Thursday, September 30, 2010

Long Night

Taking J and B to Salve Regina University tonight. Normally I love my Thursday evening routines at Salve. Tonight though, we're expecting the rain, heavy winds and high surf advisory to continue. Anyone familiar with the campus knows it is located on Newport's cliff walk, and I was hoping to get a couple of miles in before dark today, but it isn't looking like the weather will be cooperating. I will be at J's around 2ish and I will be home around 9 tonight. Hoping to finish my book this evening.

I really can't believe September is just about over. Normally I love this month. This year, it seemed to fly by and I didn't really take the time to enjoy it. Work has been challenging, so I seem to spend my days off recovering and then stressing about when I have to go back. The week starts on my day off Sunday. Unless I have a staff meeting, which I do every 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month, and a committee meeting every 1st Wednesday of the month, I don't have to be at work till Friday. Sunday comes and then the next thing I know, it is Friday again. Hit repeat.

And and

My heart does go out to the hard working Americans who can not afford health insurance or their employers just don't offer it. And to the many many Americans who keep crappy jobs just because the benefits are good! When Zach was little we had to have Mainecare because his dad's company didn't have affordable benefits, then when we split up, his dad had to pay for insurance per the child support agreement. I'm sure we all know people who need Medicaid but don't qualify because they make too much money and these same people can't afford private insurance. These are the working Americans that the government needs to stop ignoring.


And I don't wish to discuss or defend any observation I made in my post. I realize some of you will attack my generalizations in the post and maintain that I was implying anyone on Medicaid is questionable, etc. I was remarking on the efficiency of the office and my personal experience there.

My political opinion as of current, is the entire middle class is continuing to support a government that caters to the rich and the poor. Duh! And nothing will ever change, so I take care of my own with hard work and marrying well! I love you honey, thank you for taking such good care of us!


I finally sat down and spent 5 minutes configuring my phone to my Flickr account and reconfiguring my Flickr account to the blog, as I switched a few months ago to the beta version. Not sure that I'm completely happy with that decision, because I had the other version figured out beautifully and seemlessly. But it literally took five minutes to sit down and do it. I lost my site meter when I switched blogs, but the beta version offers their own stats, and my Blackberry/Flickr/blog picture process is even faster than the old school digital camera/Flickr/blog process. So it is quickly becoming more comfortable and home like, like my former blog layout used to feel.

Just trying to relax and not think about going to work tomorrow. I'm a little on the done side and approaching burn-out. I think this is the longest I've worked at one job except the five years I put in with rec sports. Time to look at teaching jobs again, I guess, but I have such a sweet schedule and am making as much money. Seriously don't want to work 7:30-3 every day. But this super stressful one day I currently am working makes five days of less stress/no sleep seem heavenly.

I took Zach to the walk-in care here in town. I've never experienced such a quick doctor visit in my life! Literally, in and out, prescription called in and when we got to the pharmacy, it was ready. Amazing! I think this is partly due to the fact that this is an insurance only office. No welfare. This is in the next town over from us, which has high rates of Medicaid, and all I can say is, while I don't care for discrimination, I DO like that there was zero wait time. We literally walked in, handed over our insurance card, Zach's temp and strep test were run while my insurance was being verified. Waited ten minutes for the test to be complete, doc called us in and said he already called the script in for us. Out the door we went. The waiting area had nice comfy couches, a big flat screen tv on the wall, awesome magazines. Soooooo not a general practioners office! There were no questionable people in the waiting area. Most were just coming in for their flu shots. Plenty of hand sanitizer around. All in all, I give this location an A+! Well done!

Love This Expression!

Love This Expression!
Originally uploaded by jennluvsgable
Yeah she was pretty much done smiling for the camera at this point!

5 Months Old

5 Months Old
Originally uploaded by jennluvsgable
This is Bella's favorite toy. It sings a highly annoying song. It is a hand-me-down gift from my lovely sister and YES Bella can sit all by herself now. No more Bumbo for her! Except when she's eating. Not bad for our 5 month old beauty. As my sister said, she is the perfect combination of Kayla, Hayley and Zach.

Tillinghast Pond

Tillinghast Pond
Originally uploaded by jennluvsgable
Took a drive yesterday to one of my favorite spots in RI.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Difficult Morning

I've been avoiding checking my old local news because the trial of Holly's murderer started this week. I made the mistake of reading the transcripts this morning. I still have no ounce of forgiveness for these two individuals and would love to witness their long drawn out brutal murders. Alas, I have to just sit here and know that one gets out of prison in 6 years, and the other will probably die in jail at an old age because Maine does not believe in the death penalty.

