Monday, December 23, 2013

Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas

I love Christmas! I start listening to the music while floating in my pool around July! Why? It helps ease the sadness of knowing you'll be saying goodbye to summer all too soon. I like my tree up the day after Thanksgiving by the latest. People complain daily about "It's too soon. It's too soon. The stores have stuff out too soon.". These same people then bitch about the Season going by too fast. Enjoy it then idiots! Stop being stingy. Stop being depressed. Enjoy. It. Stop comparing yourself with others. Christmas for me is quiet time. I slow down. I eat what I want. I read. I play games. I SMILE. I knit. I take a few days off. My husband and I like to gift each other items throughout the year and we rarely wait for Christmas, so by the time the big day arrives, neither of us really need or want anything. We had fun shopping this weekend for Bella because she's three and toys are fun to shop for! Yesterday she and I both got our nails done. She was so cute getting her first professional manicure! Hopefully a fun holiday tradition I can share with my best girl. Of course it was in the 60s this weekend, so I have more spring fever in me now than Christmas spirit! Bring on the beach days! Okay, bring on the WARM beach days! I live on the ocean, so every day is a beach day.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving Eve!

I dare say we're a bit ahead of the game this year! Most of the food prep done. Kitchen cleaned and floor mopped. Bathroom semi-cleaned. Plans for tomorrow?? Just enjoy ourselves. Hopefully play some video games and board games and enjoy our yummy food.

Friday, November 15, 2013


I'm up early. Wanted to sleep in since I could but I'm up an hour earlier than my alarm. I slept hard last night so maybe what I needed was a few hours of good, solid sleep instead of more hours of tossing and turning. So I am a regular reader of a blog and she's nice, so I won't call her out, and on her recommendation started reading Edenbrooke. I got about 25 pages into it in THREE weeks time and finally just brought it back to the library. How this book got 4 stars on Goodreads is beyond me. I started thinking maybe there was something wrong with me...I started Jeremy Robinson's Island 731 yesterday and am half way through, so yeah, the problem is not on my end. Can I just say how relieved I am to just get that book out of here? I have this problem about finishing books even if I can't stand them and this book has been cramping my reading style, constantly reminding me of its horrid presence, silently berating me for not picking it up. But I DID pick it up, and it was so bad, I would abandon it to clean my house. It's been three weeks of sad Hell. I handed it back to the librarian and I swear, it seemed like she sniffed it and touched it and was like, you didn't finish this. I simply averted my eyes and asked to check out Island 731 please and thank you. I half-ran/half-skipped out of there. I'm still a bit giddy with glee of having the book gone and on a high after having pulled a fast one on the librarian. The author of the blog,who recommended Edenbrooke didn't enjoy Gone Girl. I know, right??? That should have been my first clue we weren't on the same level. I don't enjoy poorly written romance. I like adventure, distant lands, strong heroines, uplifting or powerful stories of beating the odds. You get the idea. I live my life like I'm training for The Hunger Games. I want my books to match. The thought of sitting back and waiting for a man to come in and save the day...seriously, WHAT IS THAT??? I love my husband so very much and he has saved many a day but I'm proud of saving many a day myself!! Okay, long rant over. Sort of. I'm proof a woman can raise kids, work, and take care of a home, which includes cooking and cleaning, AND workout and look awesome. Arrogant? No. Confident. I've gotten here myself, with the help of God. Now my rant is over. Blog time is over. I have to pack and drive to Maine. My husband's team is playing against my college team. Can't wait to visit with family and friends!! Should be a fantastic weekend!

Monday, November 11, 2013

Great Weekend

Most weekends are good because hello, it's the weekend, but sometimes you just get an extra special one and this weekend was one of those. My husband and I went to see Elton John in concert. We figured it'd be a good night because it's Elton John and he's had huge hits in every decade our (mine and my husband's) lives and sometimes it's nice to go to a show where you know all the songs but I don't think we were expecting such a fantastic night. This man was so incredibly generous with his time, playing for three solid hours, singing all of his crowd pleasers plus some new ones. He signed autographs, played around with the audience, and just enjoyed himself. He had the 2Cellos playing with him this evening and if you don't know who they are, YouTube them right this minute. Fantastic guys. Plus my husband and I just had fun making fun of some of our surrounding seat mates. He had the very robust gay married couple next to him and to my left, I had a singing Scotsman who clearly and loudly sang along with Sir Elton. We had some drunk douches behind us and some big hair in front of us but it was so much fun. It was nice to just laugh with my husband. We don't do that enough sometimes. And then last night, after Bella went home, we had a few hours to drink some wine, break my iPhone, listen to music and watch some tv before bed. And we went to bed early. Amazing how exhausted two people can be. So yes, this weekend was perfect. It'll go down in the history books as one of my favorites.

Wednesday, November 06, 2013


So apparently my new trend is blogging only once a month. All is well just busy busy. Huge breakthroughs in my running recently. I'm beating my mile times daily and I finally got my 5K under 30 minutes. Not the 21 minute 5K of my youth, but getting there. I'm also doing circuit training 3 days a week or so and toning and lifting weights. This week, I've begun cleaning up my eating. It wasn't bad to begin with but I am really trying to cut out as much processed food as I can and I'm cutting down on my added sugar. One teaspoon at a time. Honestly though, what is the point of living if I can't have sugar in my coffee??? My body is changing daily. I'm loving it! I've certainly weighed less but this time, I'm really focusing on fitness and endurance and challenging myself and not so much on what the scale says. I've finally plowed through the worst plateau ever though, so now the scale is moving down again. I think what was happening, since I'm by no means overweight, was that I was gaining muscle at almost the same rate as I was losing fat, so while my clothes were getting looser and my body getting better looking, the scale wasn't really moving. Basically what I did was take a few days off and just eat what I wanted, within reason, then jumped right back in. Seemed to do the trick. I'm also making the effort to eat more protein after a long I always have some hardboiled eggs on hand in the fridge. Also eating an apple a day. And finally, I'm sinking a lot more water and green tea.

Thursday, October 10, 2013


Well hello!  
I've been so stinking crazy busy. Seems like I'm always on the go!  Work is busy. Working out is keeping me busy. I'm running about 21 miles per week. I need to step it up though if I want to shoot for a 10k, followed by a 1/2 marathon. 
In other news, I'm headed to Maine this weekend. Visiting family and hopefully some friends. I need some social time. I don't have any of that around here because I'm so busy working all the time. Then hopefully the movies Sunday night with my husband!  I want to see Gravity. On November 6th, we're going to see Elton John in Providence and on November 16th, back in Maine for a fun match up between my husband's football team URI and my alma mater UMaine. Not sure which side I will sit on. :)
November 16th is also my love's birthday!!  

Sunday, September 22, 2013

It's Been A Long time...

I realized that it has been a long time since you have heard from Mr. Jennifer and because the public outcry has been so loud, I decided to post something.

In reality I have never posted on here for any other reason than to let you all know how awesome my wife is and to hopefully make her smile and feel loved. The past couple of months have been tough as I have started the hectic part of the year for my new job. Working close to 100 hours a week, doesn't leave much time for anything let alone being a great husband and that is something I have always prided myself on. Not being able to be there to take care of everything and just spending time doing little things like listening to 80's music on Pandora or holding hands, stinks! On top of me working all the time, she is working two jobs, watching Bella at least four days a week and driving the rest of the family all over the place. She is truly amazing. Because she is so amazing I thought I would write her a love letter...

