Thursday, June 30, 2005

How Cute!

How Cute!
Originally uploaded by jennluvsgable.
The gray fluff ball that everyone wants!


Originally uploaded by jennluvsgable.
Meet Isabelle...she looks just like her mother Chloe did when she was a kitten.

Random Stuff

We have a couple of Carmen Electra's Striptease Cardio Workout dvd's in the house. There is a really cool hip-hop dance routine in one of them. It looks much easier than it actually is. The lap dance routine is pretty funny. I'm not sure whose cardio this is supposed to enhance, but circling a chair, butt and boobs stuck out, smacking my own ass doesn't raise MY cardio. I think Brian would die laughing at me. It got me to thinking that for most guys, a lap dance is fun when it is performed by someone OTHER than your own girlfriend. Like I could do this dance for a number of guys and they'd love it...but I don't think I could do it with a straight face for Brian. I was making the girls laugh, though, because right in the middle of the hiphop routine, she starts jogging (badly I might add) in place...I was like, WTF!!! I can't do that move at Barnaby's! So instead, I was doing this ultra-sexy move where you make big circles with your arms, with one going in the forward direction and one in the backwards direction. NOT AN EASY FEAT!!! Yes, I am joking...not that I can't do this tricky maneuver, but about it being looks like I am trying to take off like one of those sky dancer dolls. Still better than running in place, though. I think I might just stick with bullriding.

I picked a book today to read to my preschoolers...Zach and the Alligator...I asked my class if anyone knew why I chose that book and Sammi (age 4) condenscendingly says, "Because Jennifer, YOUR Zach is gone for the summer and you miss him very much." Apparently I may have mentioned this a few times! :)

It is now 1 PM and I've lost all motivation whatsoever. That is a funny word. Whatsoever. What is so wrong with making it three separate words, What So Ever. Actually, when you think about it, the phrase doesn't really make any sense at all. Who came up with it?

Oh yeah, and some jackass from another state was riding my ass the whole way home from work today...don't I hate that. I slammed on my brakes a few times, but he was persistant. Finally he passed me, I gave him the finger, all the while listening to my Christian Rock Station...I know, I know...and he blew by me only to get pulled over about a 100 yards down the road...HAHAHAHA...I waved driving by. I was actually speeding when he passed me, by about 15 over, so he was going at least 65-70 in a 45 mile an hour zone. I know from personal experience that just 11 miles over the limit will result in a
$180 ticket.

Current Mood: kinda bored now
Current Music: I Like Big Butts


I got out of work early today! This makes me happy. Jade got out early yesterday and just had to come back to close. Today is my turn and tomorrow, Erin will have a turn. I like unexpected surprises. I am going tanning and I am going to clean a little.

June 30th

I can't believe tomorrow is the 1st of July.

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

One Down, Two More to Go

Days at work that is.

A great day at work, but long. Thankfully we were short on kids today. It is STILL in the 90's and the humidity is wretched.
The kids have dealt well with it, but when they do blow up, watch out!

I am beat, though. Looking forward to reading a little and then sleeeeeping! 6:30 AM comes early for me.

Tuesday, June 28, 2005


The staff meeting and bbq at Jessy's house was fun! It is nice to hang out with the girls at a place other than work. It is also nice that we are all getting along much better. I work all day tomorrow! Brian says it is good for me. Yeah, whatever! I'm on vacation next week, I am on vacation next week, I am on vacation next week! :)

I hope Brian is having fun at the concert! I will miss his phone call tonight, but it will be nice to go to bed early!


My older friend Judy, who I also call Mom, stopped by to visit unexpectedly!!! It is just a fluke that Erin and I traded shifts today, so I happened to be at home when Judy stopped by. She has been in Ohio for grad school. Judy is a true success story. She went back to college at age 48. She graduated 2 years ago. She has been my inspiration for a long time. She has survived two failed marriages (abusive) and has turned into the most wonderfully "ordinary" (I mean this in a good way) down to earth, unbelieveably strong woman I know. I love her so much and it means so much to me that she would stop by to visit. I met her in 1998 and she has been thru all of my ups and downs with me since then. She was there when I finally managed to break away from Mike, and was understanding when I was too scared to be by mysef to leave him. I am a completely different person than I was in 1998. It is almost incomprehensible for me to think back on the insecure and emotionally needy person that I was then. As hard as times can be sometimes doing this whole parenting and bill paying thing alone, I would NEVER go back. I love my life. I love my good times and my hard times because I OWN them. They are mine. I am confident and stronger than I ever thought possibe and the most scary thought I can think of is the thought of never finding out how truly strong I am. How scary to think that I could have just maintained the life Mike and I had, driving myself crazy, walking on eggshells around him all of the time so as to not set him off. And of course, I would never have met Brian. How sad to think I could have been involved, albeit unhappily, with someone when the man of my dreams walked into my life!

I can honestly say that if it wasn't for the grace of God, and my wonderfully supportive friends and family, I would not be here today. I can get caught up in the woes of life and spend more time whining than necessary, so it is nice to be reminded of just how far I've come and how much further still I have yet to go.

Shout Outs

Happy Birthday to Eric!

Good Luck to Erin today!

Have a good time at the Def Leppard concert tonight Brian, Paul and friends!