My daughters brought home lots of friends, but of them all, two managed to worm their way into my heart and into our family. Holly and Devon.

Holly was brutally stabbed to death August 8, 2009. I will never forget the late night hysterical phone call from my daughter when Holly's body was found. I will never forget the numb feeling in my body that lasted a few days before I could cry. I am still concerned about my lack of willingness to forgive. My Christian faith took a deep hit. If I ever find peace or forgiveness over this, it will truly be a miracle of God. I can't bare the thought of deleting her cell phone number off my phone or deleting her Myspace page. Unfortunately, I lost her last text message to me when I got a new cell phone. I will never forget our last conversation and if I could turn back time, it would have been more meaningful. I will never forget the dream I had of Holly days after her murder. She was going through my closet like she often did, looking for clothes to steal, and I said Holly, you know you're dead and she said yes, but don't be scared of me. In another dream, my cellphone was ringing and I looked down and saw Holly's name on the screen and woke up screaming. Knowing my love of horror movies, I'm sure she's up there laughing at me being scared of a dream!

I miss you and think of you often, and I'm sad that Bella and your nephew will never know their Aunt Holly.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Grrrrrrr. Zach notoriously gets strep throat once or twice a year. (Occasionally more than that in a bad year. He got lucky last year and didn't get strep once.) I notoriously wait to ride it out. A sudden high fever with Zach and my gut says, strep. Does your throat hurt?? No, Mom. 6 hours later, Zach says his throat hurts. Fever is gone, which is odd because Zach's fever never breaks till penicillin time with strep. So I'm thinking, SCORE! It was just a quick little bug. Today, after football practice, he comes home, takes a shower and is covered in the notorious strep rash. Awesome. Headed to walk-in care tomorrow morning. Now I feel like I have a headache and sore throat. I have not had to see a doctor for illness since moving to Rhode Island in in 2007.

I was reading lots of cutesy, witty blogs today and remembered when I had a cute and witty blog and more going for me than a clean house.

And I just read that the new iPad will have a camera. And the new Blackberry version of the iPad has TWO cameras. One I'm assuming is to be able to Skype or video chat. Whatever. I'm getting the iPhone. I do wish Apple would let you trade in and trade up. I will gladly pay the difference. All of this has gotten me in a foul mood. Seriously, I have a headache now and a sore throat. What the eff! Looks like I will be getting a throat swab too. Except I notoriously wait to see if it really is strep until I can't take it anymore and break down and go to the doctor.

Ok my throat is feeling better. I'm probably fine. Just a temporary reaction to seeing Zach's rash.

I just re-read this post and my throat hurts again.

What A Day!

What a day already! I've blogged sufficiently. I put my shoes away. Dusted. Swept and washed floors. Went through all the outdated mail. Dishes are washed. The tray under the dog dishes is washed. Trash taken out. All that is left is pick up Zach from football practice later and go tanning. I will go for my walk around that time as well. We're having shepherds pie for dinner tonight. I have the air conditioner running. So tired of dealing with mugginess. I shut up the house and have the air running. I can finally breathe again!

Projects for the upcoming days include putting my CDs in a tote. Get a new plant for the living room. My beautiful lovely plant fell and some of it has died but I should be able to rehab it. Currently it is unsightly and will probably need to be repotted in a smaller pot since so much of it died. Paint the pumpkins. Go to some furniture stores because I want a new coffee table and new end tables.

With the exception of a few last tasks to do today, I'm going to read, write and relax this evening. I feel so much better paring down my items. I'm going to tackle my closet again and see if I can illiminate a few more items. I'm also going to pick up a few accessories like belts and scarves to dress up or down a few of my existing items. LOVE my shoe collection. I just want another pair of Uggs to replace the ones I'm giving to Hayley.

I think while I'm relaxing, I'm going to work on my list of goals for the upcoming year and my list of things to do before I die. Then I'm going to make plans for my upcoming vacations. I'm thinking Cancun, Florida again, and DC. Not sure when I will get the Grand Canyon and California squeezed in. Thankfully my husband agrees that we shouldn't wait till we retire to do all the fun traveling.

Healthwise, I really want to get back on track with eating more of a raw diet and drinking my green smoothies again. I also need to work on drinking 96 ounces of water a day. I really think the fountain of youth has been available to us and right under our noses in the form of healthy h2o.


If I focus more of my blog posts on the most amazing grand daughter in the world, it is simply because, I am a very proud grandmother and because I'm trying to forget about the day to day overwhelming struggle of pushing my own babies out of the nest. They certainly don't talk about this in the baby books!


