Saturday, August 30, 2008

Confidence is Not Conceit

Feeling better. Talked to my friends and am now reassured that I am not the evil, egotistical, selfish idiot some of you have heard tell about. Nothing like a public memo to get people calling and emailing and making sure you're okay.

And now I am going to do some self-pampering. Why? Because I can. And then I am going to blog about it.

Oh Really...

Unfortunately I feel the need to speak a piece of my mind for the sake of doing it. It is my blog after all. UNFORTUNATELY I will more than likely need to end a friendship. Why? Oh I don't know, backstabbing assholes maybe.

First of all, I am NOT an egotistical idiot HOLLY. Friend of Eric. I did read the comment. Very classy. Isn't it funny how morbidly obese people can only seem to think to call thinner people idiots. Call me what you want. Maybe after your operation works I won't seem like such an idiot.

Second of all, Eric, I believe I did try to get out of being the best man shortly after you asked because you were being a jerk about inviting Mitch. I have the email to prove it. Apparently I missed the other "out" you were referring too? I am sorry about seeming less than enthused. WHY? Let's discuss the night of your Bachelor party where you proceeded to tell your other friend, can't remember his name, "Jenn is major MILF." You do understand what it means, YES? And you proceeded to say it in front of my fiance who was ready to punch you in the face for being so disrespectful to your so-called best friend, not to mention your own fiancee.

And you were right about me being a little disinterested in the wedding. Not for reasons you think, you insensitive jerk. It was because even though I love Erin, and love you and Erin, I was feeling like I was losing a big part of my life. Little did I know that was going to happen anyway.

So let me just say that I am hurt above everything else. I find it just a tad crass that you would have conversations about me, belittling me to your other friends. NEWSFLASH, there is plenty of shit I could say right now about, well now I am just going to have to say it, how I often felt used for rides, drinks, etc whenever we all went out. One time and only one time, did I have to not pay. You are not the only human being that feels financial strain. I was a single mom, raising three kids AND putting myself thru college, but let me just pay for your drinks, too, because you are a thirty-something year old man who can't figure out how to make more than 20, 000 a year. And while you and your better-than-me friends are talking about making social change, I am out there DOING it. Working at my second non-profit job, making a difference in people's lives, so excuse me if I want to talk about nothing BUT the benign when I am faced with some pretty heavy issues with the real people I deal with everyday! But that is the difference between you and me. I don't sit around on my computer and whine about my life, I change it. I am not caught in some pseudo world, wanting to change but not being able to get out of my own way. I too, have anxiety and depression, which has been treated on and off with therapists and medication, but I don't USE that as an excuse to be a drain on society! Say what you want about me but you can leave God out of it. For your information, I was losing interest in our friendship once I started going back to church, but I stuck by it, even after all my other friends were telling me not to. This had not a thing to do with Mitch. That was in fact two years before Mitch.

Friends accept people for who they are and where they are at. I did that for you. I feel very sad that you couldn't do that for me. And you know more than anyone, how far from an idiot I am. But that is just my soon to be master's degree talking I guess. Or maybe my ego. Maybe I shouldn't worry my pretty little head about any of this. You know what really bothers me? We could have talked about all of this and probably have been just fine. Maybe even closer because of it. But it really hurts to think of you purposely saying mean things about me to your other friends. But I am the bitch? Because I am generous, (usually) kind-hearted, and a little insecure about my looks as I am getting older? Are you for real?

I have said time and time again. This is my blog. To talk about me. To talk about what I want to talk about. If I want to talk about my lunch I will. Nobody has to read this. If I want to talk about my nails, my tanning, my clothes, what the fuck ever, I will.

I wish you and Erin the best of luck with the baby. It is unfortunate that this has to end this way. But you have your real friends. "How sad is it that Jenn is still my number 4 friend on myspace?" How sad that you aren't even on mine.


