Friday, October 31, 2008


I don't know if I mentioned my new favorite thing...I am a member of I love to read. Everyone knows this about me. However, there are times when I am doing things that don't allow me a chance to read so I have the opportunity now to download books into my iTunes and then load them onto my iPod. I LOVE this! I have the Bible loaded on my iPod. Honestly I can listen to anything with the voice of James Earl Jones! I have Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis...some fairy tales that were free to download, a David Sedaris book that I haven't had a chance to read yet, with him as the narrator. I've been browsing their other selections and they have a ton of Stephen King, Judy Blume, and other of my favorite authors. This is all good for when I am in the car driving, cleaning the house, get the picture.

Other news...Teresa I received Flat Stanley. LOVE it! Oh my gosh, the kids and I are going to have so much fun with this! I absolutely love this idea. I will see how many places we can get him on the East Coast for you. Mitch and I are going to Florida in January so he'll hit the warm sun this winter. Maybe we'll stop in DC on the way and get some pics at the White House. And of course, he'll get a chance to go with us to NYC in a few weeks!

For those of you who are like WTeff? Flat Stanley Project. Check it out. It is way cool!

Okay, my Hayley girl is making me some bruschetta...gots to run!

Happy Halloween!!!

Poor Zachie is miserable. He is so sick. I had to work overnight last night and Mitch is out of town. Zach texted me at midnight. At 4:30. At 5 AM. 7AM. Needless to say, I didn't get a lot of sleep last night. He still had to go to school this morning and cried when I dropped him off. He really can't afford to miss anymore school and he has been on antibiotics for a few days, so he isn't contagious or anything. He is just still sick. It takes about a week or so to run its course. Still it made me feel horrible to drop him off at school this morning.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

More October 30, 2008

I only have like 51 more posts to go before I hit 2000! Yay!

I was checking the weather forecast. It is chilly here but still only sweater/sweatshirt weather. In Maine, it is jacket and fire up the furnace weather. YUCK! Not terribly sad to miss that!

Tomorrow is Halloween! I should have planned some kind of Halloween Party for the kids. As it is, we'll have a full house anyway. They wanted some friends over to watch scary movies and order pizza. Zach and his friend Tom are going to go trick or treating and see if they can score some major candy. The girls and I will stay here and pass out candy. I bought some yummy good stuff at the grocery store. I should dress up but this is our first year in the this neighborhood. I'm not sure how many, if any, trick or treaters we'll get. Not sure I want to get dressed up for nothing. Too Miss Haversham for me!

I'm doing the overnight tonight and working all day tomorrow. Starting next week, my permanent schedule will give me Monday and Fridays off. I am hoping to pick up some freelance work. There is was a nibble from Boston. Work from home and only be in the office on Fridays. We'll have to see where my journey takes me!

Jury's Out for Now.

I think I may be selling out. I often offer reviews of products, books or movies, fashion, food, etc. just because I like to read user comments myself when I am trying to make a decision to sink money into a new product. I like to be informed, so I just assume that others like to be informed as well and if I can help, I will.

Well...I signed up to be a book reviewer blogger and I am pretty excited about it. I will get a new book sent to me, I'll read it and then review it and then get another book and so on and so on. But pretty much this means that I will read a book and post a review and offer free advertising. For me being an avid reader though, a new book every few weeks is payment enough. Got me to thinking about other opportunities out there for product reviewing. I love trying new stuff so this seems to be right up my alley.

Depending on how things go with this new company, I may be posting more reviews than ever before and if it proves lucrative, then I will indeed advertise for them on my blog. Until then, the jury is out.

October 30, 2008

Things that worked for this flu:

Mucinex (This really works. Quiets cough. Thins mucus secretions.)
Delsym (Love love love this stuff! Tastes wonderful and quiets cough for 12 solid hours!)

Also lots of fluids, rest and vitamin C.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

October 29, 2008

SIX days since my last post? Hmmmm.

