Wednesday, June 25, 2008


It is going to be beautiful today. Less humid and very sunny. A perfect beach day. Can I enjoy the beach day? Noooooooo! I can not. Why? Because I have a damn staff meeting on my day off no less, that will be 11:30 until 2:30. WTF??? We had one just like this two weeks ago, on my day off, on another gorgeous beach day!

So, I am leaving Hope and Brian's at 8 AM. Running home to take a shower and get ready for said meeting. Dropping Hayley off at new house with cleaning and organizing supplies. She will stay there until my return. I have instructed her to wash all the walls in the house and light my Yankee candles. When I get there this afternoon, it is my hope that it feels like home. Ironically, when Mitch and I were looking at the house a few months ago, it felt more like home than where we are right now, and our stuff wasn't even in it yet! I will bring Sierra to the new house today after my meeting to see how she likes her new backyard.

I got a wonderful compliment from the older lady across the street. She was sad to see us moving and she said, "You know, when I first heard you were moving into the neighborhood with a dog, I was really worried, but until recently when I saw your daughter laying in the sun on the deck with the dog asleep next to her, I forgot you even had a dog!!! If you ever need references regarding her please let me know." That is right. My precious should be dog of the year! A pitbull even! I won't say anything about another neighbor's ugly little thing that actually got put outside at 4 AM one morning barking its head off. At 4 AM, let's just say, I was ready to go bite that dog myself. AND its owner!

Speaking of my sweet Sierra...she will be 6 years old in March! :( The middle-aged years have arrived. We should get at the very least another 6 years together, probably another 8 or 9, if we keep up proper care. I can't tell you how much I am dreading the day that she is gone. Is it morbid to think like this? Probably, but It hasn't been that long since we lost Kodi. 3 years in January. Sierra is so very much my dog, though. My little shadow. My very best friend. I love that she prefers me above all else. Usually dogs prefer the man of the house simply because they like deep voices best. Not Sierra girl! She loves my voice.

On to different, happier news...Teresa is having a baby!!! I am so excited for her! I will have some news when I get ready to share. I am still not sure who is reading this thing. Friends and strangers are certainly most welcome. It is to the few that read this just to basically find stuff out that is none of their business. You know, gossipy kind of people. Why blog, you may question. Well, I have been doing this since 2004. You will notice I don't blog like I used to and I probably never will again. But since moving, blogging has been an easier way to keep friends and loved ones posted on our life. I have thought about going private, but really, I enjoy fellow bloggers who happen to stumble across mine. I also love to read blogs that I have stumbled across.

Current Music: Jack Johnson's Curious George Soundtrack
Current Mood: ready to have the dang meeting over with so I can tan, get to work on the new house AND possibly head to the beach for a brief swim. I will probably go to the beach, then tan, and THEN spend the rest of the evening working at the new house.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008


I was going thru some old pics from 2002-2003...some great ones of Allison and me. We had such a great time that year. My sister's wedding, our trip to CT, Old Orchard fun, every Friday night at Mulligan's for karaoke and drinks. Jenkin's beach. Our annual 4th of July Boston trip.

So we're moving into our new house on Sunday. All week we're taking loads over. I was kinda stressed about it, but now that it is actually happening, I am more excited than stressed. I thought we'd be able to enjoy our last month in the house we're in, but instead I have spent the entire month stressing about the move, and when to pack, and what new furniture we need and blah, blah, blah. Now that it is happening, I have concrete things to do to ward off stress and anxiety.

The new house is smaller, but has a private beach. Comes with a sailboat and a dinghy. Hopefully we'll have some kayaks (like at least 4) before too long. I want a three person jet ski for next summer. I wish Eric and Allison would move here. Maybe they can visit soon. There is a brand new Hampton Inn in town, which Eric gets considerable discounts on. We have the futon for guests. And a tent in the back yard. Next year we will have the camper.

The new day program starts officially on Monday. My first day there will be Tuesday. This is my last overnight in Newport with Brian and Hope. :( I will be back to visit frequently.

I am hoping the Fios internet/cable/phone will be turned on before next weekend. If it isn't, I won't be blogging probably until it is, unless one of our new neighbors is wireless and isn't using password protection. Soooo, Happy Birthday Eric if I am not online on the 28th.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Weird Day

Today is typically my day off. It still is but I have a staff meeting for our new day program. The meeting is supposed to be 11-2. YUCK! I will have time to take a quick shower, get ready and MAYBE be able to sit outside for a few minutes. I am hoping that we get out a bit early so I can get some sun. Soooo anyway, everything I usually get done during the day will have to be done this evening like grocery shopping.

Tomorrow and Friday are regular 8-3 workdays.

That is it for excitement in this neck of the world.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

98 Degrees

98 Degrees
Originally uploaded by jennluvsgable
This is what 98 degrees looks like at my house.

Suck it in!

Suck it in!
Originally uploaded by jennluvsgable
UGH! I need to go on a diet!!! :(

This is why...

This is why...
Originally uploaded by jennluvsgable
This is why I love him...


Originally uploaded by jennluvsgable

Heat Wave

We are in the middle of this summer's first heat wave. It is 8:30 AM and is already 87.5 degrees in the shade. We spent the last two days at the beach and on the deck in the knees are a little burnt as are the tops of my shoulders. I think it is supposed to be cooler starting tomorrow, with temps back in the 80's where they belong. It was 97 in Providence yesterday and it is supposed to break that record today. Anyway, I am loving it. You won't hear me complain about a heat wave in early June. Traffic is ridiculous with about 500,000 people trying to get into our small town on a MONDAY. Of all the beaches in Rhode Island, our town boasts owning 5 and of those 5, ALL of them are the top 5 beaches in the state, with Scarborough being in the number one spot. I literally live a ten minute drive from work and it can take almost 35 minutes to get there if it is hot and sunny, with the pain in the ass beach traffic. The neighborhood we live in is residential with no parking on the street to deter beach traffic, so it seems like all is well in our idyllic little spot of heaven, and then we turn the corner onto 108 and BOOM! It is a shock every time.

I am sitting out on the balcony right now, watching the Block Island Ferry head out to Block Island of course. Blogging away. Drinking my latte. Mitch's lattes are even better than Ampersand's now and he makes me one most mornings and if I am already at work, he delivers one to me. He is perfect. Anything I want, I get it. He tells me he loves me a million times a day. And shows he loves me in a million different ways. I am the luckiest woman on the planet I think.

I had a marvelous two days off. I don't have to be into work until 1 PM today. Usually I have so much to do around the house to get caught up on things because I have been working so much, I don't really enjoy my time off. These two days off were excellent. I didn't clean anything. I am feeling very well-rested and the pained look seems to be off my face. I have a staff meeting today at 1 and another long meeting tomorrow (my day off) 11-1. The look might find its way back!!!

This will be a relatively easy normal week at work, providing I don't pick up any extra shifts. I worked two extra last week and it took me two days to recover.