Did I actually blog about the exercise dvd's as being hard? I did the entire video today at level 4 (the hardest) and feel fine. I feel 100% better than I did the first time I did the video. I will also get my 3-miler in this evening too. That way I should be all set for relaxing tomorrow.

Anyway, Vegas was funny in a lot of parts. Predictable, but certainly worth the $1 rental fee. For those of you who don't use Redbox, you definitely should.

Smart People was okay. Ellen Page was in it and I love her, but I could really have lived my life never having seen it. SJP was horrible and Dennis Quaid has been better, too. But the underlying theme of professor/student is a little too close to my own reality so maybe that is why I did not enjoy it so much. Anyway, I think it could have been better with actors other than SJP and DQ.

The grocery store was a wreck. I hate the days before a party holiday. And of course because it is raining today, everyone took advantage of the poor weather to get the shopping done before the big day. Kind of a pain for someone like myself who is just going for a few items and to return a movie. The town will be ours again after Labor Day. Except for all of the college students who are back in town. That I am used to, having lived in a college town my whole life. The only difference here is that there is no summer respite due to HIGH tourism. Orono is and will never be a big tourist town. When in Maine, most people go to Bar Harbor, Camden, Mt. Katahdin, OOB, South Portland and the Old Freeport because of LL Bean. Old Town gets hit once a year when Old Town Canoe has their big famous factory sale.

Anyway...everything is in place for the girls and I to just wake up and head to the beach early. We're going early to get good parking. The closest lot gets full before 11 AM. Then you have to park across the street. So far, we've gotten our spot every time we go. Tomorrow is supposed to be beautiful sunshine. Looking forward to it.

Friday, August 29, 2008

August 29, 2008

Kayla and I just got back from our walk. Feeling good. Feeling like I am in a fog though after working 60 hours. Like I can't remember what day it is. Feels like it should be a Wednesday or something. Not Friday. Not Labor Day weekend. Didn't we just have the 4th of July?

I bought Zach his school clothes tonight after I got out of work. He will need a few more pairs of jeans from the Gap and Old Navy. He has plenty of new shirts though.

Tomorrow Zach has a football game. Kayla, Robert and maybe Pete, and I will be attending. I hope the rain holds off for the game. Sunday we are spending the day at Scarborough Beach.

I rented two movies tonight. What Happens in Vegas and Smart People.

Beowulf is AWESOME!!!!! Loved it. Zach loved it. So much better than reading the dang thing which I remember disliking in high school.

Okay, it is 7:20 PM and I am beat. I didn't sleep well last night. It was hot, so I had the fan on, yet I couldn't sleep with the fan blowing anywhere near my face. Consequently I tossed and turned all night.

Work was better than last Friday, but a particular part of it was EXTREMELY disorganized. I felt a little taken advantage of this morning.

Thursday, August 28, 2008


OMGOODNESS!!! I mentioned I did my dvd's this AM right? Well, after the girls and I got home from shopping, I showed them the dvd and Zach wanted to do some of it...alot of the exercises are the drills they do in football I ended up doing like 15 minutes of it or so and then Hayley and I went for a walk. We mapped out our neighborhood and walked 2.3 miles. One mile of it is up hill. This will be good for training. Hopefully by the end of next week, I am running 3.5 miles, which would be three loops thru the neighborhood.

I bought some good clothes for the girls and myself. I bought three new bras. The only time I HATE being a D-cup is bra shopping because it is so damn expensive! $60 for 3 bras!!! When I start not looking right under my clothes, I usually immediately suspect I am getting fat, but usually it is just time for new bras.

I bought Hayley a cute shirt from Banana Republic and two pairs of jeans and a silky tank top like shirt that looks quite cute on her. I bought Kayla two pairs of jeans and a couple of shirts. I got two pairs of jeans, a SWEET (as in HOT) sweatshirt from Hollister, a cute shirt from The Limited and some Body by Gap workout pants with matching sweatshirt, a two piece hot pink velour warm up suit and a cute shirt from Abercrombie. I think Mitch is buying me new sneakers while he is away this weekend! Yay!

