Tuesday, August 27, 2013


I ended up working last week and have this week off instead. Geez Luis. Glad I don't actually plan on going anywhere in August. I finally got some writing done on Friday. Hallelujah! My running is going ok. Lots of different issues creeping up. My feet and knees are great, though Trouble with my lower back and inside thigh/hip joint area last week and yesterday, my asthma was giving me some trouble. The issues only appear when I increase my time/distance. I typically just run through the pain but I did take some time off last week. I AM getting older and at some point I'm probably going to just have to accept that and the pain that comes with it.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013


So much for my vacation. My boss called Sunday in a bind and asked if I could work Monday thru Thursday. Of course, I said. I've had a backache for three days and I blame my week off last week for it. I over did it working out and spent a lot of downtime relaxing in my bedroom catching up on television.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Day 3

This is definitely harder than it looks. I know, oh, poor me, I get time off from work...mind you, this is time off from one full-time job only, as I'm not taking time off from my other job, OR time off from watching Bella 45 hours per week. I don't really know what I'd do with myself with even 24 hours of me time, let alone a whole week of it. I'm not a stay-cation kind of person. If I'm on vacation, I want a VACATION. Hotels, meals out, sightseeing. The whole 9. It rained all day yesterday so any outside activity wasn't happening for Bella and me. Plus, she had a very cranky day, after a cranky night...runny nose, congestion, CRANKINESS...not sure if it's her big teeth coming in or just a cold but HOLY!! Finally after resting and watching movies all day, she turned back into her sweet self around dinner time. I'm going to try and get some reading done today. I've totally been sucked into catching up on my favorite tv shows. Errands to run today with Zach, for Zach. I will be finished just in time to pick up Bella for our 7 hours of fun time. Aside from 3 hours, tomorrow is mine. Same goes for Friday as well.

Monday, August 12, 2013

Day 1

I'd say this morning was a good start to my 3 weeks of slower pace life, that is, 3 weeks before life gets all crazy busy again. I like the busy because it keeps my mind occupied but I recognize that I need to do some healthy things for me and I need to learn to be able to enjoy the slow, so I can continue at high speed without burning out. I thought that might mean sleeping in this morning. My body had other ideas. I've been up since 6:30. I slept in on Saturday so maybe that was all I needed. I took a 1/2 hour run, followed by a nice shower. I will workout my abs and arms later. I've decided I'm going to treat these three weeks almost like a rehab, except I can drink and eat what I want! Three weeks to focus on eating, exercising, experimenting with different teas, coffees and wine, reading, writing and meditating. Good plan!

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Finally...I get some time off. I do not have to be anywhere till 3pm on Monday. I do not even have to talk to one person today until around 4, when I pick up Bella for the weekend. I slept until 8:30 this morning. I finished two books last week. I finally saw The Conjuring last night. I did manage to squeeze my workouts in last week, but I'm definitely looking forward to being able to spend a few weeks getting my healthy ways back on track. Pre-football season has started, which means 16 hour days for my husband and means more often than not, I'm dining alone, which also means I'm not dining. I do not eat when I'm alone. I will graze. A few slices of cheese. A handful of crackers. Occasionally a bowl of cereal. I will cook Monday night because Kayla, Bella and Zach will be here for dinner, but I'm foreseeing a lot of lean cuisines in my future for the next few weeks. So big plans for my day today...whatever the Hell I want to do!!! I think I'm going to organize my closet because school will be starting after Labor day, and it'll be back to over full-time work for me. I also think I will sit in the sun for a bit and read. Maybe I will clean out the fridge and scrub it down. Gosh, I live a thrilling life!

Sunday, August 04, 2013


Spending the day with a wild child named Annabella. Not sure what we're going to do today. Quite possibly we will just hang out here, in the back yard, swimming in the pool. The weather is quite nice for today. High 70/low 80 as a temp with little humidity, so it'd be nice to have an adventure. Then again, managing Bella alone is always an adventure. Almost done reading In Cold Blood. It was a fast read for me. I have enjoyed the writing. Gearing up for our last week of summer programming at work and finally, finally, I should have a few weeks off to do absolutely nothing but work out, read, tan...of course, I will still have work at my other job and I will have Bella 4 days a week per usual, but a break from our summer programming is huge. School starts around here after Labor Day and then it's the countdown to our first holiday break! :)

Saturday, August 03, 2013


Happy (?) August. July is a frenzy in this beach town in the summer. Come August, most of us who live here year round have the same grimace and attitude. Things do slow down in August, as it appears most folks take their vacas in July, but come September, the beaches are empty, except for us locals and we LOVE it!!! And I do get lots of beach time September till December. I'm having a relaxing day today. It's overcast and I don't have Bella until around 4 so I'm just hanging out, watching some old Shark Week episodes, contemplating getting my workout in and getting my nails done. Wonderfully boring.