Thursday, January 31, 2013


Goodbye January. I'm not feeling so great this morning. Not sick exactly, just kind of not myself. I'm going to blame it on waking up early. I've actually been up the last 6 hours. Worked out. Showered. Et cetera et cetera. Food just doesnt seem to be sitting well with me today. My anxiety is up a little. I really need a beach day. Probably about four weeks till we get a day warm enough for that. I signed up for a TESOL certification class. Sometimes doing something new eases my anxiety. The worst thing I can do is do what I want to do which is to just hole up in my room and isolate myself. Two weeks till vacation.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013


I believe this may have been the fastest January on record. Wasn't it just Halloween? My house smells like yummy Downy this morning! And not because I've just done laundry. No, it is because I have replaced my Scentsy wax in my Scentsy warmer with Downy Unstoppables! Melts like wax. Hardens like wax. Smells WAY better!!! This particular pin was a winner! The next two weeks are going to be so busy. I'm stressed out today just thinking about it. At least all of the busy-ness will be rewarded with February vacation, but I'm dreading all of the driving and paperwork and extra "stuff". So today, I'm going to complete my errands early, which means I will be hopping off here quickly, and I'm going to dream about my next two big(ger) paychecks coming my way. I actually just scared myself because when you think about it, the next two weeks will fly by, as busy weeks often do, and vacation week will go by even FASTER, which will bring us to the last week in February! It's spring around here come March!

Thursday, January 24, 2013


I got new tires. I got new tires. My Town & Country is driving like it's brand new! The Tahoe is next. Work has been busy. It's been a bit challenging squeezing in my workouts, but I DID IT! Tomorrow I can actually workout in the morning like I like to do. Going to the movies with my husband tomorrow night. And Saturday??? I think I'm just going to enjoy a cozy day inside. I have a few projects I want to work on and some books to read!

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

A Little Better

Things are getting a little better this morning. My computer is still working and I bypassed the company website and went directly to our Worldclient email and logged in and sent my timesheet. Gosh I love my MacBook. I'd be sad without it. Weigh-in is tomorrow. I'm excited. I've cheated by weighing myself twice this week because I'm finding it hard to stick to the once a week schedule. These past two weeks, every time I step on the scale, it's down one to three pounds. I feel like I finally have the right formula/balance. I feel totally awesome after cutting out the extra sugar. I still eat foods with sugar, but trying to get most of my sugar intake from fruit only. For instance, I still eat yogurt that has sugar. I add one teaspoon of sugar to my coffee. Most importantly, water water water! My goal for each day, other than consuming the allotted amount of water, is to go to bed with my pee clear. I've been doing well the last 17 days. My body is literally transforming in front of my eyes. They say it takes about 2-4 weeks for you to start noticing. 6-8 for close relations to notice. And 10-12 for everyone else to start noticing.


Is it a flipping Monday?? OMG. First, I got up about a half hour later than I wanted. I wanted to be up at 7, even though I have today off, so I could kind of keep my schedule on track because tomorrow I'm up at 6 after doing the overnight and I just didn't want to be an exhausted crank for Friday night. I'm tired if being bitchy and short to everyone BUT Bella. So whatever, it's just a half hour today but there's a huge difference between 6 am and sleeping in till 7:30 am, in my opinion. Especially if I don't sleep well during the overnight, which can often be the case. But I got over that. Went to the bathroom. No trouble. Started the coffee. Still good. The roads are a slushy mess so I won't be getting my nails done or tan before noon. So that had me grumbling a bit. I was briefly happy because I had moved one of my favorite plants to a new location the other day and habve given it some extra TLC the last two days and it has perked right back up. Pretty sure it's going to make it, so I got some water to check on the others and while in my bedroom, I reached over to turn on my light. Everything was fine with it last night. This morning it was sideways and not turning on. Interesting. I was attempting to check the plug because there's no way that effing ugly ass energy saver lightbulb that is touted to last forever could have already died, RIGHT? As Im doing this, the shelf that is home to my blu-ray player decided to shift and fall, which led to an avalanche of books and DVDs falling, knocking over my (thankfully) little glass of water, which got my dresser wet, and my laptop, and a few I cleaned that all up. I decided to check my laptop. Everything seems fine for now. Decided I better send my Excel document timesheet to my boss while my computer is still working, only to discover the company website is down. AGAIN. I KNEW I should have sent my timesheet last night. I always do it on Tuesdays because I usually have Tuesdays off. But it's not due till Wednesdays by noon and I was like, oh, I will just do it tomorrow like everyone else. Look where that has gotten me this morning. And to top it all off, I'm feeling vomitus this morning. Might be the one hundred ab crunches I did in the bathroom last night, or it might be this pukey thing going around Rhode Island. I already had the flu. And a horrendous sinus infection. A major allergy attack last fall, directly followed by a nasty cold. I haven't really been sick for about five years, so I guess this is my year. I hope the rest of the week is better.

