Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving Eve!

I dare say we're a bit ahead of the game this year! Most of the food prep done. Kitchen cleaned and floor mopped. Bathroom semi-cleaned. Plans for tomorrow?? Just enjoy ourselves. Hopefully play some video games and board games and enjoy our yummy food.

Friday, November 15, 2013


I'm up early. Wanted to sleep in since I could but I'm up an hour earlier than my alarm. I slept hard last night so maybe what I needed was a few hours of good, solid sleep instead of more hours of tossing and turning. So I am a regular reader of a blog and she's nice, so I won't call her out, and on her recommendation started reading Edenbrooke. I got about 25 pages into it in THREE weeks time and finally just brought it back to the library. How this book got 4 stars on Goodreads is beyond me. I started thinking maybe there was something wrong with me...I started Jeremy Robinson's Island 731 yesterday and am half way through, so yeah, the problem is not on my end. Can I just say how relieved I am to just get that book out of here? I have this problem about finishing books even if I can't stand them and this book has been cramping my reading style, constantly reminding me of its horrid presence, silently berating me for not picking it up. But I DID pick it up, and it was so bad, I would abandon it to clean my house. It's been three weeks of sad Hell. I handed it back to the librarian and I swear, it seemed like she sniffed it and touched it and was like, you didn't finish this. I simply averted my eyes and asked to check out Island 731 please and thank you. I half-ran/half-skipped out of there. I'm still a bit giddy with glee of having the book gone and on a high after having pulled a fast one on the librarian. The author of the blog,who recommended Edenbrooke didn't enjoy Gone Girl. I know, right??? That should have been my first clue we weren't on the same level. I don't enjoy poorly written romance. I like adventure, distant lands, strong heroines, uplifting or powerful stories of beating the odds. You get the idea. I live my life like I'm training for The Hunger Games. I want my books to match. The thought of sitting back and waiting for a man to come in and save the day...seriously, WHAT IS THAT??? I love my husband so very much and he has saved many a day but I'm proud of saving many a day myself!! Okay, long rant over. Sort of. I'm proof a woman can raise kids, work, and take care of a home, which includes cooking and cleaning, AND workout and look awesome. Arrogant? No. Confident. I've gotten here myself, with the help of God. Now my rant is over. Blog time is over. I have to pack and drive to Maine. My husband's team is playing against my college team. Can't wait to visit with family and friends!! Should be a fantastic weekend!

Monday, November 11, 2013

Great Weekend

Most weekends are good because hello, it's the weekend, but sometimes you just get an extra special one and this weekend was one of those. My husband and I went to see Elton John in concert. We figured it'd be a good night because it's Elton John and he's had huge hits in every decade our (mine and my husband's) lives and sometimes it's nice to go to a show where you know all the songs but I don't think we were expecting such a fantastic night. This man was so incredibly generous with his time, playing for three solid hours, singing all of his crowd pleasers plus some new ones. He signed autographs, played around with the audience, and just enjoyed himself. He had the 2Cellos playing with him this evening and if you don't know who they are, YouTube them right this minute. Fantastic guys. Plus my husband and I just had fun making fun of some of our surrounding seat mates. He had the very robust gay married couple next to him and to my left, I had a singing Scotsman who clearly and loudly sang along with Sir Elton. We had some drunk douches behind us and some big hair in front of us but it was so much fun. It was nice to just laugh with my husband. We don't do that enough sometimes. And then last night, after Bella went home, we had a few hours to drink some wine, break my iPhone, listen to music and watch some tv before bed. And we went to bed early. Amazing how exhausted two people can be. So yes, this weekend was perfect. It'll go down in the history books as one of my favorites.

Wednesday, November 06, 2013


So apparently my new trend is blogging only once a month. All is well just busy busy. Huge breakthroughs in my running recently. I'm beating my mile times daily and I finally got my 5K under 30 minutes. Not the 21 minute 5K of my youth, but getting there. I'm also doing circuit training 3 days a week or so and toning and lifting weights. This week, I've begun cleaning up my eating. It wasn't bad to begin with but I am really trying to cut out as much processed food as I can and I'm cutting down on my added sugar. One teaspoon at a time. Honestly though, what is the point of living if I can't have sugar in my coffee??? My body is changing daily. I'm loving it! I've certainly weighed less but this time, I'm really focusing on fitness and endurance and challenging myself and not so much on what the scale says. I've finally plowed through the worst plateau ever though, so now the scale is moving down again. I think what was happening, since I'm by no means overweight, was that I was gaining muscle at almost the same rate as I was losing fat, so while my clothes were getting looser and my body getting better looking, the scale wasn't really moving. Basically what I did was take a few days off and just eat what I wanted, within reason, then jumped right back in. Seemed to do the trick. I'm also making the effort to eat more protein after a long I always have some hardboiled eggs on hand in the fridge. Also eating an apple a day. And finally, I'm sinking a lot more water and green tea.