Thursday, December 29, 2005

Tree's Down

My Christmas tree is down, decorations are put away, and my life can resume normal procedures in all of its simplicity. I was going to keep it up until after New Year's, like I usually do, but I'm going to be gone all weekend and not coming home until late Monday and with the dog and cats, I'm afraid I'd come home to a big mess. It is nice to have my living room back. It is nice to hear normal music on the radio again. It is nice to go to work and not have party planning to do.

I can't believe all of this rain we are getting. There is yet another flood watch for this area.

Still no news about a baby yet.

I start tanning next week! YIPPEE!!! I desperately need a trim. My ends feel all dry and brittle. I was holding out until spring to get some of my length back after the last chopping, in which she took off 3 inches but I need at least an inch off. Truth be told, I do have most of my lenght back now anyway. My hair grows unusually fast and I can afford to give up the inch if it means soft and smooth hair.

I suppose I need to start getting ready for work. I am feeling kind of blah, like I could take the day off. I'll perk up at the center.

Five Now

Five Now
Originally uploaded by jennluvsgable.
My Bailey-boo is growing up so fast!


My mom called last night while I was on the phone with Brian. She was headed to Connecticut because my sister's in labor. I still haven't heard anything. It has been just about 12 hours. This is her first baby, so the length of time isn't all that unusual, at least for my family. With my first one, my labor also started about 10 PM (kind of a neat coincidence that that is when my sister's started) and Kayla wasn't born until 2:45 PM in the afternoon. With Hayley, my entire labor start to finish was only 5 hours. With Zach, it was 12 painful hours. It would have been less, but there were some complications, one of which was that he was 10 pounds and his shoulders were bigger than his head, causing him to become stuck in the birth canal, but with his head already delivered there wasn't a whole lot that could be done via c-section. SOOOOO, it kind of sucked and my ob-gyn was extremely apologetic for not listening to me when I was screaming that something was wrong. A simple ultrasound would have confirmed his excessive BIGNESS and I would have been scheduled for a c-section immediately.

So now I am anxiously awaiting the news of Gracie's arrival!

I'm headed to P.I. tomorrow around noon. The roads will be horrendous. I promised Brian I would take my time. A normal 2 hour trip will probably be more like 3 or 4 depending on the speeds. They are predicting another foot for norhtern Maine. We just getting rain around here. Hard to believe 2 hours can make such a difference in the weather, but once you get up into the mountains, it is a whole different world.

Current Mood: anticipated
Current Music: A Whole New World.............Aladdin

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

F***ing Tired!!!

I watched Polar Express with the kids at work tonight. It was good. Made me sleepy, though. Now, I have to head to the grocery store and buy food for supper tonight. THEN, I will put on jammies and settle in with my book. I think I am leaving around noon on Friday to head up to P.I. Definitely noon if the weather is bad. Brian will probably already be plowing when I get there. I'll drop my stuff off at the apartment and then have him pick me up.

I work tomorrow night 3-8. Nothing new to report. I'm on my way to Hannaford. Really. I am.
(first pet's name and street name)
Whiskey Main

(first two letters of first name, first four letters of your last name)
Jersey.....I LOVE it!!!!

(favorite animal, name of high school)
Cat Old Town

(your car's model, city where you were born)
Taurus Bangor

5. YOUR STAR WARS NAME:(first 3 letters of your last name, last 3 letters of mother's maiden name, first 3 letters of your pet's name)

6. YOUR BLUES SINGER NAME: (the weather outside right now and the last name of your favorite president)
Sunny Roosevelt

7. YOUR VIKING NAME: (your first name, "the", and describe your hair)
Jennifer the Long

December 28, 2005

The storm in Northern Maine topped off at 39 inches! Crazy! They are getting more tomorrow night and I'm headed up Friday. I'm excited to see all the snow! I slept 12 straight hours last night due to staying up keeping Brian company plowing, so I am sure he is wiped!

I am playing with the idea of going to the movies with the girls tonight. I work 3-6 today. It is a real tough life sometimes! :) I might just want to hang out here and relax and burn my new candles! AND read!!! Angels & Demons is getting good and I probably would have finished it by now, except that I spent one whole night keeping Brian company and last night, I read as long as I could, but I didn't last beyond 9:30 PM.

Not a whole lot to blog about. I'm trying to decide what to do about supper. Something homey.