So I tried on two piles of jeans today and only threw out two pair. I have one more pile to go thru, but I have added two more to the mix. However, these two are comfortable and the right length, etc.. I often will buy a pair of jeans if they are a size too big or too small thinking, "Oh, I will just lose weight, or these will be good on the days I am feeling bloated." SO I have a closet full of bargins like that. I will say, I am a little thankful for that behavior because I had some cute jeans on hand when I went below a size 6 this winter. But really I have plenty of money to just buy what I want, in the right size and not worry if it is on sale or not. Old habits die hard, though. It is hard to refuse a sale! Plus I am starting to think I have a body from HELL! I don't know of anyone whose body fluctuates so much due to hormones. Literally, I can drop a pant size after my period. The days of my period I feel like a walking blimp!

I bought the move Beowulf the other day and I am anxious to watch it, so I am about ready to hunker down for the evening.

August 28, 2008

AHHHHH!!! I am soooo out of shape! I was doing my hip hop party exercise video...I am a sweating mess.

Pretty much I just need to get toned again. Not so much a weight issue with me. Just fighting the never-ending aging process and I am just so surprised at how much ground you lose when you take any kind of break. I remember the days when I could work out like 2 times a week and my muscles had good memory. Pretty much I have to work out like 5 times a week now to maintain what used to be effortless in my twenties and even early thirties. 36 sucks! :( I also did a little of my Belly, Butt and Thighs Boot Camp dvd..I think I will stick to running and my recumbent bike and playing in the waves! This is good though to shake things up a bit. I think you make many more gains if you keep your muscles guessing what is coming next! I think when it comes to actual aerobics, I need a class as opposed to a video just because of peer pressure and my competitiveness.

I used to do a cardio-workout video when my girls were babies. It was easier to just work out in the living room when they were taking their naps than to make time for a gym workout. I just don't remember it being this hard! With Zach, I got more serious about my running and stuck with that for many years, and definitely became a gym rat once I started working for the athletic department only because it was available onsite before or after work...I wasn't able to get home after a long day and say I am too tired to drive to a gym, because I worked AT the gym. The last 3 years, I definitely got into running again, which I blame my move to Rhode Island in ruining. The track here is like the only one for miles and miles and is greatly used. I really need to plan out a route around my neighborhood that I can use to settle into a rut. Ruts and routines are how I HAVE to run! I obsess about my pace time, in relation to where I am in my run, where I should be, if I am ahead of the game, losing ground, is very easy to do that if you run the same route over and over.

I do have to say, balancing in the huge waves uses muscles I didn't know I had. That is usually how I judge a good workout. How many muscles feel spent. I love that feeling.

I am going to go thru my closet today and really just toss out stuff that I have been hanging onto because I "might" wear it and get organized into things I definitely wear most often. Comfort counts in this closet razing. I am no longer hanging onto stuff that I wear for only a short time because it is uncomfortable. Unless of course it is an amazing pair of jeans that I will endure that pain for!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

August 27, 2008

My childhood/high school friend lost her battle to cancer a little before 5 AM this morning. She leaves behind 3 girls, 10, 6, 5, and one son, 8. My heart is breaking for this little family, but I am so happy she is no longer suffering. Still, she had a wonderful 35 years, which is more than some people get in an entire life span not cut short by illness. She fought hard and refused to let doctors tell her how much time she had left after finding out she was in stage 4..that was like 3 years ago. I am convinced her life was lengthened because of this.

