Thursday, June 30, 2011


Good riddance June! What a horrible month!

I am so frigging tired. I'm tired of being tired. Tired of being stressed out all the time. I should have slept good last night because I worked out twice yesterday.

Getting my work done and going to bed early tonight!

I'm hoping to have a relaxing 4th. I'm not going to stress about anything. Not going to care about getting the best spot. What made the first 4th of July in Boston 13 years ago so much fun for me was that there were no expectations on my behalf, no major plan, nothing to compare it to. At this point the planning isn't really stressful. Pretty much down to a science. Bring enough water, shade and seats. The less square footage, the less you have to patrol and keep people off. Some people get quite brazen and will actually get on your blanket and stand in front of you, and I've been known to lose my shit at that point. It is comparable to road rage, I guess. But after being in line since 4:30 am, then waiting the long hot day away once youve gotten your spot, since the concert doesn't even begin till 6 or 7, you can get kind of angry when someone shows up two minutes before the show and decides to "share" your spot, or even stand in front of your chair.

I just want to have only fun this year. Ironically, I always have my period every 4th of July, but this year, I'm having it currently, so maybe, just maybe, my mood will be more tolerable to douchebagness. And maybe I'm going to fill up some water bottles with vodka. Grape koolade and vodka. Yummy!!! Could end up being the best 4th yet!

Wednesday, June 29, 2011


One hour on the recumbent bike erased the calories I would consume today! It is too hot to workout outside and I'm thinking if I wait till it cools down tonight, I will lose my motivation. Love my recumbent bike, air conditioning and various workout DVDs. Even the Wii. I still prefer an outdoor workout because it incorporates all your senses. And actually I still prefer having fun than "working out".


So I really want the new Nike Legend pants. They haven't hit the stores yet. And it is looking like they'll run around $70 but I'm hoping the capris will be a little less because I prefer that length than long pants, and if the capris are less than I can get more than one pair! There's also a pair of Capri length North Face sweats that I want to get my hands on!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011


What a simply perfect day with Bella! We played (and played and played and played). We read stories. She did not have one bottle today. Ate all her food. And mine. Only threw one fit because she wanted a sippy cup for EACH hand! Was so very photogenic and funny all day! We took a relaxing walk after dinner. She played outside for one last hurrah, and now she's out like a light next to me in my bed. Fell asleep listening to Jack Johnson, Ben Harper, Coldplay etc. This baby heals my soul.

Always the Tongue!

Always the Tongue! by jennluvsgable
Always the Tongue!, a photo by jennluvsgable on Flickr.

Tiny Dancer

Tiny Dancer by jennluvsgable
Tiny Dancer, a photo by jennluvsgable on Flickr.

Ruffle Butt

Ruffle Butt by jennluvsgable
Ruffle Butt, a photo by jennluvsgable on Flickr.


Twirling by jennluvsgable
Twirling, a photo by jennluvsgable on Flickr.

Love This Baby

  by jennluvsgable
, a photo by jennluvsgable on Flickr.

Love This Face

  by jennluvsgable
, a photo by jennluvsgable on Flickr.

Pop's Chair

  by jennluvsgable
, a photo by jennluvsgable on Flickr.

Pouty Face

Pouty Face by jennluvsgable
Pouty Face, a photo by jennluvsgable on Flickr.

No Bella, you may not have any more of my Clementine!

All She Needs are Fairy Wings

  by jennluvsgable
, a photo by jennluvsgable on Flickr.

Playing with Her Ball

  by jennluvsgable
, a photo by jennluvsgable on Flickr.

Miss Drama Queen

Miss Drama Queen by jennluvsgable
Miss Drama Queen, a photo by jennluvsgable on Flickr.

She fell and literally laid like this for over a minute without moving until I asked her if she was okay. Then she started to cry. Lol!


Bella is napping so I took advantage and picked up. Everything has been swept, dusted, washed, febreezed, lysoled, etc, I'm just enjoying the quiet and the clean and I have my candles burning, AND it is only 10:30 am!


Ahhhh, a day off. Watching Bella till 10:30 pm but still a day off.

It is going to be another hot one but I'm in hopes that Bella and I can get our walk in. Another molar in for her, more almost through. Poor baby.

I bought some Febreeze oil plug-in refills for the the dual Gain and Clean Linen scent. Smells like I'm doing laundry all day long. Love it! So that means it'll probably disappear off the shelves and be discontinued.