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Super Tired!

Brian has been up for over 24 hours straight, plowing his more than 40 customers. They got about 30 inches of snow in this one storm! I stayed on the phone with him on and off all day with him yesterday and from 10 PM last night until 2:30 AM this morning, keeping him awake, then he slept from 2:30 until 4 AM and I called him and woke him up so he could get back out there. I slept until 9 and called him again to make sure he was okay. He's doing great. Hanging in there. He should be able to finish up around noon and sleep until about 5, before he has to go back out and finish cleaning up the driveways. I love plow nights when I stay on the phone with him all night, but this one was particularly long. It is supposed to snow again Thursday or Friday, but I am headed up to Presque Isle this weekend anyway. I'll be able to keep him company in the truck. We didn't have any huge New Year's Eve plans. We debated about spending the weekend in Vermont, but with the threat of snow, Brian can't really be that far away. If the weather was going to be clear through the weekend, then we'd go. It is fine with me. I'd like a nice quiet night at home, ringing in the New Year with just him and I. I'm still recovering from last New Year's!!! I was so sick, as blogworld well remembers! I didn't drink again until that week in Laconia for bike week. I got really sick there, too! My drinking until I puke days are OVER!!!

Kayla and Hayley stayed up last night, too. We were watching season 6 of Buffy and they were up until 3 AM. All three of us are awake right now...not in very good moods, but awake! My car is warming up and we are getting ready for our morning jaunt to Ampersand's for our coffees and lattes.

I have to work 3-8 PM. The girls are going with me. It'll be good to see the kids at the center. It has been 4 WHOLE days! :)

I hope everyone had a WONDERFUL Christmas! Last week was the longest I've gone without blogging since I've been blogging. I was just so busy, that even the thought of turning the computer on when I got home at night was too overwhelming!

Okie dokie, I've got to get to Ampersand's. I am in desperate need of my favorite caffinated bevereage!

Current Mood: sleepy but very content!
Current Music: The Eminem Show

Monday, December 26, 2005

Hello Again

Sorry for the hiatus, Blogworld. I had a crazy busy week last week, with Christmas parties galore. Friday night was spent doing last minute stocking stuffer shopping. Saturday night was Christmas Eve, which we spent at my brother's house. Christmas Day was quiet. The kids had a SUPER Christmas. They got everything on their lists and then some. The girls and I went shopping today. The stores are back to normal. Not too busy. They each got $300 total in Christmas money, so we had a good time spending that. I went to the movies last night to see Wolf Creek. Kind of disturbing.

Brian is presently plowing 20-30 inches of snow. They got nailed in Presque Isle. We have so far only gotten rain. Some of it is freezing right now, but nothing serious. He plowed all night Christmas night. It really is okay, since he gets $850 per storm. Three billable storms this week. That is $2550 this week alone. It is all going into our vacation fund, so I don't mind! :) We plan on taking a three week biking trip on the motorcycle this summer. I can't wait.

Right now, I am relaxing with the girls, watching Season 6 of Buffy. Burning some of my new Yankee Candles that I got for Christmas. I got FOUR new ones! Yippee!!! We ate a late lunch at Ruby Tuesdays so I think we're just gonna snack on some goodies tonight.

Okay, time to get back to Buffy and reading Angels & Demons by Dan Brown (The Da Vinci Code).

Sunday, December 18, 2005

Weekend Update

I am just getting back from Presque Isle. I had some fun hanging out with Brian in his new apartment. We went shopping and picked up stuff for me to keep there. My contact stuff, etc, so I don't have to bring it with me now.

He'll be down Thursday or Friday. We might take a quick trip to Portland for some last minute Christmas shopping.

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Po' No Mo'

That's right, folks. I'm poor no more.