I do have to say that parenting adult and almost adult children is far more stressful and anxiety ridden than I ever expected or imagined. I realize that we're in the final lap of things, so to speak, so I do believe the end of these stressful times is near, but oh my good Lord! So worrisome pushing kids out of the nest. Regarding my last post, I think I did a fairly ok job keeping them away from danger, but I recognize that it was ME keeping them from danger. I need to trust that they can continue to make good choices for themselves and have some strong moral values.

I'm not really fearful of actual danger regarding their physical bodies. Mostly it is just overwhelming to think about what it takes to be a productive member of society. Getting them started on life plans such as college apps, career goals, family/relationship goals, checking accounts, the importance of maintaining pristine credit and helping them with that along the way to build their credit, first apartments, actually letting them drive on these dangerous highways (ok, that is one physical danger I DO lose sleep over), health insurance, instilling in them that welfare is NOT an option, and when they ask their all-knowing Mommy what she thinks...I think I want them all back in my womb where they are safe and sound!


Another warm day in paradise. Supposed to be in the 70s all week. A very humid 78 today. Thunderstorm if we're lucky. Glad I tan artificially because it is too sticky outside for pants, so shorts it still is!

Miss Bella sits by herself now. Not too shabby for a newly 5 month old being! Pretty mobile too, just not as effectively as she'd like! She's been playing peek-a-boo for awhile now, and most baby development books say this happens around 5 months, so she is exactly where we want her to be, which is slightly ahead of the game. We are currently working on 6 month old skills when she's cooperative. Her Nonni is a TEACHER after all! And her great aunts and her great-Grammie are teachers too! Her great-great-great Nana, Jennie, was a school teacher as well! We read two or three books per evening and she and I enjoy our Nonni and Bella time, but she LOVES to learn new physical skills. So very active. We will definitely have an early walker on our hands. At this age she is supposed to start showing signs of fear around strangers. She doesn't. She does however hold her arms out to the person she really wants to hold her. And that person usually has some kind of motorized device on their person. Cell phone, watch, computer, etc. She stops what shes doing to watch commercials, especially the Pillow Pets commercial! Guess what she's getting for Christmas??? She also swims in the tub! So cute! She loves to lay on her belly in the tub and move herself from one end to the other! Kayla is so glad she isn't scared of water. My belief is that kids are fearful when their parents are fearful. A parent may know how to swim, but if they're fearful of water involving their children, the kid picks up on this anxiety.

I also shared a profound statement with my daughter concerning discipline. When a young toddler starts toddling, parents will often slap a baby's hand and say no. I personally do not believe corporal punishment is ever appropriate, but the child psychologist I'm going to quote, and I can not remember the name or link, says it best. "It is your job as a parent to protect and keep your child from danger, not discipline him/her when he/she finds it!" Mind you, this was regarding a discussion about slapping a baby's hand when going near an outlet or approaching the fireplace. A young child is just doing what is ingrained in him to do, explore his world. Hitting a child this early on, shows the child that hitting is appropriate. If the child is 5 or 6 and still playing with outlets, then I guess I'd leave that up to the parents. In my opinion, corporal punishment shows a lack of care and concern and creativity on the part of the parents and demonstrates their laziness to bother trying redirection or simply removing the child from the situation. Again, most of this is my opinion but I've raised three fairly well behaved children without ever spanking them! I have an almost 21 year old, a 19 year old and a 16 year old, two girls and a boy, and they don't drink, don't smoke, don't do drugs and they call or text me several times a day and still ask if they can do things, to which I usually reply, "uhhh, you ARE an adult!" The proof is in the pudding!

Monday, September 27, 2010

Things DONE!

Let's see...I had Zach snake the tub because as I was cleaning out my make-up drawer, I was bent over funny and really hurt my back. I didn't want to further aggravate it yet because I still had to scrub out the tub/shower. He was kind enough to oblige even through his sickness. He actually did a fabulous job! I just did it like a month ago, so I was ticked off it had to be done again so soon, especially since I've been taking greater care with the drain. He got some stuff out of there that I probably had missed the last few times. Drain is working perfectly, so I was able to clean the tub! Yay! I hate dirty tubs and showers. So gross. Lysol tub cleaner with bleach works wonders on mold and mildew, but definitely has a strong bleach smell. I also use it on stains on my white cupboards in my kitchen. Also works getting hair dye off the sink and floor. Not so great on soap scum. I prefer to let the chemical do the work for me when it comes to that. I used Mr. Clean with Febreeze bathroom cleaner. Worked marvelously and I didn't have to break my back!

