Tuesday, February 28, 2012

And Soooo

I guess I've joined the ranks of educators and psychologists who study, monitor, diagnose and test their offspring and offspring's offspring! ;)


And lest you may think I'm over-worrying about Bella in my last post, all three of my children were diagnosed with varying degrees of Childhood Apraxia of Speech and Bella has all symptoms of what you would find in a very young child suffering from it, including the difficulty swallowing and hypersensitivity in her mouth.


Today SHOULD be the last of February but since it's Leap Year...come on Spring!

My husband brought home a chocolate cake celebrating the 3000th blog post. It was quite yummy and gone before I could take a picture.

I hope the wind has died down as I'd like to get out and enjoy this 50 degree weather. Maybe the beach or at the very least, a walk in the neighborhood.

I was reading some homeschooling blogs and catching up on some Montessori methods I've long subscribed to but oh my some people...who has the space for a million ugly baskets to put teeny tiny items in? As a former preschool teacher, and former director of a learning center, I also utilized containers labeled with like items but some of these bloggers take it to a crazy extreme. Most of the posts seem more focused on where I can find the "cute" (ugly, IMO) basket.

My purpose for reading the blogs was to keep up with new ideas and revisit the tried and true. Both of my girls had pretty significant learning disabilities so their education was wrapped up in a nice IEP bow. As a student, I was considered advanced. I could read by age 4, and was immediately placed in a second grade reading class in kindergarten. There were two others like me that year, David and Alyson and we're still friends!!! Crazy to think about! But I digress. So my girls disabilities were difficult for me to understand in the beginning. I just couldn't figure out why some things were so hard for them, as i never had to think about my own learning process. I would read a book about something and it would lie in my memory for the rest of ever. Long story short, I think they helped me become a more patient and more
thorough teacher. Enter Bella. I see strong similarities in our learning processes. She understands what you tell her , will follow commands, knows her body parts, recognizes some letters, loves music and LOVES to be read to. She's also developing strong motor skills and will kick, throw, run, chase, dance, jump...especially if a ball is in the vicinity. Fine motor skills and articulation are some areas to be desired. She talks all day long, you just can't understand most of it and the rate of food staying on her fork or spoon through the short journey to her mouth is low. Though the rate of food staying on a utensil to the short journey to the dog's mouth is extremely high. I'm not super worried as she won't even be 2 till the end of April but she seems so advanced in other areas (manipulation, for one), I think our expectation is that she should be talking better. So I'm looking for actual enunciation activities as opposed to vocabulary activites. She has a strong vocabulary as evidenced by her understanding of what is spoken to her. And she definitely understands the finer points of body language, with her hand on her hip, Jerry Springer show head wobble and her wagging finger when she's telling you off!

Monday, February 27, 2012


I just surpassed my 3000th post. Not bad I guess since I've been on Blogger since 2004! Wish I felt more like celebrating! We had a fantastic supper at IHop Friday night. I know, IHop and fantastic in the same sentence! Their strawberry and banana crepes and cinna-stack pancakes were to DIE for!! My kind of supper is any kind that is served with whipped cream!

Mitch and Kayla have had some kind of stomach bug. Bella and I are standing strong! I'm cleaning like crazy today and have been sanitizing like a mad woman since Saturday, just in case I'm not already harboring the virus.

Bella and I are currently watching...wait for it..Rio. Yet again. I've had an incredibly early morning. I fell asleep early but woke up at 11:30 thinking the clock said 1:30, then fell back to sleep till I was rudely awakened at 3, at which point I laid their till I had to get up at 5. Blah. Tonight will be an easy light dinner that won't be miserable puking back up, in case I DO get this stupid bug. I haven't puked in over 5 years and will be sad to see my winning streak end!

Crazy Bella

  by jennluvsgable
, a photo by jennluvsgable on Flickr.

On Her Walk with Her Mommy

  by jennluvsgable
, a photo by jennluvsgable on Flickr.

  by jennluvsgable
, a photo by jennluvsgable on Flickr.

