Monday, February 28, 2011


The last day of February??? It seems like I was just counting the weeks till March first! I'm breathing a huge sigh of relief right now. We made it. We made it. 50 degrees today, lots of rain, flood watch in effect. There are two squirrels playing outside my bedroom window. I guess they're happy they made it, too!

Here's to a happy Monday! I haven't worked on Mondays since I don't know when. I'm looking forward to it. It has the potential to be a fun creative shift.

I've found two DIY projects that I'm pretty excited about. I also want to make the wine bottle light and some more photo blocks.

Days like today make me miss the rain boots I had when I was a kid. I loved to play in the rain and run through puddles. I loved the smell of my rain coat. New plastic has a fabulous smell, like Christmas morning. Other smells I love? New books! Old books, too! And Murphy's Oil soap. And Pine-Sol. Polo. Strawberry. Baby Magic baby bath. Clean Pampers. New cars. Downy. Coffee cans. Baby powder. My great-grandmother's kitchen and great-grandfather's closet. Coppertone. Fresh bread. My husband.

Sunday, February 27, 2011


My headache is finally gone after 2 1/2 days! I'm wicked crampy though tonight. I got my nails done! A nice hot pink! I'm enjoying the last few moments of relaxation before my crazy and hectic week starts! Starting next week I will finally be able to begin to settle into my new schedule.

Color My World

Color my world
Originally uploaded by jennluvsgable
This picture is actually in color. It just looks black and white which I think is cool. This is a wood mill/workshop across the street from where I work.

Saturday, February 26, 2011


The snow is all gone in the backyard. This next week should finish off what is left. Pretty much all the trees have nubs on them now. I call them nubs because they're this side of buds. When I took Sierra out this morning, the birds were chirping and I heard a woodpecker. The yard is a disaster! Can't wait to clean it up. So looking forward to my complaining about all the sand from the beach being tracked into my house daily again!

Friday, February 25, 2011

Wine Tasting

This evening we're tasting Dancing Bull Merlot. I've heard good and bad reviews, depending upon the vintage, but isn't that the case with ALL wines?

Currently my favorite go to wine is Barefoot's Pinot Noir. Love it. No surprises. Completely palatable. Excellent finish. I drink it when I've had a bad day or a good day.

Merlot gets a bad rap because there's a rush to mass produce and to do so quickly, but most merlots are meant to be aged and when they're not, they don't taste so great.

We shall see tonight if Dancing Bull succeeds.


This month is zooming right along! Fifty and rainy today! Flood watch in effect but that is sooooooooooooooooooo very much better than the 10+ inches of snow they'll be getting up north! We are also supposed to be under a wind advisory starting last night, but the trees aren't moving. Going to be fifty or sixty Monday and rainy too!

Other than just enjoying the promising spring weather, I'm going to clean a little, hop in the shower, maybe drop off the two bags of clothes in my car. I cleaned out a quick bag from my closet yesterday and there is a big bag of baby clothes to donate.

Thursday, February 24, 2011


Kayla is 21 today!! I hope on Sunday we can go out to eat, pick up season 2 of the Vampire Diaries and get my nails done while we are out, as I'm not sure when things like nails will fit in my schedule again!

Which segues nicely into a recap of our staff meeting. I still have the much coveted schedule, but will continue to keep my regular shift on top of it, bringing me back to full time status. I was feeling down about giving up the shift. While I was in the car, waiting for everyone else to show up, I just enjoyed some quiet time and had a conversation with God and kind of probably in a bratty kind of way said, "There are plenty of people in this company that don't do nearly as much as I have or perform even half as well as I do, yet they get a hooray for showing up to work on time!" I've never been late. NEVER taken a sick day, and that is saying something as I've been with the company 4 years in November, never left a shift, always get my shifts covered if I'm taking time off...paperwork is on time, never been de-authorized from driving or from passing medications, am a trainer for the company and show up for every committee get the idea. Anyway, God was loud and very clear about what He said to me, "to those I've given much, I expect everything in return!"