Some of you may already know that my ex and I have been having our child support order reviewed as per the initial order. It was to be reviewed every couple of years. Well, I ALMOST sent in a letter saying I was quite happy with the $200 per week I was receiving. However, I have been crazy busy and one week stretched into two and I never got the letter sent in. I was wondering why my ex has been sooooo nervous about all of this because if his income hadn't changed, then the support order would not change. He cries poverty all the time even though he has a brand new house, a brand new truck, etc...but I haven't needed any more money for the kids. We manage just fine. That was before I got a copy of the new proposed order. Seems like Mr. Man has been keeping secret from me the fact that he grossed over $150,000 last year. Somebody's now having to pay $415 a week. I haven't checked my messages yet but the caller i.d. says I have lots of calls from him. I'm assuming he got a copy of the order today, too and I am guessing he is making a voodoo doll of me as we speak. Just think how cheap a condom would have been 16 years ago! I'm feeling weird. At first I was feeling guilty because that is a lot of money, but now I am kind of hurt that he hasn't been honest with me about this. I really was fine with the $200 a week, back when I thought he was still making $50,000 a year. If my ex was Donald Trump, wouldn't I expect my children to have a standard of living that coincided with their dad's earnings? I'm expecting a custody suit now, but even so, the girls are old enough 15 and 14 to decide where they want to live and in the order, I am only forced to pay $65 a week if the kids were to move in with him.

I'm seriously kidding about the title of this post. I actually have a sick stomach right now because of the stress of all of this. I did NOT pursue the child support amendment. We agreed upon this 12 years ago when we split up, that we'd have the order re-evaluated. I will only receive this money for another 4 years, but he will have to pay me $78,000 during this time.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

December 14, 2005

I was at work this morning by 7 AM. I worked until 12:30. I then came home, got my latte, checked on things and picked the kids up from school. I went back to work at 3 and the kids and I were there until 6. On to Walmart after that. I had to buy dog food and kitty litter, but it wasn't as insanely busy as it has been, so I decided to get some of my Christmas shopping done. Now, it is 8:20 PM. The kids and I are going to have a late supper...BLT's, which the girls are making and I am going to wrap the presents.

I am SO exhausted it isn't funny. I have been working 7 AM until 8:30 PM, except for today and then I've been talking to Brian until about 11 PM on the phone. Friday is almost here. Saturday morning will be lazy and splendid. I should save all of the wrapping for then because it will give me something to do. I am not doing any shopping this weekend, unless it is late at night. I will sleep all day if I have to. I will get the stuff I have to get at the mall next Tuesday during the morning because I won't have to work and it shouldn't be as busy there.

I bought myself Dan Brown's "Angels and Demons" tonight. Kind of a prelude to The DaVinci Code, which I've already read. He is a very talented author and I find him entertaining.

SOOOO, I am going to read and eat and then fall asleep. It will be a very busy day tomorrow.

Monday, December 12, 2005

To Grandmother's House We Go

After work, the kids and I went to Grandma's for a little while. This would be my grandmother. She is a very large and very loud Irish woman. Things I learned from her tonight: (*disclaimer: none of these views are mine, nor are they from a sane individual) Think Archie Bunker crossed with Big Mama. That's Grandma.

- Walmart and the AARP are run by homosexuals.
- Newsweek is Jewish.
- KMart employs children from China.

I had to run a few errands for her and so the kids and I hung out. We were sitting in her cramped living room, with Zach sitting in her motorized scooter. "How fast does thing go anyway?" he asks. "Hey Grandma, you should take this thing to bike week! Grandmas Gone Wild!" Zach thinks this is hilarious. My grandmother knits beautifully and brings out our token sweaters. While she may knit beautifully, she seems to think that Zach likes hot pinks and purples, while the girls and I enjoy rust and mustard shades. So she offers the standard " Oh, I finished up some sweaters for you." The girls, Zach and I grimace behind our obligatory smiles. She brings them out. She's out done herself. Zach's is a little short in the sleeves. Hayley's looks like it would fit a very very large man. Mine isn't finished yet. Kayla's has teddy bears on it. I ask Hayley to show me hers and she holds it up, while sticking her finger down her throat while hiding behind it. We are to wear these lovely sweaters at Grandma's sometime before the holiday. It beats the infamous reindeer sweater of Zach's that she made one year. This baby was HOT. Brown in color, with some white and eyes strategically placed to resemble a reindeer. A red pompom sewn to the side for the nose. Two 3-d antlers coming up from the shoulders. Would have been cute if he had been 4. He was a little old for the look. It did give his sisters and I hours of enjoyment, though! :)

The kids and I dined at the BK Lounge this evening. On the way home, we jammed to some Kiss. We were all singing, "I Want to Rock and Roll All Night and Party Everyday" with Zach busting out his air drums.

