Sunday, March 31, 2013

Happy Easter!!

Happy Easter!

What a crazy weekend! Oh my! We moved the girls into their new apartment and we bought a new living room set, a nice leather sectional, and we cleaned and cleaned and cleaned. I also managed to squeeze in Easter dinner. The girls spent last night in their new place and it was so nice having the house to ourselves. Zach was out with friends and I can't remember when my husband and I spent a night alone in our own home. It was divine. I will still have Bella a couple days/night's per week, but it is also nice to be able to get a break, because let's be honest, even when it is my "day off" from Bella, I would literally have to seclude myself in my bedroom because she would want me for something. I finally think I will find the perfect balance for this situation. Right now, I'm enjoying the quiet. And the clean house.

Friday, March 22, 2013


In exactly one month from yesterday, Bella will be THREE! Oh my! It's been an exciting three years with our little stinker. We all love her very much. I've been incredibly busy with work all week and I started the week out under the weather for two days so maybe that's why the week seems longer than usual. I didn't quite have my usual energy. I'm enjoying a quiet house this morning and spending it cleaning, listening to Pandora, and then tanning, nails and work for a few and then DATE NIGHT!

Friday, March 15, 2013


I'm incredibly tired today. My morning started at 6. I had a meeting in North Kingstown, I dropped off paperwork in Jamestown, and I came home, ate some breakfast and worked out. I could literally just go to bed right now. That is how tired I feel. Unfortunately my day isn't quite over. My husband and I will probably go out to dinner tonight and I really want to go to the movies but I don't know if I will be able to make it. I have a new opportunity at work and I'm pretty excited about the change. Excited about the extra money too! Zach is loving his new job. My husband and I can't believe how much money he's making. And he's only 18! We are always amazed at how things seem to fall into his lap. I have middle aged friends not even making that much. I suggest it's because positivity attracts positivity. He's a hard worker, good looking and always has a firm handshake and big smile on his face. I really think he would make a fine politician. Amazon Kindle asked a question on their facebook today...Which three authors would you most like to have dinner with? My answer came easily to me, but I could also list a hundred other authors I'd love to dine with. Judy Blume, Stephen King, and Diana Gabaldon would be my top three, and then another dinner with perhaps JK Rowling, John Irving and Wally Lamb. Fun to think about. L.M. Montgomery, Louisa May Alcott, Laura Inglalls Wilder, Charles Dickens, and Edgar Allen Poe would be on my dead authors list. I can't fail to name Barbara Kingsolver. She would probably need a dinner all to herself because I would need to discuss her every novel. You'll have noticed I've left out George R.R. Martin because even though I'm a huge fan, I feel like he's probably a bit too odd and the dinner would likely be served with a huge side of awkward moments. Time's a wasting. I need to go tanning and get on with the rest of my day.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013


I have a ton of pics to load...maybe I will get to that tomorrow. What do we think of today's gorgeous weather on the East Coast??? Hello SPRING! I've been sneezing for two days straight so methinks it is arriving on all fronts. I've been incredibly busy with work, with Bella and with life in general. I did manage a nice brisk walk after work this afternoon to enjoy the sights, sounds and smells of spring. Quite rejuvenating. Tonight I'm going to watch Life of Pi and relax in as many ways possible.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Thursday, March 07, 2013


The wind is crazy right now! This is the fifth windstorm we've had since fall, including Sandy. Come Monday, we're looking at spring temps all week long. Actually Saturday's not looking bad in the 50s. I love light sweater weather! My tan is coming along nicely. That's my favorite summer accessory! I really try to keep it at a healthy level and I've given tanning a lot of thought. I'm forty. I look way younger. I inherited some excellent genes. To the people who obey EVERY health are going to die anyway! So I refuse to be miserable and not enjoy a night out drinking too much, a day in the sun, a donut, a day in bed with no cardio, etc occasionally. I have faith that when it is my time, little intervention will keep me here. I honestly believe STRESS is the MOST damaging to your health and longevity of all indulgences. And stress is an indulgence because ultimately you decide what you let bother you. Obviously, too much of anything can hurt or kill you. Sooooo, moderation in all things. Which means I will not play Candy Crush for the rest of this day. It currently is my favorite way to wait in line or for the tea kettle to boil, but not exactly the answer you want to have when someone asks what you did today. I also enjoy watching Facebook meltdowns. I have several "friends" who take turns flipping out and all I can say is WOW. I'm hesitant to delete because like I said, it's highly entertaining. Then again, I can't stand people who are like Facebook isn't a forum for personal rants, blah, blah, blah...excuse me? I will say whatever the F-$& I want thank you very much. I'd have a very small friends list if I deleted all annoying people and that would mean my family would have to be deleted. I also can't stand the daily posts from people that read: time for housecleaning my friends list, I guess. How old are you? I love Facebook because I'm incredibly close to my large, albeit annoying family, and we're all spread out these days and I love talking to them every day, and sharing pics and jokes and memories. I have been considering deleting a few friends who do nothing but post porn pics or overly political or religious pics or pics of animal/people abuse because it's like, really? Who has time to look at this stuff all day and then decide it's a good idea to post it? Others work and may be checking their page on a lunch break and that shit pops up, or my granddaughter might be playing on my iPhone and looking at pictures of her cousins. You used to be able to filter posts from individuals and click the Show only Status Updates from said individual but I only seem to be able to hide posts now...why do I have to see it first??? Oh well...on to happier subjects...Zach has a new job! He's excited and we're pretty happy for him. The girls are looking at new apartments and should be on their own by April 1st. I will still have Bella a couple nights/days per week but it'll be nice to have some quiet time!

Saturday, March 02, 2013


I'm sitting here wondering why I'm feeling so exhausted and I happened to check the clock and it's almost 5 PM on a busy Saturday. I've been up since 6! I got up and went pee, worked out, enjoyed a cup of coffee and just enjoyed the quiet for a little over an hour because everyone was still asleep. Last night we (I) watched Sinister and last weekend I watched The House on the End of the Street. Both of them are pretty good movies. The Perks of Being a Wallflower was ok. I'm reading Life of Pi FINALLY. It's been on my Books to Read list for several years and I've owned the copy of it for several years, but there just always seemed to be other books or series that would grab my attention. I finally started it because I want to read it before I watch the movie. I've been pinning lots of Home Decor ideas...mostly to narrow down my next color schemes and living room set purchase. We currently own a brown microfiber couch and matching loveseat that are about 5 years old I guess. We bought them when we moved into the house we're in right now. They're comfy but Mitch and I are leaning towards a more quality leather set. I think. I keep pinning the same Pottery Barn couch and I just love it so much. I hate decisions but I'm sure I will be happy with either purchase. We're also investing in some GOOD Calphalon pots and pans...I'm pretty sure I want the stainless steel version...on the Calphalon website, they're normally $800 or more but right now they're $399! Our silverware is in good shape. I will be getting some new drinking glasses too but our barware is in great shape. Then I guess I will need to learn how to cook for just two people! I guess I can cook the same amount and we will just have leftovers to take to work. Of course I will still have Bella a couple days/nights per week but she's not a big eater. Lots of fun stuff to think about the rest of the weekend. It's looking like a fairly easy week next week for me at work, so that is a relief.