So Zach is working for his dad this vacation. Making $10/hour and working 10 hour days. 6 days per week. Not bad for a 17 year old!!! When he gets home, football conditioning starts. Not much of a summer.

Can't wait for the 4th!

Monday, June 27, 2011

Thoroughly Pissed

Maybe it is because I was repeatedly woken up the last two nights but I think not.

So let me get this straight, Bella can't throw fits or cry for attention at age 1. In fact, I believe I've been told on a number of occasions that the right course of action is to just let her cry. Zach has to work or earn his meals. He's not allowed to touch anything that does not belong to him, yet my stuff is up for grabs.

Yet I'm the ridiculous and unreasonable person because I expect things to be equal. My children, even my adult ones, are in bed by 9 or 10 the latest. Always. Unless they're working or babysitting. None of them come banging on our bedroom door at 2:30 in the morning unless there is a medical emergency. In fact, I believe I got up on several occasions when Bella was a new baby to blast Kayla when she was being loud or not responding to Bella as quickly as she could, because Mitch had to work in the morning and Zach had school and it simply wasn't fair to them.

Friday, June 24, 2011


Nothing really to blog about at 8:30 this morning. That's good, I guess. Going to hop in the shower, go tanning and hopefully run some errands! I'm craving fruit! Going to hopefully hit up Trader Joe's for my organic produce needs. Craving grilled eggplant too! I was desperate for lobster the other day. Growing up in Maine, you get used to eating a TON of lobster! Truth be told, though, I prefer king crab!

Thursday, June 23, 2011


Just read the most ridiculous blog EVER. I was checking out kid's fashion blogs and stumbled across it. I'm not naming names. I trust you all know how to google. Suffice it to say the blog IS in the top 25.

I did find it humorous that while she was touting previous abundant Christian Louboutin ownership prior to motherhood, she mentioned her child will be sporting "the shoe that must not be named". I'm not naming to avoid the annoying ads on top of my blog posts of said dreaded shoe (that would be C-r-o-c-s). How can one type Christian Louboutin AND the dreaded shoe that must not be named in the same blog???


I just ordered Bella's 1st LL Bean backpack. She may be going to Maine with her Aunt Hayley for a week and so this will keep her clothes together! The diaper bag can hold diapers/wipes/bathing necessities, etc for the car ride. I'm expecting her grandfather can pick up some diapers as needed while she's in Maine. It is an adorable pink flower bag which will have Annabella monogrammed on it. Speaking from my own high school and college days, not to mention raising three kids, you just can't beat the Bean pack OR their lifetime warranty!!! Zero zero zero hassle when exchanging a bag. My dog from years ago actually chewed a hole in one and the bag was exchanged no questions asked! Phenomenal service. Phenomenal quality. Proud my granddaughter will experience the tradition!!!

We will find out this weekend if Hayley and Bella will be going to Maine. Depends on if Bella's Gramp has to work or not. Kayla's excited about maybe getting a week off from being Mommy! She's definitely hoping to be able to get some uninterrupted beach time! It'll be nice to get a break but I'm really going to miss the little cutie if she goes!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011


Bella turned 14 months yesterday!!! Such a sweet baby.

Staff meeting 11-1 today. Seriously have no idea why we need two a month but I will see Scott today!! First time since he was out on fmla. It'll be nice having some active energy on staff again. The rest of us are worn out!

Oh well. Got to get ready for this meeting. Blech.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011


Hipstamatic by jennluvsgable
Hipstamatic, a photo by jennluvsgable on Flickr.

Love Hipstamatic on my iPhone!!!


Felt yucky all day yesterday. Fever and chills. Mild Flu-like. Odd feeling when it is 85 outside.

Spending today with my Bella. Not sure what we're going to do. Her back teeth are coming in full force. Two already through. The rest of her gums are swollen. She's c-r-a-n-k-y!!! So probably first stop will be to buy some motrin. The good news is once they're in, they're in! Zach needs to get picked up at 10:30.

Lionel Richie will be with the Pops this 4th of July. Cool. More excited about spending the day with my husband.

Can't wait till the Journey concert August 12!!!

Monday, June 20, 2011

So Exhausted

I am going to bed as soon as I get home tonight. I can barely keep my eyes open right now.

Saturday, June 18, 2011


I really don't want to get out of my pajamas this morning. Working 3 through the overnight tonight and 3 through the overnight tomorrow. Monday I will be at J's 2-8 helping her some more. Tuesday I will be spending the day with my Bella- boo. Wednesday, staff meeting and then with David. Thursday with J, and I have Friday off.