I mean, really? His own precious son had to be a servant before He became the King, and I'm whining because I don't get slapped on the back for something that really requires no effort from me. When I was hired, a lot was expected of me, but being surrounded by mediocrity and the desire to just fit in, I really have not put in any effort above minimal lately. And I've been miserable because of it. Not because I let anyone down at work, as Ive stated, my minimal is still often extraordinary, but because I've been going against who I am. My character, my heart, my work ethic.

So I'm back to good. For now anyway. I suspect I will always keep God busy.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

February 23, 2011

Kayla will be 21 tomorrow! I'd like for Mitch and I to take her and Bella out to eat on Sunday.

My work schedule has changed suddenly and unexpectedly. Right now, I'm sitting on a seemingly much coveted and quite possibly most rare schedule of all and I'm uncertain how I feel about it. This was not something I seeked because it really seemed like an impossibility for anyone, as it doesn't get much easier. People past and present have seeked, schemed, and even quit over not getting said schedule. So intelligence tells me I should be happy except that I wasn't unhappy. I also previously felt a little indespenible on a previous shift, but because I'm really needed elsewhere, they've pulled me, so there goes my theory of indispensability. I essentially will be working on my own. No direct supervisor. Obviously I'm still managed and responsible for shift notes, etc but no fire drills, no med passes, no overnights, no am/pm routines, no drama.

Staff meeting today. Hopefully it will quell my state of uncertainty one way or another.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Day Off!!!

Yay!!! My past week has been crazy busy (and mildly stressful) with work, except for yesterday, which was a heart palpitating kind of stressful, but I took the proverbial bull by the horns on some good advice from my husband and decided to do what was best for me and my interests.

Currently I'm enjoying a nice cup of coffee, relaxing in bed, trying to determine what I want to do first on this beautiful day. I've checked current events and New Zealand got rocked by another earthquake. My cousin Kristen moved to New Zealand over Thanksgiving but she's facebooking, so she's alive and well!

I'm going to catch up on some reading, straighten up the house a bit, and hop in the shower. Italian stew this evening for dinner, with rolls from the bakery.

I watched three movies last night. Beezus and Ramona (loved it!), that owl movie (need to watch it again), and You Again (C+ should have been funnier with the phenomenal cast). Finished up the evening with more Miami Vice, season one!

Monday, February 21, 2011


I deleted a long post I wrote on Saturday because it was a tad snippy. Sooooo....hmmmm...don't have much to say when I'm not snippy.

Let's see, I have 4 new tires! Yay. I know it seems like I just got some but that's life in the fast lane! I wrote a whole paragraph about people who are CHEAP when it comes to car maintenance. But it was snippy.

Happy President's Day! Love paid holidays! Double time anyone? That was actually another part of my snippy post I've since deleted...geez, I just had to delete that whole paragraph...this is tough!

All day yesterday, we watched season one of Miami Vice. Love that show!

Oh, and Bella is 10 months old today!!! She is into everything! Is very generous with her hugs and kisses. Is still BFFs with Sierra. Drinks very well out of her cup now and loves to hold the spoon while you guide it to her mouth. She prefers being independent whenever possible except when she's tired, then she turns lazy! She still doesn't cry much, just continues to yell at you till to do what she wants! She's like an old Italian grandmother trapped in a baby body! She sleeps through the night. Takes two naps per day, but she fights the nap something fierce. So afraid she will miss out on something! Hard to believe in 8 weeks this little dynamo will be a year old! We surely have loved every second of being part of this baby's life! She's fearless and loves to be tossed up in the air or spun around so she can get dizzy. She still waves bye bye to you when you tell her no. She also shakes her head no at EVERY question you ask her! She calls Sierra, Rah Rah, and you can often find the two of them in their "hideout" which is under Nonni and Pop's bed on Sierra's dog pillow! I will get a picture of that eventually but they both run and hide the minute I take the camera out.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Not bad

Not bad
Originally uploaded by jennluvsgable
Not bad at all for a day in mid February here in southern New England!

Move Over!

Move Over!
Originally uploaded by jennluvsgable
Move over Sierra!!