Dear My Darling Angel Daisy,

I am the luckiest man alive. After so many wrong turns and stupid mistakes, God has for some reason blessed me with you. Who would have know that my angel was in the next town over my whole childhood and I never knew. God certainly does work in mysterious ways, and He clearly had a plan for us. Like all of Gods gifts, I am undeserving of you. I work everyday to overcome my short comings so that my gift is not your purgatory. You are the most intelligent, fun, attractive, sexy and loving person I know. The thought of getting to see you, talk to you and have you fall asleep in my arms is what keeps me going everyday. I know I fall short everyday of the greatness that I expect of myself when it comes to being your husband and I am truly sorry. There is no excuses for that and I am committed to being what you deserve.

You are my Daisy. The flower that makes the sun hesitate when it rises to take an extra look at your beauty. You are my Athena. The one that everyone turns to for the correct answer. You are my Jester. The one that makes me laugh so that any worries disappear. You are my Aphrodite. The one that everyone can't take there eyes off. You are my answer. The answer to all my prayers, questions and happiness.



Tuesday, September 10, 2013


I had such a yucky day yesterday! What was supposed to be a day when I caught up on all of my own things and got myself prepared for my week, turned into getting woken up by my boss, a schedule change and with that, all of the free time in which I was going to get things in place, disappearing before I had the chance to wipe the sleep out of my eyes. So that just set the tone for the day, to say the least. Work itself is rarely painful, and I enjoy my work, I just like more than 2 seconds notice is all, so I can cancel obligations I may have made thinking I had the day off. I'm glad days like yesterday do not happen often, but I can't help but feel there is something in the air? I just can't seem to shake it off. ALL of my enthusiasm and energy has disappeared. Let's see, it's 9:15...I need to workout because I had zero time to do so yesterday. This means I have to workout and manage to keep Bella out of trouble at the same time. I need to get my shower in there somewhere. It's going to be 90 degrees tomorrow. Hello Autumn?? I love the heat, but once school is in session, professional attire is required. Super suck, right there. Okay, I feel better venting. Bella woke up and took her adorably pajama clad body into my room for morning cuddles. We watched Lilo and Stitch, while I caught up on paperwork, and now she's eating her breakfast, painting and playing with Play-doh. Once required work is turned in via email, I'm going offline and am going to remain that way until after dinner. Tomorrow is another busy day and it will remain busy right through until Thursday night at 6. Actually, to get technical, it starts at 8 pm tonight. I work the overnight, get home at 7, turn around and be at job 2 for 9 am until 2 pm. Home at 2:30. Meeting 3:30-5:30. Pick up Zach, pick up Bella, home for dinner, back at job 1 for another overnight, home at 7 am, work at job number 2, 9 am until 2 pm and then at job number one, 3-6. CONFUSED? It's not usually this hectic. I rarely have meetings and I picked up an additional overnight so another person could take their vacation. Needless to say however, this was NOT the week to mess with my schedule.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013


I ended up working last week and have this week off instead. Geez Luis. Glad I don't actually plan on going anywhere in August. I finally got some writing done on Friday. Hallelujah! My running is going ok. Lots of different issues creeping up. My feet and knees are great, though Trouble with my lower back and inside thigh/hip joint area last week and yesterday, my asthma was giving me some trouble. The issues only appear when I increase my time/distance. I typically just run through the pain but I did take some time off last week. I AM getting older and at some point I'm probably going to just have to accept that and the pain that comes with it.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013


So much for my vacation. My boss called Sunday in a bind and asked if I could work Monday thru Thursday. Of course, I said. I've had a backache for three days and I blame my week off last week for it. I over did it working out and spent a lot of downtime relaxing in my bedroom catching up on television.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Day 3

This is definitely harder than it looks. I know, oh, poor me, I get time off from work...mind you, this is time off from one full-time job only, as I'm not taking time off from my other job, OR time off from watching Bella 45 hours per week. I don't really know what I'd do with myself with even 24 hours of me time, let alone a whole week of it. I'm not a stay-cation kind of person. If I'm on vacation, I want a VACATION. Hotels, meals out, sightseeing. The whole 9. It rained all day yesterday so any outside activity wasn't happening for Bella and me. Plus, she had a very cranky day, after a cranky night...runny nose, congestion, CRANKINESS...not sure if it's her big teeth coming in or just a cold but HOLY!! Finally after resting and watching movies all day, she turned back into her sweet self around dinner time. I'm going to try and get some reading done today. I've totally been sucked into catching up on my favorite tv shows. Errands to run today with Zach, for Zach. I will be finished just in time to pick up Bella for our 7 hours of fun time. Aside from 3 hours, tomorrow is mine. Same goes for Friday as well.

Monday, August 12, 2013

Day 1

I'd say this morning was a good start to my 3 weeks of slower pace life, that is, 3 weeks before life gets all crazy busy again. I like the busy because it keeps my mind occupied but I recognize that I need to do some healthy things for me and I need to learn to be able to enjoy the slow, so I can continue at high speed without burning out. I thought that might mean sleeping in this morning. My body had other ideas. I've been up since 6:30. I slept in on Saturday so maybe that was all I needed. I took a 1/2 hour run, followed by a nice shower. I will workout my abs and arms later. I've decided I'm going to treat these three weeks almost like a rehab, except I can drink and eat what I want! Three weeks to focus on eating, exercising, experimenting with different teas, coffees and wine, reading, writing and meditating. Good plan!

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Finally...I get some time off. I do not have to be anywhere till 3pm on Monday. I do not even have to talk to one person today until around 4, when I pick up Bella for the weekend. I slept until 8:30 this morning. I finished two books last week. I finally saw The Conjuring last night. I did manage to squeeze my workouts in last week, but I'm definitely looking forward to being able to spend a few weeks getting my healthy ways back on track. Pre-football season has started, which means 16 hour days for my husband and means more often than not, I'm dining alone, which also means I'm not dining. I do not eat when I'm alone. I will graze. A few slices of cheese. A handful of crackers. Occasionally a bowl of cereal. I will cook Monday night because Kayla, Bella and Zach will be here for dinner, but I'm foreseeing a lot of lean cuisines in my future for the next few weeks. So big plans for my day today...whatever the Hell I want to do!!! I think I'm going to organize my closet because school will be starting after Labor day, and it'll be back to over full-time work for me. I also think I will sit in the sun for a bit and read. Maybe I will clean out the fridge and scrub it down. Gosh, I live a thrilling life!

Sunday, August 04, 2013


Spending the day with a wild child named Annabella. Not sure what we're going to do today. Quite possibly we will just hang out here, in the back yard, swimming in the pool. The weather is quite nice for today. High 70/low 80 as a temp with little humidity, so it'd be nice to have an adventure. Then again, managing Bella alone is always an adventure. Almost done reading In Cold Blood. It was a fast read for me. I have enjoyed the writing. Gearing up for our last week of summer programming at work and finally, finally, I should have a few weeks off to do absolutely nothing but work out, read, tan...of course, I will still have work at my other job and I will have Bella 4 days a week per usual, but a break from our summer programming is huge. School starts around here after Labor Day and then it's the countdown to our first holiday break! :)

Saturday, August 03, 2013


Happy (?) August. July is a frenzy in this beach town in the summer. Come August, most of us who live here year round have the same grimace and attitude. Things do slow down in August, as it appears most folks take their vacas in July, but come September, the beaches are empty, except for us locals and we LOVE it!!! And I do get lots of beach time September till December. I'm having a relaxing day today. It's overcast and I don't have Bella until around 4 so I'm just hanging out, watching some old Shark Week episodes, contemplating getting my workout in and getting my nails done. Wonderfully boring.