Things to do today...

go to post office
go to grocery store
call Mary
make pasta alfredo for bbq
go to work 2-5:30
go to staff meeting/bbq 6PM
come home and fall into bed

I slept in today! YAY! I didn't get up until 7:47 AM! This is sleeping in for me. I don't have to work today until 2. The rest of the week will be long and full days. I start my vacation Friday at 5:30! :) I don't have to be back to work until July 11th. Brian is taking his son and two of his son's friends to Portland today for the Def Leppard concert tonight. The boys are HUGE fans of 80s and 90s heavy metal bands. They are 16.

Well, I suppose I am just postponing the inevitable. I need to get my stuff done.

Monday, June 27, 2005


I checked the Boston 4th website and surprise, surprise, they DO have the list of performers...Gretchen Wilson will be there, as will Big and Rich, who sing Save a Horse, Ride a Cowboy...I am SO excited!!! :)

A Great Day!

I took the preschoolers for a walk today. We played with a bullfrog at the pond and walked to the Korean War Memorial, then to the Civil War fort, then back to the pond. I told them the Frog Prince story and we ate wild strawberries on the walk back.

We have a staff meeting tomorrow after work. We're going to have it at Jessy's new house and have a fun BBQ! I am all excited.

It has been just a laid back kind of day. I think I am going to take the kids to the pool. I have to go grocery shopping later. I don't have to be at work tomorrow until 2. I need a day to sleep in a little, which I have not been able to do since Laconia, because the Monday after that trip, I started working 8-12:30 everyday. That means I have to be up at 6ish to get ready for work. The rest of the week, I am working 8-5:30 everyday. BUT I have all of next week off for vacation. The girls and I are headed to Boston on the 3rd of July. We'll be there for the 4th and then spend the 5th in Old Orchard Beach, providing it isn't rainy.

I am curious about who will be performing at the concert in Boston on the 4th. Two years ago, it was LeAnn Rimes. She did all of the songs from Coyote Ugly. They usually don't post on the website who will be performing until a day or two before the 4th. It will be broadcast on CBS. I will be in the 1st or 2nd row again, providing everything goes as planned. 4 of the 7 years of going, we've been right up front, which is quite a feat to do when it usually draws a crowd of between 600,000-800,000 people!

Sunday, June 26, 2005

Another Pleasant Valley Sunday

What a long, busy weekend. Brian came down a night early to surprise me. He took me to dinner at the Muddy Rudder, which is where he and I had gone on our first date. Then we just rode the bike around and went for a late night walk down on the waterfront, which is what we also did on our very first date.

Saturday, we got up early, got ready, rode the bike until Julie's wedding at 1. It was sweltering on the bike, but the church and reception hall were air-conditioned. Brian and I both decided this was a more pleasant way to spend the afternoon, plus we got a free lunch out of it! :)

We left the reception at about 4ish and headed to Camden on the bike. It was beautiful. We had a late (10 PM) supper at Denny's. After which, Brian and I bickered for awhile until we went to sleep back at the hotel. I had been running that day on about 4 hours sleep, having had a late night love session with Brian the previous evening. Plus, it was HOT, HAZY and HUMID. We were both cranky. I woke up Sunday morning still cranky, which kind of set off his crankiness. We parted ways at about 10 AM. He was going riding with some friends and I was taking the kids to the beach.

The girls and I got to the beach at 11:30 and stayed there until almost 5. It was so much fun swimming and playing, trying to beat the heat. It was also very relaxing. Now I am not cranky and I am back to being madly in love with Brian. Amazing what a day at the beach can do.

It is now 7:15 and I am sleepy and relaxed. I have an early day tomorrow and will be home from work around noon. The girls and I will be hanging at the pool tomorrow, providing the weather holds out. I LOVE the lazy days of summer!!!

Jenn and Brian

Jenn and Brian
Originally uploaded by jennluvsgable.
A cute one of us, with both sets of eyes OPEN! :)


Originally uploaded by jennluvsgable.
Brian and I at Julie's reception, after we'd changed. We were getting ready to head to Camden to enjoy the rest of the day on the bike.

View of Camden Harbor

View of Camden Harbor
Originally uploaded by jennluvsgable.
On top of Mount Battie. Typically on a clear day, to the west you can see Mount Washington. It was so hot and hazy when this was taken. Visibility wasn't what it can be. It was about 7 PM at night and still about 90 degrees on top of the mountain. Brian and I had a nice time relaxing up there.

Jenkin's Beach

Jenkin's Beach
Originally uploaded by jennluvsgable.
Random people at the beach today. It was quite a lovely day!

Jenn at Jenkin's Beach

Jenn at Jenkin's Beach
Originally uploaded by jennluvsgable.
Me enjoying today's hot beautiful weather at Jenkin's Beach. It was 90+ degrees out today.

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Portland Headlight

Portland Headlight
Originally uploaded by jennluvsgable.
I took this one. I had never been to the Portland Headlight. Maine definitely knows how to do a coastline!

Jenn in Portland

Jenn in Portland
Originally uploaded by jennluvsgable.
Brian took this one. The weather was so beautiful on Sunday.

I Hate Cars!

I got a flat today. I began to think about the types of women that there are in this world. Barb, who happened to get a flat a few weeks ago, is the change your own tire kind of woman. I know how to change a tire, but chose to call my Uncle Freeman (Barb's dad) anyway. He was there in about 15 minutes and the car was done fairly quick. As independent as I think I am, cars are the one area where I tend to feel vulnerable or like I need a man around. SOOOOO anyway, my tanning appointment was originally at 1:10 today. Flat tire was at 12:45 today. Missed tanning appointment and rescheduled for 4:30.

