Monday, March 29, 2010

March 29, 2010

The rain is relentless. I don't mind really. It is a good day to stay in. The house was cleaned today. I didn't do a dang thing Sunday except stay in my pj's and play video games with the kids. Today I cleaned. Swept, dusted, organized, rearranged the kitchen, put the stuff going to Maine in the back of the car, talked to Meghan, my Aunt Teen and my daughter, picked up Hayley and Zach and dropped Hayley off at the library. Actually I'm surprised Hayley, Zach and I are functioning at all! We stayed up till 12:15 AM this morning playing Wii Sports. They got up on time for school and I was out of bed by 7:30 AM. No harm done I guess. We'll sleep great tonight! Sierra has slept all day! She sleeps through the night as well. I think she has confused herself as being a cat. Okay, I'm starting to hit a wall. Mitch will hopefully pick up Hayley on his way home from work. I'm gonna play some Wii golf and try to stay awake.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010


It is nice having 5 days off in a row. Kind of like a mini vacation.

Munching on some organic, raw almonds. YUM! Then I found out they aren't "really" raw. It is against the law to sell true raw almonds. These ones had to be pastureized, which. We know kills virtually any antioxident properties. Damn government. Let me make my own decisions please. Oh well, they are still full of potassium, no cholesterol, no sodium and low carb. Plus supports organic farming. Really not interested in supporting farmers who use pesticides. I think eventually, Americans will unite on this and force farmers to explore organic options. Anyway, all I can control is where MY consumer dollar is going. Cancer and autism is still on the rise and I feel the FDA needs to thoroughly investigate pesticides and artificial hormones AND the bad crap they add to vaccinations.

Tonight, we're having pulled pork sandwiches. I put the leftover pork shoulder in the crockpot and made a homemade bbq sauce. I can't believe how GREAT my sauce came out. I was going to use store bought, but I hate MSG and extra sodium. Headache city for me! I even have a few secret ingredients. I'd like to try it out at a county fair! Lol! Oh well, the house smells delicious!

My bathroom has been thoroughly de-scummed. Oh AND Mitch finally found that asshole dead mouse stinking up the joint. He was under the fridge. Making a nest. And met his death ala the fan! Haha you little jerk. You could have lived in my cupboard in complete harmony, but you got greedy. Unfortunately our resident bathroom spider succumbed to the harsh lysol mildew spray. Didn't mean to kill you, just the nasty germs that make people sick.

Monday, March 22, 2010

March 22, 2010

I wrote a post Saturday, but my Blackberry lost its mind just as I was getting ready to post.

So here I go with a more abbreviated version. Or should that read 'an abridged version'. Who cares.

So I've been baby browsing for Annabella. My daughter is a grandmother's dream. She has left all design options up to me as long as there is lots of pink. Wise on Kayla's part because she knows I have a far "finer" taste than Walmart or the horrid Burlington Coat Factory have to offer. Seriously, what they are peddling as quality is u-g-l-y. Not to mention, BCF is a store that offers factory seconds or thirds. I'm going to try Pottery Barn Kids to look at some crib blanket sets and design options. We're (Kayla and myself) are more into color as opposed to some lame animal print or theme. Definitely no animals, unless they are of the stuffed variety.

Also not impressed with department store stroller combos. Again with the horrid prints.
Baby shower is the Saturday of Easter weekend. I booked the conference room at the Hampton. Shannon and I will arrive a bit early to decorate and set up the food. Cakes are done by Allison. Should be quaint and tasteful, with about 25-30 people. Looking forward to seeing my baby. Will probably be the last time before she delivers. She has 5 weeks left. Annabella, or Bella as Mitch wants to call her, has an excellent head start on her library. Nonny's been stocking up on books for my sweet girl, not to mention Uncle Zach has his huge collection in storage, some of which were Mommy's and Aunt Hayley's. So we will pick her up a nice bookshelf and put all her books in it. Hopefully she'll love to read, considering who her grandmother is! :)

Thursday, March 18, 2010


This cold is kind of kicking my butt. Slept ok last night with the aid of Nyquil. Still kind of wheezy and out of breath this morning when doing simple tasks like showering and getting dressed. Other than that, it is draining its way out of my system.

I desperately need my nails done tomorrow night. My manicurist will not be happy with the current state of affairs.

I'm sitting outside in the warm sun and fresh air, trying to let nature heal me. My dog just spilled my juice. Mitch spilled my juice two days ago. I wish they would settle down.

I'm going to tan this afternoon. Haven't been since last Friday. Feeling pale and pastey and sickly. Will be glad when early spring turns into early summer!!!

The birds are VERY noisy this morning. Doing a lot of fighting from what I can hear, sitting on the porch.

