Monday, July 25, 2011


Saw Harry Potter again. This time at the IMAX. Awesome 3D experience. We literally had THE best seats. I ordered them on my app the day before. Simply great.

Also ate some awesome Indan fare before the show. I love that Zachary is willing to try anything. He's not picky when it comes to exotic foods. What a fun kid! I told the guy we were Indian food newbies and he kept giving us spoonfuls of all the different foods. Each sample got better and better! We decided on a version of spicy chicken curry and a vegetarian side along with the most delicious onion Naan EVER. Zachary also tried and now loves raw mahi. He has been eating sushi for awhile but with his dad, he tried real raw sushi and said he's never going back to fast food sushi again! Haha. I am going to look at some authentic Indian recipes and see if I can come up with some new ideas.

It is 80 degrees or so outside and I'm freezing!

Saturday, July 23, 2011


I feel so incredibly sick to my stomach right now. My head is pounding. I wish I could go into work early to take my mind off of things.

I do not take too kindly to situations being manipulated. In fact, I simply refuse to be around those types of people, even if I'm related to them. However, the more I pull away, the crazier the situation gets.

March through June has been stressful and financially straining, with the extra $5000 we pulled out of thin air to keep both our vehicles on the road. Not to mention the $4000 in income tax and the almost $4000 from last year. And the 60 plus hours I was working weekly to try and help so we could pay the rest of our bills without falling behind. So really? Fuck anybody that expects me to fucking drop everything, change my plans, interrupt our life, expect me to be nice when my life gets fucking disrupted every June, and now July, and not to mention I watch Bella when I'm not working at my job, so I can hear people whine about what they're not getting from my husband? And then I get to sit and watch my husband fucking cater to these people at every turn? Because really? Parents die. Kids grow up and live their own lives. All you have, if you're lucky, is your spouse. It's too bad when you've been so busy dealing with everyone else that when you turn around, your best friend has checked out a long time ago and you didn't even realize it, or care to.

Friday, July 22, 2011


I actually got alot accomplished this morning. Way more than I anticipated. Workout already completed. Going tanning in a few. Hair/make-up fixed about as good as it's going to get in the hot, humid weather. I might actually get a minute or two to sit with my feet in the pool.

Unfortunately, the day is going to get worse for me. I get to drive from one end of the state to the other, with a broken ac, and then drive another 100 miles on top of that! I have all of next week off except a few hours on Monday. Can't come quick enough!

Thursday, July 21, 2011


So it's no secret that I detest a certain blogger (her name rhymes with Jeanine Edwards) and she's done it again! Just got done reading the comments from her loyal readers, many of whom are currently jumping ship! Her thoughts on hand me downs are eye opening that is for sure!

First, I love love love designer clothes. Why? I'm a Leo. It is what I am. Do I love paying full price on designer clothes? Heck no. The only time I pay designer prices is when it is a gift for my husband and my expectation is he returns the favor. That being said, I scour the internet daily for deals, coupon codes, free shipping, frequent buyer deals, AND hold your breath, second hand stores!

The afore mentioned blogger begrudgingly accepts hand-me-downs, but would rather not. What? Now, I'm in agreement you don't need to pass down a kid's underwear, but I don't know about you, but I'd LOVE a friend who passes down Ella Moss clothing to Bella. Some gently used Baby Gap, you betcha. There's ALWAYS room in my home for some baby Uggs and any and all Ralph Lauren. Who doesn't love a little Juicy on their girl? (FYI, I'm not and never have been a Walmart/Kmart/Kohls/Target clothes wearing kind of person and so I don't shop there for Bella, except for diapers, wipes, onsies, etc. Besides, as her Nonni, the expectation is that I can splurge on her.) As a previous young mom, if it weren't for the kindness and generosity of my more affluent family and friends, Kayla certainly wouldn't have been so well dressed.

My guess is that a person who looks down on hand me downs probably came from nothing and has a deep down need to distance themselves from that. Just a guess. Or they're a bitter second or third child.

Still Foggy

The fog should've cleared by now. I'm going tanning instead. Oh well, it allowed me to work out, shower, shave my legs, etc.

I've been contemplating a lot of things today. Namely privacy, or lack of it, regarding the Internet. Granted, as an aspiring writer, one needs to be "out" there but things can sometimes get downright creepy.

Not talking about any specific event. To my knowledge, only bitter enemies or exes search my name on a regular basis. And that isn't even my point anyway.

I keep my facebook private and may have originially signed up for other similar sites, but have long forgotten the password, or have deemed it a waste, Twitter, etc. Again, this really has nothing to do with my point.

I've been blogging since 2004. Things I used to blog about, I wouldn't even consider now, because the anonymity is long gone.

I guess I just have some decisions to make. For instance, I love my blog. I love that I have loyal readers. I don't love that people can search my name and the blog shows up on google. I don't mind if people are searching for the blog itself because I too have stumbled on many a blog that I liked, but didn't think to bookmark it and had to do a google search. I don't mind if friends who know about the blog google away to find it. I guess my worry is about people who are only searching for me and what shows up first is my blog. 2004 was a LONG time ago. I'm proud of my blog, and how far I've come personally, and it isn't private to the anonymous reader, or even to friends who've been with the blog from the start, but to people I meet today? Or yesterday? Would I tell them every detail of the last 7 years? Very unlikely.