This was my second week back to work after my vacation. It hasn't exactly flown by like all of the weeks leading up to my vaca, but that isn't necessarily a bad thing. I am pretty certain my schedule change will make a HUGE difference in things.

Mitch is out of town this weekend. The last of the season games are this weekend. Then I think they have a few days of playoff crap in a few weeks, but I think once they lose they are done. They don't have to stay the entire time, unless of course they win. We'll then have Thanksgiving and once again get back on with our regularly scheduled lives! No more football for Zach. No more soccer for Mitch.

Mitch and I are going to Florida this winter. I am excited about that.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

October 23, 2008

I still feel pretty yucky. On the mend I think, but this cough and chest congestion is relentless. Probably another few days of this before it is thru. October is almost over. Just have to get the next 4 months over and I can start enjoying spring again.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

October 19, 2008

Oh Man! The flu has hit hard and fast. I was feeling kinda crappy yesterday, but around late afternoon and all evening, I was miserable. Still am when the medicine wears off. High fever. Cough. Body aches. Headache, my ears hurt. Lost my appetite.

Sounds like the flu to me.

Mitch will be home later. I hate when he is out of town. He especially hates it. Usually I am working so the time goes by fairly quickly for me. Let me just say, I never thought yesterday was going to end. I actually cheered when midnight came. I stayed up until 2 AM. Thought I'd be able to at least sleep a little. Tossed and turned and finally looked at the clock and it was only 4. I took some more medicine and it got me thru until 9ish. My problem is when I take my fever reducer, I spend the next 4-5 hours sweating profusely and in like a perpetual hot flash. When it wears off, I get the fever and chills back. Not sure if that is normal?

I finished Jodi Picoult's book Keeping Faith. Not quite the tear-jerker that My Sister's Keeper was, but entertaining anyway. It was thought-provoking, as is any story of stigmata is to me, even if it was fictional. Towards the middle to the end, though, I felt that there was a never ending barrage of new characters. In my opinion, there were way too many characters to keep track of and because the story frequently jumps perspective, I had a hard time remembering why so-and-so was significant to the story since we haven't heard from him since page 11. Still Jodi is a skilled storyteller and remains one of my favorites.

Saturday, October 18, 2008


I've been doing a lot of research on detoxing one's body, benefits, ways to do it, etc. There seems to be lots of evidence supporting the act. There also seems to be a lot of doctors and nutritionists that don't support anything other than a high-fiber, high protein, low fat diet high in anti-oxidants. It seems most don't want to even entertain the thought of Eastern therapy or any kind of holistic healing method other than their own pharmaceuticals.

Personally, I have always been a big believer that fresh or raw is better...salads, fruit, veggies, sugar, chocolate, tea, coffee. So I eat lots of fruits and veggies in the raw, drink green tea and take a daily multi-vitamin. Areas where I don't do well in are not getting my eight glasses of water in me per day and eating lots of junk food and even processed foods like cheese, pizza, take-out...

I am interested in this acai juice and psyllium fast I guess. I think everyone should fast every so often to cleanse the body on the inside.

Spiritually, fasting is encouraged across the board. For Christians and other groups, fasting is a part of a lot of religious walks. Jesus fasted often. I think there is strong evidence for a "Bible-based" diet...there were no processed foods back then, limited ways to store food, or cook it properly, so I think the foods the Bible promotes were foods that could be prepared easily and made to last without refrigeration. Meats, grains, yeast-free breads, wine, fruit and vegetables are spoken about at length at times. To me, that sounds just like a high-fiber, high protein, low fat diet high in anti-oxidants. So I believe God has instructed us on how to eat and when to eat and when eating becomes gluttonous. Exercise was also a big part of early man's life...there weren't a lot of high paying office jobs back then. So if you think about it, you would have to cram into your hour work-out all the calories you would burn if you had to manually work at everything you take for granted from sun up to sun down. Like carrying water to heat up to clean, or walking to a river. Gathering wood to make a fire. Planting and harvesting. Raising children and livestock. Not so sure my 3 mile jog or walk covers all of that!!!

