Tuesday, November 29, 2011


I had fun wearing my high heels yesterday. I got lots of compliments on them.

Bella is almost asleep. She is hugging her stuffed Simba. I was wondering what, if anything, she would use for security. Zach had (has!) Baby blankie. My little brother had a crib sheet he dragged around and a purple Care Bear cousin...the raccoon I think...my girls didn't need anything.

I have a dull aching neck ache and a bit of a headache. Even still, the house is straightened up, dishes washed. Floors swept. Just going to mop them and call it a day. I'm very glad I have the day off.

Monday, November 28, 2011

  by jennluvsgable
, a photo by jennluvsgable on Flickr.

Skinny jeans, red cami, grey sweater, and very high heels, it is!!!


Thanksgiving was fun but so tiring. Bella was in the mood of all moods on this day. It's amazing we all survived. Zach and football team won their Thanksgiving Day game. First playoff game tomorrow night. If they win they play again Saturday. Senior Football banquet Sunday night. Tonight Janice and I are attending her bowling banquet.

Two hours of cardio done this morning. All showered and done up. Just trying to figure out what I will be wearing.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011


I think today will be a cleaning/movie watching/pajama day for Bella and me! I have a few projects to get done. Dinner to make this evening but I just want to enjoy the holiday. I have some Christmas movies to watch and Bella of course has her Ice Age and Wizard of Oz to watch.

I'm reading Stephen King's Under the Dome. His books make me feel like I'm home. When I'm there though, I can't wait to leave, but I do miss it sometimes. The yard sales. The back country winding roads with a 45 mph speed limit. In RI, we have tons of back country winding roads but with a 25 mph speed limit. I understand why though.

I finished The Help, the same day I finished Mockingjay. That was the same day I discovered Gregory Maguire has a new to me book out. The final in his Oz series. Of course I had just started Under the Dome. Both of those should carry me through the holiday. I also have to finish A Tree Grows in Brooklyn. Then finally on to The Life of Pi, the two John Irving novels by my bed...the Dragon Tattoo series...gosh, I pretty much have the next 6 months planned out.

I'm finishing up my hour of cardio then my pajama day will begin.

Monday, November 21, 2011


Annabella is 19 months old today!!! She went for a nice walk with Pop yesterday and tried to go trick or treating again. Meanwhile back at the ranch, Hayley and Zach decorated the tree while I cleaned and put a few Christmas items out. Trying hard to keep the breakable stuff packed away. Bella is doing well with the tree. She loves Kayla's Wizard of Oz ornaments from when she was a baby, so Bella had a nice time playing with them. They've been since put away till maybe next year. I don't want them ruined. So our mission this year is to make her the wooden peg dolls that I wanted to make her, but in the Wizard of Oz fashion. I think we'll have fun with this project! I'm also thinking some Wizard of Oz finger puppets as well. She was enthralled when I acted out the movie with the ornaments!

Today, my mission is to get stuff for wedding soup, Mexican soup and Italian stew. Our dinners for the next three nights. And I also have to pick up items for thanksgiving dinner.

Thursday, November 17, 2011


I wish I had more hours in the day. Of course, I'd just end up filling those to the nth degree too, and be sitting wishing for more. I crapped out on my birthday husband last night around 10:30. I was just overcome by sheer exhaustion and that rarely happens, so I'm so thankful that my wonderfully amazing man just let me sleep. I believe I actually slept through. I have to say, more and more of my dreams are oceanic adventerures. Could be the waves, foghorn and salt air that I go to sleep to. Maybe it's because we've lived on the ocean for the last 5 years. In last night's dream, the water was so warm and a lovely turquoise color.

I'm feeling kind of blah today. I think it's the dreary weather. I am looking forward to reading Mockingjay tonight. Mockingjay is the final book in The Hunger Games trilogy. I've so enjoyed these books. I love books that become a part of you forever. I love getting lost in books. It has happened increasingly less as my life (my time and attentions) get tugged at from every direction. I love that these books were such excellent competition to my life's demands and my technological addictions.

Today is definitely a jeans and sweatshirt kind of day. Blechy out there.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Happy Birthday!!!!

Happy birthday to the most wonderful guy I know! I love you more than coffee. More than my iPhone. More than all the Frye boots in the world. More than Dwayne. More than Derek. More than Hugh and Colin and Russell!!! I'm one lucky woman! Thanks for putting up with me! And thanks for giving me THE BIG ONE! Hahaha. Inside joke.

