Sunday, September 22, 2013

It's Been A Long time...

I realized that it has been a long time since you have heard from Mr. Jennifer and because the public outcry has been so loud, I decided to post something.

In reality I have never posted on here for any other reason than to let you all know how awesome my wife is and to hopefully make her smile and feel loved. The past couple of months have been tough as I have started the hectic part of the year for my new job. Working close to 100 hours a week, doesn't leave much time for anything let alone being a great husband and that is something I have always prided myself on. Not being able to be there to take care of everything and just spending time doing little things like listening to 80's music on Pandora or holding hands, stinks! On top of me working all the time, she is working two jobs, watching Bella at least four days a week and driving the rest of the family all over the place. She is truly amazing. Because she is so amazing I thought I would write her a love letter...

Dear My Darling Angel Daisy,

I am the luckiest man alive. After so many wrong turns and stupid mistakes, God has for some reason blessed me with you. Who would have know that my angel was in the next town over my whole childhood and I never knew. God certainly does work in mysterious ways, and He clearly had a plan for us. Like all of Gods gifts, I am undeserving of you. I work everyday to overcome my short comings so that my gift is not your purgatory. You are the most intelligent, fun, attractive, sexy and loving person I know. The thought of getting to see you, talk to you and have you fall asleep in my arms is what keeps me going everyday. I know I fall short everyday of the greatness that I expect of myself when it comes to being your husband and I am truly sorry. There is no excuses for that and I am committed to being what you deserve.

You are my Daisy. The flower that makes the sun hesitate when it rises to take an extra look at your beauty. You are my Athena. The one that everyone turns to for the correct answer. You are my Jester. The one that makes me laugh so that any worries disappear. You are my Aphrodite. The one that everyone can't take there eyes off. You are my answer. The answer to all my prayers, questions and happiness.



Tuesday, September 10, 2013


I had such a yucky day yesterday! What was supposed to be a day when I caught up on all of my own things and got myself prepared for my week, turned into getting woken up by my boss, a schedule change and with that, all of the free time in which I was going to get things in place, disappearing before I had the chance to wipe the sleep out of my eyes. So that just set the tone for the day, to say the least. Work itself is rarely painful, and I enjoy my work, I just like more than 2 seconds notice is all, so I can cancel obligations I may have made thinking I had the day off. I'm glad days like yesterday do not happen often, but I can't help but feel there is something in the air? I just can't seem to shake it off. ALL of my enthusiasm and energy has disappeared. Let's see, it's 9:15...I need to workout because I had zero time to do so yesterday. This means I have to workout and manage to keep Bella out of trouble at the same time. I need to get my shower in there somewhere. It's going to be 90 degrees tomorrow. Hello Autumn?? I love the heat, but once school is in session, professional attire is required. Super suck, right there. Okay, I feel better venting. Bella woke up and took her adorably pajama clad body into my room for morning cuddles. We watched Lilo and Stitch, while I caught up on paperwork, and now she's eating her breakfast, painting and playing with Play-doh. Once required work is turned in via email, I'm going offline and am going to remain that way until after dinner. Tomorrow is another busy day and it will remain busy right through until Thursday night at 6. Actually, to get technical, it starts at 8 pm tonight. I work the overnight, get home at 7, turn around and be at job 2 for 9 am until 2 pm. Home at 2:30. Meeting 3:30-5:30. Pick up Zach, pick up Bella, home for dinner, back at job 1 for another overnight, home at 7 am, work at job number 2, 9 am until 2 pm and then at job number one, 3-6. CONFUSED? It's not usually this hectic. I rarely have meetings and I picked up an additional overnight so another person could take their vacation. Needless to say however, this was NOT the week to mess with my schedule.