Sunday, October 30, 2011


Had a nice post and blogger is messing up! The second time this week. I've now switched back to the old version. The new thing was CRAP on my iPad! How's that for a review. I will try to post when I get back from my mini vacation.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Being a Turkey

  by jennluvsgable
, a photo by jennluvsgable on Flickr.

We Irish sure make cute kiddos!!! Those big eyes and button nose and cheeks just perfect for kissing!!!

Friday, October 28, 2011

Monday, October 24, 2011


Halloween is almost here. Thanksgiving is in 4 weeks and Christmas in 8! I already ordered one of my husband's birthday presents, which is also in November. I slept very well last night. Slept in till 8:30. Bella slept in till after 9. Got one workout in. Went tanning. Going to go to work in an hour. I think this week for dinners we are going to have Italian stew, Thanksgiving sandwiches, chicken veggie au gratin, and pizza. Friday is fast food. I work Saturday night and Mitch and I will be away Sunday/Monday in our fancy hotel room celebrating soccer season being OVER. Wine, music, lots of food, two person whirlpool and plenty of hot sex. Perfect day with my husband.

Sunday, October 23, 2011


I slept so bad last night!!! Took a little bit of a nap this late afternoon. I made coconut chicken curry for dinner tonight. Kayla texted me from work and said it was great and that she loved me. It put me to sleep. Zach and Bella are sleeping too! It was almost the feeling you get after eating turkey. My husband is coming home AND we have plans for next weekend. Can't wait!!!

Friday, October 21, 2011

Happy 18 Months Bella!!!

A year and a half this little wonderful creature has been in our lives. I just can't express in words how much fun she is these days, as she leaves babyhood behind. She's had little interest in being a baby since day one, so she's not looking back. She just moves on from one adventure to the next. She has the most beautiful, expressive, shiny eyes I've ever seen, with a grin, if you're blessed to see one, that can make anyone smile. She has an attitude as big and volatile as Mt. Etna, so she's often more difficult than not, which is just fine with me. She is not scared of anything! Nothing spleeny about this kid! She's even gotten over her fear of vacuums, golf clubs (we don't know why, other than Zach's bag crashed to the floor once) and the pots and pans cupboard. She loves to spin till she's dizzy, and she still loves music and singing and dancing. She also loves loves loves her books. She literally spends most of her day being read to or flipping through the pages and reading aloud to herself. While shopping, she says hi in a sing songy voice to EVEYONE, and Nonni likes almost NO ONE, so this has caused me to loosen up a little and be a bit more friendly to complete strangers. They immediately fall in love with her, after she says hi to them. I've decided she's probably going to be a movie star or a politician. She needs to put her dramatics and manipulative skills to work for her. Zach and I went to see Paranormal Activity 3. It was a lot of fun! Love being in a large group of people with everyone screaming at the same time. Increases the suspense and drama. I also spent my gift card I got from work and bought a new pair of sneaks!!! I really like them. Nikes of course. They're not the ones I plan on getting for working out, although these will work till then. The ones I want for my workouts are at the actual Nike store and are well over a hundred dollars, but these ones are good every day kinda sneaks. Silver, with florescent blue and green trim. Flashy! I really need to get my day started. I'm already about two hours behind schedule. Somehow, I think the day will just continue on whether I'm ready for it or not!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Not Sure...

...about the new blogger interface I switched to. It's acting wonky with my iPad. First workout completed. One more to go. Listening to some tunes. Kayla and Bella just left to run some errands. Last night my husband was so nice and took Bella with him to run errands so I had about two hours all alone! No Zach, no Bella, nobody but ME! I've never enjoyed being alone so much in my life. I thank my husband for recognizing that that was exactly just what I needed. Just a few minutes to myself. Salve tonight. Home around 9:15. Paranormal Activity 3 at midnight at the movie theater. So excited to see it. The previews look even scarier than the first two movies. So I've been kind of drooling over the new iPad. It draws me to it every time I walk by. A nice white one, like my iPhone. I LOVE that it has the front and back cameras. In fact, my only complaint I've ever had regarding my first gen iPad was the absence of cameras. Ok enough drooling for now. Christmas is in 65 days. For the most part, in talking with the kids, we've agreed that a smallish Christmas (movies, books, games) is a good idea. Stuff to keep us all busy during the winter. There really isn't much out there that we don't already have. Electronically speaking. They still asked that I continue the tradition of getting them new coffee mugs and stockings full of different teas, flavored coffees and hot cocoas. I've found some books with little plastic CDs for Bella and I'd like us to take her to Providence Place mall to be terrorized by Santa and for her to go to Build A Bear and pick out what she wants. I think Mitch and I will probably have more fun than her! Puzzles. She needs wooden puzzles. Walmart has no selection, so I will have to go to Toys r Us. As for my husband, I think he wants a new white iPad. And it's up to me to make sure he gets what he wants! :)

Sunday, October 16, 2011


Worst night's sleep EVER!!! I'm in bed on this pretty sunny day curled up with my blanket cuddling with Bella, who isn't feeling so well. We're watching...wait for it...The Wizard of Oz! I have a feeling I will sleep well tonight!