Well I can't say I slept well, but I did sleep in. Workout completed. Showered. Working on getting motivated to brush my teeth and apply some moisturizer. Have to get some kind of birthday dessert. Probably make a quiche or the Italian stew my husband loves for his birthday dinner. Not sure I should kill myself over this because I will never see him again since he got his new iPhone! It took me like 6 months to stop sleeping with mine and even now, it isn't far from my side when I'm not awake. I think I'm naming my next dog Steve. Probably quiche. Since I need to use up those eggs. Random pattern my brain is working.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

That Was Easy!

Side table cleared off and wiped down. Top of fridge cleaned off. Need to re-sweep because there's crumbs every where. Still need to de-scumify tub and wash the fridge. I'm also going to wipe down cabinets. This will be the LAST time I have white cabinets. What a pain in the ass.


I hate how one cleaning task leads to the next and the next thing you know, you're so far from the original plan that there's no end in sight! So rearranging the living room led to me dusting the sills, which led me to noticing how disgusting the windows were, which then led me to notice how disgusting the outside of the windows were after the insides were windexed clean. Cleaning the shower, led to scrubbing the toilet, which led to cleaning the sink and counter, which wasn't part of today's plan. I cleaned out the fridge and had a TON of dishes that needed to get done. Still have to clean the tub and actually wash the fridge. It is noon and I'm freaking ready to go back to bed! I still have to get halfway decent to get to the freaking store to get stuff for dinner and buy my husband a birthday card.

Okay, okay, okay...I will sit here for a little while and have some lunch and drink some tea or coffee. Just sitting here, I've noticed two more projects I need to get done. Clean off the top of the fridge and the side table. I hate having ANYTHING on my fridge. Seems to be drug central every cold and flu season and in the summer it is loaded up with sun blocks of every SPF and bug spray. Also can't stand when people keep cereal boxes on top of the fridge. We don't, but some people do. It's tacky. Food needs to be put away.

Bella is being the most gigantic pain in the butt right now. But my house is looking good and smells so clean. I just might survive the holidays after all!


I'm amazed at how much has been accomplished since 6:30 this morning. I cuddled with Bella till about 7:30. Living room has been dusted, swept, mopped and rearranged for the tree. Kitchen counters washed, kitchen floor swept and mopped. Now I need to do the dishes and clean out the fridge. Candles are burning, windows opened to enjoy the 65 degree Mid-NOVEMBER day. I also got my first hour of cardio in today! I still have to get to the store to get stuff for dinner. No idea what we're having. And home to decorate the tree.

Monday, November 14, 2011


I'm not sure why I'm surprised every year at how quickly November goes flying by! Thanksgiving is next Thursday! What?!?!?!? I want to thank my husband for really doing a very nice job cleaning our bedroom yesterday. I'm so allergic to dust that I'm miserable after I do any kind of major cleaning in high dust areas (just thinking about attics has me sneezing) and I really appreciate him tackling this for me.

I'm hoping to get the tree up this weekend. I like to do it the day after Thanksgiving but I don't have Fridays off these days so if I do it this week/or weekend, I can focus next week on planning a nice holiday for us. I need to thoroughly clean the fridge and kitchen and put some of Bella's toys in her bedroom for the next few weeks to make room for the tree. The way we have the living room set up now, I think we will only lose one seat to the tree for television viewing. I'm trying a few side dish recipes this week to possibly add to the holiday menu. Typically I focus more on appetizers and have a basic traditional holiday meal. Think we will stick to that plan but I want to spruce up the sides a little. Tonight we're trying baked corn pudding. Think we will stick to a turkey breast, or maybe a small whole turkey, red potatoes, parsnips and squash. There's an au gratin broccoli dish I want to try. Appetizers will be our usual homemade chex mix, the kale chips the kids love, stuffed celery, cheese/crackers/pepperoni platter, and fruit filled fried pastries. Some of the pastries will be cream-cheese filled as well. I will probably have some oven toasted bagel slices with assorted cream cheeses and bruschetta. Some Wii sports fun to help burn off all the calories! Also planning on starting the morning off with some yummy mimosas and hot chocolate with peppermint schnapps. Zach has a football game Thanksgiving morning and Kayla has to be at work at 2 am on Black Friday, so I think Mitch and I will maybe have a Black Friday early morning date???

I'm tired now from all the pre-planning!

Friday, November 11, 2011


I have a lot to get done before three. Work out, shower, tan, get Zach's uniform washed, get ready for work. I hope to get the house in tip top shape this weekend because the holiday decorations will be going up soon. I also want to get dinners planned for next week, Thanksgiving menu items bought, and figure out a plan for making ornaments with Bella. I also have some ideas for some wooden toys/puzzles from the unfinished wood store. This probably means my printer needs to be working...INK...kind of like the wooden picture/name blocks for Bella but flat, to create a memory game for her, with pictures of her family and Sierra and some of her favorite book characters. I also want some wooden ornaments for her to paint. I still have Kayla's from when she was the same age.