The menu is also done and groceries bought and put away. This week, since it will be so rainy, will just be some good old comfort quickie meals. Italian wedding soup and Texas cheese toast tonight. Shepherd's pie tomorrow. American chop suey on Wednesday, pizza on Thursday and taco dinner on Friday.

I also went through my make-up and went through the outdated lotions and potions, etc. Freed up a lot of space in there, so things are much more organized. Seriously, I had some stuff in there that I remember using when Zach was a baby. I was holding on this foot lotion why? Gonzo. The cheap Walmart body wash, lotion gift set? Gonzo. I would never use the Walmart gift set crap because A.) it is cheaply made B.) I have extremely sensitive skin to harsh chemicals and C.) because I buy my own products from Victoria Secret and Bath & Body Works. I do use the Walmart shower gel to clean the toilet. It suds it up fine and gets the water ring off and buys me some time between disinfections.

Tomorrow I'm going to go through all of the mail that has piled up. Get newest bills in order. Throw away old stuff from last year. File the stuff that needs to be filed. I really wish I had a paper shredder. Instead I will just clean out the fridge and throw in some of Bella's dirty diapers on top of the hand torn old bills and paperwork. Actually I might tackle this project this afternoon. I kind of want it done before I get the decorations up.

My back is feeling a lot better. I have no idea what I did to it this morning, other than stay in the same position for about 20 minutes going through my make-up drawer. I'm thinking of getting my cd's together and putting them a tote and storing them. I don't use them because all of the songs are loaded onto my iPod, iPad, and MacBook. All of those devices hook up to external sound systems, and my car, so I have no need for my cd's unless something happens to my iTunes library and I have to manually upload my music again. Putting them away protects them and frees up space in my bedroom. And I have A LOT of cd's. Hmmmmmm. Lots and lots of projects!

All in all, today has been a great day off. I'm really looking forward to relaxing tomorrow and enjoying the rainy week ahead.

Things to DO

Even though Mondays are my day off, they still have the habit of behaving like Mondays. For instance, this morning I was awakened at 6 AM. Whatever. That I can deal with, I will just go to bed early tonight. However, upon my rising, I discovered I was out of coffee! I faintly recall being out of coffee yesterday and adding it to my mental grocery list but I never did go grocery shopping. I sent Mitch out to the store last night but was lucky enough to remember we needed dog food. Grrrrrrr! I have nobody to blame but myself. I got a pumpkin latte on my way to the grocery store at 7 this morning. Coffee and sugar is bought. I'm home now, even showered and dressed. I'm seriously going to sit down and make the dinner menu for the week.

Mitch made the most fabulous restaurant quality nachos EVER for us for dinner last night. Yummo! All I have to say about that!

I'm going to pick up some pumpkins today. I used to paint the kids' favorite characters on pumpkins for them when they were little and am going to start the tradition for Bella. Oh yeah, and I'm going to try and remember to decorate the house for Halloween, harvest and Thanksgiving.

I'm going to sanitize the bathroom, kitchen and door knobs and light switches today. Zach was running a high fever Saturday and Sunday. It is flu season and even though he's had his flu
and H1N1 shots, I need to start getting the house ready. Stock up on liquid hand soap, make sure he has his hand sanitizer for when he's away from soap and water.

It is supposed to be kind of rainy this whole week. Still in the seventies though, so I might be able to get my miles in outside between showers if I'm lucky. Otherwise, I will use the recumbent bike or the Wii or my Bootcamp Booty or simply a combination of all three.

If you haven't tried Banquet's new fruit pies, they are to die for. Individual size pies much like their pot pies, 350 calories of yummy goodness! I'm the type of person that would eat this as a meal instead of dessert. If you're a meal AND dessert eater, then you're better off finding a lo-cal alternative. I even licked the pie plate!

I'm also going to try and get to Redbox today. Oh and I really really want to see Devil. I might go tonight. Depends on how quickly I crap out this evening.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Happy Friday

So glad this day done! However, it wasn't all bad.

Zach has a football game tonight and Mitch has a soccer game tonight. I tanned and am going grocery shopping later, once I figure out the week's menu. I'll be picking up Zach after his bus gets back to the school.

Kayla takes her CNA test tomorrow. Excited for her! I hope she does well! I will be getting my nails done while she is at the testing site, which is conveniently located across the street!

I also want to get my walk in. Tomorrow it is supposed to hit 90 so I doubt I will be doing too much exercising.

My Aunt is getting remarried in 40 days!!! Doesn't give me much time to prepare! Not sure if the wedding is in PA, NJ, or Maine. Guess I will find out soon!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Chicken and Dumplings

So I'm using the leftover roasted chicken and roasted veggies we had on Tuesday to make chicken and dumplings tonight. Just boiling all the meat off the bones right now. Going to drain off the juice for chicken stock, pick out bones and yucky pieces and then combine it with the veggies. Because everything is already cooked, it will be as simple as heating it up, while the dumplings dumple. Tomorrow we'll have what was scheduled for tonight, instead of having fast food.