Unfortunately, things are so chaotic at work I won't be able to make a trip to Maine for the funeral. Honestly, if an immediate family member were to die in the next few days, I don't think I'd be able to make the trip. Two major players are on vacation and we were short staffed anyway. I picked up yet another overnight tonight...11 more hours of overtime added to my 48. I am officially off after 8 AM, but have to be at work 7 AM Friday morning. so less than 24 hours. Basically, I have had to work at least a little on every day off this past week. UGH!!!!!!! AND there is one staff member that simply refuses overtime. Flat out won't help anyone in a bind and the woman I am covering for is on her way to an emergency room. And the woman on the way to the emergency room is on her last chance at work. Administration has told her one more screw up or whatever and she is done. She is like 3 years away from retirement and I can't in good conscience not help her out. However, I am afraid this may be a damned if you do, damned if you don't situation because all the managers were told to watch overtime closely, having staff who are not close to overtime fill shifts first, and I am not convinced that every last person on the list was called...I don't really care because I will always take the overtime, but this could be the last nail in the coffin, so to speak, for this person if someone already looking for reasons to fire her, discovers all bases were not covered. I'm not sure that they weren't covered, I just have an inkling they weren't.

On top of all of that, Mitch texted me late in the day to let me know we have a soccer dinner obligation to attend at 6 PM. So I have raced home from work after working ALL day, taken a shower, gotten ready, and have to do this thing, and then come home and get my stuff for the overnight and head back to work. I am also working on Monday with P., and dropping him back off at 3 PM, to enjoy my "day off"....all 6 hours of it, to turn around and do the Monday overnight and work all day Tuesday. Am I burned out yet??? Eh...the extra money will be nice.

The girls both have eye doctor appointments on Thursday. I have to say, every doctor I have encountered in Rhode Island (including their office staff) has been most gracious and kind. In Maine, most receptionists make you feel like you are ruining their day by having to call for an appointment. You feel like telling them, "Excuse me, but you work for ME..and if you don't want to have a job, I suggest you keep being nasty!" AND then you feel like saying, "Ummm, you probably only have a high school diploma, so really you needn't be on such a high're a secretary!" Mind you, there is not a thing wrong with being a secretary, but the job description usually implies answering phones and making appointments so don't be put out when that is what you have to do!

Okay...Kathleen has told me and told me my tongue needs to be paralyzed!!! I'm just tired and overworked and need a full 24 hours OFF! Preferably all my days off. All three of them.

I am stressed!

Monday, August 25, 2008

It Must Be a Monday!

UGH! Crappy afternoon!!!

So after I got offline, got showered up and had my coffee, while waiting before I had to leave to get Zach, I couldn't find my cell phone. ANYWHERE! I knew it was somewhere in the house because I used it here after we got back from the beach, so I knew I didn't leave it there. Still couldn't find it. I had to leave to get Zach without it. Zach ended up finding it in his gym bag while at football practice! Apparently, after using it yesterday, I threw it back into my purse which was on the couch, next to Zach's guess is it somehow lodged itself in there.

Then I had to drop off Hayley at her friend's house and the traffic was soooooooo slow today. There is no beach traffic really because it is cloudy, but today is the day everyone is deciding to drive the speed limit! Traffic was slow getting to the post office, things were slow at the bank, the grocery store wasn't busy for once, but my cashier decided to take the moment of my arrival to break open all of her change rolls.

After getting home, I dropped my brand new candle on the floor smashing the glass. Super!

Red Nose

Red Nose
Originally uploaded by jennluvsgable

I Hate Titles

I Hate Titles
Originally uploaded by jennluvsgable


Originally uploaded by jennluvsgable

August 25, 2008

August 25, 2008
Originally uploaded by jennluvsgable

Sunburned Nose

Sunburned Nose
Originally uploaded by jennluvsgable
I think I camouflaged my sunburned nose fairly well.

Love Photobooth

Love Photobooth
Originally uploaded by jennluvsgable

August 25, 2008

I can't believe I haven't blogged since Thursday. Not really sure where the weekend went. I did work for 24 hours of it, but yesterday flew by. The kids and I went to the beach. The waves were huge and there was a high surf warning and a riptide warning, so you were only allowed to be in the water up to your waist. Even still, we got to see two rescues late in the afternoon. It really is such good exercise to stand in the powerful waves and try and keep your balance. Good for your abs and core muscles. Especially if you get down on your knees in a stand position and try and keep your balance. Good for the above muscles and the backs of your thighs. Plus the waves make it fun and you don't even feel like you are working out!

