Monday, May 28, 2007


Early Morning

Early Morning
Originally uploaded by jennluvsgable
8 AM it was in this shot. I think it was after my morning coffee, though.

One of Those Days

One of Those Days
Originally uploaded by jennluvsgable
Ever have one of those days? Looks normal, till you look more closely...sweet boy got a little (okay a LOT) red, playing in the water ALL day, and had to borrow his sister's Coach sunglasses that he broke that morning, because his eyes were a little sore from the salt water and the glare of the sun off of the ocean. She bought a new pair at the beach that day and was kind enough to lend him her broken pair. He looked so pathetic.


Originally uploaded by jennluvsgable
This would be the seagull that kept swooping down to steal our bread. I love this pic. I was going to zoom in, to see the bird, but I like the chair to the left...

13 Year Old

13 Year Old
Originally uploaded by jennluvsgable
I have taken this shot every summer since he was about 4 or 5...this is the 13 year old version! :)

Old Orchard Beach...2007

Old Orchard Beach...2007
Originally uploaded by jennluvsgable
I think my grandparents have this same picture from like the 1950s.

The Pier...OOB

The Pier...OOB
Originally uploaded by jennluvsgable
I'm glad nothing ever changes!

Sleeping Zach

Sleeping Zach
Originally uploaded by jennluvsgable
Sleeping after a long day of playing in the waves.

Kayla & Shannon

Kayla & Shannon
Originally uploaded by jennluvsgable
An early early morning for Kayla and Shannon...about 6 AM in the morning in the bathrooms, getting dressed for the beach.

Friday, May 25, 2007

Stressing Out!!

I am taking the kids to Old Orchard tonight and tomorrow. We are spending tonight to spend all day and early evening there tomorrow. I'm stressing with getting everything packed. Two people in the tent. Two people can sleep in the back of my truck because I have a cap. Early morning at the beach. Hopefully catch a sunrise. Tomorrow won't be as hot and humid today. Today was 95. Tomorrow it should be in the 80s.

I hope everyone has a great holiday weekend! I'll catch up soon!

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

May 22, 2007

Work was fun tonight. Jamie is working at the center until the end of the summer, like me. I knew her before from when her son Jordan was a baby at the daycare. He's a handsome 2 year old boy now! Allison worked tonight, also. She brought some yummy snacks and it was good to hang out with her, too.

Eric, I just got your IM today. Not sure when you sent it? My schedule is 8-4:30 at Department of Health & Welfare Monday and Friday. Tuesday and Thursday, I am at the center 2-8 PM. Wednesday and weekends off.

The weather is going to be beautiful the rest of this week and Saturday is looking perfect. Wanted to get the kids to Old Orchard, but we might be going out to camp instead. My grandfather had a mild stroke about 2 weeks ago and I want Zach to spend some time with him in case something happens while Zach is in Virginia all summer.


Originally uploaded by jennluvsgable.
An appropriately titled picture taken by my photographer son. I was looking through the drawer for my sharp specialty very expensive sharp specialty knife...Zach was smart enough to be taking this picture from OUTSIDE the house!

Monday, May 21, 2007

Hailey Update

I know I haven't updated people on sweet little Hailey in a long time. I've been keeping up with them of course, but have been lazy about reporting the news. So for all of you prayer warriors out there, here is the latest from Hailey's mommy, Dena. She says it all perfectly.