Zach leaves on Thursday for a month. Bella is going to miss him. She knocks on his bedroom door and cries when he's at school so this will be a long month of her knocking and him not answering and her being sad. Sierra will also miss Zach. (Of course, we will all miss him, but probably Bella and Sierra the most!)

Did I mention I don't want to get out of my pajamas?

Friday, June 17, 2011


That last post applies to more than one person...and to more than one situation.

What I would like is for that white elephant that is always in the room, to take up residence elsewhere. What I would like is to interact with people who are direct once in awhile. I am direct. If I'm mad, sad, happy, peaceful, you know it. Right or wrong, tactful, not always, but there's little wondering. If you eff up, I tell you that you effed up and I usually move on.

I was reading a cry baby blog post about emotional abuse towards men. Grrrr. So if a man feels like he can't talk to his wife about something without "setting her off" he's being emotionally abused??? Made my head spin in an exorcist kind of way. My guess is if the man is aware of what pisses her off in the first place, why would he continue to do so? Nobody should HAVE to walk on eggshells, but most spouses know exactly what to say or do, or what not to say or do, to avoid or engage in an argument; and to argue fair and clean, with a resolution in mind, one may have to walk on eggshells. Furthermore, I personally take offense to any implication that being a strong, independent, intelligent, willful, willing to resort to whatever means necessary to protect and provide for her family, as being deemed abusive.

Another furthermore, most women I know who happen to be like the above description were quite pleasantly providing for their families or their self when propositioned, and were probably quite succinct as to the ground rules prior to dating or being married, and were pursued by an individual anyway.

I also take offense to a statement in the blogpost that witholding or using sex is abusive. Does this author think that just because an individual is married, they must have still have sex even if they're angry, hurt, sad, or just having a bad day??? That is blurring a line I would not like to see crossed. My body is MY body and I quite happily and readily share it with my husband when he and I are "on the same page" so to speak, which is more often than not for all of you noseys out there, but how is my withholding sex when I'm not feeling myself, abuse? And forcing or coercing an individual to engage in sex against their will is a far greater crime...rape.


I hate being lied to, whether it be blatant or the more common form of omission.

I hate when someone promises me one thing and then does another.

I hate that I continue to BELIEVE in said promises.

I hate that I have to wish my whole summer away.

I hate that certain people are allowed to act obnoxious but Bella can't act like the one year old she is.

I hate feeling like the least important person in someone's life. Whether that is true or not does not change how it makes me feel.

I hate crying when I should be having fun.

I hate feeling like there is no place far enough away that I can go to.

I hate feeling defeated.

I hate not being able to sleep.

I hate when someone would rather buy my silence instead of earning my respect.

All that being said, I'm over it. I'm going out tonight and am going to have a fun time even if it kills me. I'm working Saturday night, Sunday night, Monday night. Bella and I will spend Tuesday together.

Thursday, June 16, 2011


Gah! Got my exercise in early. Also planning for at least 3 hours of heavy cleaning at J's later. Sweeping, vacuuming, rug washing, windows...her brother is coming to help now too! I told her to get her tunes ready when I talked to her this morning! She was a heavy smoker for a lot of years and any reformed smoker knows the lingering smell is the worst, so we're gonna try and help with that.

Next up, tanning. Maybe get a few minutes of reading in. I'm going to probably sleep good tonight!!!


I actually slept pretty well all night long! Which means I didn't wake up at 2 or 3 and lay awake for hours only to finally fall asleep and then sleep the morning away! I like to sleep 11-7. I try to keep that my schedule. I go to bed at 9 and watch tv or read.

Anyway I've been feeling poorly. My head has been killing me. Sinuses. My neck has been killing me. Stress.

I'm going to go tanning, read outside for a bit, maybe go for a quick walk and then meet up with Jane and Lisa at J's house because J had a near heart attack a few weeks ago and needs some help getting her house back in order. Oh well, we'll crank some tunes and get everything in tip top shape!

Ugh. The walk may be out. Already 80 degrees this early in the AM. We shall see.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011


Today is a skirt kinda day. Might as well at least pretend I'm having a good time living this so called life.


I'm stressed. Tired. And not feeling well.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011


I have my car back. I'm praying that there will be no more issues. This past week in the shop seems to be due to an installation era of the previous fix. Some wires in the harness appear to have been placed too close to the exhaust and melted. Please please please, let me get back to my life.