I am grateful the flat didn't occur at the beach, or going to or from work. I was just in town and thankfully my uncle was available. This is definitely the downside of Brian living 2 and 1/2 hours away, although he'd be there as quick as he could if I was really in trouble, especially if I had the kids with me.

$70 for a new tire, mounted and balanced. When Brian asks tonight what I bought today to wear to the wedding, I'll have to say a Goodyear tire. Thankfully you usually only blow one tire at a time. The ones I have on are less than a year old and definitely have some more miles on them. My uncle says my car needs to be aligned, which is why this one wore out so fast. I also found out you're supposed to retorque your screws every 25 miles or so. I was like, WHAT THE F***? Can you imagine me going on a shopping trip to Portland and having to stop and retorque every 25 miles? Or driving to work. "Oh, I have to leave early today. Got to retorque on my way home." I can't say that I've heard of that many tires coming untorqued and rolling down the highway sans vehicle.

I've learned a lot today. Mostly that cars are the devil.

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Nice Day!

The weather is still beautiful outside. I worked until 12 and came home and watched some movies with the girls. It is nice just to hang out again. Desaraye called and David was in Bar Harbor for the day, so she needed a ride to run some errands. It was nice to hang out with her and Tajin for a little while today. The girls and I went to the beach yesterday and I think we're going again tomorrow. Brian has a long day at work today and tomorrow. He is trying to get things caught up after vacation especially since he is coming down this weekend to accompany me to Julie's wedding. He is bringing the bike because it is supposed to be beautiful this weekend. I can't wait to ride again!!! I need to get to the mall this week and buy a new outfit for the wedding. I've seen Carey and Erica's outfits.

Oh well. Back to the movie and hanging with the girls.

Current Mood: very relaxed

Current Movie: Cursed


Originally uploaded by jennluvsgable.
It was so hot on this day. About 90 degrees. I miss him SOOOOOO much right now!

Waiting at the Harley Dealer in Conway

Waiting in the incessant heat at the Harley shop for Steve's blinkers to be fixed on his bike.

The Guys

The Guys
Originally uploaded by jennluvsgable.
Lenny, Mel, Dalton, John, Steve and Brian

The Girls

The Girls
Originally uploaded by jennluvsgable.
Some bad ass biker bitches! :)
Cindy, Peggy, Me, Marielle & Lisa

I was not destined to have good hair on this trip, between the humidity and the rain, all I can say is FRIZZY, FRIZZY, FRIZZY!!!

Brian, Jenn & Louis

Brian, Jenn & Louis
Originally uploaded by jennluvsgable.
The newest addition to the family! :)

Louis Vuitton

Nice eye roll, Brian! I kinda think he looks like Garth Brooks in this picture! A much cuter, thinner Garth Brooks.

Jenn & Brian

Jenn & Brian
Originally uploaded by jennluvsgable.
Us at the famous biker bar, The Broken Spoke Saloon.

Riding the Bull

Riding the Bull
Originally uploaded by jennluvsgable.
The best $5 I have ever spent! This was so much fun!

Brian and Jenn

Brian and Jenn
Originally uploaded by jennluvsgable.
This is one of my favorite pics of Brian and I. We were riding on the Kankamangus highway in New Hampshire. It is absolutely beautiful there, with the White Mountains in every direction. This is also on the Appalachian Trail.

Sunday, June 19, 2005


Hi everyone!
Laconia was a BLAST! I took lots of pics. I'll try to upload some tonite. Brian just dropped me off about a 1/2 hour ago. I miss him already. The past 9 days together has certainly cemented our bond.

GUESS WHAT??? While at The Broken Spoke (a very famous biker bar in Laconia, where any and everything can happen) I, Jennifer, rode a mechanical bull!!! I have pics to prove it. I stayed on for a full 47 seconds and did not fall off at all. Mine was the time to beat that night! I got beads and I didn't even have to show my boobies! :) I only got smashed one night and that was back at the house that we all rented. It had been raining hard all day, so we decided to stay in and we all started drinking at about 2 PM...I didn't finish until 8. Thankfully, Brian was there to take care of me! I was praying at the toilet altar for awhile. I got two new belly button rings. Brian bought me new leather chaps and took pics of me getting fitted for them! :) We ended up spending about $1500 shopping on this trip.

AND the piece de resistance? I bougth a Louis Vuitton purse!!! I have new pics of that, too! :)

Saturday, June 11, 2005

This is It!

Brian called last night. Plans changed a little. They couldn't contain themselves any longer, so they headed out last night, stopping for the night in Island Falls. They were supposed to leave this morning for Island Falls, pick up Melvin and Lisa and then come and get me. They all stayed at Melvin and Lisa's last night and will be here sooner than I anticipated. We'll now be on the road by 8:30 AM. I fell asleep last night around 10:30. Woke up at 12:30. Woke up at 2:30. Woke up at 4 and got out of bed at 5. Now, at 6AM, I feel as if I could fall back to sleep. It was so hot in my bedroom last night. Today and tomorrow are going to be even hotter.

Ampersand's doesn't even open until 7.

So my travelin' outfit today consists of:
A black Gap tank top
My favorite Calvin Klein jeans (bootcut, button-fly, nice hole above the knee and a really nice hole below my back right pocket)
a black leather belt
my riding boots

I'm bringing my leather, but I am afraid it is already feeling too hot for that. I also have my Harley Davidson jean vest that AJ bought me last summer. I can always wear that.