Saturday, July 20, 2013


Eight days till my birthday. I have most of next week off. I slept for about 12 hours last night. I think I am more exhausted as a result of my summer schedule as opposed to the regular school year. I'm enjoying our heat wave. In all of my years living in Rhode Island, I have never felt the ocean as warm as it was on Wednesday. If I wanted bath water, I guess I'd move down south. Even our pool is at 95 degrees. That's more than the temp of a therapeutic pool. I'm trying to get through From a Buick 8 by Stephen King. Not his best. My least favorite book of his, I suspect. Or maybe I'm just not as into it after reading 11/23/63 and Under the Dome...both books I finished in about 2 days. Bag of Bones was my favorite, followed closely by Tommyknockers. It is chilling to realize he started writing the book (Buick) right before he was almost killed in a car/pedestrian accident...he being the pedestrian. A classic life imitating art imitating life conundrum. I just finished JK Rowling's A Casual Vacancy. It took about 100 pages for me to get into it simply because there were so many characters, and it took at least that many pages to get to know them and want to stick with them till the end of the story. I also feel like she would throw in some random vulgarity to remind readers that this was not your Harry Potter and for someone who professed to want this book to NOT be compared to Harry Potter, I think she was better off letting readers get lost in the story and not constantly remind them of what she didn't want us to do. She could have possibly benefited from a better editor. All in all, it makes you wonder why some authors can go on and create wonderful stories and characters time and time again (Stephen King) to great reviews and some who seem to struggle after their "swan song"...then again, Stephen King didn't create Harry Potter.

Monday, July 08, 2013


Well last week was a blur. I'm almost ready for the more tranquil days of early fall. Empty beaches, water warmed by the heat of the summer and glorious sunsets. I enjoyed six days off from work. I don't think I've driven anywhere since last Tuesday! I'm not really a stay cation kind of person. I do love a long weekend at home but anything longer than that and I begin feeling a bit bored and resentful and a whole list of other thoughts and feelings that being busy at work keeps at bay. My house is freezing. I have to go outside to warm up. I think I'm colder in the summer than winter with all the ACs running everywhere I go. I love the heat. The hotter the better. I love hot and humid weather. It feels like you're always covered with a nice warm blanket. We had quite a few friends and family over for the 4th. It was a lot of fun but I was glad to have the quiet back when everyone left. We had a cookout, fire, fireworks, lots and lots of alcohol, swimming in the pool and some good laughs. Next Monday is Hayley's birthday but it is also the middle of July!!! Crazy to realize that.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013


This summer has just started and I am so busy it already feels like it is flying by! Life is excellent though. Work is pretty great these days. Even on my busiest days, I'm usually smiling. That is huge for me. I'm reading like a fiend. Bella is starting to be more fun than she is work. We had so much fun in the pool together yesterday. She was laying on a float and I was on another and we were throwing a sponge around and splashing each other with it. We bought a new car. A Nissan Maxima. Totally loving it more and more. The first two days were spent getting used to everything. It's finally feeling familiar. My treadmill is amazing!!! Totally had a great workout this morning and for 12 minutes straight was able to keep up at my old (fast) pace before I had to slow down for the remainder of the workout. Next week, I'm going to increase my distance and take it slow. Once I acclimate to the new distance, I will work on speed again. I'm also running at an incline of 5. On a regular road, there will of course be hills and valleys, as well as good flat stretches, but the temp has to cool down before I take it outdoors. Next week is the FOURTH!!! Excited to spend a long hot day bickering with my perfect husband! ;)

Saturday, June 22, 2013


So I'm running again. Two weeks in. Feeling pretty good. I'm definitely one of those people whose body responds quickly to the activity. That's a good thing. I tone up quick. I'm also doing ab work, using hand weights and doing squats, as well as push ups and jumping jacks. Right now I'm doing this to help maintain a healthy lifestyle, but I may look into a few 5Ks this summer/fall and *maybe* I will entertain the thought of a 1/2 marathon. I mean I used to run at least 3 5Ks a year and do two triathlons a year when I lived in Maine, so this isn't foreign for my body. I just need to get back in the saddle again. My treadmill is awesome. Still prefer the outdoors. I will probably incorporate some outdoor runs in another week or two. I'm also trying to maintain 1200 calories per day. I never consume 1200 and at the very least, I should be because of the running. I also need to get my water intake back up. I was doing so well and then work got busy and I didn't want to run to the bathroom every 20 minutes. Ah well. It'll work itself out with a little effort.

Saturday, June 15, 2013

June 15, 2013

Hello there!!
I haven't blogged since Zach's birthday! Rest assured we've just been busy with work and with Bella and that i haven't quit blogging. We have the pool already and I enjoyed a couple of hours in it this morning. The first pool day of the year for me! This is just one of those months where I have too much to say so I end up saying nothing. Oh well. Hubby and I enjoyed a nice dinner out at one of our favorite restaurants last night. I got a new treadmill and have been racking up the miles this week. Loving it! We took a not relaxing mini trip to Maine last weekend. This is our first Saturday in a few weeks in which we've been alone and so we are simply enjoying being together. Bella will be here for the night very soon, so back to the grind for us, even if it is a good grind. I have a ton of pics but I'm just not in the mood to do a phone dump sooooo till next time...

Sunday, May 12, 2013


Happy Birthday to Zach!!! We're going out to eat tomorrow night to celebrate. 19 years old! I swear, it seems like I just had him. Gosh I miss those "easy" days sometimes. I didn't have to work. Just stayed home and took care of my babies. This weekend was super busy. Quick trip to Maine. Took my niece Lexi out for lunch. Bella had a ball playing with my nieces. She was pretty funny on the drive back to Rhode Island. I will post pics sometime when work slows down. Looks like that won't be till summer. I was able to see my mom and grandmother for Mother's Day, so that was nice and special that Bella got to spend some time with them both.

Tuesday, May 07, 2013


I'm working too much to post regularly these days. Summer is coming. Summer is coming. Summer is coming. 