And if I were to become a successful writer, is every detail, picture, video, or anything else cached on the vast WWW in regards to my person, fair game for any and every body?

Long Wharf, Newport, RI

Long Wharf, Newport, RI by jennluvsgable
Long Wharf, Newport, RI, a photo by jennluvsgable on Flickr.

Not a painting.


Saw the last Harry Potter yesterday. Let's just say Deathly Hollows part 2 certainly makes up for part 1!!!

Think we're headed down to the beach today. Tomorrow too. It'll probably end up getting too hot but we're going to give it a try anyway. Even if we get a couple hours in, I will consider it a success.

Went to the Gulls game in Newport on Monday for work.

What an exciting life I do lead.

Monday, July 18, 2011


I haven't been very consistent with blogging My days have been full of sun worship, reading, working out and working. The shape of my house can clearly attest to that! I need a rainy day off to catch up with things around here.

Going tanning in a bit. Not even going to try and catch the sun with all these patchy clouds in the sky. Too much effort. Should top out at 90 degrees today. Loving it. We're supposed to get strong thunderstorms late this afternoon. I really hope so. This is the only day in the next week to get even an inkling of rain.

Yesterday was a great day. Lounged outside for the whole of it. Enjoyed some Smirnoff Blueberry & Lemonade. Very yummy. Reminds me of Smirnoff Ice but yummy anyway. Can't wait to try the other flavors. Also have Skinny Girl margaritas. Haven't tried that yet. Wine coolers and the like are much more palatable on hot summer days, I think, than heavy wines. We had chicken, steak and swordfish steak on the grill last night. Baked potatoes, fresh green beans and some stuffing. My husband is quite the grill master. I think my favorite is still his grilled pizza. Next Gilles meal, I'm having scallop skewers with pineapple and maybe onion, marinated in teriaki. I will get to eat lobster once Zach is home. Kind of like drinking alone, I can't eat a lobster alone and only Zach and I like them.

We had the fire going last night because apparently my body shivers at 84 degrees. I was even wrapped in my snuggie, but we put it out early and came inside for bed. I was out like a light by probably 8, and slept till 9 this morning. Definitely needed the sleep.

Kind of secretly hoping the game gets rained out tonight. Ok, maybe not so secretly.

Thursday, July 14, 2011


Ugh, I woke up at 5 and made the bad decision of staying in bed to fall back to sleep. Now my face is puffy and I have a headache.

I'm going outside to drink some coffee and read.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Rope Swing

  by jennluvsgable
, a photo by jennluvsgable on Flickr.


  by jennluvsgable
, a photo by jennluvsgable on Flickr.

I look like the scene from Bambi, when he's trying to walk on ice.

Fun Day in the Sun

  by jennluvsgable
, a photo by jennluvsgable on Flickr.

Feeling Good

The 2 hours (and sometimes 2:45:00) of cardio everyday are paying off well. I was only doing it a couple of times per week, but this week, it has been everyday since Sunday. I just felt like amping it up a bit and in doing so, have discovered a very important piece to my puzzle. I have a lot of nervous energy. This nervous energy causes me to wake up several times per night, I have trouble falling back to sleep once I'm awake, I tend to be exhausted and more cranky and less able to deal the next day, etc, etc, etc. Since I've been doubling up my workouts, I don't stress at all about what I'm eating. It gives me plenty of wiggle room. Exercise is also a great appetite suppressant for me. I literally fall asleep within minutes of my head hitting the pillow, like I remember it being when I was a kid. I am certainly sleeping more soundly. I also think the fan is helping with that, like the humidifier does in the winter. Because I am utilizing all of my sleep moments to the fullest, I'm feeling surprisingly energized throughout the day, even with the extra workouts. My lung capacity is increasing, my body shrinking. I feel like I've found the fountain of youth.

I personally feel like I still have a ways to go but I'm doing alright. I would love to be pre-Zach weight again. I certainly can't blame him for baby weight and I'm not but I had him when I was 22 and women's bodies shift weight around as they age. I went into the pregnancy with my teenager body and came out of it with a woman body. Not necessarily bad. It is just weird to think about. In my 30s, I feel skinny at 130 but at age 22, the day I gave birth to Zach, I weighed in at 145 and felt like a walking blimp. It is just weird how body perceptions change and where the weight is. Obviously, when pregnant, all of the weight was in my stomach and breast areas. Not looking to have my teenager body back, but I am interested in seeing what my woman body looks like at that weight. Make sense?


Two hours of cardio...done!
Staff meeting 11-1...canceled!
Providence Library with David...closed!

Can this day get any better I ask you???

Going tanning in a few. Going to try and talk David into a movie or something local. 10 days till Zach is home and he can resume his trash and dog duties.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011


Alrighty...quick post...drinking my coffee, going to do an hour of cardio, tan, and head to the beach with Bella and Hayley.