Sunday, December 11, 2005

Bank Error in Your Favor

This was welcome news and even more exciting in real life than in Monopoly world. Yippee. It was mine to begin with, just a screw up with my direct deposit, and I actually wasn't even the one who noticed it.

I'm enjoying a quiet Sunday at home. The girls and I are cleaning. Surprise, surprise! We slacked off this week. I'm going through some old curtains and blankets. Brian doesn't have a curtain in his new bedroom and his new room is done in navy blue...great minds think alike because my bedroom is done in navy blue and I have two very nice navy blue valances that I don't need, so I am giving him those. He did his new living room in burgandy, too, which I think is cute, because MY living room is burgandy. I think it is cute because I was worried if he bought new stuff and we decided to actually move in together some day, the colors would clash. He also bought three vanilla-scented Yankee candles for the living room. I said, "You don't even like vanilla!" He said, "I know, but it is your favorite." Awwwww!

I already have some of his presents. I am getting him the Joe Dirt soundtrack that he wants. The Bob Marley comedy cd "Put the Boots to 'Er" which Brian and I saw him perform at Comedy Connection in Portland, and a Bob Marley t-shirt. I wanted to get him the "Dude, Don't be a Dink" t-shirt, but instead I got him the "I'm Right Friggin' Sideways" t-shirt. Kayla bought him a small shovel. It is a running joke between them. He never thinks before he speaks and I mentioned to her one time about yet another shit-shoveling moment for Brian and she laughed and said, "Okay, he might as well just hit himself in the head with the shovel!" He thought that was the funniest thing he'd ever heard. I know the shovel will be his favorite gift! :)

Anyway, I have to pick up some stuff at the World That is Wally and pick up my son from my brother's house. He ditched me for my brother to play video games. After those errands, I'll be doing laundry. Oh, lucky, lucky me!

Current Mood: good
Current Music: Oh Come All Ye Faithful

Saturday, December 10, 2005


The mall was insane today. Not really the mall, as much as the all roads leading to and away from the mall. Be prepared to sit in traffic for at least 45 minutes. I got the picture done and my Christmas cards are done. I'll pick them up tomorrow because I don't care to go anywhere near Bangor again tonite. I'll pick them up after church tomorrow.

I think I am going to get everyone mall gift certificates and let them shop for themselves and fight with the crowds and traffic!

I am supposed to go to a drag show tomorrow night at Detour. Should be fun. I liked the last drag show I went to. Cover is $4, but that isn't too bad. I won't be drinking. Kelly, Allison, Kelly's mom and Linda (Allison's mom) are going, which should make it hysterical! I'll make sure I post pics!

Current Mood: weird
Current Music: Get Stoned.........Hinder

That Time of Year...

...for Christmas cards. I am way behind. The kids and I are going to have some pics taken in front of our tree, in Webster Park in front of some snow and ice covered trees, and some sledding in Hayford Park. Then we'll pick the best one, go to the one hour photo and have the Christmas cards made up and get them addressed this weekend, and then out in the mail by Monday.

IF it wasn't Christmas time right now, the things I'd like to be doing are:

- skiing at Sugarloaf...really too expensive this close to Christmas.
- buying my new North Face ski jacket, which I CAN'T wait to get...but at $250, it'll have to wait until after'll be on sale by then, too.
- spending a long weekend in New Jersey/Philadelphia, PA with my aunt, uncle and cousins.

Friday, December 09, 2005

I am glad it is Friday. The day went by sorta fast, which was good. I left work a little early because of the roads. They seem fine now. Kayla, Hayley and Shannon are cooking supper tonight. It is nice not to have to. I was at work by 8 this morning. I am so tired right now. Unlike the other night, last night I didn't sleep so sound. Hopefully I will sleep good tonight.

I get to work at the daycare on Monday! I am so excited. I am working there all week, but on Monday, I am not working at the center. The rest of the week, I am working at both places. I am looking forward to it, though.

I have MAJOR laundry to do this weekend.

The girls are also making ranch flavored chex mix tonight. Yum, Yum! We'll snack on that while watching Charlie Brown's Christmas.

Thursday, December 08, 2005

Hurrah for Now!

Well blog world, I know you have all been waiting patiently for the results of my tests...they came back today and there is not a freaking thing wrong with me. My blood pressure is normal. I am not anemic, diabetic, or have problems with my thyroid. My cholesterol is low. I'm not overweight. I'm not pregnant. I don't have cancer. I have a heart beat and a pulse. No fevers or tumors or rashes. I should be around for a long, long time. My pee is normal, too.