I'm feeling crampy today. Beautiful! Just BEAUTIFUL!!!

Friday, June 10, 2005

15 Hours

Fifteen hours before I am comfortably seated on the back of Brian's bike. I have been up since 4:30 AM. I didn't even fall asleep until about midnight. I worked all day. I am so wired. Hopefully, after I talk to Brian tonight, I'll be off in dreamland quickly. Waiting for the group to arrive will be agony. I'm trying to imagine what 8 motorcycles are going to sound like pulling into my driveway and what my neighbors will think! :)

It is so hot and humid right now. 90 degrees or so. We were supposed to have isolated thunderstorms today...I heard it thunder ONCE. Minimal sprinkle of a raindrop or two. No lightning.

The kids were super cranky at work today. It was so hot for them.

I started a new book last night because I had left the one I was reading on my desk at work. It is The Coldest Winter Ever by Sister Souljah. She is probably a cross between Maya Angelou and Alice Walker mixed with a little Spike Lee. I'm almost done the book already and so if I finish it tonight, I'll have to pick another for the trip. I am trying to be prepared for any of the days that have heavy rain. The weather looks pretty good so far, but Brian and I just plan on staying in and chilling out through any of the big storms. So he's bringing a few movies, I'm bringing a few movies, a book, and a magazine. I mean, I suppose we could always break down and DO IT! :) Sadly, I am quite certain I'm due to get my period at some point during this vacation. The one week of the year when Brian is ALL MINE and this is the sick twist of fate that has been dealt me. But the good news is, the weekend after we are back, Brian will be my date to Julie's wedding, and so we'll have a chance to make up for lost time. That is assuming we can even survive the trip together. I don't think we've ever spent more than 3 days in a row together. He and I, on separate occasions, have both brought this up. Not in a "we have a problem" kind of way. Just in a "hey, what if we find out we really can't stand each other" joking kind of way. I guess now is the time to find out.

Anyway, that is all that is new. Tonight is my last night with Zachie.

Thursday, June 09, 2005


I'm telling you, some days my kids go right behind me and mess up everything I've cleaned. It's times like this that reassure me I will be OK when they all do eventually move out on their own.

Friday is almost here. I work 8-5:30. It is payday! It is also my last night with Zach.

I find it very weird that the day before the day before I left for Virginia, I was running around so much more, making sure I had everything packed. After the way the beginning of this week started, with my stressing out completely, I am very calm and collected by week's end. My stuff is packed. Bills paid. House clean. Kid and pet situation taken care of. Job taken care of. My guilty feelings have resolved themselves. I am anxious to see Brian.


Brian is bringing his portable dvd player on the trip. Any ideas on what movies to bring? He doesn't like horror moives.

This morning I've watched The Incredibles, I Know What You Did Last Summer, and Hot Chick.

Today is so boring! Maybe I'll go to the mall later and spend money I don't have. Right now, I have to go take my shower. It is almost noon and I haven't done much of anything except laze around! :)

Current Mood: Excited
Current Music: Boom, Boom, Boom


The girls at Ampersand's are counting down the days with me. Two more latte mornings and that is it. I am getting really excited now. I am going tanning and will blog a little later!

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Just Waiting

I have tomorrow off. I am cleaning tomorrow because there is nothing worse than coming back from vacation to a messy house. Barb, Shannon, and Hayley will be here next week, but I think they should be able to keep it clean for a week.

I only worked 3 1/2 hours today but it dragged so bad. So basically I am just sitting around tonight, waiting for Saturday. Because tomorrow is a day off for me, I am sure the day will fly by. I work 9 hours Friday and I KNOW it will seem like that day will never end.

Other than that, not much new to report. Kayla has claimed my new shoes. She has a big smile on her face and says, "Mommy, they fit. I am going to wear them to school tomorrow." I'm only Mommy when I have something she wants! :) She is 15 now, so I am surprised she calls me mommy at all anymore!

I stopped in to see Jim today. He wants lots of pics of Bike Week. He also told me he better not find out I showed off my boobas for beads! I had to laugh. First of all, I will be with Brian the entire time. I don't think he'll want me doing that. Second of all, it has been 2 years this summer since Jim and I dated and he has no say anymore who I show my boobas to anyway! But it was still kind of funny.

Zach and Baby Emily

Zach and Baby Emily
Originally uploaded by jennluvsgable.
Zach asked last night how much money it would cost to BUY Emily! I told him that was against the law, but that it would be nice to have a baby like her.

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Early Morning

I had a very early morning today. Jessy called about 7 AM to ask if I would cover for Julie today, who was home sick. I wasn't going to do very much except for sleep in and clean a little, so I said SURE! I am exhausted now. I don't have to be at work until tomorrow at 2 PM, but Karen called today and asked if I'd watch Bailey and Madison and her two nephews, Kyle and Matthew so they can go to her grandfather's funeral, which is at 10. Bailey is excited because not only am I her teacher later in the day, I also get to play with her at her house and she'll ride with me to school. She informed me today that "Well, Jennifer, great Grampa is still dead so the funeral will be tomorrow." Just in case I was wondering if he happened to pull through the ordeal or not. :)

Brian and I talked last night. It was a relief to finally admit that I am feeling a little guilty and extravagant about leaving the kids and my job for 10 whole days. He said it was understandable and was very sympathetic. He also said that at 10:30 Saturday morning, we'll be on the bike, my arms will be wrapped around him, my hair blowing in the wind, and we'll leave all the stress and worries behind. Sounds good to me.