Friday, February 24, 2012


TWO HOURS of cardio today AND a Tabata circuit...and a full ab workout yesterday and today. Full of energy this morning!!!

Happy Birthday to Kayla!! I can't do Chinese again this week so I suggested IHoP to have breakfast for dinner. This was met with a smile because she always requests breakfast for dinner as her birthday dinner when we spend it with my mom.

I'm going to relax for just a bit and then hop in the shower.

Thursday, February 23, 2012


The weather is crazy for a February! Typical for a March though, which is only one short week away! Clocks change March 11th and we already have early morning birds around here but they're not as annoying as they soon will be in 2 or 3 weeks when their friends show up! It is certainly sounding, smelling and feeling like spring!

I suppose I have to get a move on, even though laying in my bed with my windows open is feeling pretty luxurious right now.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Long Day

What a long day but I got everything accomplished that I set out to do. Zach treated me to takeout from Chen's for supper tonight. Bella was asleep in bed by 7:30 pm. She was exhausted from playing all afternoon with her friends. Now I'm relaxing!!! Zach went to Derek's for the night. Mitch and Kayla won't be home till 10:30. What to do what to do! I'm drinking some green tea and listening to some tunes. Playing some Words with Friends. Maybe I will read.


I got my workout in AND I feel like I'm going to puke...that's how they say you know you're doing the Tabatas right...so go me! I'm still fine tuning what works best for me...Tabatas everyday kills my motivation. This week, I'm doing an hour of cardio plus two Tabata circuits every other day but yesterday my mood was more down because it wasn't a workout day. I guess on my day off days, I could do just Tabatas or just an hour of cardio to keep my mood stable.

I have to jump in the shower, go tanning, get gas, drop Kayla and Bella off, pick up David, go to Burlington Coat Factory, pick Bella back up, figure out dinner for me, Bella and Zach and then go to bed!!! Kayla's birthday is Friday so maybe Chinese dinner and cake?

Tuesday, February 21, 2012


Today Bella is 22 months old. Can't believe how quickly two years has flown by! I can't believe we're still in this house. 6-10 weeks till that changes. I can't believe I still have the same job! 5 years! It is now the longest time I've spent at one job and this isn't even one I love. I don't hate it and it pays reasonably well for my demands but I have been so lucky to have jobs that I've LOVED! The preschool. The Learning Center. The gym. While I don't love the job, I do love the people I work with so I guess it all evens out.

I had a meeting this morning, fed Zach and Bella lunch, went tanning and I'm now trying to get her to take a nap. I'm going to get my workout in. Clean up around here a little. Bella has a play date tomorrow with Cindy's grandkids so it'll be a nice break. She asked if Bella could come over anyway, even though we didn't need her to watch her this week, so she could keep her granddaughter company. I guess they're the same age. It'll be fun for her!!

Monday, February 20, 2012


  by jennluvsgable
, a photo by jennluvsgable on Flickr.

She wasn't going to wait till summer!

The Seawall

  by jennluvsgable
, a photo by jennluvsgable on Flickr.

This is our "main street" I guess here in Narragansett. We actually don't have a street named Main in our town. This is actually called Ocean Rd.

Pt. Judith, Narragansett, RI 2/17/12

  by jennluvsgable
, a photo by jennluvsgable on Flickr.

Pt. Judith, Narragansett, RI 2/17/12

  by jennluvsgable
, a photo by jennluvsgable on Flickr.

Can I Get In?

  by jennluvsgable
, a photo by jennluvsgable on Flickr.

She's ready for summer to get here already!

Watching the Waves

  by jennluvsgable
, a photo by jennluvsgable on Flickr.

  by jennluvsgable
, a photo by jennluvsgable on Flickr.