Tuesday, April 23, 2013


Bella went to the doctor's today and she has double ear infections...poor baby girl. She started her antibiotics today. A little different than the norm, as she's allergic to penicillin and amoxicillin. Around dinnertime, she started to finally play! She hasn't really played much at all this past week. Yesterday was THE worst Monday that I've had in a long time and I'm so grateful for good friends at work that helped me out. Today was a pretty nice day, and rightly deserved I think. Looking forward to another chill day tomorrow and Thursday/Friday will be their usual super busy selves BUT hey, it also means it's the weekend! Tomorrow is supposed to be gorgeous as is Saturday and Sunday! I'm spending the weekend laying out and reading. I have three library books to finish. I'm almost done Ape House by Sara Gruen of Water for Elephants fame, and I have Flight Behavior by one of my personal favorite authors, Barbara Kingsolver and I can't think of the other book I got, and I'm too lazy to get up to go look on the counter. I'm also surprisingly loving The Host by Stephanie Meyer. Who knew. I got it on sale for my Kindle and I forgot to bring Ape House the other night, so I decided to start it and it's great. Well the writing could be better but the plot is excellent and I'm sucked into the story at this point so I'm happy with it. Sometimes you just want a story...not a life a novel. Tonight we're having BLTs for dinner. I'm excited. For some reason I'm craving them tonight. After dinner, we're going to bed early to finish Django. We both fell asleep watching it last night, not because it wasn't one of the best movies I've ever seen, but because we were exhausted! It is a fabulous movie. I'm a huge Quentin T. fan anyway, but wow, I really wasn't expecting to love this movie this much. This was a great year for movies for me...Django, Life of Pi, Lincoln, Argo, Zero Dark Thirty, Rock of Ages, Here Comes the Boom...also a great year of shows...The Walking Dead, Supernatural, Dr. Who, Game of Thrones, American Horror Story, Downton Abbey, Parks and Rec, catching up on Weeds, Arrested Development, Ugly Betty and Parental Guidance on Netflix. Life is good!

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Happy 3rd Birthday Bella!!!

We are having her party tomorrow night at her house, and I hope the poor girl is feeling better soon! She has some kind of nasty virus (cold or flu) although I think she got her flu shot so it is probably a cold. Yucky nose, fever, achy. I'm not feeling terribly great since I sent her home, so that's exciting news to start off the new week! I'm so glad for a regular work week! Vacation is over thank the freaking lord! I've never worked so much during a vacation week! I'm feeling cranky. I don't mean to be. It was just a crazy week and the weekend went by too fast

Thursday, April 18, 2013


So it's been a very crazy week. Boston got bombed. I had friends there and it was heart wrenching to watch the events unfold and having to wait to hear from them. Boston is a huge part of our life. We celebrate our 4th of July every year in this great city. I briefly thought of canceling our celebration this year, but I think this is the year we will make our celebration the best ever! I refuse to let terror win. In better news, Bella is THREE on Sunday!!! THREE! Totally crazy how quickly three years have raced by. Her birthday party will be Monday night. One more day to get through and finally it'll be the weekend! I am so ready for it!

Sunday, April 14, 2013


I'm having a super crappy day. Bella was awake till 2 am last night and when she did sleep, it wasn't well. Her little nose was stuffy and she was restless. I'm also irritated because I had hoped for some time off this week and found out Friday that I will only have Tuesday off now. I'm trying to stay in a positive mood about everything and try to keep things in perspective but seriously, I feel like crying. My friend Sara's son and his girlfriend had their baby yesterday morning and the baby died minutes after. It's just been a yucky day and it isn't even MONDAY yet! And of course, my car is on empty, so I get to leave for work even earlier than I have to leave, which was already earlier than my regularly scheduled work week and I get to drive the flipping wheelchair van at work tomorrow and I KNOW that needs gas first thing. See what I mean about perspective??? It's just an inconvenience for me, nobody has died, I really shouldn't be so upset. Hormonal I think. Last week it was my anxiety. So I guess I'm just going to watch some Nick at Nite, read a little and pray a lot and hopefully get to sleep early. Here's to a good week!

Saturday, April 13, 2013


This has been an incredibly busy busy 2013 for me. Work has been wonderful but I'm definitely ready for a vacation. The weekends fly right by but the work weeks are going by even faster! So Miss Annabella's birthday is coming up next Sunday! I already ordered her American Girl doll. I think we're doing her family party either on the 22nd or the 29th, at her house at 7pm, so we can all be there. It depends on if her doll arrives on time or not. I should have ordered it last week, but I'm a procrastinator. I'm waiting for my new glasses and new contacts to come in. Love when I get new ones. My doctor loves when I get new ones too! :) My blood pressure was taken last week and it's 124/80, so that has me feeling pretty good. I figured it'd be sky high because of all of the changes that have taken place recently, but my body's handling it well it seems. We all know that even positive changes can be stressful. I'd like it a little lower but what can you do? I have always had myself on a low/no sodium diet since around age 19. I don't eat a ton of red meat or processed foods and when I do, it's a burger out or in some kind of pasta dish because I can not stand the taste of turkey burger anymore... or a steak about once a year. I exercise regularly, at least 30-60 minutes per day. I sleep fairly least 8 hours a night. If anything can be said about my diet, it's that I usually consume less than the recommended daily allowance. I usually top out around 900-1000 per day and I should be at 1200-1500 per day. My point is, I appear to be doing all of the recommended things to keep blood pressure low, and it's still 124/80. It isn't high enough to treat with medication, but any reading over 120 and under 130 is considered a pre-high blood pressure reading. BUT then I find out that that is the number only in America. In Europe, anything under 130 is perfect and considered low. America leads the world in heart disease and that is why we're stricter with our numbers. What exactly is America doing wrong? I'd check on the pesticides and additives in your foods and lack of exercise. America also leads the world in obesity and in diabetes. Sad way to live ones life don't you think? For me, I can't imagine not having been able to play with my children (tag, baseball, skiing, swimming, hiking) and I certainly would hate not being able to play with Bella. Being a sideline parent or grandparent is not for me and the thought of that is all the motivation I need.

Saturday, April 06, 2013

One Week

It's been one week since the girls have moved into their new place. I've had one week of a clean house. I've had a week of quiet zen-like moments. I've had a week of being able to pick things up and have them stay that way and a week of getting used to being able to put my iPhone or iPad down without a sweet two year old picking it up and adding/deleting apps. I'm really liking visiting her and seeing her so excited when I knock on her door. She comes racing around the corner yelling, "is it Nana, is it Nana? It IS Nana!!!" We will pick her up at 5 today and keep her until tomorrow afternoon. I will be able to get my hugs and kisses in and it'll give Kayla a little break. Mitch and I do have to remember that she is doing this alone (with lots of help from her family of course) but that is certainly different than having the other parent helping out. Even when I was doing it "alone" with my kids, I received child support and got a break on the weekends, with the kids going with their dad or with my parents. I do want to mention that as they got older and turned into really really cool kids, they spent most weekends with me by their choice, and we spent those weekends swimming, hiking, skiing, traveling, and making lots of fun memories. I was speaking more of when they were Bella's age and I remember loving those little breaks I'd get when I didn't have to get up every two seconds to get someone a drink or put a movie in or clean a mess or wrangle the kids and our very bad puppy. Having survived it all, I'm able to understand just how short of a time it is in the big scheme of things and yeah, Bella can be a handful, but she's our handful and she will be going off to college before we all know it!