Bailey and Sammi have requested that when Brian and I reach the top of Mt. Washington, the tallest mountain the U.S., we yell as loud as we can, "HELLO Bailey and Sammi!!!" Zach came to work with me today. I said he could take the day off from school so we could spend the day together, and then Jessy called and was in a bind, so he went to work with me. He loves going to work with me, and I certainly don't mind working if I get to spend time with my own kids at the same time. There is a running joke at work about the day Sammi met Zach and she pulled me aside and said, "I'm going to marry that boy someday." So today, Sammi (4 years old) made eyes at Zach (11) all day and picked him flowers. When he went to the bathroom she said to me about his new haircut, "Jennifer, can you please make sure his hair is cut like that for our wedding?"
"Of course, Samantha!" I said, "Anything for my future daughter-in-law." Way too cute. Wouldn't it be funny if they really were to grow up and get married some day? How sweet that I would have taken care of his future wife when she was a little girl.

TODAY I actually feel like MYSELF! I never thought I'd see the old me emerge again. Still a little on the cranky side, though not as bad as I've been. I'm not as cranky as I am short of patience, I guess. I can't believe tomorrow is Wednesday already.

Monday, June 06, 2005

Still Not Right

I am still not feeling right. My cough is a million times better, but my allergies are hyper-sensitive right now. For instance, my eyes tend to get itchy and watery about this time of year anyway, so I avoid scratching them, especially if my contacts are in. Well, yesterday afternoon, I discreetly scratched the corner of my eye, which antagonized a full itch attack, so I took my contacts out so I could just give them a good rub and at least make them feel better, even if they'd be red for awhile. It was Sunday, so I wasn't going anywhere. After the rub, my eyes swelled almost shut. They are still a little puffy this morning, but some of that is because I haven't been sleeping well. Anything that I have seemed slightly allergic to in the past, now has my nose running, eyes burning, throat itching. This is very weird.

AND I just can't shake this anxiety surrounding the bike trip. I think it might have to do with this being my first "real" vacation without any kids. I always have at least one of them. I am just really worried about them. They will be in good hands. Zach will be spending his last week in Maine with my parents. He is leaving for Virginia the day I am coming back from New Hampshire. Kayla wants to spend the week with her Dad. Hayley wants to stay here at the house with Barb and Shannon, which is good, because she can help take care of the the dog and cats. They all have Brian's cell phone number. I don't think I am bringing mine. They are not LITTLE. They all know how to cook, clean, and fend for themselves. I just feel guilty taking 10 days off from them. I know Brian and I need this vacation. I can't think of a better way to spend it than riding the bike with Brian and spending 10 days cozied up in a tent together. I definitely can use the time off from work. I have taken long weekend trips away from the kids, but even then, I usually end up bringing one of them, unless it is a long weekend Brian and I are spending in Portland. And usually when Brian and I have weekend plans, it is because the kids have ditched me already for my brother's house, or my parent's, or their dad's, and it is much easier to enjoy myself when I know that THEY chose to do something else. Brian is more used to being ditched than me. Cassie is 19 and has had a life of her own for awhile now, and his son Paul is 16 and spends a lot more time with his friends now than with Dad. I am sure Brian is going through his own stressful anxiety routine, trying to get everything done in the office before he leaves on Saturday.

Will he and I ever reach a point in our lives where we can just up and go on vacation without feeling guilty about leaving the kids and work and bills and the house? I don't recall having this much anxiety taking the Virginia vacation, but I think that is because the kids were with me and quality time with my kids is worth a week's paycheck and all of the stress of leaving a house and pets that goes with it.

Sunday, June 05, 2005


So I leave in less than a week. Brian is picking me up on the bike around 10 or 11 Saturday morning. I'm going through a variety of emotions leading up to this vacation. Excitement, because it is something I've wanted to do. A little nervous because I'll be spending 10 whole days with Brian's friends. All of this friends that are going are couples, though, so he and I should have plenty of time together and I have met and do LIKE his friends. It is just that 10 days is a long time to be with people who don't really know you. I am sure it will all be fine and after the trip is over, I'll wonder why it was even a concern in the first place. A little sad because Zach will be gone for the summer when I get back from the trip. I doubt it will hit me until I get home and he's not here. I plan on redecorating his room for him while he is gone. New paint, new design. That will keep me busy. I plan on doing my room, too. I'm letting the girls do their own. They are excited.

Does anyone want to know what I am worried about the most? Clothes! Not because I have to look just right or anything (even though that thought has crossed my mind, too) but mostly because I want to be comfortable and I will be a ways from home and have to pack lighter than usual because of being on the bike the whole time. I know what to pack for my riding clothes, but what do I pack for cruising around Weir's Beach? I'll need a bikini or two for the waterslides and beach. I guess just shorts, tank tops, some jeans if it rains. However, there is really nothing about my present wardrobe that screams "Biker Chick". It screams more of Spring Break Daytona Beach. At least I have the tan and the tattoo. Brian doesn't even have a tattoo. I'd like to get another one while I am down there.

Today, I am going thru all of my clothes and see what I can possibly bring to this hoo-rah.