So I read a blogpost about Hunter ripping off Hermes. No problem with that till the author said Hunter ripped off Marc Jacobs ballet flats. Then I had to LAUGH OUT LOUD. Literally. They're ballet flats! Kind of hard to be original there. Hey, you copied my flip flops!!! Damn you, that's MY bow tie! Yet nobody has ripped off Hunter's wellies???

Anyway, I detest the ballet flat trend and can't wait to see it disappear. They make your feet look like fat hot dogs shoved in too small buns. Shoes with rounded toes are hideous, as are too pointy of a toe.

Monday, July 11, 2011


Well I'm up. Workout completed. Going to hop in the shower, go tanning, get ready and go to work for a few hours. Pretty sick of the humidity that's for sure.

I've been doing 2 hours of cardio per day although yesterday I did 2 hours and 40 minutes. I feel great. I'm certainly sleeping better!

I just love my recumbent bike. I love air conditioning. And I love my iPhone and watching Season 16 of America's Next Top Model while working out! Today I watched an episode of The Vampire Diaries on it while working out. I wish ALL my favorite stations would create their own apps like CW has. I also love the Crackle app and being able to watch movies for free. And of course the Vevo app for music videos. Brings me back to original MTV days! Oh oh oh, also love Pandora radio app for when I'm working out outside or laying in the sun! There really is nothing my iPhone can't do. Although blogging on the iPad is a lot easier, that's for sure.

So my list of favorite gifts my husband has given iPhone is my all-time favorite. Next is my iPad. Followed by my recumbent bike which I received when we were still living in the other house.

Wednesday, July 06, 2011


Can't believe I actually have to work today. Seems surreal almost. It is already 84 this early in the morning. Loving it. I need to make some coffee.

Let's see...I hate the days when I have too much to say. It stays jumbled in my head. Mostly it is about the stupidity of a lot of people. Let's for instance a moment shall we? The stupid woman outside of the courthouse yesterday stating, "now millions of people are going to think it's okay to murder their children and they can get away with it!" Hmmmm, yeah, that was my first thought. I can murder my own kids now! I guess my issue is I have more of an issue with lynch mob mentality than the actual alleged murderer.

I've watched all of the home movies. There is zero evidence in the footage that she was mistreated or unloved. Obviously something happened. The baby is dead. The family is spectaculary crazy. The fact that the man that found the body told his son he was involved and this son testified to that effect doesn't raise questions? As soon as that son got on the stand, I immediately felt like there was more to the story and that they might be going after the wrong person.

The whole situation is bizarre. Who doesn't call an ambulance to help their baby? My gut feeling is something accidental happened and once the baby was found dead, too much time had passed to get her breathing now not only is your baby dead, if authorities come they're going to question your whereabouts and why you didn't call for help sooner. If say, you were out partying and had left her alone unsupervised, for instance, you'd not have had a chance to call till it was too late. In my opinion, it never should have been a murder one trial. Should have been child endangerment, manslaughter, failure to report, and lying to authorities.

However, to the people that spent money and hours at this trial who where in no way connected to the case but just curious...YOU are crazy. To the people that issue death threats to the family, lawyers, jurors...YOU are crazy. To the Christians who seem to minimize or forget all that they've been forgiven...YOU are crazy. So shut the eff up and let's find something else to obsess about. Find a hobby. Get an education. Get a life.

And if anyone wonders, my heart breaks for the baby. How can I not look at the similarities of the Anthony family dynamic and my own, minus the crazy. My daughter and baby granddaughter live with us. Our family would be shattered if anything happened to our sweet Bella.

To the did your jobs. There's reasonable doubt all over this case. Even if your gut says she's guilty, you can't convict on murder one with reasonable doubt. The prosecution should have never pursued this charge. She'd be serving time with a manslaughter charge.

Tuesday, July 05, 2011


I promise I will recap the 4th at some point. Bella was adorable once the show started. It never rained! There was a chance of a thunderstorm about an hour before the show started but it ended up north of Boston. Zach said it was storming in VA when he texted. Looks like we were in the perfect spot.

Today I've changed the trash. Cleaned out the fridge, which equated to two more trash bags. Really 4 cartons of eggs each filled with 5 or 6 eggs? The dates are good, so egg salad sandwiches and egg/potato salad it is!!! Not sure why there's iceberg lettuce in the fridge, seeing as how we don't eat iceberg lettuce. Guess it makes sense to buy a head of lettuce to just use two leaves.

On Sunday, we had some filets that needed to be used up so we had that cooked on the grill, with grilled seasoned potatoes, and a steamed broccoli/cauliflower/carrot mix. Great meal!!!

Our little neighborhood was firework central Sunday night so Mitch and I walked around the neighborhood in the dark. It was still in the high 80s so I was just wearing my sleep shirt! It was dark and everyone that was up at that point was drunk! Haha.

Teeth are brushed. Face washed. Hair combed. Workout completed this morning. I'm hoping to go for a walk this evening. Gonna clean some more and try and get Bella down for a nap.

Friday, July 01, 2011


I feel so sick. I have a horrible headache. Feel like I'm going to puke. Every time I stand up, I feel like I'm going to pass out. My neck is killing me and my throat is on fire. Lovely. I just want my husband.