Very Brady

I loved The Brady Bunch. I'm not sure what has taken Maureen McCormick so long to "come clean"...I am pretty sure back when Dad Brady came out of the closet so to speak, or was forced out, our bubble was burst, along with watching the public struggles of fellow tv stars from the Partridge Family, Diff'rent Strokes, One Day at a Time, etc, etc, etc...

Anyway, I am glad she's cleared the air for herself, just not so sure any of us are truly surprised but any of it.

I have a fever, cough, chills and congestion. I hate being sick. I am freezing and can't seem to warm up. Unfortunately, I have to drop Zach off at his school for a football game in an hour and then pick him up later, so going to bed anytime soon for rest doesn't look likely. I slept about 12 hours last night. That is about 5 too many in my opinion and now I have that hangover headache feeling on top of my illness. My ears feel like I have water in them, too.

Friday, October 17, 2008

October 17, 2008

Ugh! Only 2 days and 21 hours left of my vacation. I've enjoyed sleeping in when the occasion arose. I've enjoyed not stressing if I wake up in the middle of the night because it doesn't matter if it takes too long to fall back to sleep because I could take a nap, which I didn't do on this vacation. I've enjoyed not thinking about work. I've enjoyed not working, for that matter. I've enjoyed cleaning my house and being able to keep it clean for more than one day in a row.

I am not sure I want to go back to work.

October 17, 2008

Hi Teresa! I hope you and the baby are doing marvelous! Hubs and boys as well! I know, weird about the dreams, huh?

Speaking of the dreams, I think they and my God given gift of anxiety are examples of me and trying to figure some stuff out. I say God given gift because while I hate an actual panic attack and am so thankful that they are very infrequent these days, they typically mean I am unhappy with something or a situation in my life and I am refusing to deal with it consciously. I think God uses and has used my panic attacks to get my attention. In my dreams, I am struggling with the Devil. In dream books, the Devil represents power, control, etc. The fact that I always invoke the Lord's help in my dreams suggests to me that I DO want the Lord to have control over my life and I think I currently feel like I may have taken the reins back again. In my waking state, I have been feeling overwhelmed by the things going on around me. I think I am one of those types of people that emotional vampires can get an advantage on. I am currently working at a place with 5 emotional vampires and 2 that are but are unintentionally that way. They latch right on to my positive energy and after a conversation with them or sometimes just being in the same room with them, I am left feeling very drained. SOOOO, I have been trying to deal with it myself. And all that got me was a weeklong "vacation." I have spent the last few days in heavy meditation and will continue until my week is up. I am praying for some spiritual armor and when the Devil comes knocking, the Lord will be answering the door!

I am feeling more like myself today. The night before last and yesterday were probably my worst. I haven't had a panic attack in I'm going to say maybe 2 years. This one was mild considering the ones I used to have, but still uncomfortable nonetheless! Uncomfortable, yet familiar and almost welcomed, if that makes any sense. I knew one was lurking and was going to show itself soon, so I was glad to be "on with it."

I also woke up to an email from my friend Lynette. Lynette is Wiccan and one of my most spiritual friends. Our religious beliefs are vastly different yet unusually similar at the same time. She and I exchange only a few emails throughout a year, so it is significant that she should respond to my spiritual cry for help. I never wrote her or called her. I did post a mood change on my myspace, which I do daily. Just thought about her a lot over the last few days and she emailed this morning asking why I was feeling anxious. I dabbled in the occult before getting saved and I know that it is not for me, but at the same time, the Bible doesn't deny the power of the occult. It just warns us to not get involved.

Also 3 times yesterday, the same Bible verse was brought to my attention. Once in an email from Proverbs 31 Ministries. Once on a random blog I was reading while browsing yesterday...the girl used it as her blog headline and again in my daily devotional Bible. “The LORD your God is with you, He is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you,
He will quiet you with his love, He will rejoice over you with singing."
Zephaniah 3:17 (NIV)

This is very fascinating and interesting to me.