The weather has been a bit wacky but I'm certainly enjoying being able to open the windows and not have the air on.

Today is Tuesday. Taking a friend to a dr's appointment, Kayla to work, and the home to enjoy my day with Bella. If the rain holds off, we will take a walk.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Some Days

Some days a really long hot bath can help. I haven't been sleeping well. That is becoming the story of my life lately. I'm going tanning in a bit. I'm really glad the sun isn't shining. I just want to stay home. Cook, clean, relax. We changed the living room around Saturday and I have to say I'm really liking it.

We also went through the toy box and bagged up baby toys! Bella's done with rattles and teething rings. And this kid LOVES Dr. Suess, whom I dislike. I read The Cat in the Hat three times yesterday and Kayla read One Foot, Two Foot a couple of times to her, too. I guess I'm not surprised. She loves to be sung to and loves rhythmic beats, and Dr. Suess definitely has that sing-songy rhythmic rhyme.

I think tonight I will make quiche.

Probably not a good idea to fall asleep watching Ghost Adventures like I did Saturday night. The Saturday before that, it was Body of Evidence and the Saturday before that, probably River Monsters. On Saturday nights, I do an overnight in a haunted facility, coupled with my own imagination and my passion for B horror flicks, makes for a restless sleep.

Alrighty, gotta get my teeth brushed and figure out what I'm going to do with my hair and face. Dressing for comfort today.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Thank You

Thanks to my wonderful husband for my smile this afternoon!!!


It is apparent by my wife's last post that she needs some public lov'in. So, As a good husband should, I will do what she wants (it's easy to do things she wants, when you want to do them anyway!).

I love you in the morning,
I love you at night.

I love you in the easy times,
I love you when we fight.

I love you when van is running
I love when it's not

I love you when it is cold
I love you when it is hot

I love you when I am not with you
I'll love you when your gray.

I love you, I love you, I love you
That's what I think about all day.

I just want to finish by saying that even though I have been working out and am looking fantastic (in my own mind), I am not having an affair or even looking at anyone else, despite what the Google machine says about the "Signs of Cheating"! I decided that it wasn't fair to my wife to walk around being so beautiful, sexy and perfect with an unfit, unattractive husband. Every time I work out I think about my wife, and being the most attractive (there are limitations with out plastic surgery), most healthy, most loving, most caring husband I can be! There is no one else in the world that can make me feel the way she does and I love her more than anything in the world!

Thursday, June 09, 2011


My husband hasn't written any love notes in awhile...interesting...

Thursday Already

This week has flown by. I'm happy to see an unexpected rainy morning. It is supposed to hit 100 today, so the rain is a pleasant surprise. As I learned last summer, 100 degrees isn't very pleasant for a beach day, unless you're in the water the whole time...and with Bella around, you won't be in the water the whole time.

My husband is on day 8 of a winning streak! ;)

Work is never boring, that is for sure. Huge budget cuts. Our company is losing $32,000 a month. So we all got interesting news. I'm not really sure how it is going down, other than I've lost an hour. I would like to lose like 5 or 6!!! I know my bosses are looking out for me and are keeping my schedule the same because I'm loyal, hardworking, paying extra for car rentals while mine is STILL being fixed (different problem now) and I watch Bella on my days off. I really do appreciate their kindness. My under-24 shifts are under new management, but my assistant manager flat out told them she was keeping me as her staff...yet I only work one day there. The change ultimately will probably be better but I'm adverse to change by nature. This just may officially go down on the books as the most anxious summer ever!!!

Tuesday, June 07, 2011


Bella and I have had a busy morning already. She is now napping on the loveseat with Sierra. We walked to the marina at the end of street. Played for a bit. Then an annoying father and two kids came over and Bella and I left. When I'm "tanning" please don't try to engage me in conversation. Furthermore, I really don't get this need for chit chat. I have friends, kids and a husband to talk to. It isn't that I'm antisocial but maybe I am these days. People just annoy me lately.

Anyway, back to our busy morning...came home and swept the kitchen and decided to clean the bathroom. HATE little hairs, toothpaste and other grime in my sink and on my counters. Changed the trash because I'm the only one that can do that apparently. Scrubbed the shower doors and cleaned the toilet because I pee on the seat. I'm actually not complaining. It is just frustrating that one can't enjoy the clean for very long. It is a very used room.