So it was all in my head!!!

Audioblogger...for my next roadtrip!

this is an audio post - click to play


I'm officially bored out of my freaking mind!

You know how one random thought leads to another and then a 1/2 hour later you're like, How the f*** did my mind wander to HERE?

Okay, here is an example:

Looking into the mirror, I was struck by how Jaclyn Smith my hair is looking today. Huh, I think, she always WAS my favorite Angel. Kate Jackson was a little too lesbian for me and even at a young age, I just could never entrust my life to a blond. Except for Jamie. Jamie Summers used to rule my world! I got in a fight with my kindergarten teacher because she tried telling me I wasn't the Bionic Woman. I lifted up the end of a table to prove that I was indeed bionic.

Which led me to think about 1st grade. There was this boy that I was madly in love with. So in love that in the inside of my wardrobe (which would later become THE wardrobe from Narnia, but I digress) I wrote "I love David P." all over it. I loved him so much that I lied to him about my love of baseball. We were standing in line (boy, girl, boy, girl) to go to lunch and I knew how much he loved baseball, so I knew I'd have to impress him somehow. So I told him my uncle was Jim Rice. He was like, "Your uncle is Jim Rice?" I was like, "Yeah." We never hooked up in all of the years that I've known him. I lost the love in 5th grade when the teacher was wheeling the t.v. cart by his desk and the t.v. fell on his head. In around 8th grade, I finally saw a picture of Uncle Jim...he's such a striking African-American.

I was such a queer child.

So I Wait...

I'm waiting for the lab results to come back from my dr's appointment. I was told they should have them back by Thursday. That would be today.

I was literally ASLEEP last night by about 5 minutes after 9 PM. I slept right through until 6:30 this morning. I never sleep right through. I always get up half a dozen times in the night. I got the kids off to school and laid back down, seeing as how I was expecting to get my day started until at least 9 AM. I dozed until 8:30 and then I couldn't take it anymore. I had to get up. Can I just say how exquisite it is to sleep through a whole night without waking up at all? I wish I could do that more often. I think the last time that happened, Brian and I were spending the night in Concord after riding 12 hours straight on the motorcycle. I was asleep that night by like 8:30.

But because of my extra zzzz's, I was up earlier, got things done earlier and now have 3 hours before I have to pick up the kids. What is one to do but sit by the phone and wait for lab results?

I want to do some Christmas shopping in Portland. More specifically, I want to do some drinking in the Old Port. No heavy drinking. Just a few glasses of wine or champagne to get a little buzz and feel happy for a little while. Happy is happy, whether chemically produced or not. I know better than to drink before or during shopping! Lynette and I had a few drinks at our Ruby Tuesdays in the mall while we were shopping...I think I have finally donated the last of the crap I bought that day. Drunk shopping is as bad as drunk dialing.

Just when I thought we'd not be getting any snow anytime soon, I just heard we should be getting about 3 inches tomorrow! This makes me happy. It's not the foot I was hoping for, but anything is better than ugly, bare, brown, dead earth, which is most of the landscape, although I still have green grass! I want to make a snowman and take the kids sledding. Night sledding is the best. The kids and I went down Suicide Hill last year. What a blast!

My friend Shelley has disappeared. She and her boyfriend Dan broke up after 3 years like 2 months ago now. After the first 3 weeks, she was going crazy, so she emailed me and said she was going to South Dakota to visit some friends for 3 weeks and not to worry. That was like back in OCTOBER! I hope she is okay. She hasn't replied to my email yet. She and I shouldn't be friends. It is weird. I say this because she is tomboyish (doesn't wear makeup, curl her hair or fuss with clothes other than jeans and t-shirts) and really made some assumptions about me before getting to know me. Now she and I are like sisters and she has admitted that I am nothing like she presumed I would be. She thought I would be snobby, self-centered and superficial, which I can be admittedly, but not with people I care about.

I found the car I am going to buy in February. Nothing fancy. A silver Dodge Stratus. I love this thing. It is so pretty. Either that, or a Dodge Dakota Sport supercab. That is cute, too. There is also a Saab station wagon I am looking at too. I'm not big on grocery getters but it is sporty looking and the roof rack comes in handy for skiing or kayaking. Plus it is a Saab (you have to say it with a snotty Bostonian accent) which will go nicely with Louis (my Louis Vuitton purse.) That was for you, Shell.