Originally uploaded by jennluvsgable


Originally uploaded by jennluvsgable

Blah Again

Blah Again
Originally uploaded by jennluvsgable

Thursday, October 16, 2008

October 16, 2008

I had bizarre dreams last night and only ended up sleeping maybe 5 hours. I am up now and planning on staying that way in hopes of a better night tonight.

I dreamt that a spiritual entity was nudging me to wake me up. When I woke up, I thought it might have been Mitch. I rolled facing away from him and fell back to sleep only to be woken up minutes later with the same kind of nudging, but I was facing the wall and Mitch was facing in the other direction. Our backs were to each other. Had a hard time falling back to sleep after that.

Three nights ago, I dreamt that a possessed priest was trying to exorcise me and I was talking, but it wasn't me talking, it was the Lord talking thru me...kinda creepy.

And two nights ago, I dreamt that a big tsunami was swamping my town and even though I was in a safe place, I could hear everyone that wasn't safe, screaming and trying to get away from it.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

October 15, 2008

I can't log onto myspace this morning...grrrrr!

My house is clean, my house is clean, my house is clean! Yay! It was reenergizing (that is a funny looking word) and this morning when I awoke, I went to the kitchen, grabbed my coffee and aside from a few dishes from this AM, everything is clean and orderly.

While at Marshall's in the home department, I found a nice looking wooden mail(?) organizer...not sure what to call it. It has a drawer, two shelves and a stand up magazine-like rack. It isn't huge and sits nicely on my countertop where usually we throw the mail. What a difference in my stress level! I threw out old bills. Only kept the latest of all of them. It is a place for mail going out, coming in and more importantly, stuff that has to be returned to school. That is the worst part of being a parent, in my opinion. All of the dang papers that need to be signed and returned. Times that by three and it can feel like a full-time job, especially with all the emergency forms that need to be refilled out at the beginning of the year. In my opinion, to reduce paper costs, that form should only be re-done if something has changed. If it needs to then it becomes the parent's responsibility to let the school know what has changed. I have no problem letting the original form I filled out stand.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

October 14, 2008

My friend Jessy found me on myspace. Yay! I added her today. Her daughter Kami is the same age as Zach and they would hang out on snow days or school holidays when the daycare would still be open. This is going a few years back...they were both like 10 then. I was still working at the daycare. The daycare was still open. Jessy worked there too and eventually bought the daycare from the former owner. So good to catch up and we will hopefully spend time together when I visit in Maine. I will have to add them to my ever growing list. The hard part of living out of state is trying to see everyone when you visit.

Mitch and I are seriously thinking of moving to Arizona. Why you ask? We want somewhere different, HOT, good real estate, close to exciting places to see and visit...for instance, if we move to the Lake Havasu region, we are set up perfectly...a few hours maybe from Las Vegas, half-day from San Diego, LA, or Mexico. Close to the Grand Canyon. I just don't know if I can give up my ocean views and 5 minute ride to the beach.

Speaking of views, Mitch, Zach and I went to Black Point yesterday. Kind of sobering after you see the memorial people put up where those two people lost their lives. We were geocaching at the Old Stone House. Still couldn't find the cache and still couldn't understand the clue...of the five sentinels, one is still Mitch and I also took a walk, or I should say, blazed a trail, in the woods across the street from our house. The land is for sale and not cleared, so we figured if anyone asked, we could just say we were looking at the property. Which was kinda true. Really we were just playing in the woods like I used to do when I was a kid.

Mitch and I narrowed down some of the aspects of my mood and really think the lack of sunlight in our present house is not good for me. We're currently looking and if we don't find one here that meets our needs and expectations, we'll try Arizona! Or maybe just try Arizona anyway!!!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

October 12, 2008

The girls and I went to the beach today. Beach day in the middle of October. I needed to relax by the seashore today, even if it was only for a few hours.