Time's a wasting!

Thursday, November 10, 2011


My paper work for today was done yesterday. Gives me a few extra minutes to myself. I got my cardio and bath done early. This time change is working for my morning routines however with the sun going down by 4:30, I'm yawning by dinnertime.

I'm reading Catching Fire which is book two of The Hunger Games...hooked on the trilogy! Movie comes out March 2012! I will read the final book probably next week and then on to the Stieg Larsson series. Just about every book I've read this year has been or will be made into a movie...Water for Elephants, Sarah's Key, The Help, The Hunger Games, The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo...not sure about Sister. Then I have two John Irving books to read, a Pat Conroy, the new Stephen King, and maybe finally The Life of Pi...still haven't got to that one yet!!! I need a reading vacation. No tech gadgets, except my Kindle. Just books, food, and baths. And a recumbent bike so I can read while I work out if I want.

My husband and I are having a cleaning weekend! Yay! I'm so excited! That's NOT sarcasm!

Wednesday, November 09, 2011


Today promises to be another gorgeous one, weather-wise. Supposed to be in the 60s all next week. My kind of November! Thanksgiving is 2 weeks from tomorrow! I'm going to spend some time this weekend figuring out the menu and then spend some time cleaning. Christmas is in six weeks!!! Unbelievable! I'm hoping for an early and incredibly warm spring! Last year, it was cold literally up to the day it decided to get HOT. AC ran steady till October! I want days just like yesterday. Warm enough for shorts. Comfortable. Perfect. When the sun is so nice you could just curl up and take a nap.

So I jogged 3 miles yesterday. My hip/thigh/calves are killing me today. Think I will stick to the recumbent bike tonight. Wearing my Capri length leggings, my denim tunic and flip flops!!! Staff meeting, David, and then home to wait for my husband so we can figure out dinner!

Tuesday, November 08, 2011

Gorgeous November Day

  by jennluvsgable
, a photo by jennluvsgable on Flickr.

Bella and I spent a couple of hours at the beach today. It was just so nice and peaceful! We came home, had some lunch. She WAS napping. One of her famous 20 minute naps...she waits till I'm settled in to read or blog and her eyes open up!

  by jennluvsgable
, a photo by jennluvsgable on Flickr.

Took Bella forever to notice the hang glider in the sky.

Pant Legs Up

  by jennluvsgable
, a photo by jennluvsgable on Flickr.

  by jennluvsgable
, a photo by jennluvsgable on Flickr.

So much for rolling her pants up!!!

  by jennluvsgable
, a photo by jennluvsgable on Flickr.

Climbing a really high and challenging sand dune.

  by jennluvsgable
, a photo by jennluvsgable on Flickr.

Love how she's standing!

November 2011

  by jennluvsgable
, a photo by jennluvsgable on Flickr.

Great day at the beach with Bella!

Monday, November 07, 2011


I might actually get back on the right sleep schedule! I was up at 6:30 this morning. Working out by 7. Hopefully tonight I will be out around 10-ish. I took a few days off from working out last week. I do not feel guilty at all. I've been at it every day since March, except for a day or two when I've been sick, and the last three months, I've consistently done 2 hours of cardio per day. I needed the break. I needed to get some food in me. Right now, I'm focused on getting a lot more fruit in me whether I want to eat or not. I'm pretty good with veggies. I eat a wide variety of vegetables but often prefer to take my fruit in juice form. I also need to get back into monitoring my water intake. I know half my headaches are from inadequate hydration. I ate an orange last night and I'm quite proud of myself. I hate the texture of pulp/skins/seeds etc and like my fruit peeled/seeded/skinned etc. I choked down the orange, pulp and all anyway, knowing I was doing a good thing for my body.

So all my small jeans fit. Glad I hung onto them! I removed them from my closet last March but held out hope I'd get back into them. I also wore jeans every day last week for a couple of reasons. 1.) I have SO many. Way less than before, but probably still >15 and <20. That would be greater than and less than respectively. 2.) I wear a lot of leggings, yoga pants, butt hugging sweats because they're comfy, I drive a lot and chase after an 18 month old several days per week. They look awesome but don't offer any kind of discipline as far as weight control. Too tight jeans? Muffin top? All incentives to keep on working out, also a consistent reminder to stand up straight, abs and butt tucked. 3.) Somehow I've turned into the person for whom a pair of jeans is dressing up! If I'm going to be teaching again I need to get back into professional wardrobe mode (super yuck) and have my jeans actually be casual wear and my workout attire be lazy Sunday wear or actually *gasp* workout attire!!!

