Monday, December 31, 2012


  by jennluvsgable
, a photo by jennluvsgable on Flickr.

Some little girlie is headed outside to play in the snow.


This is it...the last day of the year. Time to say goodbye to the Christmas tree for another 325 days or so. There are a few other things we hope to say goodbye to as well. Zach has come down with what I had. Super. He's feeling pretty yucky right now and will for probably another 10 days or so. This is a nasty virus. More so because of the lasting fatigue than any of the other symptoms. I'm not a napper and lately I've been squeezing an hour or so in here and there and still sleeping solid at night. Not totally complaining because I'm not usually a good sleeper but cautious because it is out of the ordinary for me. Anyway, I'm sure a sunny trip to Margaritaville would snap me right out of this! Time to get back on the fitness train. We have eaten a lot of junk since Thanksgiving. Salad time. Lots of fresh fruits and vegetables are in our future! I think we're all looking forward to it! So I heard tell that there may have been a rise in milk prices...Seriously, I don't drink milk and I'm sure many people would stop or at the very least invest in a cow or goat, and all of that $8 milk would spoil in a week or so and grocery stores would not restock. I support organic farmers and farming. Big industry farmers aren't important to me. Sorry if that pisses people off but I don't care about them (I don't care about the banks or big business either, but that didn't stop our government from bailing them out either), and I do think people should get back into growing some of their own food. About two generations ago, everyone in Maine had their own vegetable gardens and probably had a cow and some chickens. I'm sure if people actually had to do some manual labor now and again, depression and anxiety would decrease, as would excessive drug abuse, and people would be too exhausted to stab the neighbor down the street, unless of course said neighbor was stealing from their garden. Maybe it's not that simple but then again, maybe it is. Anyway, this new year is going to be about living my best life. Thanks Oprah. I think she's probably the one who coined the phrase. I'm going to focus more on the quieter things in life (reading, writing and meditation), exercise, eating healthy, drinking MORE water, and being a more positive person, and that just might mean eliminating a few negative people from my world. Here's to an excellent 2013!!!

Fell Asleep Watching Dumbo

  by jennluvsgable
, a photo by jennluvsgable on Flickr.

Playing with her Keyboard

  by jennluvsgable
, a photo by jennluvsgable on Flickr.

Watching Some Disney Movies

  by jennluvsgable
, a photo by jennluvsgable on Flickr.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012


Still feeling a little off since I had the flu two weeks ago. Not really the best time of year to run out of energy. Bella had a fabulous Christmas and that's what matters to me. On the big day, I mustered the energy to change out of pajamas just to get into another pair of pajamas. I've been reading like crazy, so there have been some bright spots! When I was a kid, Christmas vacations meant skiing, sledding, snowmobiling, ice-skating, and READING! My grandparents, all four of them, made sure I had plenty to read all the time. Totally not looking forward to going to Maine now. Of course it's turned into a nightmare. I just wanted a night at my parent's with Bella. Oh well, I took a long bath and shaved with a new razor. Some days it really is the little things that can make you happy. I'm going to finally get my nails filled this afternoon, drop off some paperwork in Jamestown and try and enjoy the rest of my vacation. 2012 was a great year except for the last few weeks. Looking forward to 2013 and SPRING, and Bella's THIRD birthday! THREE!!!

Monday, December 24, 2012

Merry Christmas!!!

BellaSanta by jennluvsgable
BellaSanta, a photo by jennluvsgable on Flickr.

Christmas Eve

This has been a truly bizarre holiday season. 50 and 60 degrees. There may be some Christmas snow tomorrow morning but we couldn't get any closer to the ocean in my neighborhood (barring another hurricane) and that means it'll likely rain. Tomorrow will be the merriest of days. Good food. Putting Bella's new toys together. A Just Dance dance off perhaps. Maybe a Rock Band concert or some karaoke. Definitely some board games! My favorite gift is probably my lighted Broadway vanity mirror. A perfect gift for someone as vain as I. You may think calling me vain is an insult. I guess it's only an insult if I take it as such, which I absolutely do not. I think it's important to look one's best. Obviously there's more to life than good looks. Like being married to a great looking husband! :)

Thursday, December 06, 2012


I ended up not having to work this morning after all. I was already up and ready though so I didn't waste any time working on my bedroom. Another bag being donated out of my closet. My shorts and summer skirts finally removed from my closet and put back in one of my drawers till next spring. It's still in the 50s around here, so those items aren't going far. Everything that should be hung up is. I will drop off both of those bags of clothes today when I go tanning and then home to get dressed for the Christmas party tonight.

Tuesday, December 04, 2012

One Down...

...many more to go! I have one bag of clothes out of my closet to donate. I will try to get to another bag maybe today. If I make it a goal to purge at least one bag of stuff per day, things will be in great shape around here. Things are still pretty well under control since my bathroom purge. I got rid of all the many lotions, potions and hair crap that had either expired or didn't work. Made a huge difference.


I have really had little time to adequately blog since last Tuesday. It amazes me that a week has flown by just like that! Last Friday night we went to Abyssinia restaurant with our friend Scott. It is located on the east side of Providence, near Brown, and was our first real experience eating Ethiopian food. I ordered the doro wat and we had plenty of injera. I enjoyed the atmosphere especially, and found the food to my liking. I have many friends I work with who are from Africa, and they have cooked for me in the past, so I was not surprised by the spiciness. I do prefer utensils, though I appreciated the authenticity of the meal and it being served with none. I have long fingernails and I'm a little OCD about dirt and food and what have you in and around my nails. My husband was really miserable. There really was nothing he liked about it. Do not let that deter you. He is not an adventurous eater and only tries new things because his fear of me is greater. :) I think I still prefer Indian cuisine but Ethiopian is very very similar. Zach would have loved everything about Abyssinia. On Saturday, Bella, Mitch and I went to ReStore and I got a fabulous dresser with mirror, which my husband has redesigned to my liking. I could turn around and sell it for a couple hundred but like I said, I adore it! On Sunday, I really didn't do much of anything and yesterday I worked all day. I have today off. I'm going to spend it with Bella. Back to the grind the rest of the week. My company's Christmas party is Thursday night at the Crowne Plaza and then we're back to date night Friday!!!