I need some time off, but will be enjoying the fruits of all this busy-ness soon with two big paychecks. I did SEVEN loads of laundry! But at least it is all done.

What else? I bought some new clothes. I found the cutest shorts at walmart (who knew right?). They are just all cotton athletic shorts, nothing fancy but so cute and they look hot on me, so I went back to get more colors as they were on the clearance rack for $3. Of course, the hot pink ones I wanted were only in extra large. But I wanted hot pink too, so I asked myself how much of a difference is there really between small and extra large? Ummmm, they fall to my ankles when I stand up. But they were on CLEARANCE!!! So I guess I have new jammies to wear to bed!

I was seriously going to get my nails done today. I still might, but really I think I want to just stay home. I haven't been here for weeks! On my days off, we have been going to the beach all day. By the time we get home, get dinner, get online for a minute, I am ready to head to my room to watch some tv. I can always do them tomorrow after work. Or Wednesday after work.

Work is actually getting better. I went from loving it, to it being okay, to not liking it, to it getting better again. When I was loving it, I worked in a lot of different places. Now I don't and this "rut" has me feeling kinda bored. But because the "rut" isn't a rut yet because the schedule is still new and won't be a real rut until things have really settled in, I find myself exhausted after just a 7 hour day. I realize that probably didn't make a whole lot of sense, but it did to me.

Mitch's grandmother and mother came down for a quick visit. They wanted to see the new house and came to visit me at work for a few minutes. It was good to see them.

I need to get the house swept. Sand is all thru it.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

August 21, 2008

I was up around 7 this morning. Slept pretty well I think. Nothing exciting on the internet this morning. Or in the the news really. I am brewing some coffee. That will get the girls up. We are going to go to the beach today to get in the last few days we can before they have to go back to school.

The kids go back to school on the 2nd. They are excited to see their friends and to wear their new school clothes. Zach has been seeing most of his friends all summer because he had football for most of it. The girls spent a little over a month in Maine and got to see their friends from back there but really have only seen Becca around here.

When it starts getting too cold for the beach on our days off, the kids and I want to visit my sister in CT and do some shopping there. We went school shopping last year with her and the kids had such a fun time. She only lives a little over an hour away. You'd think she lived on the moon! Anyway, she is pregnant with my nephew and I am so excited. I was excited about Gracie too, but this one is a bit different because Zach is the only boy in the family. My brothers and I and sister all had girls first. At 14, Zach is ready to share the limelight of not being the only boy! I am also hoping that because Grace is older now, she will want to do stuff with me. My niece Lexi was always with me when I was in Maine. Grace only sees me a few times a year and I am sure she would do fine with me especially in an emergency, but my sister and I weren't going to make her, you know? But she will be three and I am way cooler than her mother! My kids love love love my sister. She has spent more money on the three of them. She never went anywhere without picking up something for each of them. That isn't the only reason they love her, but they do know they will get spoiled when she is around!

I am working 24 hours on Saturday!!! I am excited actually. Mostly because 16 hours of it is all overtime! I am going to rent some movies for us and bring some games and make something yummy for dinner. I work only day-shifts now, so I don't get to do that kind of stuff anymore with them. I am hoping the girls want to come by for some of it. That is the best thing about this job. It is about making the lives of the people we support what you and I would call "normal." Which to me is including them in activities that are above and beyond the "job." So the kids coming over for dinner with Uncle P. and Aunt S. is something that would happen in all our lives. And Labor Day is my day off, but I was asked if I could work some or part of it and it is holiday pay, so I said Yes, if I could take P. with me. It was okay'd and he will be spending the day with us here. I kind of want to take R. too because he loves coming over to play games with the kids. We will have to see how everyones moods are that day and the weather and plan accordingly.