Saturday, June 04, 2005

My Niece Gabrielle

My Niece Gabrielle
Originally uploaded by jennluvsgable.
My brother's incredibly cute daughter, Gabrielle. I got to play with her today! :)

Zach, Me and Kodi

Zach, Me and Kodi
Originally uploaded by jennluvsgable.
Giving the dog a bath! It was a nice, hot day for it!

After the Bath

After the Bath
Originally uploaded by jennluvsgable.
Our 10 year old dog, rolling in the grass and dirt after Zach and I gave her a nice bath!

Friday, June 03, 2005

Lazy Day

This morning, my step-dad stopped in and offered me a ride to work. I was only working 8-12:30 today and saved me a trip on gas, so sure. He turned down the street Ampersand's is on and I was like," Uh, what are you doing?" He said, "You need your latte, don't you?" So sweet. So I got a ride to work, a coffee, and a trip to the bank on the way home from work. He and my mom do so much for me, but when I ever really need anything, I always ask him. I just bypass my mother all together. :) Anyway, on the drive, he was like, "So your mother told me you were in the hospital." He was just checking to make sure I am doing everything the doctors are telling me.

Work was good. The kids and I were busy. The morning flew right by. Right after I got to work, Karen (my student Bailey's mom) called. Bailey was refusing to go to school unless she spoke to me on the phone to assure that I was indeed on the premises! So I talked to Bailey and she was at school about 10 minutes later. We talked about what has been going on with her crying to go home after I leave work for the day and things related to that. She loves Erin and Julie. She "likes" Jade. So I am not sure what is really up. I told her that I can't be her teacher forever or even all the time sometimes. She just looked at me and said, "But WHY?" It breaks my heart to think of leaving her at the end of this summer. I am not going to tell her until about a week before that happens. She is one of those kids that will worry about it until it actually happens and I don't even have to be done at the preschool until August 16th.

It is FRIDAY, though!!! I was asleep my 8:30 last night. I missed Brian's call completely. These drugs have me crashing early, but I am up like at 3 or 4 AM. I usually pop a DVD in and am out about 20 minutes into the movie. Only tonight and tomorrow night left for the prednisone. I've only had to use my inhaler once today. I will use it again at bedtime. It is nice not to be hacking up a lung all the time!

When I got home, Shannon and Hayley were already outside laying in the sun. I got about an hour and a half in. We haven't really done much since my getting home. We waited for Kayla and Zach to come home from school. I will probably go to the store because the girls asked for some hair dye. Thankfully, they don't bleach it or anything. They just dye it burgundy or a different shade of brown once in awhile. Kayla is blonde anyway and she has dyed her hair brown once or twice, but after some time in the sun and washing it, the blond always comes peeking through.

I am feeling very lazy right now, like I could take a nap. Might be just what I do!

Thursday, June 02, 2005

Today was a good day off. I didn't get nearly enough done, like I thought I would. I get out at noon tomorrow. The cops were out in full force today. It was weird. I think maybe because this is Senior Week here in town. High school graduation tomorrow night.

I am tired. We cooked out on the grill tonight. Cheeseburgers and potato salad, chips and dip. The girls are cleaning up the kitchen right now.

I had a bit of an afternoon today, after getting home from camp. I walked in the house and my son came out crying, with his sister in tow. A neighbor man had called and wanted to talk to me about some damage to his vehicles. Supposedly Zach and his two cohorts, Dakota and Alex decided to break some windows, etc. Zach swore up and down he had nothing to do with it. So we got Dakota and his mom on the phone and they both said that Zach had been playing with Dakota the day it happened, but that Zach did not vandelize any of the vehicles. So I called the gentleman up and explained the situation. He was very nice and felt bad that the boys were in some trouble now, but he said the damage was estimated at about $4000. All the boys are grounded to their yards and Dakota's mom told me how wonderful Zach always is when he is over and that she really feels the boys are being honest about Zach not being completely involved. However, in my opinion, my son WAS there, even if he wasn't doing anything "wrong". It is as bad to me as someone waiting in a get-away car for friends that are robbing a store. I feel Zach is still somewhat financially responsible and I let him know exactly where I stand on this kind of behavior. I do understand peer pressure and I do know the conflict he must have felt, but his dad and I can't afford for him to screw up like this. It was also a lesson on being in the wrong place at the wrong time. I tried to get across to him that he needs to look out for himself and if he is with friends that are doing something that HE KNOWS is wrong, he needs to get out of there ASAP! Then I put him on the phone with his dad, who basically said the same thing.

Brian actually called today. He was in between house inspections and had a few minutes to kill. I, of course, was out to camp and missed the call. He knew I had the day off today. Today and tomorrow will be extremely busy for him. Next week, too. With him being self-employed, he has a lot of running around to do to tie up loose ends before taking a vacation. He hasn't had a real vacation since last year at this time. Hopefully he gets some time this weekend to pop in. I have a baby shower to go to for my cousin Melanie on Saturday at 1PM. Melanie and her husband Sean are expecting their first baby on July 4th.

Payday tomorrow! Yippee!!! Anyway, that was my day!