"i have so much to say and i have no idea where to begin. you know that feeling you get when your at church and you know for a fact that God has laid this message on the preachers heart for you to hear?? well that happened yesterday, Bryan was out sick, please pray for a speedy recovery for him while he battles strep throat, and so due to his sickness we had another man from katy Bible church there to fill in, and i dont even rember his name but he preached on Job, i know you know the story of Job we all do, but the words he peppered his sermon with where incredible, i know i will butcher this up and for that i am sorry but i will try to relay some of it for you, when we praise God through our pain we are only adding to His glory, sounds easy enough huh? we have a bad day, we thank God,we loose a job, we thank God, we go through a divorce we praise God .....when He sends us the person He originally created for us we really praise HIM =), now. we lose a child? we lose ten children, we lose the mind of a child that we love, do we still remeber to praise God? yes we should, it is through the hardest of these times, the sufficating pain that these bring that we give Him the praise, one because we trust His will, and two we add to the Glory of Him, we dont know that on December 25, 2006 satan wasnt standing at the throne of God betting on how we would act in this crises, do we? so how do we act? we praise Him and thank Him for choosing us , for choosing Hailey Anslow and this carepage to show soo many people what He can do, He has done everything "man" has told us couldnt be done with hailey, in those first hours we were told she would die within the night, then after more testing of her blood we were told that due to the sugar in her blood caused by the lack of oxygen her organs would shut down with in 72 hours, after the 72 hour period and the first MRI was done they said IF she survives she will be a vegtable, only able to blink, and have a heartbeat and will be on a ventilator for the rest of her life, ok a week goes by and another MRI , this time they say she wont walk again or use her hands, let me fast forward and tell you SOME of the things she can do now, she can walk, she can talk she can laugh she can feed her self, she can express her needs to us, she can play hide and go seek, she is on an age appropriate level on some of her speech testings, she can pick a darn sprinkle off of an iced donut, now that is FINE motor skill, she knows her brothers and sisters names, she knows to "kill em" when it comes to bugs and lizards, i could go on and on, but i'm limited to one hour on the carepage and it will erase what all i have written allready, when Jesus's close friend Lazarus died, in John 11, you see that He waited 4 days to go to him, now i learned yesterday that back then they thought that the spirit remained hovering over the body for 3 days after someone died, so by Jesus waiting 4 days to go to His friends tomb, He was purposely allowing "man" to say "it cant happen" that way when it did there was only one explaination of the miracle that took place when He called Lazarus to life again, and i know that i myself have prayed for Him to come and call Hailey up and restore her, but i know now that He is purposely waiting to hear man tell us it cant happen for Him to everyday show the world that it is happening, and what a celebration this calls for, please please please take the time everyday to Thank Him for what He has not only done in Haileys life but also in your own, add to His glory by your worship, ok i hope you got the point that was preached yesterday i really do it was great and an eye opener for myself, thank you Lord and thank you friends, dena"

C.S. Lewis

I've read this book a hundred times...I can't believe it can still take my breath away.

Mere Christianity, book 4 chapter 8
by C.S. Lewis "The First Job" c. 1943
The real problem of the Christian life comes where people do not usually look for it. It comes the very moment you wake up each morning. All your wishes and hopes for the day rush at you like wild animals. And the first job each morning consists simply in shoving them all back; in listening to that other voice, taking that other point of view, letting that other larger, stronger, quieter life come flowing in. And so on, all day. Standing back from all your natural fussings and frettings; coming in out of the wind.

We can only do it for moments at first. But from those moments the new sort of life will be spreading through our system: because now we are letting Him work at the right part of us. It is the difference between paint, which is merely laid on the surface, and a dye or stain which soaks right through. He never talked vague, idealistic gas. When He said, "Be perfect," He meant it. He meant that we must go in for the full treatment. It is hard; but the sort of compromise we are all hankering after is harder--in fact, it is impossible. It may be hard for an egg to turn into a bird: it would be a jolly sight harder for it to learn to fly while remaining an egg. We are like eggs at present. And you cannot go on indefinitely being just an ordinary, decent egg. We must be hatched or go bad....

This is the whole of Christianity. There is nothing else. It is so easy to get muddled about that. It is easy to think that the Church has a lot of different objects--education, building, missions, holding services. Just as it is easy to think the State has a lot of different objects--military, political, economic, and what not. But in a way things are much simpler than that. The State exists simply to promote and to protect the ordinary happiness of human beings in this life. A husband and wife chatting over a fire, a couple of friends having a game of darts in a pub, a man reading a book in his own room or digging in his own garden--that is what the State is there for....