Monday, March 15, 2010


Now I have a cold. I feel yucky. Hayley passed her permit test. Cool for her! She'll be helping out with the driving soon. Zach has to take driver's ed now. Unfortunately his schedule is even more difficult to work around.

Tonight I'm making roasted chicken and roasted veggies (parsnips, potatoes, carrots and fresh green beans).

Saturday, March 13, 2010


Mitch is sick with a cold. Hayley is completing her last weekend of driver's ed. Zachie starts golfing on April 1st. Kayla's baby shower is April 3rd. Easter is April 4th.

The weather is warm though. Spring is here!

Thursday, March 11, 2010


I can't find my Bootcamp Booty dvd! I'm tired of looking. I'm also tired of that putrid smell. It isn't as bad as it was, but it is still there. Probably a dead mouse or bird or other rodent type creature that died in the wall. Sooooooo gross. I almost can't stand it.

Yesterday was a long day at work. I had a weird dream about Annabella. Kayla had her, but we couldn't find her at the hospital and one of the doctors said there was an emergency and they had to move her and didn't know if she was ok. So me, Mitch, Kayla and Grandpop, my grandfather whose been dead for 12 years, were all in the van driving to a different hospital to find her. We did and she was fine. Very cute too!

I guess I'm headed out for a jog around the neighborhood before it rains. Hopefully Hayley finds my dvd before this weekend. It is going to rain through Monday.

Tuesday, March 09, 2010

Itchy Eyes

I certainly have a love/hate relationship with early spring. Itchy eyes, puffy face, stuffy and or runny nose periodically throughout the day. Coughing and SNEEZING! Yet the sun and new earth smells are just so inviting! I can't stand the idea of wasting a day indoors when the weather is precipitation free. I actually don't mind precipitation under the right conditions. Evening snowstorms when you bundle up and go play in the snow, when you have nowhere to go the next day. Rain on hot hot hot days, when you just sit outside and wait for it to start falling.

Between Mitch and I, the kitchen got a semi-thorough cleaning. I'm talking behind the fridge, behind the stove, the sides of the stove once it was pulled out. I cleaned off the DUST and grime on top of the fridge 2 or 3 weeks ago. Still can't find the original source of the smell. Mitch thinks it is probably a dead mouse in the wall. So so so gross!

So my list making obsession is paying off. I make a menu usually two weeks at a time. Then I make a grocery list and we buy the items specifically for the menu. Sometimes we do our regular food shopping at the same time. Sometimes I like to wait till I'm hungry for that kind of shopping or we never get any good kind of snacking stuff. I'm a chips and dip, salsa, nacho cheese kind of girl. LOVE my afternoon snack items. Anyway, the menu is saving us time and probably money. Saving money on food isn't usually our driving motive, unless we've spent the last seven days dining out, which we've been known to do. But saving on the time we could spend together is. All those million little trips to the store chew up a big part of our after work evening time together. By the time one of us goes to the store, comes back, we start dinner and eat, we find we sit on the couch to catch up or just cuddle and we're asleep in less than a half hour. This makes us cranky and crazy. This seeing each other but not SEEING each other. Some real time together makes a HUGE difference in our moods and how we interact.

Anyway, I have about 15-20 good working recipes, that Mitch, Hayley and Zach have given a ten out of ten rating. I made a list of brand new recipes to try out on them. I was hoping to add at least a few more recipes to my repotoire, as I was getting bored cooking the same things over and over. Turns out, they loved all eight of the new recipes! So now, I can usually go about 20 days without repeating a meal, knowing it is nutritious and/or organic, and because all the items are all in the cupboard, meals are usually done by the time Mitch gets home from work. And I don't have to spend my days off from work running to the grocery store, roaming aisles, trying to figure out what we'll have for dinner.

Monday, March 08, 2010

A Smell...

Is coming from my kitchen area. I can't find it. Now Mitch tells me it could be a dead mouse. How effing gross is that? I am completely sickened and desperately wish I had kept Chloe (my cat).

New readers are welcomed always. It is just odd sometimes when somebody is specifically looking for something. Blame my over-reaction on past blog stalker issues. Um yeah, we all remember the debacle of 2007? I HATE censoring my thoughts on my blog and someday I will post a very uncensored response regarding that time.

Moving on...I need to get to the bottom of that smell!

What's the Date?

All I know is it's Monday. I have Mondays off, so they are typically glorious, even when the weather is off! Oh, today is the 8th. And the weather is PERFECT! Perfect for spring clean-up and laying in the sun! Once it starts getting too warm, you have to get up and jump in the pool/ocean/lake every 20-30 mins or so.

Yesterday was a wonderful day. We swung our clubs a little, picked up the grounds a little, ran to Walmart, sat in the sun, and ended our day with a sunset walk down on one of the private beaches.

