Friday, June 13, 2014


Happy Friday the 13th!
I woke up this morning (again 4:45) and felt fine. When I finally got up and got the coffee going, the room was literally spinning. I'm going to blame the barometer and the humidity and living on the ocean, combined with my extra long run yesterday, plus allergies, all affecting my inner ear. It settled down enough for me to run 40 minutes today, because I refuse to let this set me back. Zach treated me to dinner at Chen's late last night. He knows I've been stressed out as of late. Not sure what I'm going to do about it all yet. I've turned into the Gump of the running world and still haven't been able to outrun this shitstorm. I'm doing a ton of reading lately. My current read is John Irving's Last Night in Twisted River. I've spent the last two weekends sitting in the sun, reading and trying to relax. This weekend I will be getting the pool ready for summer. Bella and I are super excited to go swimming!! I'm hoping my summer schedule is pretty lax so she and I can get some weekdays in at the beach. I leave the weekends at the beach to the tourists. Man, they drive me crazy. You'd think after 7 summers in Narragansett, I'd be used to it all.