Anyway, my next two paychecks will be big. Like they were all winter. I was working crazy hours then...50-60 per week! I am glad the summer turned out like it did with me working little to no over-time. I requested that I just wanted to chill and work the hours I am supposed to and spend extra time with the family and enjoy the beach. But after Zach's football season, I definitely want to start picking up overtime again. The good news about this schedule that I have, assuming I don't pick up extra 2nd shifts, is that I am home every day after school and I know the kids grades last year reflected my working so much overtime. Also good news is that I am at 40 hours, so any extra shift is all overtime and that adds up quick, especially an overnight shift. My goal for this next 3-6 month period is to continue to be home everyday at 3 and help keep the kids on track with school work.

Okay, off to the beach!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

It is Freaking Cold This Morning!!!

It is beautiful sun-wise and will warm up to eighties today but man, at a quarter till 8 this morning it isn't even 60 yet! Brrrrrr!!! I could smell fall in the air last night. It might have just been wishful thinking of course. My kids still have like 2 weeks left of summer before school starts. At least the humidity seems to be waning. And with less humidity, my jeans are sliding right on. Got kinda worried when I would get them to my thighs and be like, Oh Gosh! I just can't DO this!

Well, I gotta get to work. TTFN

Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Ugh! That is how I feel after having seconds of dinner tonight.

I have some pics to post of my baby boy in his high school football uniform. He looks soooo cute! I can't believe he is going to high school in just a few weeks! He is growing up so fast!

Beach Girls

Beach Girls
Originally uploaded by jennluvsgable

Zachie at the Beach

Zachie at the Beach
Originally uploaded by jennluvsgable

My Girls

My Girls
Originally uploaded by jennluvsgable


Originally uploaded by jennluvsgable
Sierra SOOOOO wanted to go.


Originally uploaded by jennluvsgable

Zach Attack

Zach Attack
Originally uploaded by jennluvsgable

My Baby Boy

My Baby Boy
Originally uploaded by jennluvsgable

Vote For Hairstyle

Vote For Hairstyle
Originally uploaded by jennluvsgable

Choice Number 2

Choice Number 2
Originally uploaded by jennluvsgable

Number 3

Number 3
Originally uploaded by jennluvsgable

Number 4

Number 4
Originally uploaded by jennluvsgable

Number 5

Number 5
Originally uploaded by jennluvsgable

Monday, August 18, 2008


Today was a very fun day. We ended up going to Scarborough North today instead of Town Beach...still 5 minutes away, just in the other direction. The waves got pretty big today and a couple of them got me good! I have a skinned knee from one and lost my bottoms in another but still it was a GREAT time! We got there kinda early so in the video it didn't look too busy. About an hour after that, it was busy but there was plenty of room for everyone. At Town Beach, it is literally towel to towel or blanket to blanket. Think of the movie Summer Rental when John Candy has to find his family and he is kicking sand on everyone and dripping water from the cooler on people.

The kids and I played in the waves the whole day. Needless to say, we're all a bit toasty because of the sun reflecting on the water.

Now we're home. Mitch is changing a filter on the Suburban and we just ordered and had delivered pizza.

Zach's football coach called and wants Zach at practice tomorrow morning by 7:30 AM so he can get his uniform and gear. I think Mitch will be taking him because he has to leave for work at that time anyway and I don't have to be at work until 8.

I have to get in the shower. I took time to make sure I looked good for the beach today, thinking I wouldn't get my hair wet...two seconds in the water and a huge wave overtook me! So much for looking good!

Our Day Number 2

Just trying the Blogger video uploader instead of youtube...

Scarborough Beach

August 18, 2008

Okay, so I didn't save so much money yesterday! There were clearance sales everywhere after the beach! Today we're going to try and do the Town Beach thing. I will bring my video camera and you will see why we don't frequent it very often even tho it is only 5 minutes away.

We're running late today. It is already 9 AM. But today will probably be an even longer day because there is more stuff to do and to walk around to. We have to get a move on. We haven't even gotten our lunches yet.