The sweetest Northface jacket I bought her.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Wednesday, February 15, 2012


I'm so unbelievably exhausted. I'm also so glad I took Friday off!!! Couldn't decide tonight between a cup of coffee or a glass of wine, so I'm drinking both! Hopefully they cancel each other out! I have to pick up more yarn this weekend. My lap afghan is coming along excellently! I'm also sure I will finish TGWKTHN this weekend and then I will buy some more books for my Kindle with the Amazon gift card I got for Valentine's. It is going to be in the 50s for the next 5 days or so. Exactly two weeks till March!

Monday, February 13, 2012


The eve of my favorite holiday, except for the Fourth of July! I have to buy some Valentine's today. Right now I'm watching Bambi with Bella. We've had a very early morning!!! I got one workout in and I'm thinking about getting my other one in while I still have the energy to do it. I already did my ab workout. The problem is I stayed up watching the Grammy's and then The Walking Dead and have been awake since 4:20 am, so I give myself till around 3 or 4 before I crash, earlier if I can't keep busy.

Now I have to figure out what Bella and I are going to wear today. It is already almost 10. We have to leave here at 2 so that gives me time to get another workout in, pick up a little and make us some lunch and get ready.

Sunday, February 12, 2012


It will be a busy Monday thru Wednesday. Funny how quick it comes around. I had a nice weekend with my husband. Got some shopping in and had Chinese Friday night. Tonight I'm watching the Grammy's. Losing Whitney Houston has just been such a downer this weekend. I guess I had her classified in the "managing the cocaine addiction" category.

I've started The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest...the last book in the trilogy. I will be sad to see it end. The second book was phenomenal. It is unfortunate they made the first book into the movie. This was definitely a Dan Brown's The Davinci Code case in which the second book was made into the movie first.

Friday, February 10, 2012


I think I *may* buy some new bras this weekend. Don't know if I will feel like it or not but I do need some as I only have two that really like. I didn't workout at all yesterday, but I got a lot of other things accomplished. My body was still hurting as of this morning and that was after one circuit of Tabata and an additional 30 minutes of cardio on Wednesday. Today I did the 4 minutes with the hope that I will get in another circuit tonight or 30 minutes of cardio. I wanted to do two circuits in a row but I felt like I was getting very lightheaded. I literally feel like I have done a complete hour long cardio workout after the four minutes except I am even more out of breath after the Tabata than the hour long workout. The scale is going down, so I'm satisfied.

I won't be home till 9 tonight, but the weekend off is nice and then I have 3 day weekends the next two weeks in a row and another one on March 9. I have over 120 hours of ETO and I really need a break and I think the next two weekends will do it. Eddie Money is in Atlanic City I think next weekend. Tickets are like $10. I haven't talked myself out of it yet! Hahaha.

Thursday, February 09, 2012


I slept pretty well last night. Up at 9 this morning. I have to be in Jamestown for 2 so if I want to workout and tan and shower, I'm going to have to get on the ball. It is going to be in the fifties today and tomorrow. Loving this weather! February is flying by. I'm going to say 4 weeks till an actual real beach day. For me, that is at least 70, no breeze, just warm sun and hot sand. Anything warmer than that and it's hard to just lay in the sun without being able to get in the water to cool down and that part of a beach day is still 3 months away.

Wednesday, February 08, 2012


What a long long long day!!! So glad it is over!

So this 4 Minute workout has led me to Tabata, which has had me reading reviews and about actual results, which is what I'm interested in, and this all led me to an informative site...Tabata protocol or something. I read up on the history, invented/discovered by a guy with the last name of Tabata, who was training Japanese speed skaters. It essentially is interval training, however the entire circuit is 4 minutes long. Basically you can do any cardio exercise at your maximum output for 20 seconds, rest 10, at it again for 20, etc till the 4 minutes are up. It was also suggested to do it before your regular cardio because of the after burn effect and it will make whatever you do after that more effective but you don't have to do an additional workout after the 4 minutes. You can also use this method with resistance training. Same 20 secs on, 10 off. Tonight I used the recumbent bike and completed the circuit and did an additional 30 minutes of cardio. I will leave it up to you to do your own Internet search on the scientific theory behind it...it does seem valid.