Today I'm going to do some office work. Get my papers and client notes together and filed. Not exciting but I'm behind a bit and you'd think it was the end of the dang world. I seriously want a personal assistant. I'm going to make some lists of big goals and then make smaller lists of those goals. I find I'm much more productive that way. I tend to work like a cyclone and while the finished product is always great, it isn't relaxing or stress free getting there! Lists help me stay on task and let me feel like I'm accomplishing things, plus it is thrilling crossing things off my lists, and it feeds into my OCD. Tomorrow I have to actually work 7:30-3. Boo!

I'm going to get my nails, grocery & household shopping done tomorrow night and Saturday morning, freeing up my Sunday and saving gas. This way, my schedule for next week is looking pretty sweet!

22 Weeks!

Yes, Bella is 22 weeks today!!! Didn't she just have a birthday yesterday? Yes, she was 5 months old yesterday, but today is the 22nd week of her birth. She is 16 pounds and 27 inches long. She is wearing clothes in size 9 months. Pretty average for her age. Not too tall and certainly not too small. I made nice healthy babies and it is reassuring my baby made a nice healthy baby.

In other news, this week is flying by. Seems like it was just Monday. I need to get my "book" outlined for Nanowrimo in November. Some of my writing friends are doing the challenge with me. Should be fun. Next week will be a little more leisurely. I had many appointments and meetings and in-services this week. Even on my days off. I may pick up some overtime in the next few weeks. Not sure if I will or not. I might. We have a ton of it available. Christmas is coming and I want to get my husband some nice things. His birthday is in November. Plus I want another vacation in February. And we're going to help Kayla with her CNA class. So the least I can do is pick up a few weeks of overtime. But I haven't sold myself on the idea. Once you start picking up shifts that are only supposed to be temporary till they hire new staff, you look up a year later only to realize you're no longer part time. I only want 30 hours. I am currently at 35.5. Why? Because when Amanda got done, I was asked to cover one of her shifts till they got it filled. That was two years and 6 staff ago. But if I pick up random shifts here and there once a week, I might be able to sneak some overtime in without hearing, "oh, I noticed you're looking for overtime, do you want the shift till we can get it filled?"

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Three in one day! Wow! Got my list of things done I guess. It wasn't a very ambitious list. I really hate feeling crampy but my mood is back to normal.

The house smells yummy. The veggies are taking a bit longer than necessary to cook, but I'm in no rush. I ate a very late lunch today.

Today is Stephen King's birthday. Happy Day to my fellow Maineiac.

Why is my son doing his homework in MY room, using MY Macbook? I've offered to redecorate his room, getting him a desk and getting rid of the other bed. It makes it way too dark in there plus I can't stand it. I believe he is doing his homework in my room because I am in my room, trying to accomplish some written tasks, and he needs a study hall monitor. And he's using my MacBook because it is awesome and way better than any net book. Duh!!!

I really do not want to go to the staff meeting tomorrow. Not because they aren't fun. You know they are! It is just right smack in the middle of my day. 11-1. Gahhh! And every other week. Double gahhhh!

I LOVE red wine! All of it! My fave being a nice glass of Pinot noir. Followed by Cabernet Sauvignon and Shiraz. Then comes merlot. I'm very excited for this year's beaujolais nouveau. It premiers in November, like it does every year. I'm currently enjoying a half glass of Pinot. My new wine goal for the upcoming year is to try to find a tolerable or should I say palatable white wine. I'm really not a fan unless it comes in the champagne variety. One I can handle is Ecco Domani's Pinot grigio. In my opinion, even a cheap red table wine can be good. It does not pay to go cheap with white wine. As far as grapes and grape juice go, I prefer white grapes. Always. Not sure why it is different with wine.

Okay, I think that is enough babbling for now. Tomorrow and Thursday will be so-so and back to work Friday. Blah. At least it probably won't be as bad as last Friday. Oh well. Que sera, sera.

Feeling Slightly Better

Took a nice drive to Jamestown for my CPR retrain, only to find out the times had been switched to another time. Ugh!!!! Now I have to take it on the 19th of October. The drive however has perked me up. It is 70 degrees out, not a cloud in the sky. The ocean is the bright sparkling blue that occurs with these fall skies.

I'm going to drop the baby and Kayla off at the lab and pick up a few groceries then pick them back up. It is certainly a beautiful day for a walk on the beach. Time to remember and to be thankful for our beautiful surroundings. It is so easy to take it for granted.