Monday, January 14, 2013


We're certainly enjoying the wonderful weather in these parts. Loving the 55 degree winter we're having! The house is clean! Yay! Just have to wash the living room floor. Finally got the last of Bella's Christmas presents put together and out of my living room. She's been having a ball riding her Barbie Jeep Wrangler. I had my weigh in and I'm down 2 lbs so that's good news for me. 2 pounds doesn't seem like much but if you think of 2 pounds of hamburger, you realize that's a good amount. I'm painlessly drinking 80-90 ounces of water per day! I just never knew how great I'd feel. I'm rarely ravenous now and can therefore choose healthy options instead of grabbing what's fast and easy. My sinus trouble and headaches seem to have abated. I've also prepped all sorts of healthy foods and put them all in separate lidded containers and have them all neatly organized in the fridge, so it's making snacking and packing healthy lunches a breeze! I have fruits, assorted vegetables, and different beans all prepped and washed and ready to eat. Feeling good about these tweaks and that they're here to stay.

Thursday, January 10, 2013


I'm feeling pretty good today. Still sticking to a 45 minute workout rule plus abs, push-ups, squats, pliƩs and leg lifts. What's changed is cutting out (or at least down on) sugar I add. I can drink tea without sugar but I just can't drink coffee with no sugar, but I've reduced it to one measly teaspoon for 16 oz of coffee. I'm on day 10 of drinking 80 ounces of water per day. I'm also eating one whole apple per day. I'm still struggling to consume more than 1000 calories per day but I think because I've spaced out my meals, snacks and tea in such a way that my blood sugar stays fairly level, my metabolism is staying on track without going into "starvation" mode. I've also cut out fast food. I can't say I'm missing it, but I'm missing the routine of it. When Mitch and I took Bella out shopping, after about ten minutes in the car, Bella says, "need a burger. Need a drink." So basically we just have to reprogram ourselves. Not sure how long I'm giving up fast food, but for me it's a slippery slope. One burger as a treat leads to one night out a week for fast food, and that turns into every time nobody wants to cook. Mind you, we eat proper portions while out and haven't gained weight with our fast food indulgences, but all of the salt, sugar and fat can't be good for you. My favorite change has been the simple "one day at a time". It is easy to get overwhelmed by crazy schedules and then trying to squeeze in thoughtful meal planning and work-outs. Bikini season is coming. At 40, I'm not sure how many more years I have with the old bikini, and as my strongest critic, I promise not to disgust people at the beach.

Tuesday, January 08, 2013


As of next week, it is already into the middle of January! What? It'll be Christmas again before we know it!! Then I will get my do over and hopefully not get the life sucked out of me by the flu again. In healthy news, my workouts are going well, as is my consumption of water. One of this year's goals is (was) to increase my water intake. I'm feeling a million times better! I'm drinking 80 ounces a day and I find I'm not starving all the time now. I wasn't a bad water drinker before but I only drank about 32 ounces per day. Major DUH moment for me because I DO know your brain can confuse thirst for hunger. Starting today, I'm reducing my added sugar intake. Which means, my coffee this morning only has 1 teaspoon of sugar. Blech! I could switch to artificial sweeteners but I've never been able to convince myself that artificial can ever mean healthy. I discovered this while drinking one of my grandmother's Tabs as a kid. The back of the can said saccharin caused cancer. Not exactly what a child prone to hypochondria and anxiety needed to read. Ever seen My Girl? I WAS Veda for a few years. I have today off from work but watching my favorite girl. Trying to think of something fun to do with Bella today. It's going to be 50 tomorrow, Saturday and Sunday so goodbye snow, but that also means wet and yucky ground for a bit. I normally would take her to the beach and let her chase some Rios but it's still quite a mess from Sandy. Maybe we will have a craft day. Our little miss can say her alphabet, without singing it in the cheesy song, can count with you until 10, independently until 5 and knows the colors blue, red and green. Working on yellow, orange, pink and purple. She also understands commands such as over, under, next to, around, etc. She can differentiate between types of, truck, bus, train, bike. She can also act out Itsy Bitsy Spider, I'm a Little Teapot and Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes. She says No very very well. She's also hitting most of the pre-reading benchmarks, she points to text, picks out letters, knows when to turn the page, etc. She's by no means a genius baby, just the granddaughter of an English teacher! She continues to be tech savvy. Can operate the tv, blu-ray, Wii, even though she's not supposed to, and she asks "Where's the remote?" when she wants to watch tv. She has used my iPad since babyhood and can usually manage her LeapPad 2 without too much frustration, unless she's overtired. She can run, jump, skip, kick a ball, throw and has pre-swimming skills such as: holding on and kicking her legs, blowing bubbles and is not afraid of going underwater. She can also do a somersault! She also knows her animals! Our Princess Bella has learned so much in two years!!!

