Monday, April 30, 2007

No Time

No time to update lately. Work and planning for my next career step has me stressed a little. I found a GREAT job...of course location is key. I wish to remain stateside! I have non-competitive federal employee status for a year, so I am looking for some kind of government work. I also had to have the brakes fixed on the truck and fell down my stairs. So I've been nursing some pretty sore muscles. I had a very bad cold all weekend and ended up sleeping 16 hours Saturday.

Mitch was here all last week, so that was a nice change.

As some of you know, there has been a missing 3 year old in our state and the police are suspecting that she drowned in the local river and they just haven't turned up her body yet. Anyway, it is sad and tragic and DHHS has removed the mother's two other children. This is not the first time this child has wandered off...HOWEVER...there is always a however...WHY was it important in regards to the most recent newspaper article, to mention that the mother has three children by three different fathers? What exactly does this have to do with the story? The whole thing is tragic enough, and regardless of the mother's parenting skills or lack of, what use is it to continue to fuel public opinion of the mom? As an English teacher and English major, I would appreciate facts pertaining to the story and not gossip pertaining to stereotypical nonsensical data. Anyway, my prayers are with this little girl AND her family, who I imagine are distraught and devastated.

I'm having lunch with Allison. Just waiting for her to get here.

I should get a chance to blog tomorrow too! Two times in the same week! Remember the days? Oh yeah, Will where did your blog go?

Friday, April 20, 2007


The weather is beautiful! Spring is finally here! I will be laying in the sun all weekend and on Monday.

Mitch went tanning with me on Thursday and got sooooo sunburned! :(

We went over to David and Karen's last night and visitefd for a bit. He went to high school with both of them, so it was a good time. Of course, I completely enjoyed catching up with Bailey-Boo. Jessy had her baby. A beautiful little girl. We'll probably stop in and visit them soon.

Zach is supposed to be back tonight and Kayla will be back sometime this weekend. Mitch will be back on Monday. I'm not sure what I'm doing tonight. Zach hasn't called yet so I kind of have to stick around close to home. Today is payday! Yay! I have bills to go pay.

Talk to you all on Tuesday.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Tuesday Night

Tuesday is always the longest! It is the day before Mitch gets here. The day is always especially long for both of us.

We've had a ton of rain the last few days. At least we didn't lose our power! A lot of places did, but ours stayed on. It's been pretty windy with all of the rain. When I took the dog outside today, I noticed a lot of branches littering my backyard. That will be a pain during spring clean up! The rate we're going, it'll be summer clean-up.

Zach is in New Hampshire for the week. Kayla is in Rhode Island with friends. Hayley is with her dad.

We have church tomorrow night and then we're eating in. Mitch is cooking for me tomorrow night! Awwwwww!!! He is so sweet!

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Hi Everyone!

I hope everyone had a fantastic Easter! I had an extremely busy weekend! A concert at church Saturday night and church in the morning. Went home and cooked a yummy Easter dinner for the kiddos and then back to church Easter night!

My honey is finally home! He was very glad to have his little trip over and done with, even though he had fun. He'll be here tomorrow and we'll have a fun-filled few days together. Next week, all of my kids are gone, so we'll have to entertain ourselves for a few days! We're gonna also try and get away to R.I. in the next few weeks. We want to check out the Calvary Chapel there. The pastor already emailed me back and is friends with our pastor here. He's looking forward to meeting us and helping with our transition once we actually move!

I have been so busy at work with all of this grant writing. It is good to be busy but my brain was so fried Monday night after I got home!

I bought some new underwear today. Nothing exciting. Because I realized all I own now are the exciting ones and I just needed some plain old underwear for you know...*that time*. And soooo, being the ever-ready bargin hunter that I am, I found some comfy looking Hanes Her Way lowrise bikini wear at a great bargin price...however, the slightly irregular sticker kind of concerned me. Just how irregular are we talking? One thigh hole slightly smaller than the other perhaps? Or no elastic in one leg? Or how about sewn shut leg holes? This is how my mind was working after I bought the bargin wear on my drive home. Thankfully, they seem like good solid comfy underpants to me! I washed them and they came out of the wash looking regular! And they fit fine! Maybe I am slightly irregular. That thought just occured to me! Hmmmm!