I'm very much looking forward to the roasted chicken dinner this evening.

Happy 5 Months, Bella!

I don't have a ton of time to blog this morning. If I were feeling more energetic I would be all done by now, but less energy=procrastination=even less energy.

So my list of things to do today consist of:
-get CPR retrained
-take baby to SCH for hopefully the last of the blood work
-pick up potatoes, onions, parsnips, carrots for tonights dinner
-cook tonight's dinner of roasted chicken and roasted veggies
-pick up Zach from football practice

I guess if I were in a better mood (not having my period) I would look at this list a bit differently, but because I am in this mood, I only want to see a list that says, stay in pajamas all day.

Unfortunately for me, tomorrow has a similar list.

I could look at the positive side of this bad mood. I made substantial headway in the reading I've found myself behind in. I DID get to wear my pajamas all day yesterday. I also got to spend some very quality time with Annabella. We finished up our day with two books and her falling asleep in my arms.

I don't want to be positive. I want to go back to bed and be resentful because I don't have a personal assistant to do all the things I don't want to do.

Monday, September 20, 2010

September 20, 2010

Some baby is 5 months old tomorrow! She will also be 22 weeks on the 22nd!

I have a busy week ahead but today I have nothing on the agenda. Oh sure, I had a mental list of what I hoped to accomplish today, but now I'm currently feeling blah. Went to bed with a headache, woke up with a headache. My period should start soon, judging from my horrible mood yesterday, not to mention the pimple I have on my chin.

However, coffee is slowly working its magic. I'm hoping to at least clean a little and finish organizing the house before winter sets in. I really want to repaint the ceiling and kitchen this autumn.

We're having real beef stroganoff tonight for dinner. Not the hamburger helper variety. Along with brown and serve rolls. I'm also making apple crisp for dessert. Thankfully, I bought all the groceries for this week's menu yesterday, for the second week in a row, so no time will be wasted today at the grocery store. I did forget the potatoes and parsnips for Wednesday night's roasted chicken and veggie dinner, but since tomorrow will be busy anyway with my CPR retrain and Bella's blood work, I will pick it up tomorrow.

Oh, and yesterday the sweetest little beagle mix (maybe Bassett hound) was sitting at our door. No collar. We asked the neighbors and nobody owns her, and she isn't from our neighborhood. We fed her and gave her fresh water. She met Sierra, who happened to not be so fond of her. There was zero aggression with Sierra or with food. Also no people or baby aggression. Assuming her health is okay, she'd make a wonderful pet. If only she were a he, she would have found her home yesterday! We all fell in love with her, but even though Sierra wouldn't hurt her, we all felt it would put more stress on Sierra, of whom we've expected a lot from lately. She's adjusted wonderfully to the baby and will become her best friend once the baby starts dropping food off her high chair! And she's had to share me with the baby. Not so crazy about that, but she's shown nothing but kindness towards Annabella. Not that she has a choice! The house isn't that big so we're all eyes on all the time.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

September 15, 2010

Ugh! My blackberry screen is messing up. What started as a dead pixel on my screen that was the size of a period is now a line of about 20 dead pixels. My phone has not been dropped. It hasn't gotten wet. The only thing out of the ordinary is that I let my husband hold it for like 10 minutes. I'm pretty sure we have insurance on the phone anyway, but sorry, they are fixing it or giving me a new one. What good is having a blackberry if you can't use the screen? Technically, I have to keep the phone till next July or August, I think, but we both want the iPhone when it comes to Verizon. They usually offer buy one, get one deals, PLUS you can video chat with the iPhones! Super cool and will make our separate traveling times more bearable. Obviously, we could Skype if we wanted, but that is lame. Being able to have a phone conversation while seeing the other person without being tethered to a computer is awesome! Seriously, I remember being in like first grade and the teacher talking about how things will be in the future and these phones feel like that future! The only difference is that I envisioned these phones as wristwatch like devices. And I'd really hoped we'd be hovering above the road in our flying cars. We've pretty much accomplished all that our ancestors had envisioned for the future. Now is the time for us to dream about what the future of technology will be like for our great grandkids.

Think about it. We have t.v.s that hang on the wall, with the new led LCD ones being almost flat. We have video phones. We have the capability to eliminate the need for heavy textbooks, using quality book readers like the iPad, not the junk they're currently marketing in the form of Kindle, Nook, and the Sony book reader. Even the invention of the microwave is still huge. You never know how much you rely on it till it breaks. Can you imagine what our great greats would think if they could come visit for a day? Video games with almost lifelike reality. Interactive video games such as the Wii. Media streaming directly to our televisions, eliminating the need for the chunky push button cable box.