Lake Pic

Lake Pic
Originally uploaded by jennluvsgable.
It was so hot today! I couldn't stand laying in the sun anymore in town, so I headed out to the lake. My grandparent's home was once the family camp. It became their full year residence when I was 18. The lake is about 15 minutes from my house. It was nice to spend some time with my g.p.'s. I didn't spend much time out to camp last summer, as I was in Ashland for most of it. The water is a little high, due to all of the rain, but it was relatively warm, considering it hasn't seen any sun for about 14 straight days!!! I had a nice swim. I prefer pools, but this lake has been a part of my life since the day I came home from the hospital (at birth). Being a July baby, summer was in full swing when they let my mother bring me home. There is a "J" painted on a large rock on the road leading to camp and my uncles painted it for me 33 years ago this July. I was the first grandchild and the first niece, so I was pretty special for a time. The "J" is still there. I think someone touches it up every so often. It is red with a thin white outline. I saw it today on my way out.


Originally uploaded by jennluvsgable.
The center view of the lake from my grandparent's house.

Thanks to Tanya and Teresa

I lifted this quiz like thing off their blogs...SO here are 99 things some of you might not know about me, but I highly doubt that.

99 things about me

1. First grade teacher's name: Mrs. Dumond
2. Last person you kissed: Brian and the kids
3. Last word you said: I need a latte.
4. Last song you sang: Happy Days are Here Again...thank you, Shannon Lynn Smith for getting this stuck in my head!
5. Last person you hugged: Brian and kids
6. Last thing you laughed at: Me at forgetting my own address at the Pharmacy, while heavily medicated on Tuesday
7. What's in your CD player: Godsword
8. Seems to be missing a question??? Where is question number 8?
9. What socks are you wearing: NADA...I am wearing flip is going to be in the 80s today!
10. What's under your bed: the wooden pedastal thingy the bed sits upon
12. Current taste: A double Irish Cream latte, tall cup, skim milk
13. Current hair style: today, up in a ponytail because I will be laying in the sun today
14. Current clothes: bikini and shorts
15. Current Job: head preschool teacher at Itty Bitty Footprints, soon to be the coordinator of the Park Woods Family Learning Center Program
16. Current longing: for the next 9 days to fly by so I can be with Brian
17. Current desktop picture: pic of kids a few years ago out to camp, hugging dog
18. Current worry: bills
19. Current hate: laziness, asthma
20. Story behind your username: My favorite book and movie of all time is Gone with the Wind. I am madly in love with Clark Gable. Just my luck that the man of my dreams died before I was even born!
21. Current favorite article of clothing: my Tommy jeans
22. Favorite physical feature(s) of the opposite sex: usually smiles BUT there are lots of body parts that I LOVE about Brian!
23. Last CD that you bought: Don Henley's Greatest Hits
24. Favorite place to be: the BEACH or church (not just any church, but Calvary Chapel in Orrington)
25. Least favorite place: in line at Walmart
26. Time you wake up in the morning: depends, but usually by 7:30 or 8.
27. If you could play a new instrument, what would it be?: guitar
29. Current favorite word/saying: whatever! I can't stop saying it.
30. Favorite book: Besides GWTW, I'd have to say The Bible or anything about history of Christianity.
31. Favorite Movie: GWTW, Bridget Jones, Practical Magic, A Walk to Remember, Texas Chainsaw Massacre
32. Favorite Songs: Imagine by Mercy Me...I LOVE THIS SONG
34. One person from your past you wish you could go back and talk to: my dad
35. Favorite day: Friday...I was born on a Friday
36. Where do you want to go: NEXT STOP---Laconia/Weir's Beach for Bike Week
37. What is your career going to be: next stop youth program coordinator...then probably h.s English teacher and preschool owner...after completion of my Ph.D, I will be sit on my butt on some fancy smancy campus somewhere being a college professor
39. What kind of car will you have: I'm not sure what my next one will be. I would love to have a Jaguar.
41. A random lyric: How do I love you/ Let me count the ways
42. Eye Color: blue
43. Hair Color: blackish brown
44. Righty or Lefty: My conservative friends think I am a tree-hugging Liberal, my liberal friends think I lean more to the right...I am just me.
45. Zodiac Sign: Leo
46.Innie or Outtie: Innie, with a belly button ring
47. Your heritage: Irish and French
48. The shoes you wore today: flip flops
49. Your hair: long and curly, but I straighten it and curl the ends
50. Your weakness: ice cream
51. Your fears: suffocating
53. Your most recent secret? I'm pretty direct. I don't think I have any.
54. Your first thought waking up: Thank you God for giving me one more day with my babies.
55. The first feature you notice in the opposite sex: smile, eyes
56. Your bedtime: usually 10ish
57. Your most missed companion: Lynette
58. Your perfect pizza: double dough pepperoni from Pizza Dome
59. Sweet and Chewy: HUH?
60. Single or group dates: I like my one on one time with Brian, but we've always had a blast when we're with friends
61. Dogs or Cats: both
62. Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: Snapple
63. Chocolate or vanilla: vanilla
64. Cappuccino or Drip: Latte
65. Smoke: No way
66. Curse: I wish I could say I didn't...since becoming saved, I try to at least remember to not take the Lord's name in vain, BUT sometimes there is just something about the F word that is liberating! Plus it doesn't say in the Bible to not say the f word...I save it for special occasions.
67. Sing: I love to sing at church and I love karaoke! I am a geek.
68. Take a shower everyday: I take at least a shower or a bath everyday. I can't wash my hair everyday, though. I tend to have dry hair and I like to ensure its health.
69. Have a crush: I happen to be dating mine.
71. Think you've been in love: 2 times
72. Want to go to college: slowly working on my Master's and then on to my doctorate
73. Want more than what you’ve got: a little more, but honestly, I am fairly satisfied with my life. I want more time with Brian.
74. Want to get married: yes
75. Type w/ your fingers on the right keys: always
76. Think you're attractive: sometimes...people like to make assumptions about my personality based upon my looks and they are usually apologetic after getting to know me.
77. Think you’re a health freak: a little. not as bad as when I was working for the Athletic Department on campus
78. Get along with your parents: yeah...I haven't seen my dad for 5 years this September, so it is hard to say if we'd still be getting along
79. Play an instrument: no
80. drink: occasionally...I like to let my hair down once in a while with friends.
81. Smoke: No...didn't I already answer this?
82. Done a drug: pot...I was a teenager of the 80s...
83. Made Out: This is my favorite part of my relationship with Brian. We make out a lot!
84. Go on a date: yes
5. Eaten an entire box of Oreos: No
86. Eaten sushi: no
87. Been dumped: Yes
88. Made homemade cookies: of course
89. Been in love: yes
90. Gone skinny dipping: yeah, lots of times...Stacie, did you EVER find your bikini top???
91. Dyed your hair: yes
92. Stolen anything: yeah
93. Had too much to drink: regrettably
94. Been caught cheating: no
95. Been called a tease: no
96. Gotten beaten up: yes
97. Changed who you were to fit in: I think it is healthy to be yourself, but naive to think that one wouldn't have to remain flexible so as to meet people halfway...I'm thinking more of my work at the battered women's shelter. I don't think I would be as helpful if I came across as snotty.
98. Cried at something beautiful: all the time
99. Spent too much money on something you didn’t need: probably taking the kids out to supper as much as we go. But we have so much fun, sitting in the restaurant where I am relaxed and am not up running around preparing things and the kids and I have some of our best talks in settings like this. It is easy to justify it in that light.