This morning, I've been toying with the idea of heading to town or scarborough beach with Sierra for a walk and to read a little, while she chases the sea gulls. Then go tanning and come back here to sit in the sun. The kids both have meetings after school so I don't have to get them till 3:30ish. Maybe Mitch will get out a little early and can grab them on his way home.

All I know is, I really needed these last couple of beautiful, sunny, warm days. I've been kind of short with the people I love this past week. True, I'd been sick, and I'm never chipper when I'm sick, but things got a bit stressful and it made me cranky. Mitch and I have had a fairly drama free existence the last few months and I'm happy with status quo. I feel we've successfully settled in here in Narragansett. I truly feel this is home to me now and not like I'm living someone else's life. Anyway, it is spring and I always get a bit crazy around the time the clocks change. My anxiety just increases. It takes a few zen days at the beach to settle back into my skin.

Saturday, March 06, 2010


It is soooooo warm out today! The best news is we'll have a whole week of this beautiful weather. I love days when you're just comfortable outside. Not too hot and certainly not cold! Laying in the sun tomorrow! YAY!!! Mitch and Zach will be doing yard work. Probably will head to the lighthouse side of town tonight to watch the sunset. LOVE my beach town!

Thursday, March 04, 2010


On what I want to do with my time today. Obviously I am going tanning. I will probably just relax around the house.

My husband has not texted me yet today. Grrrrrrrr!


Yesterday was filled with horribleness, but it got better as the day wore on. Ultimately, all of the little crappy things seemed to happen within a quick succession of each other. It could have all been sooooo much worse and Mitch and I admitted that we've had a long stretch of GOOD blessings so we were due a crappy day.

The good news is everything worked out and we NEVER have to repeat that day again! The best news is that we are going to have a WARM spring weekend this upcoming one and hopefully some yard work will be accomplished!

Also, I had a great day in my new sneakers. I love the look of new sneakers on my feet. I feel like a grade school kid again, when EVERYONE had to have Nikes, and everyone would oooh and ahhh when someone would get a new pair.

Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Asics Experiment Update One

My first mile and a half in my new sneakers today. No blisters, no complaints. No tightness around any of my toes. My Nike Zooms are a bit more cushiony and definitely more lightweight, however they don't allow for lots of toe room and I even have very narrow feet. Asics scores in the fit department. I won't have a solid opinion till I put them to the true test...4 miles. If a shoe is going to give me trouble, it ALWAYS shows up before (in the case of a very bad shoe) or around mile 4.

I Hate Tuesdays

For a number of reasons. It means I go back to work on Wednesday. Boo! It means Mitch has to work late. Boo! It means Sierra has to spend seven hours alone. The only day of the week she's alone.

I DID however sit in the warm sun for about an hour. Caught up on all my reading. Cleaned and organized yesterday. My acai juice experiment is kicking in. The brand we bought is a bit pricey compared to regular juice prices, but it has concord grape, blueberry and cranberry juices. Not to mention the FIRST ingredient listed is acai puree. I'm also increasing my green tea intake. I'm up to about 30 oz per day. One or two cups of coffee and lots of water. I'm also not eating any red meat during Lent. The last two times I've had filet mignon, while delish, I've not felt good for DAYS after. I don't have trouble with hamburgers or ground beef in meals. Not sure why steaks, GOOD CUTS, are giving me so much trouble.

Monday, March 01, 2010

That's RIGHT

I have a book buying problem. New books. Used books. Old books. Library book sales. Audio books. And now even books downloaded to my Mobi Reader. I must be stopped! My husband is useless against my powers of persuasion!

Happy March!

Mitchie bought me new sneaks yesterday! I think I'm going to love them. I'm doing an Asics experiment. Typically I am a die-hard Nike fan for my jogging/exercising needs. For instance: LOVED my Reax. LOVED. Love my Nike Zooms just wish I got a size bigger. They are a narrow shoe and fit my foot like a glove, but when one runs, the foot tends to spread out and can even swell a full size in hot weather. But they are super comfy for work. Love to look at my shox but they go up too high in the back and cause listers/bleeding on the high side of my achilles tendon. Ok for work or running errands. My chuck taylors are white and I want to keep them that way. Only good for dry days. My Adidas running sneakers are a bit on the heavy side but I do wear them on the work out days that I want to give my feet a break from my other shoes.

I will keep you all posted on the Asics experiment because these shoes are not cheap! If you're going for looks, stick to the Nike or Converse genre. New Balance does NOT get my vote. I got the grey and yellow trail sneaks back when they were all the rage. Good hiking shoe, not appropriate for running and I think it was being marketed as a "trail runner". It is sturdy for hiking on sharp, rocky ground though. Never tried NB running shoes, as they are a bit geriatric for my taste!