In the same way the Church exists for nothing else but to draw men into Christ, to make them little Christs. If they are not doing that, all the cathedrals, clergy, missions, sermons, even the Bible itself, are simply a waste of time. God became Man for no other purpose. It is even doubtful, you know, whether the whole universe was created for any other purpose. ~ C.S. Lewis

Sunday, May 20, 2007

May 20, 2007

I am in a super cranky mood today. I think it is all the cloudy/rainy days we've had in a row. I need some sun.

Work will be interesting tomorrow. I am dreading it completely. Hopefully at least they will have my computer and phone all set up for me in my new office.

I am also sending out resumes for teaching jobs. Now is the time to do it to get a job for the 2007-08 school year. I kind of wish it were 2008 now and I was just finishing up the school year and getting ready for a summer off! I have to admit one of my favorite perks of teaching is the vacation package!

Today, I am going to read. Write in my journal. Maybe work on some of my novel. I haven't felt terribly motivated in that regard. I was hoping to get to Old Orchard this next weekend, but it looks like while it will be very warm, it will be very full of showers.

Ah well, life is interesting and it is all in the Lord's hands. Cranky moods or not. I am in the mood to go hiking today with the kids and the dog, but I am thinking that being on top of a mountain with possible thunderstorms isn't the best idea. Plus it is kind of late in the day. I wish I had thought of it before noon. It will take an hour to get to Camden if we want to hike Mt. Battie and only a half hour or so to get to Chick Hill. That is a good hike, but there are lots of bears because there are lots of caves.
Sierra (a very curious pitbull) + Bears = a very possible sticky wicket
Thankfully they are of the black bear variety and scare very easily, but if Sierra gets curious about any baby bears it could lead to, like I said, the strong likelyhood that a catastophic result will ensue. The reason there are so many bears in that area is because it is surrounded by blueberry barrens, not to mention there are several bear hunting guides located nearby. I am not sure if they are still allowed to bear bait or not, but I am guessing so, and bears are stupid enough to continue to go to where the food supply is even if they see their little bear friends succumb to an untimely death by a "hunter"...I'm not so sure what hunting has to do with putting some food down and waiting for a bear to come to them. The word hunting implies that one has to actually put effort into the act of HUNTING. I come from a long line of hunters and one of the things that I admired the most about my grandfather in this regard, is his skill and ability to use a bow. But I digress. Certainly not something I want to get into. Everyone has their own opinion. The fact remains that some families in rural Maine still very much rely on venison or bear or moose as a food source and to those families, I commend them on providing for their own.

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Saturday Afternoon Update...

...or SAU as I like to call it.

This has been a long Saturday. It feels like it should be bedtime right now. I'm looking forward to enjoying a glass of wine before bed. Usually Mitch and I'll finish the bottle but this time we did not. We got sidetracked after making dinner! =) Instead of the usual Merlot, we got Pinot, as it was "adventure" night...hence the reason we got sidetracked! We enjoyed the Pinot...and the getting sidetracked too, of course.

I've been online just about all day and now I feel as if I have to do something read one of my thousands of books OR get some writing done.

Zach has been riding his new bike with his friend Dakota all day. Except for when the boys were inside playing their video games. Hayley is at Shannon's. She and Sarah went to see Shrek 3 last night and she just called to tell me all about it. Kayla and I are enjoying our iced lattes and (very soon) some yummy taco salad.

I have GOT to get my nails done this week and my hair trimmed. I think I'll get them painted white one more time and then we'll go red for most of the summer!

