Sunday, January 31, 2010

January 31, 2010

Goodbye January! I hate the month of January. It is always so long, so boring and so cold. February is one of my favorite months. Why? Because Valentine's Day is a special day in our home. Mitch and I spend absurd amounts of money on each other and LOVE IT. Some fancy stuff, lots of useless Valentine's stuff that we happen to love, like singing cards or stuffed animals that dance. We do this guilt free too because the day is for US. This year, we'll be celebrating in Florida! I am so excited for our mini-vacation. Really just under 5 days. But that is time with my husband. I have worked some overtime the last two weeks and MAN, I am so grateful that I only have to work part-time! Well, 36.5 hours isn't really part-time, but it is to me. I've worked 47 hours per week the last two weeks. I am feeling it now. I am cranky. SUPER CRANKY!

Not sure what we're getting each other for Valentine's Day. We pretty much have everything we want. My computer is still too new for a new one. We have every major video game/console under the sun. (Love my Wii, btw). We both have cars and car payments we're happy with. We're all set on the iPod front. All set on the high tech cell phone front. He loves his Droid and I, my blackberry. I was treated to a lovely Flip video camera two b-days ago and got a new digital camera last Christmas.

It is nice to not want something for once. I'm sure it won't last long, haha.

I mean, we still are looking at and dreaming of our future RV, but that won't be for Valentine's. Still dreaming of relocating to NYC in a few years, but I'm kind of settled here. I do love our beach town and we're only 2 1/2 hours from NYC. Not that big of a deal. We'd have to give up both cars to live in the city. That is a plus, I guess, except that I love that new car smell! LOL! It is intoxicating! If the subway cars smelled like that, there would be no doubt! Honestly, I can see us raising our child in either location. Beach, ocean, fresh air and the best water around (it's a fact, Rhode Island won the best tasting water in the US award), a great zoo, a couple of fabulous malls, and good schools. Or, the gorgeous Central Park, top of the line museums, ferry rides, subway rides, the Bronx zoo, broadway shows and some good schools if we looked hard enough, I'm sure.

ANYWAY, getting super excited for Annabelle's arrival! I will be renting a conference room in an area hotel in Bangor and have the baby shower at that location. Pretty central for all of Kayla's family and friends. Mitch and I are looking forward to spoiling this baby greatly!

Zach has changed his college plans. He is really serious about attending URI. (Good for us because then it will be free!) Hayley is going to CCRI in the fall and then transferring into Johnson and Wales (Miami campus)...though she may consider the Providence campus if all of her friends stay in this area!

Life is mostly perfect. Still not crazy about Mitch's fall schedule. Would love for us to have a job together, with him using his MBA and me being his secretary or something!

Right now, I am currently watching VH1 music countdown. Sipping a hot caramel latte. Blogging. Chatting with friends on my blackberry. Contemplating a new hair cut. Think I might want a smooth sleek bob. Who knows? Long hair has its advantages. Bad days, I can just pull it up. Feeling insecure? I can just hide behind it.

Mark (Kayla's boyfriend) is taking his Armed Services Entrance Exam tomorrow. Please send him some prayers. This would be huge for my baby and her baby and Mark.

Sierra update: still as goofy and lovable as ever! She only plays with her toys indoors and only if someone plays with her. She plays rough and it is hilarious to see my 15 year old son get scared! She would NEVER hurt anybody, but she is rough and FAST and when he goes in to grab one of her toys, she pounces on him and gets him every time. She usually licks him and manages to get her tongue in his mouth! I think only one time he managed to get the toy away from her!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010


Happy New Year I guess.

I miss blogging like I used to.