have been that WITH a touchscreen. A camera would have made the newest coolest thing ever (video calling) even better, because it is so much simpler than Skyping, or traditional webcam on messenger.

I also feel that Apple needs to do a better job of screening the developers of the apps they offer. With free apps, it isn't a huge deal, but if I'm sinking some cash into an app, it had better be all that it said it would be and offer excellent tech support. There are good guys/girls out there, that blow the competition away, but you have to find them In and around the d-bags just trying to rip people off!

All in all, I give my precious 4 1/2 stars out of 5. If Steven Jobs had been a tad more generous, or if he is willing to give me a marketing job and free lifetime upgrades, he'll get 5 stars! I'm sure he doesn't care because he already has my money!

Up Early

Up and in the shower before 8, so it feels early, but actually I was asleep before midnight, so that is almost 8 hours. I feel rested, which I haven't been able to say in a long while. Writing all day yesterday certainly helped my mood, as did not leaving my room except for bathroom or coffee runs. Not getting out of my pajamas was nice, too! I can't remember that last time I did that, excluding sweats or yoga pants. I'm talking real pajama bottoms.

Now I'm waiting for the coffee to brew. I have a few errands before picking up a client and heading to the Washington County Fair. The kids are tagging along for the excitement. That means we have to all be in the car by 11:30. I need to stop at the p.o. for a stamp. Mail that stupid letter. Pick up coffee filters, more coffee, so I have no surprises tomorrow morning.

It has been nice having these days off from work. Usually after I take a few days off, I end up feeling more tired from cramming everything into a few short days and stressed out about what will be waiting for me at work. I'm not sure what was so different about this time, except that I don't start my workweek now the morning after vacation. I don't meet with David till noon on my first day back. That is how it will be till I either get a schedule change or a new job.

The job hunt, or career hunt, I should say, is overwhelming. There are so many people out there that buy a laptop and call themselves writers. I thought hard about this last night, because really, I have written nothing as of late, except my blog. My creative writing days are long over. I haven't written anything of substance since Welch Everman died. I did post a nice obit for him on my blog in my archives. He's been gone about 5 years now. With his passing went my reluctant audience, my mentor, my friend, my professor, academic advisor, critic and favorite storyteller. BUT no more excuses! He would not have wanted me to take a five year break, because frankly I'm not talented enough to take any kind of break at all! He can still be a part of this process. He's in my head and his stories are a part of me.

To rectify the above, I have signed up to a few writing websites, mostly to feel pressure to write and to have a way to build my portfolio, but also to surround myself with writing peers and to get the feel for writing again. I spent a couple of hours on one site last night. I'm afraid there are more people on there that are professional time wasters than I could have imagined. A few serious folk, but mostly just a lot of people trying to do anything but write. I did find a site that suggested different exercises to improve writing technique, which I'm excited to work on. Basically character sketches, name banks, sentence structures, etc.

Time to get ready. I'm sitting here with a towel wrapped around my freshly washed hair.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010





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Jamestown, RI

Techno Savvy

I may never Flickr again! I synched up my Blackberry so I can send MMS messages directly to the blog, which means I can post pics and video from my phone to the blog via the phone. No computer necessary. I may never use my digital camera again if remains this easy!!!

Latest of me.jpg

OMG! This actually works from my phone! Love technology!


The cutest baby EVER! :)
I haven't flickr blogged in a lonnnnng time! Just trying it out again!

Okay Folks!

This is huge! I'm posting after an incredibly long hiatus! I'm back and I promise more consistently! A little back story on the reasons behind the break. First Annabella was born! It has been an exciting 3 1/2 months having her around. Secondly, the drama for the most part is GONE from my life! My husband can be thanked for that. While I don't miss the drama of the single life, my life doesn't have the angst and excitement being single provided. I've struggled a bit with decisions. Either to let go of the blog completely, or create a new one, etc. True fact: I miss blogging. Tried writing a journal. Still going to maintain that for my innermost private thoughts that being married does no longer allow me to share with blogworld. For the record, hubby said I can write what I want, but I find myself censoring my own thoughts more out of respect for our life together. I could maintain a new blog, however I have been blogging since 2004 and I am very proud of that fact, and starting anew feels much akin to starting over. I've come to the conclusion that I have grown and so must the blog. Duh? Right? But understand, growing up=boring in my mind up till this point. I have been feeling like I have become a very boring individual as of late. My life has revolved around parenting, which is way more difficult with them aged 20, 19, and 16 than it has ever been. Trying to get them out of the house and on their own. HARD!!! What little time I have, I try to split with cleaning the house, cooking healthy tasteful meals, being a good Nonny, catching up on reading and FACEBOOK. I am a Facebook junkie. Make that a blackberry junkie. Make that a technology junkie! I'm addicted. I'm always online because my phone has the Internet with unlimited service, so I have no incentive not to be online. I can be reached by text, phone, IM, FB, or email instantaneously 24/7. It is like being in Times Square. Meaning, I feel like I do when I'm in Times Square. Alive. In the now. Part of life's inner workings. Sooooooo, all of this time wasting has left me needing more and more time to spend wasting. I realize this is a long paragraph but it IS all relevant to this paragraph.

My plans for the future of this blog will be career oriented and motivated, with a dash of family anecdotes as they come, and journaling Bella's growth and accomplishments. I hope to focus on my writing career, whether it be reviewing books, movies, music and techno gadgets, or just plain editing and proofreading. As always, I will continue to journal my relationship with Jesus as it plays out. I will continue to blog on my health pursuits, exercising, fad diets and latest work out gear. I also plan on scheduling my days. I currently work most of my 40 hours in just two days time. That leaves many days that need a more formal schedule. If I want to be a serious writer, then I need to get serious.