Saturday, October 15, 2011


I'm actually blogging on my Macbook! I can't remember when I've actually typed using a keyboard and not a touch pad. I have to say, as much as I hate auto-correct on my iPhone and iPad, I'm so used to it that the laptop feels awkward!

So glad I can drink a glass of wine tomorrow evening.

I got a workout and a half in today.

Friday, October 14, 2011


Where exactly did the week go?

I've been up since 6:30 or so. Glad I got my 2 hours of cardio in early because I'm going to probably crap out early myself.

Going to hop in the tub. Tan. Clean a teeny bit. Go to work. Big blah and boooooooooo hiss on that.

42 days till Black Friday.

Another very warm humid day here in South County. It's better than cold but I have some great clothes I'd like to be sporting but it's still too warm for them!!!

In other news, our little Miss Bella peed on her potty yesterday!!! She will be 18 months on the 21st. Next Friday. Anyway, her chair is in the bathroom (duh) and she goes in when we go in. This time she actually peed! So she got her exploding fist bump, since she prefers this over a high five (thanks, Uncle Zach) and lots and lots of praise. We're NOT officially potty training yet, but this was a great step in the right direction. I waited till my kids showed interest and they pretty much potty trained themselves, that's how easy it was. They were all completely potty trained by age two. I was also a stay at home mommy at that time, so that probably helped make it so easy.

Thursday, October 13, 2011


First hour of cardio completed! I'm going to squeeze another hour in somewhere today. I currently get in between 12 and 14 hours of cardio per week. Pretty proud of myself and definitely loving the results!!! Once you get over that slump where everything seems to just be maintaining, you start seeing visible results again, almost daily. Plus, I'm going by how I'm feeling more than just rigidly maintaining a schedule. Some days I feel like I can do more and on those days, I do. Some days, especially if I'm sick, I need a break, so I take one. WITHOUT FEELING GUILTY or letting it defeat me.

Going to be a long night but Kayla will have the house cleaned and dinner ready (taco soup) when I get home.

Monday, October 10, 2011


Happy day off to everyone!

It is 10:40 and my workout was done early. I loaded some new pics to Flickr and posted them to the blog. Now I'm just lounging in my comfy bed. I suppose I should get up and go outside to enjoy this beautiful day!

I was feeling quite poorly the last few days, bad cough, horrible headache, stomachache. Today, I feel great! Headache is gone. Stomachache gone! I'm not sure I coughed much once I finally fell asleep. I did wake up in the middle of the night soaked in sweat. This is what happens when I'm sick. I don't feel better till I finally "sweat" it out.

I have to get gas. Get Hayley back to school. Spend an hour or two with Janice. I NEED a curtain rod. I have to fix the curtains in my living room before I have a coronary. I will probably tan. Figure out dinner.

Little Feet Crossed

  by jennluvsgable
, a photo by jennluvsgable on Flickr.

Watching a movie on Nonni and Pop's bed.

  by jennluvsgable
, a photo by jennluvsgable on Flickr.

Watching The Wizard of Oz with her Nonni.

17 Months

  by jennluvsgable
, a photo by jennluvsgable on Flickr.

There aren't many kids this young who will sit still for an entire movie. Hands down, this is her favorite.


  by jennluvsgable
, a photo by jennluvsgable on Flickr.

She loves her apples sliced!

Newport, RI

Newport, RI by jennluvsgable
Newport, RI, a photo by jennluvsgable on Flickr.

Gorgeous views from all sides of the Sailing Capitol of the World.

Long Lashes

Long Lashes by jennluvsgable
Long Lashes, a photo by jennluvsgable on Flickr.

Thought I'd post some pics for a change.

Friday, October 07, 2011


The BAD mood seems to have lifted a little bit. I think I'm just missing my husband. I asked if we could go on a date one of these days. I really hate when they're in season. Only a few more weeks left and I get him back. I miss him so much when he's not around but then he comes home and every little thing drives me crazy.

This weekend is going to be beautiful. Definitely laying in the sun on Sunday!!!

Freaky "dream" last night. Only I don't think I was dreaming. I felt as if a demon was holding me against the bed, hands around my neck, preventing me from sitting up. I also could not talk or open my eyes...creepy. My neck, shoulders and head ache so bad today that I've had to take Tylenol all day.