Thursday, April 04, 2013


And we're back to another weekend! My husband and I are both feeling yucky. Head colds from HELL. Mine has moved to my chest though and my husband's is bothering his throat. We're a pair, we are! Date night tomorrow and we're probably going to spend it drugged up on Nyquil! I have so many things to get to that I don't want to be sick! I need to see Lincoln. We're totally hooked on the show Parenthood. I also want to see OZ, in the theater. I have books up the wazoo that I need to read. Tons of home decor/improvement projects. Oh my! I will not be bored for a long long time! I was reading a blog and in this particular post, the lady was talking about things she wished she knew before she got married and I'm guessing they waited to have sex on the honeymoon. Anyway...I'm SO glad that is not a problem we have! I feel bad for women who allow themselves to feel unsatisfied in the bedroom. My husband IS a rockstar in the bedroom, of course, DUH, but I'm also not the type of person to ever fake anything and if something isn't working, oh, we will change it. Anyway...I'm just grateful we don't have "issues". So things I wish I knew before I got married...income taxes SUCK when you both make middle class salaries. I wish I knew how many arguments we would have that have NOT ONE thing to do with us and our relationship. Every argument seems to revolve around kids and/or family or work infringing upon our "us" time. We are very jealous of our time together and that's actually a good thing, I think. Couples who don't put each other first, will often end up divorced. I wish I knew how hard of a time I'd have giving up my independence. I love having a husband who loves to do everything for me but it is important for me to feel like he knows I CAN and have taken care of myself, and I think sometimes I beat him over the head with that. All in all, there is no other person I'd rather be with. He's funny, normal, considerate, smart, clean, HANDSOME, good in bed and a wonderful provider who rarely puts his needs before mine, and incredibly romantic. I am such a lucky lucky woman!

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Happy Easter!!

Happy Easter!

What a crazy weekend! Oh my! We moved the girls into their new apartment and we bought a new living room set, a nice leather sectional, and we cleaned and cleaned and cleaned. I also managed to squeeze in Easter dinner. The girls spent last night in their new place and it was so nice having the house to ourselves. Zach was out with friends and I can't remember when my husband and I spent a night alone in our own home. It was divine. I will still have Bella a couple days/night's per week, but it is also nice to be able to get a break, because let's be honest, even when it is my "day off" from Bella, I would literally have to seclude myself in my bedroom because she would want me for something. I finally think I will find the perfect balance for this situation. Right now, I'm enjoying the quiet. And the clean house.

Friday, March 22, 2013


In exactly one month from yesterday, Bella will be THREE! Oh my! It's been an exciting three years with our little stinker. We all love her very much. I've been incredibly busy with work all week and I started the week out under the weather for two days so maybe that's why the week seems longer than usual. I didn't quite have my usual energy. I'm enjoying a quiet house this morning and spending it cleaning, listening to Pandora, and then tanning, nails and work for a few and then DATE NIGHT!

Friday, March 15, 2013


I'm incredibly tired today. My morning started at 6. I had a meeting in North Kingstown, I dropped off paperwork in Jamestown, and I came home, ate some breakfast and worked out. I could literally just go to bed right now. That is how tired I feel. Unfortunately my day isn't quite over. My husband and I will probably go out to dinner tonight and I really want to go to the movies but I don't know if I will be able to make it. I have a new opportunity at work and I'm pretty excited about the change. Excited about the extra money too! Zach is loving his new job. My husband and I can't believe how much money he's making. And he's only 18! We are always amazed at how things seem to fall into his lap. I have middle aged friends not even making that much. I suggest it's because positivity attracts positivity. He's a hard worker, good looking and always has a firm handshake and big smile on his face. I really think he would make a fine politician. Amazon Kindle asked a question on their facebook today...Which three authors would you most like to have dinner with? My answer came easily to me, but I could also list a hundred other authors I'd love to dine with. Judy Blume, Stephen King, and Diana Gabaldon would be my top three, and then another dinner with perhaps JK Rowling, John Irving and Wally Lamb. Fun to think about. L.M. Montgomery, Louisa May Alcott, Laura Inglalls Wilder, Charles Dickens, and Edgar Allen Poe would be on my dead authors list. I can't fail to name Barbara Kingsolver. She would probably need a dinner all to herself because I would need to discuss her every novel. You'll have noticed I've left out George R.R. Martin because even though I'm a huge fan, I feel like he's probably a bit too odd and the dinner would likely be served with a huge side of awkward moments. Time's a wasting. I need to go tanning and get on with the rest of my day.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013


I have a ton of pics to load...maybe I will get to that tomorrow. What do we think of today's gorgeous weather on the East Coast??? Hello SPRING! I've been sneezing for two days straight so methinks it is arriving on all fronts. I've been incredibly busy with work, with Bella and with life in general. I did manage a nice brisk walk after work this afternoon to enjoy the sights, sounds and smells of spring. Quite rejuvenating. Tonight I'm going to watch Life of Pi and relax in as many ways possible.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Thursday, March 07, 2013


The wind is crazy right now! This is the fifth windstorm we've had since fall, including Sandy. Come Monday, we're looking at spring temps all week long. Actually Saturday's not looking bad in the 50s. I love light sweater weather! My tan is coming along nicely. That's my favorite summer accessory! I really try to keep it at a healthy level and I've given tanning a lot of thought. I'm forty. I look way younger. I inherited some excellent genes. To the people who obey EVERY health are going to die anyway! So I refuse to be miserable and not enjoy a night out drinking too much, a day in the sun, a donut, a day in bed with no cardio, etc occasionally. I have faith that when it is my time, little intervention will keep me here. I honestly believe STRESS is the MOST damaging to your health and longevity of all indulgences. And stress is an indulgence because ultimately you decide what you let bother you. Obviously, too much of anything can hurt or kill you. Sooooo, moderation in all things. Which means I will not play Candy Crush for the rest of this day. It currently is my favorite way to wait in line or for the tea kettle to boil, but not exactly the answer you want to have when someone asks what you did today. I also enjoy watching Facebook meltdowns. I have several "friends" who take turns flipping out and all I can say is WOW. I'm hesitant to delete because like I said, it's highly entertaining. Then again, I can't stand people who are like Facebook isn't a forum for personal rants, blah, blah, blah...excuse me? I will say whatever the F-$& I want thank you very much. I'd have a very small friends list if I deleted all annoying people and that would mean my family would have to be deleted. I also can't stand the daily posts from people that read: time for housecleaning my friends list, I guess. How old are you? I love Facebook because I'm incredibly close to my large, albeit annoying family, and we're all spread out these days and I love talking to them every day, and sharing pics and jokes and memories. I have been considering deleting a few friends who do nothing but post porn pics or overly political or religious pics or pics of animal/people abuse because it's like, really? Who has time to look at this stuff all day and then decide it's a good idea to post it? Others work and may be checking their page on a lunch break and that shit pops up, or my granddaughter might be playing on my iPhone and looking at pictures of her cousins. You used to be able to filter posts from individuals and click the Show only Status Updates from said individual but I only seem to be able to hide posts now...why do I have to see it first??? Oh well...on to happier subjects...Zach has a new job! He's excited and we're pretty happy for him. The girls are looking at new apartments and should be on their own by April 1st. I will still have Bella a couple nights/days per week but it'll be nice to have some quiet time!