Of course you can follow along with my results here. I've done it now three days in a row. I may end up just doing the Tabata every other day and continue with my other cardio, which I feel offers more benefits than just fat loss and increased metabolism...it's cheap therapy, as this is where, when and how I do my best thinking, increases my seratonin better than any SSRI, and is just all around fun. Tabata is not exactly fun but you do feel like SOMETHING is happening.

In other news, there's a good chance we WON'T be paying $4000 into the government for income taxes this year. I have little sympathy for any of my family and friends crying poverty right now. Last March/April this middle class family had to come up with $4000 for taxes and another $4700 for a major car repair, PLUS several hundred dollars in car rentals, and still had to manage paying $800-ish in car payments, full coverage insurance on three vehicles, $1500 for housing, food for the family, cell phone/Internet bills, not to mention gas and other incidentals. And we survived without asking for help from anyone other than maybe God. Okay, most definitely God. It still infuriates me when I think of the amount of money that had to be spent in those 4 weeks, because I promise you, I would much rather spend $4000 ON MY OWN FAMILY than having to dish it out. Okay so done with that conversation. This is a new year and my husband and I have taken the necessary precautions and will thoroughly enjoy spoiling our own family.

Tuesday, February 07, 2012

I accomplished quite a bit today! Two hours of cardio, the 4 minute workout, vacuumed the couches and all the tile as pesky dirt can hide in the grout lines if all you ever do is sweep and all I ever do is sweep. White cupboards were bleached clean. Dishes washed, dried and put away. Trash dealt with. Thursday will probably be the day I scrub the oven and the fridge. Bella and I also read a lot of books, watched some movies, worked on our alphabet (she loves the letter Z), sang a lot of songs and danced around.

I had a nice conversation with Zach and signed some papers for more vaccinations...my feathers get ruffled when laws are passed forcing certain vaccinations, but instead of a battle, I'm letting him get the meningitis vaccination because it is a deadly disease and if that is one less thing I need to worry about then ok. Plus, like I told him, if he does join the Air Force or Air National Guard, then he'll need a bazillion shots before he can leave the country anyway. So crazy to think he's 18 on May 12th. Whatever he does, Bella will be sure to miss her Uncle Dada.


I got my first hour of cardio in. Yesterday I tried the 4 minute workout. Not sure if I'm buying into it although I do feel there are some truths behind the science of it...my biggest disbelief is that you actually burn MORE calories in four minutes than an hour long run. There are more positive reviews on the net than not, so I am giving it the good old, old school try. I mean really, what can an additional 4 minute workout hurt on top of my 2 hours of cardio. The workout is comprised of 20 seconds of squat thrusts, high knees, mountain climbers, and jumping jacks, with ten seconds of rest in between exercises. Basically it is said that if you feel as if you want to puke after completion, you've done it correctly. I DID feel as if I injured something, but no puking feeling. Supposedly, it increases metabolism for the next 36 hours as well. Like I said, it's only 4 additional minutes. At my age, heart health is on my radar, so I will continue with my 1-2 hours of cardio per day. I really don't want to have to deal with high blood pressure, high cholesterol, or disgusting clogged arteries, not to mention just getting plain old fat!

Bella's watching Rio for the 100th time. At least it isn't Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs, which I can now fully recite. I'm going to straighten up things around here and get another workout in. It is so nice out today. Yesterday was 52 but quite breezy, so I will probably open some windows for a bit and let some fresh air in and stale winter air out. Tomorrow will be a bit busy. I'm home at 7am, gonna cram in a workout, get ready so I can drop Kayla and Bella off at Cindy's at 10:30, staff meeting for me 11-1, back to Gansett to tan, pick up David at 2, run our errands and pick Bella up at Cindy's on our way back home. Not as busy as Monday was, but hectic nonetheless...

Monday, February 06, 2012

Bella looks awfully cute today. She is sooooo tired! I'm guessing she wasn't prepared for such an early morning this morning!! She's getting ready for her nap and I'm going to try very hard to NOT take a nap myself.