I dream of smart houses. A remote that controls everything or even a control room in the brain of the house. The master of the home sits in his chair in the brain room and sets temp controls, water usage, pool temps, switching to solar power when appropriate, setting the security system. All this technology exists, but is still pricey to the average homeowner.

Funny how the single most important invention/discovery for humankind is still penicillin.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Happy Anniversary!!!

It was actually yesterday. I was so happy to be able to spend the whole day with my husband. I needed that day. Unfortunately, our anniversary happened to fall on the one day that I was desperate for sleep. Consequently, we spent the first ten and last three of those hours in bed! I don't think we're complaining about that but I do think we'd have appreciated a little energy during our awake time.

We got lots of presents from each other. Most important to me was spending the day together.

I got the menu and grocery shopping done for this week. Huge save in time for me. Made for a long morning on Sunday but frees me up for the rest of the week. Tonight we're having baked Mac and cheese and Caesar salad. My Yankee candles are burning. I'm slowly getting the house straightened up. The windows are all opened. About 72 right now. Pretty darn perfect day. I was hoping to get some reading in, but I have to run Kayla to the store in a bit and drop off Zach to football practice. After that, it'll be almost time to get dinner prepped.

We got a bigger tv for the living room and hung up the previous living room tv on the wall in our room last night! I love it! 35 inches on the wall at the end of the bed.

Little Miss Bella-boo is 27 inches today. She is growing like crazy! She loves her Fisher Price jumperoo. Loves commercials on television. She loves her toys and loves snatching Sierra's tail when Sierra walks by. She has quite a funny personality already! She will be 5 months old next Tuesday! Her hair is thickening up and getting longer. She also has the cutest dimples when she smiles. She stares intently at you when you're eating your food yet isn't so crazy about her baby cereal and bananas. She's getting the hang of holding her own bottle and will probably start using a sippy cup in another month or two. She is getting more and more mobile every day. She scoots, pushes, or pulls her way across the room. Does get up on her knees trying to crawl, but we have hardwood floors, so we are thinking of getting an area rug for her to learn to crawl easier. This first year is flying right by. Very sad for us. Exciting for her!

Sunday, September 12, 2010


Tomorrow is our anniversary! Excited to spend some time with my husband.

Right now I'm enjoying dinner, a movie, and a glass of wine. I'm incredibly thankful for the blessings in my life. I have a closet full of nice clothes. I have lots of shoes. Lots of books, music and other media. Just about every tech gadget available. A safe house to reside, in a very safe neighborhood. A beautiful ocean to look at every day.

What is most important to me though is my family. I have a perfect husband. Great kids. A wonderfully precious doggie. AND a little miss Annabella! I would not trade lives with anybody!

Saturday, September 04, 2010

Pumpkin Lattes

Yum!!! A sure sign of the approaching holidays is DD's pumpkin latte. Kind of like seeing eggnog in the grocery stores. That will probably start happening soon, too!

Mitch gave me an early anniversary present. I received my newest Uggs. These ones are the new Bailey triplet in chestnut. Love them! And him! I already ordered his early anniversary present too. Fed Ex will probably deliver it on Tuesday since Monday is a holiday. But he probably already knows that since he checks the credit card statements and I do not. Which probably explains why I got an early present myself. Kind of sucks having both our names on everything, especially when he obsessively checks things. Isn't easy to plan a surprise.

I am planning on sitting in the sun today. I pray the humidity is gone. I want to be able to sit outside and read and relax.

Friday, September 03, 2010


Officially the longest day at work ever! Significant health issues with a client, down three staff, and have manager and asst. manager on vacation. My friend Scott has worked 91 hours this week. I will have worked 47. That is 17 more than I want. Things are really not looking up in this department. Blech.

Took Zach to watch Earl role in. The really big waves aren't going to hit till around 8 pm. Everyone was down at the water. Kind of annoying. This is the last tourist-y weekend. Goodbye and good riddance! I've actually seen Nor'easters bring bigger waves and heavier rain and it is only us locals around to enjoy them.

Thursday, September 02, 2010


I *think* this is supposed to be the last day of this heatwave, this heatwave, hopefully being the last of its kind for the year. Simply a crazy weather year this was. Real snow for the first time since moving to Rhode Island, and I was thankful for it! A MAJOR flood that still has Warwick Mall closed for renovations till Spring 2011. Not to mention leaving about 2000 people that worked at that mall, jobless. No rain at all really this summer. Would have been perfect if not for the month of July's 20+ days of 100 degree heat combined with high humidity and poor air quality. August brought us more of the same. Oh yeah, and I didn't mention last fall/early winter, but I recall still having beach days in November and December. Pictures to prove it!