May 19, 2007

The week has been hectic and crazy. Hayley went to the Three Days Grace concert with Devon and had a great time. Mitch was here all week so that was nice. I went to a "toy" party last night at Stacey's. It was good to hang out with her, Chelsea and Kassie and the rest of the girls. I bought some fun stuff for Mitch! =) Kassie and I will be doing lunch next week. I am also hanging out with Lynette on Wednesday!!! YAY!!! It will be so good to catch up. I was also worried about what I'd do with Mitch while I was with Lynette in Ellsworth, but he won't be here until Wednesday night this week, so looks like I don't have to worry at all. Of course, I want him to meet Nettie and all of that, but we need some time just us because it has been so long. The baby will be with us, though. I can't wait! Peyton is absolutely adorable!!!

Work was interesting on Friday. Hopefully things change for the better. Soon. Ah well, I only have 3 more months there and then on to teaching middle/high school English.

This recent rainy weather is really getting to me. I'm in the mood to go spend the afternoon at Border's but I'm afraid I'll spend too much money there! I can always read at the house even though it is just too easy to get distracted here.

I need to figure out what I'm having for supper tonight. I think the kids want chicken and dumplings. It is a nice rainy day, so that sounds good.

Oh yeah, and I just found out the preschool I used to work for closed. Just closed. Jessy came to work and gave everyone (teachers and parents) two weeks to find alternate care and work. Big surprise for me, I guess. I'm definitely going to stop by Jessy's house next week and find out the scoop.

Alrighty, I have to go to Hannafords and run some errands. Oh lucky day. I already got my latte and went tanning.

Current Mood: tired of rain
Current Music: some good old Alanis

Monday, May 14, 2007

May 14, 2007

Soooo the women's retreat was a blast, as always. At times emotional, but then again, you get about 250 women together for 3 days and it is bound to be emotional!!!

It was good to get away and do some thinking. About life, relationships, work and kids...Debbi Bryson is a little powerhouse! She is SOOOO cute! AND it is always a pleasure to spend time with Sherri Youngward. I love her cd's. She has the most beautiful voice ever and her songs never fail to take me where I need to be spiritually and that is kneeling at His feet.

Debi and I had a ball! I am pretty sure Allison had a great time until the last day. That is her story, though. You'll have to read about it in her blog.

A lot of cute stuff happened and I'll try to get it all down...eventually. I'll start with one little story today. Sooo the big message of the retreat was about brokeness and about how God is supposed to glue us back together, but so often, we glue ourselves back together, in my case especially, and God has really been laying on my heart about running the right race...which is kind of profound in itself, because when I am running, that is my most favorite time with the Lord...anyway, I got hit with that message twice Saturday, in two separate books..."Remember that in a race everyone runs, but only one person gets the prize. You also must run in such a way that you will win." 1 Corinthians 9:24 and then again with this one "therefore, since we are surrounded by such a crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily hindrs our progress. And let us RUN with endurance the RACE THAT GOD HAS SET before us. We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus, on whom our faith depends from start to finish." Hebrews 12:1-2.

Okay, so my morning prayer yesterday was "Please Lord show me the ways I am not running the right race" and because I was half-asleep still and I have a bit of ADD, my mind started wandering like it often does, and my thoughts went to my daughter had broken one of my daisy dinner plates, so now I don't have a complete set and I was thinking about how all of my 30ish friends have new houses and complete sets of china and I'm sure full sets of Tupperware...I used to have the complete set of Tupperware, but my kids have left them on the school bus and on field trips and neighbors have some of them with leftover pie or cookies or whathaveyou...and praise the Lord, HE stopped me in my tracks and with His quiet, still voice, He says, "Jenn, is THAT the race you want to win?"

Nah, no Tupperware race for me!!!

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Me & Debi

Me & Debi
Originally uploaded by jennluvsgable.
In our beautiful hotel room in Bar Harbor...that would be the very cold Atlantic Ocean off our balcony.

The women's retreat was awesome. I had such a great time!


Originally uploaded by jennluvsgable.
Having supper at the Portside Grille in Bar Harbor.