I have a ton of photos to blog but feeling lazy about it right now. Want to get the kitchen organized a little and the living room floor swept. Maybe enjoy some lunch before Bella wakes up. She's actually well behaved when I clean. She likes to help.

Friday, June 03, 2011

I Love my iPhone

Why? For one, it is cooler than cool. Two, it is a travel size version of my iPad, which I love dearly. It isn't a "cell phone". I rarely use it to talk anyway. I do NOT have a land line and have not had one in about 4 years. I hate talking on the phone. Period. Always have, always will. I sext with my husband during the hours away from one another, keeping our physical attraction strong. The iPhone offers facetime, which is video calling. If you're lame enough to use an antiquated desktop to do that, than a smartphone is ahem, more productive.


My car is back!!! I haven't driven it yet, but I hope it is as good as new. I can't believe how much I missed it!

A little breezy today but nice and sunny. Sneezing up a storm for day two of allergy hell. I had to close my windows last night. Unfortunately, I had shut the air off because the house got downright chilly last night, but sometime during the middle of the night, it started roasting in there.

Laying out for a bit till my allergies chase me indoors. The wind yesterday took care of most of the yucky pollen.

Thursday, June 02, 2011

This Day

This day reminds me of the many summer days when I was a kid. I could never decide if I wanted to sleep in on my first day of summer, or get up early to fully enjoy my day. I would have this same decision to make on my last full day of summer for many years till the peer pressured teen years had me convinced I wasn't normal if I didn't sleep in past 11 and take two showers per day, using two towels per shower, and spend the rest of my time in front of the mirror or working to save up money for even more school clothes.

When I was a kid though, I loved adventure. I was outside till dinnertime. When I was home, that is. I did go to summer camp and spent a lot of time out to the lake with my grandparents. But the summer days at home? Full of adventures. Like the night a bunch of motorcycle pirates invaded. My dad was a truck driver and was gone Monday through Friday, which left me and my mom watching out for the other three and my great grandmother. My mother came in to get me when about 12 Harleys pulled into the driveway. Not sure what she needed me awake for because my grandmother was the one with the gun but we watched from the window. Of course they were just tourists looking for a place to crash and my grandmother did run a bed and breakfast in the summer because that's what all the old ladies with big house in Maine did. And my grandmother, all slim 5 feet of her, had no problem putting those pirates to work the next morning.

My great-grandmother had been a widow for a long time before I met her on July 28, 1972. She was named Jennie and I was named Jennifer. She was a school teacher, K-12. She was one of the very few women to earn her masters degree from the University of Maine in the 50s. I'm a teacher and will probably BE 50 before I get my masters. Everything I know about plants and trees, edible and not, indigenous to Maine, I learned from her. She had a garden, an apple grove, which was the site of many wicked apple fights with cousins and friends, grapevines, a frog pond, maple trees, which she would have us tap in the spring (all that work for a cup of disgusting syrup), raspberry and blackberry patches, and blueberries by the tracks. Her arch nemisis lived next door. Mr. Ray Rollins. He had a cat named Precious, a rifle to keep trespassers off and owned even more land than my grandmother. They spent their days trying to one up each other.

Her husband and children may be Irish, but she was English, and she made sure we all had impeccable manners. She often told me that while I may never dine with the queen, I will know how to do it so as to not embarrass her and that she would be watching, even if she was in heaven. She also made sure we could play the piano. I can still play the songs she taught me, but the piano was so boring to me. I only tolerated it in the summer because her piano room was the coolest place during the hot summers. I preferred her books and would read and reread the same ones over and over.

When I think of her, it seemed she was never a fit for Maine, but when I try to imagine her living somewhere else, I can not. And how she ended up with my great grandfather, I can not even begin to fathom. I don't know much about him. He worked in the woods and the last time he came home, he had a massive heart attack and died. My mom was around 3 and living with them at the time.

Anyway, today reminded me of those summer days and I only wish my husband could have been around when I had all those adventures. He was a kid growing up in the town next door and while our paths crossed many many many times, we wouldn't couple up for a long time.

Wednesday, June 01, 2011


Thunderstorm this morning. Fine with me. And so begins impossible summer hair. Even with the air on, getting it to do what I want is next to impossible. Speaking of the air conditioner. I hate having it on. Kids and husband love it. I spend my summer freezing if I'm inside. Stores, the house, the car, work...everywhere I go, air conditioning. I'd rather be too hot than too cold.