I took pics of the very warm temp yesterday! Today is supposed to be even nicer! I have a lot to do today. Namely clean and organize the middle bedroom! Put stuff in piles. Keep, donate and toss. I also have to pick up Hayley around 5 or 5:30. This is good because she can help with the baby while Kayla and I finish up what we need to.

I'm not going to get started till 9. Hopefully by then the coffee has worked its magic and I start feeling as energized as yesterday. I'm seriously going to start killing people if they continue to wake me up as early as they have been. Some of us do not go to bed at 8 pm. It takes two seconds to get your clothes ready the night before. I am not one of those people that can just fall immediately back to sleep. Once I'm awake my brain starts roaring and my anxiety takes hold and before you know it, I'm worried about five years down the road. I just get myself calm and drowsy and Zach starts banging around, getting ready for school. Fall back to sleep for five minutes or so before Bella starts with the first of her cries.

Alrighty, time to read my Bible and get my mind right and then crank the music and start cleaning.

Thursday, February 17, 2011


Ahhhhhhh! Shower's done. Teeth brushed. Windows are open!!! Did you read that? Yes, the windows are OPEN! Is there anything nicer than the first day of fresh spring air wafting into your house, replacing the dead, stale, heated winter air? Maybe a few things, but not many! Going to enjoy the 50 and 60 degree weather while it lasts! Next week, it'll be back in the forties. Blah but at least it wont be snowing and it wont be below 30 so I will be thankful! The birds are coming back to town. I'm noticing more and more flying around. A sure sign spring isn't far away. I'm also noticing a few nubs on a few of the trees out there. Still around two weeks or so before the branches are all nubby, waiting to sprout flowers and leaves, but these little signs give you a peaceful feeling that things remain on schedule. I'm dying to wear my flip flops again! As soon as we change the clocks ahead, it'll really feel like spring!

Did I mention how nice it is to hear the birds? They will start to annoy me soon enough when they start waking me up around 4 am but today, their chirps are blessing me.

The kitchen is clean and both the living room and kitchen floors have been swept and steam mopped. Window sills in the living room have been cleaned. When it is officially spring, it'll be time to tackle the bathroom. I will have Mitch take the shower doors off and clean them better outside using the hose. It is a tight fit in the shower and almost impossible to get every nook and cranny before succumbing to the fumes of the bathroom cleaner. We do the best we can in the winter but I will be glad when we can be more thorough. It is still a year and a few months before Zach graduates. I will NOT miss this house in the least!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


I feel really tired today. My husband has an extremely obnoxious schedule right now.

Really not a lot to blog about which isn't necessarily bad. I really like my new plant. I'm trying to save what's left of my other one that crashed to its death. I've thinned the dead parts and am going to try repotting it in a smaller pot with some new soil. I'm also going to pick up another one, maybe ivy, for my bedroom. I want to hang it from the ceiling between the two windows.

So for Sunday:
I need to get my nails done, pick up a pot, some soil, and a new plant, some printer ink, a 1/2 inch diamond drill bit for glass, some more wooden blocks and maybe hit up Savers for some craft inspiration. Of course my husband will want to go truck shopping.

I will make dinner Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and night on Thursday. Friday and Saturday, Mitch and Kayla will have to fend for themselves, unless Tonya cancels on Friday. Zach will be in Virgina for February vacation.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


How can we go from 50 degrees to 30 just like that? And Friday is supposed to be 65. A few showers but I will take it!!! The snow is melting fast!

Valentine's dinner was okay. Zach loved it, I'm okay with it, Kayla didn't mind it and said she wouldn't mind having it again. Kayla is cooking tonight. I have to work till 8. Tomorrow night will be creamed chicken and veggies over biscuits.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day

I have a pretty wonderful husband.

Last night I made a spinach and cheese quiche that went over rather well here. Kayla and Mitch both scored it off the scale. Zach liked it but didn't think he was going to so he had to stay committed to a low score with him being the way he is!

Tonight is a baked sour cream and Parmesan white fish with steamed broccoli and some fries. My goal is to help my husband find some pleasing seafood meals. He had a bad fish stick experience in his youth, which is a story for another day.

Saturday, February 12, 2011


Feeling a tad grouchy this morning. Definitely a short fuse this AM. Nothing a hot bath can't cure, I'm sure.