Sunday, August 17, 2008

Our Day at the Beach

Yay It is Working!!!


August 17, 2008

Today is my long-awaited beach day! There are only supposed to be sunny skies and I don't have to squeeze in a meeting at work or even go to work. Tomorrow is supposed to be the same. I am going to remember my camera and my Flip for the day. The good news about beach days is my inability to go shopping while at the beach, therefore saving money.

It isn't even 7 AM. I think I was out last night before 9PM so that must explain why I am awake. I was planning on watching Blade Trinity, but fell asleep watching Blade II. I will get nice and tired today being in the sun and playing in the waves.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Friday, August 15, 2008

August 15, 2008

The weather yesterday did indeed hold off like I asked. Kayla and I spent three hours at the beach. We then went to the meeting and after went to Warwick to do some shopping.

Work was pretty good today. Busy like I like it. Went by fast. Traffic kinda sucked on the drive back from Newport.

Tomorrow after work is Providence Place I think! Yay!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

August 14, 2008

My hope for today is that the expected thundershower holds off until early evening or later. I really want to enjoy my day off today. A week from tomorrow marks the anniversary of our first year here.

I have a stupid meeting at work today for two hours. At 3:30 PM. On my regularly scheduled day off. :( YUCK!!!

Things are pretty boring today. That is mostly my own doing. I have no motivation right now to get up off the couch and jump into the shower. I don't think my coffee has kicked in yet.

I have lots of ideas of stuff to do today, I just don't know that I have the ambition to see any of those ideas happen. If the sun stays out, I am headed to the beach. The problem is that Kayla and I would be leaving the beach to head right to the meeting. I might just have to lay in the sun around here. Other thoughts are to just chill here today, go to the meeting, and then either go shopping in Newport or Warwick. I will be at the beach all day Sunday and Monday anyway probably. I guess I will let the weather decide for me as far as Newport and Warwick go. Shopping in Newport is only fun when it isn't raining because there is a lot of outside walking involved.

I might just end up doing nothing. That is how I am feeling!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008


I have felt chilly all day. Mostly sunny today although right now I am hearing some thunder. COOL! Love love love thunderstorms!

It is just Kayla and I for supper tonight. Hayley is spending the night at Becca's and Zach is still in Maine with family. Mitch is at work until 8 tonight. Soooo, Kay and I are having pulled pork sandwiches with some mozzarella cheese and some fries. I bought the cutest lunch bag for work! It is Thermos brand, pink and white camo with some sparkle and a silver heart that says Love. So so cute!

After dinner, I am going to take a long hot bath and put some jammies on and hop into bed. I have some shows coming on tonight and I want to be ready for the by 8 PM.

Monday, August 11, 2008

August 11, 2008

Still feeling kinda blah! Mitch and I spent a nice day at the beach yesterday. It was just such a wonderfully nice time, I never wanted it to end. Last night, we went to the driving range and I practiced with my new clubs. I think we (I) ended up hitting like 2 large buckets of balls.

Right now he is picking up one of the new soccer players from the airport. The newbie is from Scotland and John really wanted Mitch to be the one to meet him at the airport. Okay, I guess, except that it is cutting into MY in my day off time. We are pretty stingy with our time together. I am not looking forward to the start of the soccer season, but at least we know this year what we've gotten ourselves into and can make the most of our time together and not spend that time bitching at each other because we aren't spending anytime together. I am a bit excited for the start of the season, only because the first two months of games are a lot of fun and the weather is still warm at night. And really the season ends mid-November and then he's all mine again.

Mitch's brother and father were here for a quick visit. We were all supposed to play in a golf tournament but it got called off due to impending thundershowers. Sooooo, we had a nice brunch at Friendly's and enjoyed ourselves anyway.