I switched my Scentsy wax in the warmer today. I had cranberry mango in there. Smelled good, just not very strong. Right now, I have Mediterranean Spa in there. Not liking it so much. Smells a bit old lady-ish. I liked Echo, but SO strong. I was getting headaches from it. The Scentsy scents I like, I really like. I'm a loyal Yankee candle fan and the majority of their candles, whether I like a scent or not, are strong enough to scent up a very large area. With Scentsy, I find some scents are too strong, while others don't even register. But like I said, the scents that are neither too strong or too mild and that appeal to me, I really like. I also LOVE the $5 price tag on the wax. Definitely better than the hefty price tag on the Yankee candles, which is why I take advantage of their buy 2, get 2 free sales, or their buy 2, get one free if I'm running low. They also usually offer free shipping on orders $50 or more. A positive for Scentsy is the fact I can leave the burners on all day or all night. Light bulbs are a buck. I could never leave a candle burning.

I have to bleach down the counters and wash the floor. Anything to keep me awake. Definitely going to bed early tonight!!


I can't believe it is Monday already! Bella had super fun at work this morning. Glad it went so smoothly. I'm running on 4 1/2 hours of sleep. The floors have been swept and the dishes done. Trash/wine bottles taken care of AND took the dog out. I could bitch about the disaster like Renee on Mob Wives but I will hold off. However things will be changing soon. If Zach is unavailable Sierra and the trash will NOT wait for him, because quite frankly, I seem to be able to clean up a lot of messes that I don't create or that I'm not responsible for and I expect that everyone will help ME out when Zach is unavailable. It will not "teach" him a lesson, but it WILL piss me off if something like a tower of trash is left for me. If it needs to be done, do it. Another change will be quite simple, after a person had cooked something, all dishes will be rinsed immediately. I'm done dealing with dried disgusting food caked onto dishes and pans. One more rule, I refuse to be scrubbing counters forever. If you dribble or spill, I expect the mess to be wiped immediately. Same goes for the floors. This isn't directed at any one person. I do appreciate when help is given. I do not feel like I should have to hear "but it's not my chore" from adults.

Sunday, February 05, 2012


  by jennluvsgable
, a photo by jennluvsgable on Flickr.

The night of Zach's senior football awards night and banquet.

Her Fake Whiny Pout

  by jennluvsgable
, a photo by jennluvsgable on Flickr.

Wish I was impervious to it, but she has her Nonni right where she wants her!!

  by jennluvsgable
, a photo by jennluvsgable on Flickr.

My incredibly sexy husband, just home from work, making his famous and much loved pizza!!

  by jennluvsgable
, a photo by jennluvsgable on Flickr.

I have this exact same Ralph Lauren shirt...same color too, which is pink, with a lime green pony.

Bella Reading to Her Nonni

  by jennluvsgable
, a photo by jennluvsgable on Flickr.


  by jennluvsgable
, a photo by jennluvsgable on Flickr.

I SO love this Calvin Klein dress!

That was FUNNY!

  by jennluvsgable
, a photo by jennluvsgable on Flickr.


  by jennluvsgable
, a photo by jennluvsgable on Flickr.

She loves playing with our old cell phones. She already knows how to turn on my iPhone and my iPad. Such a tech savvy baby!

Kindle LOVE!!!

  by jennluvsgable
, a photo by jennluvsgable on Flickr.

A January Day at the Beach

  by jennluvsgable
, a photo by jennluvsgable on Flickr.

Patriot's Superbowl Send-off

  by jennluvsgable
, a photo by jennluvsgable on Flickr.

Hipstamatic Librarian

  by jennluvsgable
, a photo by jennluvsgable on Flickr.

My Precious!

  by jennluvsgable
, a photo by jennluvsgable on Flickr.

Love my Bella

Saturday, February 04, 2012


Once I'm up, I feel about as good as I'm going to and as the day wears on, I either have a coughing fit or I get all stuffed up, headachy and feverish, or all of the above. The first night I took Nyquil, second night nothing, last night Nyquil. Seriously make up my mind. Bella still has the snotty nose but she's in good spirits. Good spirits for an almost two year old that is.

