Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Okay so I am having internet issues and haven't been online forever. Things aren't looking good until after Christmas. I can get online with Mitch's computer, but sometimes it is at work, or with him, and so it is inconvenient to blog.

So I am alive and well. The kids are excited about Christmas. Hopefully Mitch and I will get to Maine on Friday to pick up the rest of my decorations. Major storm last weekend, so I decided to stay in Narragansett where we just had to put up with rain and 60 mph winds.

Work is great. I love my job!!! The next few days will be crazy busy for us, so blogging might not be in the forecast. Please have a safe and happy holiday. Merry Christmas everyone!!!

Tuesday, December 04, 2007


Walpole (Mass) is supposed to be getting 9 inches of snow. They are about an hour from here. We have nothing. We are getting nothing. It is very windy today, though.

My shower was refreshing. We have awesome water pressure in this house and all the hot water I can stand! I am loving it! With the two bathrooms, I kind of expected that when one shower was going, we'd lose pressure in the other. Not the case. I even do laundry and run a load in the dishwasher and go take a shower and the water is the same.

I can hear the wind howling outside. Sierra is snoozing next to me. I am drinking some cranberry juice. I am so thirsty today.


I am craving some chocolate right now. I will have to stop at Cumbie's before going to work. I also have to buy some tokens for the Newport bridge. It is cheaper to buy the tokens than to pay every time you go over.

Work is still going well. I get paid on Friday! Yay! Tomorrow will be my long day.

We got zero snow. :(

I am sleepy today. I need to go take a shower and get ready, but really all I want to do is take a nap.

Monday, December 03, 2007


Every once in awhile I like to read archives from a year ago. I was reading one from November last year and I was blogging about planning for my life-changing, upcoming year! I was pretty sure at that time that Brian and I were on our way back together, that we'd end up moving to Portland and that I'd be starting my preschool and going back to grad school.

Fast forward to my whirlwind love affair with Mitch. Moving to Rhode Island. Working in Newport. Living on the ocean.

I think it all started to dawn on me while standing on Broadway in NYC at the Macy's Day Parade. Whose life am I living? Just when you are pretty sure your life is headed in a certain direction, God likes to show you who's boss. What is also amazing is that just when you think you can't get any stronger, smarter, whatever (fill in the blank), you find yourself in situations that prove you just aren't as strong or as smart as you thought. It reminds you that there is always something around the corner. Moving to a new state (Narragansett is more like a different planet) has been challenging and exciting. Starting a new job has been the same. While in NYC, I just had this very surreal moment that seems to be hitting me more today than even on that day, how in the world did I get here? I thought I was strong in faith before, but that was before I had to really test that strength. It has been so hard for me to not be involved in every aspect of relocating my children. I am driving all over the place, a girl who just 10 years ago was having pretty bad panic attacks and hated having to drive alone anywhere. I drive in big cities, I take trains and subways. I don't get lost in NYC!!! That in itself amazes me to no end!!! This is not me, the me that I would have let myself become. I am so glad God had bigger hopes and dreams for me. I am happy, sad, overwhelmed, amazed, scared, all at the same time, but today, I know that no matter how uncomfortable all of this is, I am going through it for a reason. I have faith that I will come out of this stronger and smarter and ready for whatever God has planned next for me. For us. I am so committed to sharing this whole experience with the man God has allowed me to love.

I look back on that blessed year that God gave me to have to myself. No Brian. No relationship. Me and God. There are times when I miss those days so much but I couldn't stay in that place forever. God healed as many hurts as I'd let him and now life is coming at me hard and fast. I live in a high class town in which I feel like I am an observer, and work with hardworking individuals whose lives are so far removed from my neighbors that I still feel like I am an observer.

But it is an adventure and I love an adventure. Instead of just reading about it, God has been so wonderful to let me have one of my own! Mitch asked me this morning what I wanted to say about my life when I was 90. I want to be able to say that I didn't miss a thing.

December 3, 2007

I can't believe I am going to say this, but I want snow! We got nothing. Maine is getting nailed with their first big one of the season. The kids' friends in Bangor/Brewer/Old Town are enjoying a snow day.

We're supposed to get some fog and some strong winds later this afternoon, which will be fun for me while I am driving over the bridge into Newport for work later. We did run into some snow yesterday on the drive to New Hampshire to drop the kids off. Just rain in Narragansett. :( We might have some snow on Wednesday, but next week, it is supposed to be in the mid 40s and low 50s, so there will be nothing lasting.

Work is still going well. I am trying to adjust to this new schedule. Because I will be in Newport the next two weeks, I have to leave before the kids have to be at school and I get out about a half an hour after they do, and it is a 20 minute drive back to them. Mitch has been helping out a lot with giving them rides and stuff. We live about 8 miles from their school, so it is much too far for them to walk. His schedule is much more flexible right now since soccer is over, so he can leave work and get them and bring them home.