I'm actually glad to be working more again! So weird!

It is supposed to hit 50 degrees a couple of days next week! Yay!!! The snow around here is melting fast! I just can't tell you enough how much I adore spring! And summer!

Thursday, February 10, 2011


Blah! I'm not feeling well. I started with a headache late yesterday afternoon. Still have the headache, along with a touch of sore throat and a bloated full feeling in my belly that hopefully will not turn into puking. I will be consuming lots of water today.

Wednesday, February 09, 2011

Come on Spring!

Come on Spring!
Originally uploaded by jennluvsgable

What a Day!!

The staff meeting took an unexpected turn. I'm full time again! Full time but with the same schedule. Friday was shot anyway, so I picked up six extra hours! They will be fun though and include going out on Friday nights!

Half Hour

I have like a half hour before I have to leave for my staff meeting. I have notes to write and copies to make. Yuck. But when it is done, it is done. It was easier to stay on top of things when I was in Jamestown more often but with the schedule change and the last few Wednesdays of storms canceling meetings, I haven't been over the bridge in forever! That'll change. Going over today. Salve Regina starts again tomorrow. And spring is in the air so it'll be doubtful there will be any more weather related cancelations.

I slept fairly well last night so I'm enjoying not dragging today.

I love my new toothbrush! My mouth feels just been cleaned by the dentist good every time I use it! Thumbs up to vibrating sonic tooth cleaners!! And the design of the brush head gets into every nook and cranny. I always floss but it has just about been rendered useless! God gave me a great set of teeth and I hope to keep them that way as long as possible. And speaking of a great set, y'all should check out my avatar on my 2011 Tiger Woods golf game on the Wii.


I have a staff meeting today.

I drank two glasses of wine last night very quickly on an empty stomach. Needless to say, I went to bed verra verra early last night! I read approximately two pages in my book before going to sleep.

I'm so glad that we aren't getting the super cold weather. Today and tomorrow will be the coldest two days of this week and the next at around 30. The rest of the days sees us in the 40s and even 50 like on Sunday. The snows melting and spring can't come fast enough!

Tuesday, February 08, 2011


4 days. 4 days to honor a marriage. His birthday, your birthday, your anniversary and Valentine's. 4 days to honor a marriage that isn't like everybody else's. A marriage that isn't built on money or fame, on titles, entrapment or other legal obligations, or simply because neither one of you can do better than the other, but on genuine love and desire to be with one another. When those four days stop being something to look forward to or you're willing to trade them for other days, then you wake up and realize you ARE like everyone else.

This is how everyone else's story goes. A new day is just like the one before. You get up, go to work, pay bills, come home, fight about stupid stuff, go to bed, repeat and repeat and repeat. One day, someone new asks you a simple question, like "Did you go to Old Town?"

You brush it off. You're not getting hurt again. You're not talking to anyone again. You're tired of waiting for some kind of wonderful that you're beginning to doubt even exists. Somehow you let him convince you that it does exist. You get married. You let things slide. You stop taking four days to remind yourselves that what you have been given comes with a big responsibility to each other that has nothing to do with work or money or other people. It is a responsibility to remember every little note, love letter, song, poem, flower, blizzard, latte, dream and desire you've ever shared. Before you know it, a new day is just like the one before. You get up, go to work, pay bills, come home, fight about stupid stuff, go to bed, repeat, and repeat, and repeat. One day, someone new asks you a simple question.

Monday, February 07, 2011


The thermometer hit 50 degrees yesterday!!! It felt nice to just wear a sweater. I got my nails done and Mitch and I grabbed some lunch. It was just a nice day. I finished the memoir that I was reading and started another book last night. Dragonfly in Amber is book two of the Outlander series.

Today is going to be a do next to nothing kind of day. I'm going to write up my grocery list and pick up menu items. Ohhhhh, I just remembered that I bought a new toothbrush last night. It is one of those vibrating spinning sonic ones! Can't wait to try it out.

Saturday, February 05, 2011


Yesterday was the first day in about two weeks that I didn't wear my glasses! It felt great to feel normal.

