Saturday, February 15, 2014


Oh my word. We've had at least one snow day per week from school since my last post. Another 8-12 inches is expected today. At least the last storm was only rain for us here on the RI coast while the rest of the east, Georgia-Maine got snow and ice. We won't be so lucky with this next one. It's coming in off the water, in true Nor Eastern style. Puke, right? The good news is that I have no where to be until the 24th of February. So let it freaking snow, if it must. I had better have a spectacular spring/summer/fall after this.

Valentines was nice. I had a great dinner and yummy drinks with my fabulous, sexy husband. He bought me a new North Face Denali jacket. Time to retire my pink one. This new one is all black. I love it. Makes the weather a little more bearable. He's getting a good watch per his request, assuming the weather lets up so we can go pick it up. And we're making plans for our next vacation...Vegas!! I've never been. He's been several times. I'm so excited.

I finished Zach's wool hat. He's worn it all day, every day since I've made it. Haha. I'm finishing up a bulky alpaca cowl for myself. Not sure why exactly, but this yarn is a giant pain in the butt to knit with. Maybe it's the color...charcoal-ish...maybe it's the weight...could be my needles...size 15 bamboo circular. Could be me. Unlikely. I've finished Bella's knit cotton bunny. Just have to sew it together and stuff it. I'm going to cast on my husband's hat now that Zach's is off my needles.

So today is Saturday. I'm having a pajama-Lost marathon-knitting day to ride out the storm.