Sunday, January 06, 2013


We had a fun day yesterday! We took Bella sledding for her first time and she had a lot of fun! I'm blogging today on a Sunday because it will be unlikely I will get around to it until Tuesday. 52 hours this week and 57 next week. I'm on track with my diet and workouts so that has me pleased. First week of the year on the books! Right now I'm watching Poltergeist II. It is nowhere near as good as the first one! I'm pretty sure I watched this when it came out because I'm remembering a lot of it now, like the part with Robbie's braces attacking him.

She Survived Her First Sledding Trip!

  by jennluvsgable
, a photo by jennluvsgable on Flickr.

Zach & Deanna

  by jennluvsgable
, a photo by jennluvsgable on Flickr.

Finally Some Snow!

  by jennluvsgable
, a photo by jennluvsgable on Flickr.

Bye Bella!

  by jennluvsgable
, a photo by jennluvsgable on Flickr.

Bella's First Sledding Trip

  by jennluvsgable
, a photo by jennluvsgable on Flickr.

I'm Beat

  by jennluvsgable
, a photo by jennluvsgable on Flickr.

Building a Snowman

  by jennluvsgable
, a photo by jennluvsgable on Flickr.

  by jennluvsgable
, a photo by jennluvsgable on Flickr.

Long Walk Back Up the Hill

  by jennluvsgable
, a photo by jennluvsgable on Flickr.

Zach Blazing a Trail

  by jennluvsgable
, a photo by jennluvsgable on Flickr.

Bella's Waiting to Go

  by jennluvsgable
, a photo by jennluvsgable on Flickr.

Bella's Turn

  by jennluvsgable
, a photo by jennluvsgable on Flickr.

Friday, January 04, 2013


I think this is my first post of the new year, with the exception of some picture posts. 9 years this year, I've been blogging. Wow. I'm finally feeling better. That flu was horrible! On the news last night, a doctor had said this particular strain had hit RI hard and early, and that it will make you feel like you wish you'd never been born. Yes, that's EXACTLY how I felt! I jumped on the resolution bandwagon early and started working out on 12/31/12. I can't say it is a resolution because I work out regularly anyway but I'm not going crazy this year. That's my resolution. No double sessions. I'm giving up my McDonalds sweet tea addiction. I'm sad about this but it's an easy way to cut 1400-2100 calories per week out of my diet. I'm back using MyFitnessPal just to see how far I've sunk and I'm still under my caloric goal, even with the junk food, so I'm going to just focus on putting as many good, organic, whole foods into my system as possible. I'm also going to drink more wine. I like that resolution. Have more sex (this one will make my husband even happier!) And work on getting back to my old positive self. Focus on the good things because even when things are stressful, there really are a lot of GOOD things in my life. My husband and I are in reasonably good shape, we're healthy, we have fun together, we have each other. Bella thinks we're pretty great! We have two tickets to go ice-skating in Providence. We can go ice-skating whenever we want in the indoor rink, but that's boring. This rink is outside, in the park. Now that we also got some snow, I want us to take Bella sledding. We found a perfect place for it a few years ago, but the snow melted fast and it hasn't really snowed since! So maybe we can find an hour or so this weekend.