So stressed out today and the last few days. Work, home, ugh!!! It is everywhere.

Thursday, October 09, 2008

October 9, 2008

I hate this mood I am in! Oh my goodness, I just can't get out of my own way. SOOOO glad I have next week off. I have an idea of what is going on with me, but man, I just can't say anything without coming across as snippy or short or downright nasty mean. My patience is out the window. Not good in the special education field.

It doesn't help that the five of us have been fighting off some kind of virus.

Tomorrow Kayla and I are picking up her senior pics that we've ordered and I am getting my nails done. That will probably perk me up a little.

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

October 8, 2008

Not sure what to say except that God most certainly answers prayers. Not necessarily in an easy manner, but they get answered! My inner being has been so desperately in need of a vacation. Some personal time. To not go anywhere, though that would be nice and that is needed too, but just some time to do nothing. Be still. Hear Him. Be with the kids. Be with my husband. I find that on my days off, I am often times still at work mentally. It is the nature of the job.

Suffice it to say, five minutes into our meeting, my boss was disbelieving my "everything is fine" response...5 minutes after that, I start getting emotional and anyway, the meeting was good. I feel better getting "it" all out there, however uncomfortable that was because I hate crying in front of people, and she looked at me and said, "I'm giving you the week off. I will personally cover your shifts if I have to and I don't offer to do that for anybody. I can't afford, and more importantly, don't want to lose you."

Bottom line, as difficult as things have been interpersonally with some staff recently, everyone bends over backwards to help each other out and supports one another through these times.

So the prayer that was answered was my call for some time off. Some consecutive days in a row in which I don't need to think about anything. I believe I wrote about that desperate need several times in this blog but didn't really utter those words in a prayer until Monday. It was just getting to be too much. A year without any significant time off in a field with an extremely high burn-out rate is a long time. I think this week will help. I no longer need to remain full-time since Mitch and I are married. I needed to stay full-time to get my benefits, but now that we are married, I can be added to his (it happens to be the same insurance company) and it will probably be cheaper for us. I think after the new year, I will drop to part-time status permanently and try to roll with the punches a bit better.

I also found out a co-worker's mom passed away (yesterday I think). I'm not sure if this was unexpected or if she'd been sick, but I do know how close they were and that my co-worker is not taking it well at all. This particular co-worker has been very nice to me ever since I was hired a year ago. She is a fun lady and we always have a good time when we get the opportunity to work together or attend events together. I pray the Lord helps her heart through this process of losing her mom.

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

October 7, 2008

I am so glad to be home now. The day went so fast yet so slow at the same time! Good day for the most part. Busy. Tiring.

Good news for me! And Kathleen maybe! Mavis's church has a prison ministry for women getting out of incarceration at the state prison...she thought she knew of some women that needed literacy help...well, she in fact knows a woman that works at the prison that said they actually need help with some of the inmates in their family reading program. I have to commit to at least three books? Not sure how hard it will be so maybe three is a lot??? The gist is that I will help the women to read a book to their child(ren) on a tape so that they can read to their child at their child's home. I am waiting for another woman to call me about setting up a time to get "trained" at working in the prison. My guess is that that will cover rules of the prison, etc., to keep me and the inmates safe. I am so excited about this.

Remember my post yesterday? God is amazing. Always planning and putting things in place, leading me to the next step.

I have a staff meeting tomorrow. I'm indifferent I guess. This isn't a day program meeting. Just a house meeting. Blah.

Monday, October 06, 2008


I hate when I get in a funk. I'm so happy with my life and with the people in my life, but still every once in awhile, no matter how wonderful things are, I get in a funk. Making me stop and think "am I normal?" Am I depressed? Maybe. Anxious? Not outwardly. Bipolar? I would think I would have more extreme mood swings, yes? I am never manic.