I have to work the next two days. I desperately need to take some time off but it isn't looking good anytime soon because not next weekend, but the Saturday after that, I picked up a 24 hour shift. That would be 24 hours of overtime. I figured with school starting after Labor Day I could use the extra money. The girls are currently looking for jobs. They are both extremely excited about that! Maybe I will take a few days off in September. I could take a paid day off every week for almost two months straight. That would give me 4 days off a week.

Saturday, August 09, 2008

Sunny Days...

Nothing sucks more than a whole summer of beautiful sunny weather and no time to enjoy it. UGH! I want to retire!

I found out yesterday that my company offers 3 months paid maternity leave! Cool. After that, I would be part-time or fill-in anyway. I think I will always keep this job (on some level at least) and get serious about finishing my master's.

RIght now, my first thought is my cute adorable puggle-boy! Except I keep browsing the dogs at the Hartford Animal Shelter. They only have 10 days to live before getting put to sleep. Most are already house-trained. They'd be good companions to Sierra and they only cost $5. I just don't want to let go of my puggle dream. I am having a complete mental crisis about all of this because I know what the RIGHT thing to do is. But how can you say no to a sweet little puggle face? It is like he is saying, "Pick me, Mommy, pick me!" Just a reminder of how cute this face is...

Thursday, August 07, 2008

Rainy Day

Rainy Day
Originally uploaded by jennluvsgable

Hey My Room Is Clean!!!


I got my room finished. Yay me! Got most of my books put away. Seems like even though most of the house has been unpacked for awhile, I will still find something that needs a place. Things are slowly coming together. I am watching a show...Vegas I think...and Tom Selleck is guest starring on it, or maybe he's a newer character...I don't watch it enough to know...anyway...MAN he really looks like Jim. Same dimples. Same goatee.

Now I have to jump in the shower. Get that part of my day over.

August 7, 2008

SO this is the plan for today. I am going to take full and complete advantage of the lack of sun and the fact that it isn't extremely hot AND finish unpacking my room! I am also going to take a shower and clean my house. I may even read a little.

This summer has kind of been a wash. I will be glad when it is over and it is fall. My most favorite and most active season. Full of hikes and nature. This beach traffic is killing me! The girls and I did enjoy a nice day at the beach on Monday. Pathetic that we drive OUT of our beach town to go to a semi-private beach that out-of-staters and tourists either don't know about or don't bother to hit. It actually works out well because all the traffic is headed into town when we're leaving it and they are all headed out while we're headed back. We do have a private beach right where we are, and it is only open to people that live right where we do. You have to live in this little area of suburbia to gain access to the beach but I have been feeling less than social. Kind of hard to live a life of anonymity once the neighbors start getting to know you. Not sure why I am feeling like this lately, but I just do. No rat races to participate in, no keeping up with the Joneses. Just kind of settling into our own groove in the new house before we add in the desperate housewives effect. I really feel like we've moved into the uber-social joiner neighborhood. They have an annual 4th of July parade. Mind you, this isn't for the town, just our little housing development. A neighborhood yard sale once a year, a neighborhood day, with a group picnic down at the beach. It is kind of like a trailer park with no trailers. Well let me be their tornado!

I'm just in a funk right now. A bitchy anti-social funk. I don't want to make friends. I don't want to get together. I don't want your darn brownies. I don't want to join join join! I would name the neighborhood and I think I may have in a previous post but I am too lazy to look, but the 'hood even has its own website and all I need is for them to find out I blog! I feel like I am the lady that moves into Stepford. This hood has a secret. It all seems a little too incestuous to me.

Monday, August 04, 2008

August 3, 2008

I can't believe it is actually Monday already. What a pain. I spent my day off yesterday with Mitch picking up the girls in Maine and bringing them home. We didn't get back last night till 9:30-10 PM. I promptly went to bed. I have had a yucky headache. It is going on day 2. It was beautiful and sunny here yesterday, but I went to where it was pouring rain. :( It is nice here today, so hopefully I will make the best of it. The girls are back so now I will actually have someone to go to the beach with. They have been gone for a whole month. I think that was the longest I have ever been away from them in the last 18 years.