A hurricane is coming! Actually it looks like Nantucket will bear the brunt. Too bad for them, but I believe we had a flood this year ourselves. Here on the southern coast of Rhode Island, we are expected to get winds in the 60-70mph range and storm surges of about 2-3 feet. Pretty mild actually, since I've seen winter storms around here cause more of a storm surge. Like the time I was at the stoplight and the wave crashed over the wall and dumped a heavy load of ocean water and foam onto my windshield, completely freaking me out because I wasn't expecting it. The kids and I love going to the beach during stormy weather, when the waves are huge. I could watch them for hours.

In other news, Bella-boo went to the hospital yesterday. After she woke up, her fever just kept rising. 103* is too high for me to just ride it out. Mitch and I were still thinking ears at this time. NOPE! A UTI, bless her little heart! Antibiotics were started and we're treating the fever with Tylenol and motrin, piggybacking them so she is in no more discomfort than she has to be. She still isn't eating much. She did suck down two bottles of pedialyte at the hospital. I was a nervous wreck yesterday but my friends and family helped me get through it. Being a Nonny is way scarier than just being a mom, I've discovered. My daughter did a fantastic job and she didn't get nervous at all except when I did about the high temp and I said, "okay, we are going to the emergency room.". Up till that point, we were planning on riding the illness out till her doctors appointment on Tuesday. Finally, I just decided I'd rather be told I was over-reacting than to have something be very wrong. Turns out, we did the right thing. The uti would have spread to a bladder infection or possibly even a kidney infection and we would have all been extremely miserable by Tuesday!

Good news, her immune system works and she weighs 15 pounds and is 26 inches long! She is otherwise an extremely healthy baby, the doctor said, and couldn't get over how alert she was. Doctors used to make the same observations of Zach when he was a baby. He was miserable being a baby. He was a big boy trapped in a baby's body, is the only way I can describe it. Bella is very much like her uncle in temperment and in activity. I actually think she surpasses Zach in activity at this age. The only good thing about this fever is that she finally wanted to cuddle.

I was playing peek a boo with her last night. She laughed two times when I would peek over the blanket. After that, she lifted up her end to find me herself, and then I was laughing! I was like, "you're cheating!". Another sign of genetic proof that she is her uncle's niece! He can't play a game without cheating! Definitely gonna get her signed up for gymnastics as soon as she can walk. They call it tumbling when they're real little. She is a little powerhouse of energy and we want her to use this energy for good and not evil! Poor Sierra!

Wednesday, September 01, 2010

Happy September!

My favorite month of the year because our anniversary is on the 13th. Not to mention, the weather is usually very dry a nd our beaches seem empty with just the locals on them. Ahhhhhhh, heavenly. I wait all year for this month.

Rhode Island has issued an air quality warning. Hmmmm, explains my burning and stinging eyes and burning lungs. Should have been issued yesterday. Maybe they should just step outside instead of reading scientific instruments! We are safe and sound in our little air-conditioned home.

The baby may have an ear infection. She started running a 101.3 temp yesterday. Slept most of the day. When she wasn't sleeping she was just kind of lethargic and whiny. No sign of cold or stomach upset. Her ear felt very warm to the touch. She moves none stop when she's feeling well, so to have her just want to cuddle, is a sure sign she's off. Technically, a fever of 101.3 warrants a trip to the ER for an infant, but having survived raising three of my own, I assured Kayla we could probably make it through the night. We got her comfortable and she slept through the night. Usually ear infections don't allow for that in my experience, so I am still hesitant to drag her to the ER, which also in my experience always turns out more traumatizing on my child than the actual illness. She has a doctors appointment next Tuesday. Obviously, if the fever is still on the high side, she is going to be seen today, but if it goes up and down today, we will treat her discomfort and just keep a close eye on her. There's no congestion at all, not even a hint of a runny nose, so I don't think it is any kind of flu. Four months is around the age the baby's own immune system starts kicking in, so they often will run a temp because their body is starting to fight germs on its own. This is actually a good healthy sign that her body is working like it is supposed to. She is 4 months and 11 days. Well into that phase. If it is an ear infection, but she's sleeping and eating and not screaming all night, then the doctor can decide on Tuesday if it is severe enough to be treated. My kids were not given many antibiotics, aside from penicillin for things like strep, and I'm trying to stress the importance of that to Kayla.

Still it is a bit scary. She is just a sweet baby and I don't like having her uncomfortable one bit. I just wish I could take it all away!