Another 40 degree day. January's snow can't melt fast enough!

Getting my nails done tomorrow!!! With my husband!!!

Friday, February 04, 2011


I really need my nails done. It has been just about a month!

The sun is shining bright today. Close to 40 degrees. Please please melt some of this crap.

Watching Buried. It is good but I'm curious about the conversation of the movie proposal. Writers: We have a great idea and Ryan Reynolds has agreed to star. We're thinking Iraq, armies, guns, spectacular effects.
Producers: Here's the thing. We have no budget for that kind of movie.
Writers: What can you afford?
Producers: Can you do something with a box?

Watched Case 39 last night. A cross between The Ring and The Orphan. It wasn't bad, it just wasn't good.

Thursday, February 03, 2011


Verizon is taking orders today for iPhone 4!

February 3, 2011

I'm feeling so much better today!!! My face hasn't felt this good since Thanksgiving when all this yuckiness started. Even though I got my face looking ok after that first time, it never felt like my skin. I don't know what was different this time around but after the rash disappeared, my skin feels normal and not all dry and tight feeling. It is still red in places where the skin is still healing, but so much better. Thanks to the peroxide and tomato juice, I think.

I'm going to workout, shower and get ready to go shopping with Janice. Salve Regina starts back up next week for me, which is great news because that is the quickest way to get through the rest of winter and beginning of spring. Beach days will be here before I know it!

Did I mention how glad I was that this storm missed us? I will find out today what the rest of the state looks like.

Wednesday, February 02, 2011

Happy Groundhog Day!

Freezing rain and rain here. Thank goodness for no snow!!!

I got my face just about back to normal! Thank goodness!

My committee meeting was canceled for today! Yay! I won't have to feel rushed making the chicken divan tonight. Thank goodness!!!

Little Miss Bella is standing on her own completely unassisted. We're just waiting on her first steps. She has 2 weeks and 2 days before she is 10 months old. Obviously, she will walk when she's ready to walk but she HAS been standing since she was 7 months old which is on the early side. She is eating three meals per day and has several snacks, especially enjoying what you're eating. I don't know who is worse, Bella or Sierra. She has four teeth on top and two on bottom with the other two on bottom working their way through. She still has 3 bottles per day plus at least a sippy cup full of water. Her favorite games are still peek a boo and patty cake. She loves her kitchen set and her pink fluffy bear. She's apparently given up on the pacifier(yay). She tries to distract you with hugs and kisses in an attempt to get what she wants. I'm not sure who she gets that from!

Tuesday, February 01, 2011


I just enjoyed a lovely bath. It was nice to relax and not feel rushed. Going to try a new recipe tonight. I'm sure it'll be a huge hit with me and the kids. Not sure about Mitch. Right now I'm enjoying a mug of green tea.

Wow, big storm. That's sarcasm. Currently coastal Rhode Island has nothing. I guess it is snowing in Providence but we are about 30 minutes south of there.

I will keep everyone posted on this supposed storm of the century as it hits or misses my little piece of heaven. Some stores are reporting sales equivalent to their Christmas Eve sales...hmmmm...interesting is all I will say. I'm not worried. I've got a camper with a heater, fridge, stove/oven and a power converter in the car. I have 3G Internet on my phone and iPad. Not to mention, the greatest husband on the planet who will take care of everything if any kind of emergency should arise.

On to current events:

No doubt the unrest in Egypt will torment American pump prices. There's a Chernobyl-like risk in Iran, North AND South Korea are d-bags and Barbara Bush makes news because she's for gay marriage. Oh, and apparently prostitution is a big deal during the Super Bowl. Shouldn't it be a big deal every day? Not that I care. Seriously, if I were so ugly I actually had to PAY for sex, I would kill myself.

Happy February

I'm so tired this morning. I'm going to bed early tonight.

Doing some watching and waiting with this impending storm. It is a win-win for me. If it is snow, then my meetings tomorrow are canceled. If it is rain, then it will surely melt the snow we already have. It is going to be 40 degrees here tomorrow, so I'm leaning towards rain.

The coffee is good this morning.