The next 9 Mondays are going to be busy for Bella and me. I'm looking forward to them because I like a change once in awhile and they free up my weekends; however, once beach season is official, I do not want to be working Monday days...I leave the weekends at the beach to the tourists and enjoy my weekdays there...still quite a few tourists on vacation but not nearly as many as the weekend brings. It truly is amazing at how our peaceful little town transforms during summer. Such is life on the ocean I suppose. Have to take the good with the bad. But man, the bad is BAD! Summer traffic from Hell. Imagine about 500,000+ people converging in your town every weekend. 5 of the state's State beaches are in our town, not including Town beach, which is supposed to be local only, and our various private beaches, one of which is the one I frequent when not at Scarborough beach. Crazy town. But the beaches and parking are roomy and once you get there, they are well worth the visit.

As you can tell, I'm super excited for that first beach day. I have to think of something exciting to do with my husband today. First, I'm going to attempt to workout, then shower, then who knows. I've lost more weight this week than past weeks, and I've only been able to do an hour of cardio per day. Doesn't make much sense but as long as the scale keeps going down, I'm happy. Maybe it's because I'm drinking 4-5 12 ounce cups of green tea per day with this cold and drinking at least two cups of grapefruit juice?? Both are known to increase metabolism significantly. Well, the day is wasting.

Friday, February 03, 2012


I'm well into The Girl Who Played with Fire. Really liking it! So glad I decided to read the series! Mitch finished The Hunger Games last night. Such a wonderful book. So last night, I watched Shark Night. What a stupid movie!

I definitely have some chest congestion this morning. It certainly isn't the worst cold I've ever had, but it certainly is an annoyance with my workout schedule. I've only done one hour of cardio everyday instead of the two or two and a half I do. Bella has the runny nose and the sneezing but she's in good spirits and is sleeping well. I'm so grateful she's such a healthy kid and not sickly in the least. This is her first cold and she's a champ. We will all be back to good next week, I'm sure.

I have some pics to post taken over January and maybe I will get around to posting them tonight. I'm going to workout, take a shower, tan, eat and go to work. I have the weekend off now for the next 9 weeks!!!

Thursday, February 02, 2012


Happy Groundhog Day!! In Maine (or down South) Groundhog day doesn't have the meaning it does for the lower New England and middle atlanic states...6 weeks left...in Maine it's more like 12 and down south, they already had their "winter". It was 63 here yesterday! And sunny!

So my little something started to get a little worse as the day wore on. I took my honey, drank my green tea but decided to take the nyquil at 9 to ensure a solid night's sleep with no runny/stuffy nose. Worked like a charm! Slept in till 8:30. I have a little chest congestion this morning but I'm feeling better than last night!

I have to get some paperwork done and work out, go tanning and then go to work for a couple of hours. Almost like a day off since I don't have to watch Bella today, although she and her mother will probably go to work with me this afternoon.

Wednesday, February 01, 2012


I have a touch of something. My throat has been scratchy since yesterday. I have a very slight runny nose. It was stuffy when I woke up this morning. I did not sleep well last night so that didn't help. I did workout this morning and that did help, as did tanning. I could go either way right now. I think I will get some honey and cough drops and continue drinking my green tea. I will probably take my vitamin c today too. If I sleep well tonight, maybe I can kick this thing before it turns into something I don't want!!


Two weeks till Valentine's!!!

Got my first workout done. Hopefully I will get my second in before 1pm. I need to tan before picking up David, too. It's going to be 60ish today!!! But rainy I guess.

Finished GWTDT. Great story. Started The Girl Who Played with Fire last night. I'm expecting to be done with the complete trilogy by next week. Then I think onto A Thousand Splendid Suns as I've had it for awhile. I'd also like to finally read The Life of Pi which I just haven't gotten around to yet. Next up on the Kindle will be Stephen King's 11/22/63. That all should keep me busy this spring.