Current Mood: anxious
Current Music: Mercedes Benz....Janis Joplin

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

I Love These Jokes

They never fail to make me laugh...

1. One day a dyslexic guy walks into a bra.

2. What do you call a fish with no eyes? A fsh.

Time for Housework

Eric, I am glad you changed your theory on bottled water. I don't mind tap if it doesn't taste too chlorinated, but I really like that you are choosing water instead of soda or gatorade while riding your bike! Too much sugar is not good for you and gatorade/powerade are great choices only if you are sick. I would stay away from them while exercising or even if you are just choosing it as an alternative to soda. The sports replenishers really wreak havoc on your kidneys. Like everything though, moderation is key. Like I said, sports drinks seem to be great for when you are sick. They quickly replenish lost electrolytes and seem to settle my stomach after vomiting. Water is the best choice. Juice should be treated with as much caution as soda. I really hate it when parents won't give their kids soda because of the sugar, yet they give cup after cup of juice. There is as much sugar in juice as there is soda. A daily vitamin will give your child the appropriate amount of nutrients needed. At the daycare, we were state mandated to have a dietician overlook our menus every couple of months and we were only allowed to give kids one glass of juice a day. The rest of the day was to be water. Except for the babies. For some reason, the state doesn't mandate how much juice intake they are to have. I used to give my kids lots of juice, thinking it was more healthy. It was watered down, of course, because they were super sensitive to a lot of stuff, but I still let them drink as much of it as they wanted. They were definitely packing on the pounds. So now, we all have the occasional glass of juice, absolutely no soda, unless it is a special occasion and then it is diet, and sports drinks when they are sick. Kayla has lost about 25 pounds and Hayley is slowly losing. They DO love sparkling flavored waters and herbal teas. The girls are getting old enough (in their teens) to like coffee. I limit them to a cup a day and then it has to be decaf. Our weakness now: hot chocolate and egg nog! :)

December 7, 2005

I'm not feeling the wanderlust quite so much today. I think I just needed to look for jobs and new places in new cities to remind me that I am the master of my own life. Every once in awhile I start feeling trapped and I hate that feeling. Brian helped a little with that last night. Seems he is good for some things.

I don't have to be at work until 3. Then only for 2 hours.

I am looking forward to working at the daycare next week. I'll be working close to 77 hours that week, but it will be fun and I'll get two paychecks on Friday.

I have to buy 3 gifts for this stupid secret Santa party the department is throwing. The upside is I also will get 3 gifts. There is no under $10 rule. They traditionally spend $10-$20 on the first gift, $10-$20 on the second and then go all out for the third. I don't even spend $20 on people I LIKE. Just kidding, but I have to really like them. I then have to buy a present for Claire, Carl and Iona. They are each buying me a present. I already know what I am getting Brian.

The kids are easy. Just a matter of finishing that all up. Looks like next weekend is the big one for me. I definitely want to finish up by then.

The sun is now coming up to melt all of the 1/5 of the inch of snow that fell last night. I was hoping for a foot or so of snow and have a real old-fashioned snow day with the kids. No such luck.

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

I am getting that feeling again. That feeling to pack up and move. This has been happening more and more frequently over the past year. I am okay with my new job. I don't love it like I loved the preschool, but I am thankful that I LOVE the people I work with. I will miss them all when I move on. I just have this unsatisfied feeling. It is very hard to explain. I am not happy and I can't quite put my finger on it. I'm convinced that moving and starting over will make me happy. The sane part of me begins to take over and I realize that that really won't fix things and I might find myself in a much worse situation.

I am just so envious of my friend Terri. She packed it all up and has herself relocated in a fishing town in Alaska on the Bering Sea. I'm not envious of the location, but of her courage and sense of adventure. I have been looking at new teaching jobs online and I could me making 2 x's what I am making right now. It is frustrating to have to wait until August when my contract runs out.

I've also been toying with the idea of trying to track down my dad. I think my brother might be up for going. It literally would be like trying to find a needle in a haystack. Especially if he doesn't want to be found.