I think this baby business is getting to me. Everyone and I mean everyone is pregnant. It used to be so easy for me to get pregnant, back when the time wasn't right. I know I should be thankful for the children I have and I am so very thankful. I should be so thankful for the step-children I have and believe me, I am. That makes 5. Kayla will be 19 in February. I can't help but remember every single detail about my pregnancy, her birth, our life together. The smell of her sweet breath, her little body tucked into mine when I would have to lay with her until she went to sleep, her first years in school, her middle years in school, her last year in school...I just want my baby back. Nobody ever told me about the vast amount of mourning a mother goes through even though her baby lives and lives strong and healthy and grows up into a beautiful woman. I mourn every day. So evident is the growth of my children. I want them to be little again.

Anyway, this isn't the empty nest syndrome for me, I don't think, as our nest won't be empty for a LONG time. I really just want another baby. Our baby. To complete our little family. That is just part of my funk, though.

I miss Debi desperately. I miss our old church. I know the Lord leads us to different places and I should be so excited to see what He has planned next for us, but I can't help but be overwhelmed sometimes. And I am ashamed to say often I feel less than excited. Another part of my funk, you see.

I think I am still adjusting to the move. Not sure. We've been here over a year. Still adjusting to my new job, even though I have worked there for almost a year. It has been so hard to adjust to the job because there really isn't a "routine" even though I am desperately trying to create one. I want to stay home but this job is a part of my life forever, I think. To some degree anyway.

On some level, I think I am still adjusting to not being a college student. Do you ever get over that time in your life? I miss those times, those friends, having a goal and working towards it.

I am still adjusting to not being a part of Park Woods. Who knew a job in that community would become such an important part of my life and my identity.

I feel like I want someone to tell me what to do next.

In my experience, whenever I've experienced lulls like this in my life, it has been for good reason. God usually has some big things lined up and I've needed the lull before the "storm"...for good or bad.

I have found myself seeking out my faithful friends, that is my friends of the faith, and reading their blogs and their friends blogs and their friends' friend's blogs...some days it helps, some days it furthers my feelings of disconnect. I feel like everyone is moving ahead and has places to go and people to see and important things to do.

It is so much easier in the summer to ease a funk because I can just go to the beach and let the sun bathe me in warmth and I close my eyes and hear the waves and birds and families around me and I envision the warmth as being God's arms, keeping me safe and taking away all my worries.

Maybe I have Seasonal Affective Disorder? Never thought about that before. I love the fall. I love winter, too. But maybe it has nothing to do with whether or not I love the seasons as much as maybe I am sensitive to the shortening length of daylight? Admittedly, when I am tanning, even artificially, my mood is mostly peaceful. I haven't laid in the sun or tanned since the 8th of September...

This is a very large post of a whole lot of nothing. But yet it is a whole lot of something.

For Me

This post is for me mostly...a recipe I cut and am now pasting so I can remember to buy the ingredients today and make it for supper tonight.
1 pound ground beef or turkey
40 ounce can sweet potatoes, drained and rinsed
8 ounce can tomato sauce or 15 ounce can tomatoes
1/2 cup raisins
3/4 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon black pepper
1 teaspoon chili powder
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
1/4 teaspoon ground red pepper
1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
2 tablespoons dried onions
1-1/2 teaspoons dry parsley
Hot Cooked Rice

This dish has a Moroccan flair. If you like spicy foods, you'll love it. If you hate spicy foods, then pass this one up for something more traditional.
First put your rice onto cook according to your preferred method. Next plop the ground meat into a large skillet. Cook over medium heat, breaking the meat up into small bits, until the meat is well browned. Drain off the fat and rinse the meat under hot water. Return the meat to the skillet. Add all of the remaining ingredients except the cooked rice. Make sure you drain the sweet potatoes completely. I like to rinse them under cool water too, to remove as much of the canning liquid as possible.
Stir the mixture and break the sweet potatoes into smaller chunks with a fork or spatula. Add enough water to give the mixture the texture of thick spaghetti meat sauce. Simmer for about 10 minutes. Serve over hot cooked rice.
This recipe is a little weird by American standards but it's surprisingly good, especially if you already like sweet potatoes.
Not including Rice. Per Serving: 376 Calories; 8g Fat (18.6% calories from fat); 16g Protein; 62g Carbohydrate; 7g Dietary Fiber; 35mg Cholesterol; 609mg Sodium. Exchanges: 3 Grain(Starch); 1 1/2 Lean Meat; 1/2 Vegetable; 1/2 Fruit; 1/2 Fat.