Saturday, March 02, 2013


I'm sitting here wondering why I'm feeling so exhausted and I happened to check the clock and it's almost 5 PM on a busy Saturday. I've been up since 6! I got up and went pee, worked out, enjoyed a cup of coffee and just enjoyed the quiet for a little over an hour because everyone was still asleep. Last night we (I) watched Sinister and last weekend I watched The House on the End of the Street. Both of them are pretty good movies. The Perks of Being a Wallflower was ok. I'm reading Life of Pi FINALLY. It's been on my Books to Read list for several years and I've owned the copy of it for several years, but there just always seemed to be other books or series that would grab my attention. I finally started it because I want to read it before I watch the movie. I've been pinning lots of Home Decor ideas...mostly to narrow down my next color schemes and living room set purchase. We currently own a brown microfiber couch and matching loveseat that are about 5 years old I guess. We bought them when we moved into the house we're in right now. They're comfy but Mitch and I are leaning towards a more quality leather set. I think. I keep pinning the same Pottery Barn couch and I just love it so much. I hate decisions but I'm sure I will be happy with either purchase. We're also investing in some GOOD Calphalon pots and pans...I'm pretty sure I want the stainless steel version...on the Calphalon website, they're normally $800 or more but right now they're $399! Our silverware is in good shape. I will be getting some new drinking glasses too but our barware is in great shape. Then I guess I will need to learn how to cook for just two people! I guess I can cook the same amount and we will just have leftovers to take to work. Of course I will still have Bella a couple days/nights per week but she's not a big eater. Lots of fun stuff to think about the rest of the weekend. It's looking like a fairly easy week next week for me at work, so that is a relief.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013


Still in this blah land. I want a new hobby. I haven't decided what yet. My second meal with my newest crock pot has been a success. It was kind of a "challenge" as my husband wanted me to only use things we already had in the cupboard/fridge/freezer. Mission accomplished. Chicken breast, potatoes, gravy, broccoli, cauliflower in the crock and stuffing as a side, along with awesome sourdough bread with coffee liqueur glaze...and chocolate cupcakes with coffee liqueur frosting. Tonight I'm making orange glazed chicken to put on cellophane noodles, lo mein, or brown rice. I'm using the cellophane but everyone else can try what they like. I'm thinking it would probably be good atop some Boston head lettuce as well. Easter is coming. I ordered a sweet little pair of Toms for Bella, and Mitch is getting a pair too, his being not sweet at all. Now I'm just waiting for them to get here. I have new pictures to be delivered tomorrow. If you haven't signed up for do so NOW! They have a perfect iPhone app, which links to your photostream, iCloud, Flickr account, etc., part? The free 85 prints a month that you get. The worst part? When I find a worst part, I will let you know. Shipping for me was $ cost wise, it is probably the same as going to a CVS or Walmart and load your camera card into a gross, germ laden machine that's been touched by gross people-who-don't-wash-their-hands-after-using-the-bathroom but I chose to avoid those machines, save a little gas, and have them delivered to my door with one or two touches of a button on my iPhone. Now I need to put them in my photo albums. Bella loves to look at pictures. I'm definitely over scrapbooking and "stamping" thanks. I want a new hobby, I said. Bella is finally at the age where we can let the good times roll! Discovery museum, the zoo, the ocean, the aquarium in Mystic, Launch trampoline park, the pet store, the toy store, basketball games, hockey games...I think Mitch and I enjoy watching her do new things more than she actually enjoys new things...such is the life of smitten grandparents.

Monday, February 25, 2013


I'm a sucker for the Oscars. I stayed up way too late. I have to go back to work today after vacation last week. Who's idea is it to pick a Sunday night for the Oscars? I think this year was full of good movies, so the competition was stiff. Argo, Lincoln, Les Mis, Zero Dark Thirty, Life of Pi...and a performance by Barbra Streisand. Going to bed early tonight!

I got a new, bigger Crock Pot this weekend. The one I already have is really too small for a family and I feel it is better for sides or for two or three people at best. I now have the 7 qt version and the chicken enchilada soup that I made came out pretty well. I want to get to know it before I trust setting it in the morning and coming home to it, but I really think this will help on the days I'm working late.

The weather is slowly warming up. It is supposed to be in the 40s and will hit 50 two days this week. I hope the snow is behind us. We turn the clocks ahead on Sunday and Easter is at the end of the month. I can not wait for that first beach day.

Friday, February 22, 2013


It may not look like spring outside but it sure sounded like it with all the birds chirping. I'm making some banana muffins from scratch. I have a couple overripe bananas that I was saving for banana bread but I cant seem to locate my loaf pan, so muffins it is! I also want to check out a knitting store in town going out of business this week. I want to see how good their 1/2 off yarn is. I might get some deals on some good wool. We will see. Other than that, I want to enjoy the weekend with my husband.

Thursday, February 21, 2013


When I downloaded the Blogger app onto my iPhone, it automatically downloaded onto my iPad. Neat-o. And easy peasy. My whining rants are over. God gives us gifts and I really think mine are strength, attitude and tenacity. I don't stay down for long. He's also given me my husband. Neither one of us are perfect but we're perfect together. I don't need to be taken care of but it is nice to have someone who does such a good job of taking care of me.

Ok, new topic...I'm watching American Idol and just now noticing Ryan Seachrest's's brown and no longer blond. Date night tomorrow. I don't think it'll top last Friday's date night when I got my diamond ring! I think that was the happiest date of my life! Maybe only topped by one time when he surprised me by showing up a day earlier than expected. And my cousin Kristen who is a fantastic masseuse and award winning freelance photographer, has been invited to massage The Who before their show tomorrow. How freaking cool is that?!?! So proud of my little cousin! Moving forward, I'm focusing on the good in my life, and there is so much of it, despite the crappy parts.


My daughters' friends on Facebook, who find themselves with small children have themselves listed as Proud Stay at Home Mommies. What the HELL is there to be proud of??? daughter's friend posted on Facebook just today that she's pregnant again by father number 3. Yeah. I work in the human service field and I help children every day and often times purchase lunch for said children. I help. I help write non-profit grants and I also pay an enormous amount of income tax. Unlike our wealthier friends, this has been difficult at times BUT we do it. So to be told that my father, who up till the time of his stroke was a well paid truck driver can not get Medicaid because he makes too much money on social security makes me sick and angry, while this 24 year old woman can happily make public on Facebook just today that she's adding to the burden of this government. I'm not a Republican. Neither am I a democrat. Spare me the working poor speech. My husband and I EACH work 2 jobs just so we can maybe enjoy our lives because that is how we were raised. Our grandfathers provided their families with a very strong work ethic and would be disappointed if we gave up. We (combined) owe over $100,000 in educational loans. It is what it is. I have really rich friends and I have really poor ones. Neither set has a clue.

Things That Make Me Happy

- my husband
- playing with Bella
- my dog
- reading in libraries
- book shopping
- clothes shopping
- reading at the beach
- laying in the sun
- exercising
- television marathons
- playing games
- doing the cross word
- knitting/crocheting
- picnics
- hiking
- going to concerts


Vacation week is more than half over. It's been full of extreme highs and lows. Highs---my wonderful iPhone 5, a nice visit with my niece Gabby AND my beautiful new diamond solitaire. Yes it's BIG. How big? Full insurance and appraisal big. Lows---my Dad being so sick and basically unable and unwilling to help himself. And the fact that he can't qualify for Medicaid because he makes too much in social security ($800 a month) but yet I have to continually pay large amounts of taxes in for fuckers to keep having more kids so they don't lose their Mainecare and pretend they can't work because they have "anxiety." Get a fucking job. You'd be surprised how little time you have to worry about nonsense. So yeah, I'm in a great mood. And the biggest kicker? Because my husband and I choose to help our daughter and grand-daughter and refuse to let them live in unsafe conditions (low income housing), she doesn't qualify for assistance because my husband and I make too much money. Seriously? A GIANT FUCK you to all drains on society. You are an embarrassment and burden for all middle class Americans. BUT I have a wonderful husband and we are both hard workers and we take care of our own, so ultimately, life is good and will continue to be good. I refuse to let this world's psycho drama bring us down.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Merry Christmas...Happy Valentine's

Blogging on my new iPhone 5 using my new blogger app. It'll be handy when I'm traveling or on the go and want to share something.