Anyway, I am sure you are all on the edges of your seats with anticipation as to where this blog post is going to go. As Brian would say at a time like this, TMI, Jenn, TMI.

I'll try to redeem myself in the next paragraph.

I started work on my novel again. My hiatus was far too long. I've been reading like a mad woman for two, because work sucks all of my creativity out of me and I needed to latch on to others' creativity and two, because Mitch doesn't read much except the Bible and I have to read for both of us since we share the same brain and all. He's actually helping me with my novel! We've been doing lots and lots of research! Ohhhhh, we are JUST SO freaking cute sometimes!!!

Lynette got into grad school! Yay! I am so happy for her!!! She of course, will be a success at whatever she does! I love you!!!

I am wearing my glasses tonight at work! I can't even remember the last time I have worn them! Mitch is going to be mad that he missed out. The poor guy actually LIKES me in them! ICK! I had the pink eye and while I am on the mend, I still have to use the medicine for today and that means I can't wear my contacts. I already told him that next year at this time, I'll have had laser surgery. He's down with that! And I'll just get some nerdy teacher glasses for the purpose of his fantasies! ;)

I'll try to blog on Friday. Have a good rest of the week everyone!

Thursday, April 05, 2007

April 5, 2007

Is it even Spring? It doesn't feel like it here! Mitch says it is cold in St. Louis, too.

Not a whole lot going on. The kids and Allison and I are chilling out at the Center today and tonight. School was cancelled so I decided to go to work early and my kids came along to play with their friends. It is a nice and quiet day here. Hopefully the evening will stay the same. I finished a great book yesterday. I read it in two days. It is called Tully. Great book. Now I am reading The High Flyer by Susan Howatch.

Friday night, Allison and I have to do our Easter dinner grocery shopping and I have to buy Easter stuff for the kids, Saturday night, we have a big concert at church and Sunday morning, church and then our big dinner.

Monday I have to work, and Tuesday night I have to work and then Mitch will be here! Can't wait.

Life has been busy and I have no idea how I am finding some quiet hours to get any reading done, but thankfully, I am. I can't believe I was laying in the sun this past Sunday, reading and enjoying Spring! Hopefully this winter weather disappears as quickly as it came! If I don't talk to everyone before Easter, have a happy one!

God Bless!

Monday, April 02, 2007

April 2, 2007

I'm still having internet issues and now landline woes...a big conspiracy I tell you!

My honey is going to the Frozen Four...he is leaving today! I won't see him until next week. :( UMaine made it to the 1st round though, so that is cool.

Work is work. Sorry to hear about the car accident Erin. That isn't fun.

I took the kids rollerblading/roller skating last Monday and had a blast. I've been running 3 miles for the last 4 days. I doubt I'll get to my run today because it is raining and I don't want to get my new sneakers yucky. It is mud season in these here parts, so I'll be gym-bound all week, I think.

Tonight, I am going tanning and then going to visit with my grandmother for a bit. Tomorrow night, I work at the center and then I am going grocery shopping. Friday is payday! Yippee. I also have to pay bills...booooooo! I have church on Wednesday night and a concert at church Saturday night. Easter Sunday, I have church and then my little family's very own traditional Easter dinner. This is the one holiday in which the kids and I stay home and enjoy each other. I may have my grandmother over this year and I've invited Allison as well. We're having lamb and ham steaks. Baked sweet potatoes, stuffing, stuffed celery, deviled eggs, red mashed potatoes, toasted baguettes with balsamic vinegar and olive oil with melted fresh mozzerella cheese and sliced grape of the kids favorite appetizers like EVER. Some Merlot and some sparkling apple cider for the kiddos. We'll rent some movies and probably end up playing our favorite video games...DDR, American Idol and Guitar Hero II.

I think I am going home early. It is a rainy day. I have to run to the kids' pediatrician's office to get some vaccination info for the high school.

I hope everyone is doing well. I'll blog more when I get a chance.