Kayla's Senior Pics

Originally uploaded by jennluvsgable
At the very end of all the pics...past the Stone Carriage House Pics are the two black and white ones that are going in the yearbook.


Originally uploaded by jennluvsgable


Originally uploaded by jennluvsgable


Originally uploaded by jennluvsgable


Originally uploaded by jennluvsgable


Originally uploaded by jennluvsgable

Inside the Ruins

Inside the Ruins
Originally uploaded by jennluvsgable
Fitting that my last name is spray-painted over my head! NOOOO, I did not do that! :)

The Stone Carriage House

This house is at the far left end of Scarborough Beach if you are facing the ocean. We hadn't taken the opportunity to explore it yet, so we finally did so last Monday or Tuesday.

Mom & Zach

Mom & Zach
Originally uploaded by jennluvsgable
The sun is setting. :(

Good View

Good View
Originally uploaded by jennluvsgable

Walking Down

Walking Down
Originally uploaded by jennluvsgable
Walking down the path to Black Point...we didn't go to Black Point only because a couple drowned there like two days before and they still hadn't recovered the man's body yet and we didn't want to be the ones to find it.

Zach Looking Tall

Zach Looking Tall
Originally uploaded by jennluvsgable

Take the pic ALREADY!

Take the pic ALREADY!
Originally uploaded by jennluvsgable

Hayley Jordan

Hayley Jordan
Originally uploaded by jennluvsgable


Originally uploaded by jennluvsgable
Me sitting in the window sill of the house.

Exploring the Old Stone House

Another View

Another View
Originally uploaded by jennluvsgable
So pretty and so much cheaper than Narragansett!

View From Fort Wetherill

Any wonder why we're thinking of moving to Jamestown?

This One

This One
Originally uploaded by jennluvsgable
This one is going in the yearbook.


Originally uploaded by jennluvsgable
More senior pics...

Friday, October 03, 2008

October 3, 2008

This Friday was definitely better than last! It isn't over yet and I don't want to jinx it so that is all I am going to say about that!

Watching The Family Guy right now and waiting for my family guy to get home from his soccer game. I didn't attend tonight's game. I know, I know bad wifey, but I just couldn't do it tonight. This has been an incredibly long week at work and I just wanted to chill at home tonight.

I have a stuffy nose tonight. I sneezed all day today. At least the sneezing has stopped.

I went grocery shopping tonight and actually STUCK TO THE LIST!!! Amazing!

In a short time I will be heading to bed to read a bit.

Late yesterday afternoon, the kids and I went for a nice walk on the beach and in and around an old abandoned old stone cottage on the far end of the beach. I have lots of pics. Not sure when I will post them. Soon.

Time to read.


Originally uploaded by jennluvsgable

Thursday, October 02, 2008


Visual Poetry -

Ewwww! Gross!

If the link doesn't show up, the story is at

Disgusting! I would prefer not thinking about all the types of women this breast milk could come from. Unless the women want to live on a "farm" where they are forced to eat healthy foods, no smoking, drinking, doing drugs, drinking caffeine, or even having sex because yea, germs can enter the body that way and be passed on through breast milk...then I guess this is one bus I will not be getting on!

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

October 1, 2008

I have tomorrow off. So grateful for that! I am going to clean the house, go to the post office, go to the library and try and just enjoy chilling out before it is back to the grind!

Right now I am waiting for Mitch to get home from work. I think I will take a relaxing bath before bedtime.

Happy October everyone!!! I love this month. After Halloween, the months zip right thing you know, it will be February!