Does anyone ever feel like they'd like to spend 20 minutes or so in a padded sound proof room and just scream and cry and throw things and then walk out like everything is normal? I was told by my therapist that this is a fantasy of a "normal" person. Makes me wonder what a really f***ed up person must be going thru.

It is comforting to know that I don't have any really 'normal' friends. We're like the toys on the Island of Misfits.


I had a lot of blood drawn at today's dr's appointment. Out of both arms. Nikki said she was going to check for everything. I told her the pregnancy test was negative, but they are checking my blood for that anyway. They are testing me for thyroid problems, diabetes, among other things. She told me not to worry too much and that the results would be back by Thursday. It could be anything at this point, but we have to start somewhere.

I'm trying not to worry but it was easier to ignore when I didn't have pending test results out there.

Monday, December 05, 2005

Mom and Girls

Originally uploaded by jennluvsgable.
Belfast.......Christmas 2005

Jenn and Allison

Originally uploaded by jennluvsgable.
Camden....Christmas 2005

Sunglass Girls

Originally uploaded by jennluvsgable.
Kayla, Mom, Hayley.....Belfast....Christmas 2005


Originally uploaded by jennluvsgable.
Kayla and Mom...Camden Christmas 2005

12/05/05 Update

I was so busy this morning. I was a little bit late for work, but at this point in the game, I DON'T CARE!!!

Next week, I get to work at the daycare, covering for Jessy. She and (her) Brian and Kami are going to the Caymen Islands and Mexico on a cruise. I am happy because I am happy for her, but most importantly because I get to see my kids! I'll be in Jessy's room and Bailey is VERY disappointed, but I'll hug her as often as I can! The extra money at Christmas time will be nice, too!

Yes, Eric and Erin, Tanya and Teresa...I am going to the doctors tomorrow morning. :) I'm going to have another pregnancy test and some other tests on my blood and urine and hopefully, they can figure out what has been going on with me. I am very nervous and I just have this feeling that something is wrong, but I am probably just anxious over nothing.

I have been looking at some condos in the area. Very nice. 3 bedrooms, oak spiral staircase, fireplace, living room, dining room, basement, balcony. One even had 2 bedrooms, but a third loft bedroom. I thought that was cool. I'll be renting the condo instead of buying. I don't want to buy until I know that I'll be living in a particular area for awhile. I am only planning on being here maybe another year. I am tired of this house. I have been here for 11 years. It has served us well, this 4 bedroom house, but I am ready for BRAND NEW. I want a new condo or townhouse that has been gently lived in if it isn't new. The kids are psyched and we are ready for a change. I won't be in a position to move until February but I am seriously considering it. I am also job hunting as of January/February. I want to have a nice teaching job lined up in (hopefully) southern Maine by August. I am not ruling out any area, though.

Current Mood: okay
Current Music: The Doom Song............Invader Zim

December 5, 2005

Well, the test came back negative. I'm still not feeling right and I have a doctor's appointment on Tuesday.

The kids and I went to Camden Saturday, for Christmas by the Sea. Lots of fun. I'll post pics later, but I am late for work!

Thursday, December 01, 2005

8:30 PM

Today I am bloated and constipated and have peed 8 times since 2 PM. I usually pee like 4 times a day. I'm not a peer. Until now. Achey boobs. I swear they look bigger. I am having morning sickness-like symtoms ALL DAY now. There seems to be no signs of stopping. I have given myself until Saturday morning. I had very mild queasiness with my other prenancies, though each one was worse than the previous one. My sister had severe all-day sickness with Grace and I made fun of her, jokingly saying to family, "It couldn't have happened to a better person." I said this knowing I'd not be going thru this again. What a cruel bitch fate can be.

Current Mood: anxious
Current Music: Woodstock......Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young

Queasy Scale

Last night: severe
This morning: good upon waking, but now moderate to severe.

The waves are becoming more frequent and more predictable...right around bedtime and in the early morning. Mid-afternoon, I convince myself that it is all in my head.

I've become turned off to certain smells. Garlic...OMG, if I smell garlic now, I have to head for the bathroom. I've given myself until this weekend. I've decided that if the queasiness does not go away by this weekend, I am taking a test.

I think I will be happy with the results either way. If I am not, then good because our motorcycle vacation plans this summer won't have to be altered. If I am, then that is good, too. Not exactly what I had planned but my older two weren't either.