Monday, May 23, 2005

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Baby Emily

Baby Emily
Originally uploaded by jennluvsgable.
Any wonder why we all think she is the sweetest baby on the planet?

Headstand Emily

Headstand Emily
Originally uploaded by jennluvsgable.
Emily, who is only 9 months old, learned how to stand on her head today! This is the baby that makes me want to have another.

I'm not a Feeding Machine!!!

I know the look! She is thinking to herself, "What possessed me to have SIX!!!" Often confused with the "Just wait until I see your father again!" look!

Looks Good!

Sarah couldn't OFFICIALLY say whether or not I had the job, but she could officially say she is sending her application approval back to Claire, who needs to make the final selection. Well, Claire is my wildcard because she was the one who selected me in the first place and encouraged me to jump through any hoops that our funders wanted me to jump through to ensure I got the job because they had rights to application approval as well.

Sarah explained the loan repayment process and insurance, etc. She is also sending me the loan repayment forms to send to my lenders letting them know that they are repaying my loans, a portion at a time, until my commitment to the organization is over. They can't pay it all at once, because there is no guarantee that I will stick with the commitment, which at this time, is a year.

The kids and I also have full health insurance for free and I get life insurance for $2.50/biweekly. My training starts on the 16th of August and that will be in Augusta and I officially start my new job on the 20th of August!

I am very, very excited! :)

From Brian

From Brian
Originally uploaded by jennluvsgable.
Brian sent some pics this morning to make me smile. This one is my favorite.

Today is the Day!

Everyone keep your fingers crossed. My phone conference is this morning at 11. I am feeling okay about it. I talked with Sarah yesterday and she sounds very nice. Potential employers usually DO, though, I know. I went over all of the paperwork she sent me. It is a beautiful, sunny morning so that was a nice way to wake up. I feel like I should get dressed for the phone call! :) Weird, I know, but there is something strange about lounging around in your pj's while conducting business.

I actually slept very well last night. It is amazing what a little medicine can do to improve sleeping. The prednisone is definitely helping to reduce my bronchial inflammation, at least at night when I am trying to sleep. When I am up, moving around, I still have that dry, tickley asthma cough, though not as bad as it was. But that is what my inhaler is for. 2 puffs, every 4 hours.

Zach has been worried about me since I got back from the hospital, so last night he slept with me. It was funny. At about 9:30 he came in my room and asked if I've been missing him and then he mentioned that I only have 9 days left with him before I leave for my vacation and he leaves for his dad's for the summer. So I said, "You know Zach, I was just laying here thinking about how much I've been missing you today!" He looks at me, "Really?" So he cuddles into bed with me and that is when he said that he'll stay up and listen for my cough and if I need anything, he'll take care of it. He was asleep about 10 minutes into the nightwatch.

I think I am buying a new bed. Dennis and Jeanne had to buy a new one because of their backs. They are selling their queen size bed that they had been using. It is almost brand new and perfect. A really nice bookcase headboard, which my queen size bed does not have. I love my bed. I have had it since I was about 18. Of course, it has a newer, more expensive mattress than when I first got it, but it's been through a lot with me. Kayla has been wanting a bigger bed and at 15, I think she might enjoy something bigger than a twin mattress. I really could use one with a nice bookcase headboard, though and I know the people the bed is coming from. Dennis is one of the pastors at church and I am good friends with Jeanne. They are cleanly kept individuals, they don't smoke, they don't strike me as having any weird sexual habits that might cause me any sleepless nights if I decide to dwell on that, and I don't think either one has any trouble with incontinence, soooooo, I'll just buy a nice thick and comfy mattress pad and not think about it.