I do get visited in dreams, usually by recently passed loved ones, and then they're off and I don't dream about them again. And I'm hugely interested in anything paranormal and typically not scared of any of it. Last night upset me though because I was prevented from speaking Jesus' name and when I would yell it in my head, the "demon" would like squeeze my temple area so hard that I felt like my head was going to explode. If I didn't try to speak Jesus' name then the pressure would stop a bit. Like I said, creepy!!!

Thursday, October 06, 2011


I fell asleep last night with the news the Steve Jobs passed away. We knew it was coming. He's been extremely ill since 2004 but has always managed to rally and miraculously bounce back. That's what heroes do. Depressing to think that even billions of dollars can't keep you on this earth when it's your time. Because of Steve Jobs, my life will never be the same. We've been an all Mac household since 2002. Mitch tried to bring his Dell in and it experienced a devastating and permanent crash. Should have bought a Mac. The few extra hundred dollars you might spend is definitely worth the piece of mind that I have found with my MacBook. With my iBook. With my iPods. With my iPad, which I'm currently blogging on, and of course with my most favorite item I have ever, ever, ever iPhone. I know the company will continue and has been in safe hands for the last decade, but I can't help but think that while Apple will still prove to be a visionary leader amongst its competitors, it would have been just that much better if he were still with us.

In other news, I really wish Mac would make a reliable car. Mine's been "ok" since the disaster of spring 2011...but front brakes need to be done. I did clean it out yesterday. My cars are like my purses. The bigger they are, the more junk I can manage to cram in them. It would be nice if a certain husband would offer to let his wife use the Tahoe on Saturday so she can have an anxiety-free drive and possibly even a good time.

Salve starts tonight, which means I won't be home till 9ish, but I will be able to get some reading done, Bella-free. They are actually running errands today, so Kayla can take her class, and I'm enjoying a morning ALONE! Amazing. I worked out without having to hold Bella and her assortment of toys. I picked up her toys without her taking them back out of her toy box. Unfortunately, I now miss her! Tuesday night we had THE battle of wills. I have never met someone so stubborn in my entire life. She refuses to acknowledge defeat or to seem weak, unless that gets her her way faster. She is smart, calculating, manipulative, and quite controlling. It is like looking in a very flattering mirror. HRC look out! Bella is on your heels!

Wednesday, October 05, 2011


I think fall is finally here! Low 70s and low humidity and SUN for at least the next seven days!!! I'm going to spend about 12 hours in Waterville (on Saturday) and then home to enjoy some of Rhode Island's best weather. I love a nice warm, dry spring, which we did not get this year, and a nice warm and dry fall, which we haven't had yet, but I'm hoping today through next week, it'll finally get here. The humidity has been crazy crazy crazy. The AC is usually off by now and the windows usually open.

I got excused from the meeting late today to take someone in for eye surgery. Either option will be equally boring, but at least now I can get some paper work done.

My bleak, grumpy mood might be lifting. I don't want to jinx myself, but I'm feeling better in general. My cold/allergies really sap any extra energy and creativity and leave me exhausted during the day and awake coughing all night. Throw in a sudden, unexpected death, pay cuts at work, the realization that our life will be changing greatly in the next year and the fact that we're currently living in the house from Hell, and well there ya go! My bad mood. Guess I don't need medication after all. Sometimes one's bad mood is very equal to one's problems.

My workout is done, going tanning in a little while, then off to work I go. And it's Hump Day!!!

Tuesday, October 04, 2011

I got an amazing amount of stuff done today! Dishes washed, floors swept, mopped, vacuumed. Bella slept for exactly one hour. 11:44 to 12:44. Curtains were washed but I screwed up the curtain rod! Grrrrrrrrr! Cabinets wiped down. Counters washed. Couches vacuumed. Toys put away. Bathroom cleaned and sanitized. We listened to music just about all day. Now we're watching Mars needs Moms.


I am in such a bad mood. Been that way for a few days now. Just seems to be getting worse.
Today, I'm going to workout and then clean the house, fall cleaning, if you will, and crank some music.

Can't wait for Saturday. Day off. Mixed with a friend or two and it just might be what I need so I can stop feeling like my life is this blah thing that just keeps on keeping on.

Sunday, October 02, 2011


I would have done just about anything to sleep in this morning! I absolutely could not fall asleep last night! I was awake till 12:30. That is RARE for me. Can't remember the last time I saw 12:30! Shouldn't have any troubles tonight!

The agenda today consists of cleaning, working out, tanning, and making a yummy dinner.

Saturday, October 01, 2011

Happy (?) October

Exhausted already and I only got up about an hour and a half ago! Cardio done. Going tanning in a few. Coffee consumed. Lost another pound, so yay for that!