How Sweet!

How Sweet!
Originally uploaded by jennluvsgable.
Our Portland trip...we were at ReRa's Pub.


Originally uploaded by jennluvsgable.
Am I lucky or what???


Originally uploaded by jennluvsgable.

Monday, May 07, 2007

May 7th, 2007

It's been a nice beautiful spring day...finally! The whole week is looking great. Sunny and 70s and 80s...I'll take it!

I ran three miles yesterday. Getting ready to go run three more. It is my favorite way to relax in the spring/summer/ run in the evenings when the sun is setting.

The boys (Zach & Dakota) played baseball while I ran and when I was finished, I sat in the dugout and watched them play for awhile. After that, we went to Subway and they played in the game room for about an hour. Prior to all that fun, the kids and I went to Adam and Julie's for Lexi's birthday party.

Tomorrow I am going to sleep in and spend some time outside laying in the sun, catching up on my reading.

Saturday, May 05, 2007

Ramble Ramble

I had a bit of a reminder yesterday of how quickly things can go from near perfection to complete chaos. Details aren't as important as the lesson and reminder to not take things for granted.

My relationship with God is the most important thing in my life. Pride is still my biggest obstacle. It is amazing how quickly things can spin out of control and to think I used to LIVE MY LIFE LIKE THAT! It starts simple, like I will skip a day reading the Bible, I'll postpone my conversation with God that He's invited me to have, I'll soon be going through old memories of past hurts and before you know it, I am right back to where I thought I'd never be again.

Being humble is a tricky thing, the minute you acknowledge that you are, you're not, and when you admit to your faults, you are again...

I needed this reminder of how so not in control I am over the big plan and how I so desperately need Him. I needed to see how ugly I could become without Him again. It was different before becoming Christian, because I didn't know the difference He could make in me and in my life...even skirting the edges of that previous life is a disgusting reminder of how materialistic, prideful, selfish and unloving I can be.

Anyway, it is a quiet Saturday here. Tanya, thanks for your call today. You really helped me clarify some things and Mitch would like to thank you and tell you that you are his most favorite of all of my friends! =) He loves what you said about B. Love you!!!

Friday, May 04, 2007


The kids and I have our annual Spring clean-up this weekend. Fun, fun! I'm sure I'll break some nails! The good news is that that means we're one step closer to beach weekends! Also one step closer to Zach being gone for the summer! :(

Mitch brought his yearbook and all the paper clippings that his mom had saved. We had fun going thru all of that. He even had a picture for Zach of Mitch and Zach's dad. They both had won the same soccer award that year. He also brought a letter he had written himself when he was younger to be put in a time capsule at school. The kids opened the capsule when they graduated high school. I promised I wouldn't make fun of his favorite song that year...(Stevie Wonder's Part-time Lover)...too cute!

I am very glad it is Friday. It is supposed to rain all next weekend...of course, because that is when I'm in Bar Harbor for the weekend for the women's retreat.

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

May 1st

Happy May Day! I had a nice quiet morning and afternoon. I slept in and cleaned up the house, after getting my latte and going tanning. I just got to work and I am enjoying the quiet before all of the kids get here.

Mitch will be here tomorrow. We're going tanning and I have to get my nails filled. Church tomorrow night.

I have to run to Target after work to pick up stuff I've run out of. I am so happy that I got all of my housework done today so I don't have to do anything but enjoy myself for the next two days.

Zachie's birthday is the 12th. The women's retreat is the 10th-12th. I'll be home the afternoon of the 12th, in plenty of time for Mr. Man's 13th birthday. I also have a conference in Augusta that I have to be at on the 10th all day. Thankfully we don't have to check in until late afternoon for the women's retreat. It should be a great time. I am also going to a party at Stacey's house on the 18th. Lexi's birthday party is this Saturday. May is always a busy month.

Hopefully I'll get a chance to catch everyone up on Friday.