Crazy how quickly time can fly right by. In case you haven't heard, we had a little storm this past weekend, going by the name of Nemo, in true blizzard fashion. Yes, here in RI/Mass area, it was indeed a blizzard, not just a snowstorm, as 50-75 mile per hour winds were recorded in our area. We lost power for less than 45 minutes which was amazing because as of yesterday, there were still about 150 customers without. We did lose Internet/cable around here till yesterday, but at least we had coffee and the ability to make it and HEAT of course! Plenty of food and snacks too! Lots of alcohol even. This storm, while a bit inconvenient, will go down in our memory book as a great 4 day weekend that we all spent together. Bella had the flu during this storm. Her first real viral illness. It went exactly by the med book. She acts like she's possessed by Satan when she's that ill, but we love her anyway! She was back to herself yesterday, so thankfully no real complications. The flu makes me nervous with little kids but I'm still a believer that healthy kids become healthy adults by building up natural immunity. The human body is designed to recover on its own, unless the person is NOT healthy, in which case, I am 100% for flu shots. I'm still not buying the chicken pox vaccine. All three of my children had chicken pox. I've had chicken pox. My parents and grand parents had chicken pox. Anyway, prevention is key. Wash wash wash. Eat healthily. Maintain proper hydration. It's truly amazing that some people take better care of their cars than themselves. A car does not run without food (gas) and water (fluids). I will get around to posting some pics one of these days. I've been busy with work. Vacation is coming up on Friday. I desperately need it!

Thursday, January 31, 2013


Goodbye January. I'm not feeling so great this morning. Not sick exactly, just kind of not myself. I'm going to blame it on waking up early. I've actually been up the last 6 hours. Worked out. Showered. Et cetera et cetera. Food just doesnt seem to be sitting well with me today. My anxiety is up a little. I really need a beach day. Probably about four weeks till we get a day warm enough for that. I signed up for a TESOL certification class. Sometimes doing something new eases my anxiety. The worst thing I can do is do what I want to do which is to just hole up in my room and isolate myself. Two weeks till vacation.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013


I believe this may have been the fastest January on record. Wasn't it just Halloween? My house smells like yummy Downy this morning! And not because I've just done laundry. No, it is because I have replaced my Scentsy wax in my Scentsy warmer with Downy Unstoppables! Melts like wax. Hardens like wax. Smells WAY better!!! This particular pin was a winner! The next two weeks are going to be so busy. I'm stressed out today just thinking about it. At least all of the busy-ness will be rewarded with February vacation, but I'm dreading all of the driving and paperwork and extra "stuff". So today, I'm going to complete my errands early, which means I will be hopping off here quickly, and I'm going to dream about my next two big(ger) paychecks coming my way. I actually just scared myself because when you think about it, the next two weeks will fly by, as busy weeks often do, and vacation week will go by even FASTER, which will bring us to the last week in February! It's spring around here come March!

Thursday, January 24, 2013


I got new tires. I got new tires. My Town & Country is driving like it's brand new! The Tahoe is next. Work has been busy. It's been a bit challenging squeezing in my workouts, but I DID IT! Tomorrow I can actually workout in the morning like I like to do. Going to the movies with my husband tomorrow night. And Saturday??? I think I'm just going to enjoy a cozy day inside. I have a few projects I want to work on and some books to read!

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

A Little Better

Things are getting a little better this morning. My computer is still working and I bypassed the company website and went directly to our Worldclient email and logged in and sent my timesheet. Gosh I love my MacBook. I'd be sad without it. Weigh-in is tomorrow. I'm excited. I've cheated by weighing myself twice this week because I'm finding it hard to stick to the once a week schedule. These past two weeks, every time I step on the scale, it's down one to three pounds. I feel like I finally have the right formula/balance. I feel totally awesome after cutting out the extra sugar. I still eat foods with sugar, but trying to get most of my sugar intake from fruit only. For instance, I still eat yogurt that has sugar. I add one teaspoon of sugar to my coffee. Most importantly, water water water! My goal for each day, other than consuming the allotted amount of water, is to go to bed with my pee clear. I've been doing well the last 17 days. My body is literally transforming in front of my eyes. They say it takes about 2-4 weeks for you to start noticing. 6-8 for close relations to notice. And 10-12 for everyone else to start noticing.


Is it a flipping Monday?? OMG. First, I got up about a half hour later than I wanted. I wanted to be up at 7, even though I have today off, so I could kind of keep my schedule on track because tomorrow I'm up at 6 after doing the overnight and I just didn't want to be an exhausted crank for Friday night. I'm tired if being bitchy and short to everyone BUT Bella. So whatever, it's just a half hour today but there's a huge difference between 6 am and sleeping in till 7:30 am, in my opinion. Especially if I don't sleep well during the overnight, which can often be the case. But I got over that. Went to the bathroom. No trouble. Started the coffee. Still good. The roads are a slushy mess so I won't be getting my nails done or tan before noon. So that had me grumbling a bit. I was briefly happy because I had moved one of my favorite plants to a new location the other day and habve given it some extra TLC the last two days and it has perked right back up. Pretty sure it's going to make it, so I got some water to check on the others and while in my bedroom, I reached over to turn on my light. Everything was fine with it last night. This morning it was sideways and not turning on. Interesting. I was attempting to check the plug because there's no way that effing ugly ass energy saver lightbulb that is touted to last forever could have already died, RIGHT? As Im doing this, the shelf that is home to my blu-ray player decided to shift and fall, which led to an avalanche of books and DVDs falling, knocking over my (thankfully) little glass of water, which got my dresser wet, and my laptop, and a few I cleaned that all up. I decided to check my laptop. Everything seems fine for now. Decided I better send my Excel document timesheet to my boss while my computer is still working, only to discover the company website is down. AGAIN. I KNEW I should have sent my timesheet last night. I always do it on Tuesdays because I usually have Tuesdays off. But it's not due till Wednesdays by noon and I was like, oh, I will just do it tomorrow like everyone else. Look where that has gotten me this morning. And to top it all off, I'm feeling vomitus this morning. Might be the one hundred ab crunches I did in the bathroom last night, or it might be this pukey thing going around Rhode Island. I already had the flu. And a horrendous sinus infection. A major allergy attack last fall, directly followed by a nasty cold. I haven't really been sick for about five years, so I guess this is my year. I hope the rest of the week is better.

Monday, January 14, 2013


We're certainly enjoying the wonderful weather in these parts. Loving the 55 degree winter we're having! The house is clean! Yay! Just have to wash the living room floor. Finally got the last of Bella's Christmas presents put together and out of my living room. She's been having a ball riding her Barbie Jeep Wrangler. I had my weigh in and I'm down 2 lbs so that's good news for me. 2 pounds doesn't seem like much but if you think of 2 pounds of hamburger, you realize that's a good amount. I'm painlessly drinking 80-90 ounces of water per day! I just never knew how great I'd feel. I'm rarely ravenous now and can therefore choose healthy options instead of grabbing what's fast and easy. My sinus trouble and headaches seem to have abated. I've also prepped all sorts of healthy foods and put them all in separate lidded containers and have them all neatly organized in the fridge, so it's making snacking and packing healthy lunches a breeze! I have fruits, assorted vegetables, and different beans all prepped and washed and ready to eat. Feeling good about these tweaks and that they're here to stay.