Plus I don't lie when I tell you when Zach and I went to the movies to see Paranormal Activity 3 the night it opened, EVERY girl in line had on yoga pants and Uggs. I love my Uggs but I ONLY wear them with jeans now. I remarked kind of loudly about why people complain about wearing uniforms to school and how guys can even tell girls apart these days. Zach laughed and said it is even worse AT school and not just in a line waiting for the movie to open.

Not opposed to leggings or yoga wear...certainly not opposed to my Uggs...just not going to pair them up, as that was so two years ago...yoga pants with cute flats or sneakers, paired with a cute tunic or under a skirt and my Uggs with jeans.

Another reason I like pricier shoes...my Uggs are not the cheaper Classic version, so I don't see a ton of people wearing mine. The Frye Veronica slouch boot is my major Christmas want, and with the $328 price tag, I'm sure I won't see them on EVERYONE and the average wearer gets 10 years out of a pair of Frye boots so I can justify the price...I can easily spend a $100 or more on a pair of boots every year or get a good quality pair and make them last. And vintage Frye? Just like vintage Levis. You never throw them away. Find a good cobbler.

Feeling Better

  by jennluvsgable
, a photo by jennluvsgable on Flickr.

...but allergic to amoxicillin.

Thursday, November 03, 2011


Incredibly super crappy day. Bella is starting day three of being sick so she and Kayla are headed to the Walk-In. I have to pick Janice up in Jamestown, then pick Kayla and Bella up in NK, and hopefully by that time they've already called the prescription in, if there is one, and I will take them to pick it up, then they will have to take the bus home as Janice and I have to head to Newport. My guess is ear infection. If it is, this will be her first, so that's pretty much a guarantee she will be put on antibiotics. Thank God. I doubt it is another UTI only because the fever isn't as high and does come down with Advil. My kids never had ear infections, though they still manage to get Swimmer's Ear most summers. Hayley had a bad year around age 7 or 8 when she got two or three ear infections that year but she was old enough to not cry all night/all day long. Bella is CRANKY, barely eating, still drinking, and has zero patience for any kind of malfunctioning toy. I think we've waited out the fever long enough; in another day or two, I will be the one crying.

I already took my shower but I can't seem to get more motivated than that at this present moment. I will need to get my butt in gear. I have to leave here by 1:20 the latest. Just not feeling life right now. I'm feeling sleep. Lots and lots of dreamless sleep please.

Wednesday, November 02, 2011

November 2, 2011

Bella is feeling much better. The fever is gone for now and is at least coming and going now, whereas yesterday, it never got below 100.9 even WITH Advil. It was breaking my heart when she didn't want to do anything but sit and cuddle all day. Whiny, independent girl is back and driving me crazy!

Work for two hours, then meeting from 3-5. Blah di blechedy blah. I got nothing accomplished yesterday because of the sick girl. Tuesdays I normally catch up on a few things, make a nice dinner, etc. This morning, I worked out, cleaned myself up and am feeling halfway normal. Going tanning before work. Stayed up last night reading more of The Hunger Games. Loving it!!!

Tuesday, November 01, 2011

Happy November!

Should be reading instead of blogging...I'm currently reading The Help and The Hunger Games on my kindle. Reading A Tree Grows in Brooklyn in hard copy. Totally loving The Hunger Games!!! Definitely going to add that and Sarah's Key to my Holocaust unit.

A cold rainy busy weekend! We attended Zach's last Homecoming football game, but left after the senior recognition because of the rain. We also enjoyed our stay at the hotel, complete with in-room jacuzzi. Temporpedic bed was very UN-comfy!!! But the company was perfect! Glad the weather is back in the 60s and that Bella didn't have to trick or treat in any kind of snow. Love snow but not till after Thanksgiving thanks!

Sleeping It Off

  by jennluvsgable
, a photo by jennluvsgable on Flickr.

Look at these two bozos! They've been asleep since 11:45. It's now 1:30.

Halloween Hangover

  by jennluvsgable
, a photo by jennluvsgable on Flickr.

Today she's not feeling so well. Staying home with her Nonni, cuddling on the couch, watching movies...

Our Sweet Little Ladybug

  by jennluvsgable
, a photo by jennluvsgable on Flickr.

Bella picked up the trick or treating thing pretty quickly. She was at it from 5-8:30! Even walking the whole way herself except for the return trip home (thanks, Aunt Hayley!). Not only did she get tons of candy, she came home with a pumpkin and a playdate for next weekend! She quickly got the hang of knocking on doors, saying "Hi-iii" in her sing- songy way, being invited into almost every home to see doll collections, stuffed animal collections, patted and hugged every dog, hugged and kissed babies...yes, most definitely a future politician!