Thursday, January 10, 2013


I'm feeling pretty good today. Still sticking to a 45 minute workout rule plus abs, push-ups, squats, pliés and leg lifts. What's changed is cutting out (or at least down on) sugar I add. I can drink tea without sugar but I just can't drink coffee with no sugar, but I've reduced it to one measly teaspoon for 16 oz of coffee. I'm on day 10 of drinking 80 ounces of water per day. I'm also eating one whole apple per day. I'm still struggling to consume more than 1000 calories per day but I think because I've spaced out my meals, snacks and tea in such a way that my blood sugar stays fairly level, my metabolism is staying on track without going into "starvation" mode. I've also cut out fast food. I can't say I'm missing it, but I'm missing the routine of it. When Mitch and I took Bella out shopping, after about ten minutes in the car, Bella says, "need a burger. Need a drink." So basically we just have to reprogram ourselves. Not sure how long I'm giving up fast food, but for me it's a slippery slope. One burger as a treat leads to one night out a week for fast food, and that turns into every time nobody wants to cook. Mind you, we eat proper portions while out and haven't gained weight with our fast food indulgences, but all of the salt, sugar and fat can't be good for you. My favorite change has been the simple "one day at a time". It is easy to get overwhelmed by crazy schedules and then trying to squeeze in thoughtful meal planning and work-outs. Bikini season is coming. At 40, I'm not sure how many more years I have with the old bikini, and as my strongest critic, I promise not to disgust people at the beach.

Tuesday, January 08, 2013


As of next week, it is already into the middle of January! What? It'll be Christmas again before we know it!! Then I will get my do over and hopefully not get the life sucked out of me by the flu again. In healthy news, my workouts are going well, as is my consumption of water. One of this year's goals is (was) to increase my water intake. I'm feeling a million times better! I'm drinking 80 ounces a day and I find I'm not starving all the time now. I wasn't a bad water drinker before but I only drank about 32 ounces per day. Major DUH moment for me because I DO know your brain can confuse thirst for hunger. Starting today, I'm reducing my added sugar intake. Which means, my coffee this morning only has 1 teaspoon of sugar. Blech! I could switch to artificial sweeteners but I've never been able to convince myself that artificial can ever mean healthy. I discovered this while drinking one of my grandmother's Tabs as a kid. The back of the can said saccharin caused cancer. Not exactly what a child prone to hypochondria and anxiety needed to read. Ever seen My Girl? I WAS Veda for a few years. I have today off from work but watching my favorite girl. Trying to think of something fun to do with Bella today. It's going to be 50 tomorrow, Saturday and Sunday so goodbye snow, but that also means wet and yucky ground for a bit. I normally would take her to the beach and let her chase some Rios but it's still quite a mess from Sandy. Maybe we will have a craft day. Our little miss can say her alphabet, without singing it in the cheesy song, can count with you until 10, independently until 5 and knows the colors blue, red and green. Working on yellow, orange, pink and purple. She also understands commands such as over, under, next to, around, etc. She can differentiate between types of, truck, bus, train, bike. She can also act out Itsy Bitsy Spider, I'm a Little Teapot and Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes. She says No very very well. She's also hitting most of the pre-reading benchmarks, she points to text, picks out letters, knows when to turn the page, etc. She's by no means a genius baby, just the granddaughter of an English teacher! She continues to be tech savvy. Can operate the tv, blu-ray, Wii, even though she's not supposed to, and she asks "Where's the remote?" when she wants to watch tv. She has used my iPad since babyhood and can usually manage her LeapPad 2 without too much frustration, unless she's overtired. She can run, jump, skip, kick a ball, throw and has pre-swimming skills such as: holding on and kicking her legs, blowing bubbles and is not afraid of going underwater. She can also do a somersault! She also knows her animals! Our Princess Bella has learned so much in two years!!!

Sunday, January 06, 2013


We had a fun day yesterday! We took Bella sledding for her first time and she had a lot of fun! I'm blogging today on a Sunday because it will be unlikely I will get around to it until Tuesday. 52 hours this week and 57 next week. I'm on track with my diet and workouts so that has me pleased. First week of the year on the books! Right now I'm watching Poltergeist II. It is nowhere near as good as the first one! I'm pretty sure I watched this when it came out because I'm remembering a lot of it now, like the part with Robbie's braces attacking him.

She Survived Her First Sledding Trip!

  by jennluvsgable
, a photo by jennluvsgable on Flickr.

Zach & Deanna

  by jennluvsgable
, a photo by jennluvsgable on Flickr.

Finally Some Snow!

  by jennluvsgable
, a photo by jennluvsgable on Flickr.

Bye Bella!

  by jennluvsgable
, a photo by jennluvsgable on Flickr.

Bella's First Sledding Trip

  by jennluvsgable
, a photo by jennluvsgable on Flickr.

I'm Beat

  by jennluvsgable
, a photo by jennluvsgable on Flickr.

Building a Snowman

  by jennluvsgable
, a photo by jennluvsgable on Flickr.

  by jennluvsgable
, a photo by jennluvsgable on Flickr.

Long Walk Back Up the Hill

  by jennluvsgable
, a photo by jennluvsgable on Flickr.

Zach Blazing a Trail

  by jennluvsgable
, a photo by jennluvsgable on Flickr.

Bella's Waiting to Go

  by jennluvsgable
, a photo by jennluvsgable on Flickr.

Bella's Turn

  by jennluvsgable
, a photo by jennluvsgable on Flickr.

Friday, January 04, 2013


I think this is my first post of the new year, with the exception of some picture posts. 9 years this year, I've been blogging. Wow. I'm finally feeling better. That flu was horrible! On the news last night, a doctor had said this particular strain had hit RI hard and early, and that it will make you feel like you wish you'd never been born. Yes, that's EXACTLY how I felt! I jumped on the resolution bandwagon early and started working out on 12/31/12. I can't say it is a resolution because I work out regularly anyway but I'm not going crazy this year. That's my resolution. No double sessions. I'm giving up my McDonalds sweet tea addiction. I'm sad about this but it's an easy way to cut 1400-2100 calories per week out of my diet. I'm back using MyFitnessPal just to see how far I've sunk and I'm still under my caloric goal, even with the junk food, so I'm going to just focus on putting as many good, organic, whole foods into my system as possible. I'm also going to drink more wine. I like that resolution. Have more sex (this one will make my husband even happier!) And work on getting back to my old positive self. Focus on the good things because even when things are stressful, there really are a lot of GOOD things in my life. My husband and I are in reasonably good shape, we're healthy, we have fun together, we have each other. Bella thinks we're pretty great! We have two tickets to go ice-skating in Providence. We can go ice-skating whenever we want in the indoor rink, but that's boring. This rink is outside, in the park. Now that we also got some snow, I want us to take Bella sledding. We found a perfect place for it a few years ago, but the snow melted fast and it hasn't really snowed since! So maybe we can find an hour or so this weekend.