Thursday, July 10, 2014

Only 5!

Only five posts in six months! I guess I've gotten over it. I can probably blame Facebook. It's so much easier to document life events that way with anecdotes and pictures and then share with family. My reading is SOLID right now. Got lots of good books in my July queue. Tonight's book is The Round House by Louise Erdrich. Also reading Sophie's Choice and The Bridge of Sighs.

I went to Roger Williams Zoo today. Had a good time. Wish I had had longer to hang and explore. I am so looking forward to the weekend and the sun and the pool.

Friday, June 13, 2014


Happy Friday the 13th!
I woke up this morning (again 4:45) and felt fine. When I finally got up and got the coffee going, the room was literally spinning. I'm going to blame the barometer and the humidity and living on the ocean, combined with my extra long run yesterday, plus allergies, all affecting my inner ear. It settled down enough for me to run 40 minutes today, because I refuse to let this set me back. Zach treated me to dinner at Chen's late last night. He knows I've been stressed out as of late. Not sure what I'm going to do about it all yet. I've turned into the Gump of the running world and still haven't been able to outrun this shitstorm. I'm doing a ton of reading lately. My current read is John Irving's Last Night in Twisted River. I've spent the last two weekends sitting in the sun, reading and trying to relax. This weekend I will be getting the pool ready for summer. Bella and I are super excited to go swimming!! I'm hoping my summer schedule is pretty lax so she and I can get some weekdays in at the beach. I leave the weekends at the beach to the tourists. Man, they drive me crazy. You'd think after 7 summers in Narragansett, I'd be used to it all.

Wednesday, May 07, 2014


Sooooo, totally skipped the blog in April. Bella turned 4 the day after Easter! Time flies!!! A student of mine passed away suddenly in April. It's just been full of ups and downs. Yesterday though, my husband looked at a new house for us and texted me the pics and I finally felt peaceful about it all. Not sure if that'll be the one, but I feel like things are definitely good. I feel ready for the change and the challenge. Plus what's not exciting about decorating a new place together?

Thursday, March 13, 2014


Apparently I can only blog once per month these days. Just so busy with work, and the regular day to day and on top of that I've been sick at least every other week since sometime in December. I'm going to make this a positive post so I'm going to write a list about what I'm grateful for...

1. My husband
2. Bella
3. The rest of the family
5. No snow with this storm that seems to have dropped close to 2 feet in all the states north of us.
6. My treadmill
7. Netflix
8. My Kindle
9. Knitting
10. Yummy adult beverages

Tomorrow night, I'm going on a date with my husband. The last two weeks we've had plans but I was sick both weekends. Even if it's just a drive thru. We are getting in the same car together.

Saturday, February 15, 2014


Oh my word. We've had at least one snow day per week from school since my last post. Another 8-12 inches is expected today. At least the last storm was only rain for us here on the RI coast while the rest of the east, Georgia-Maine got snow and ice. We won't be so lucky with this next one. It's coming in off the water, in true Nor Eastern style. Puke, right? The good news is that I have no where to be until the 24th of February. So let it freaking snow, if it must. I had better have a spectacular spring/summer/fall after this.

Valentines was nice. I had a great dinner and yummy drinks with my fabulous, sexy husband. He bought me a new North Face Denali jacket. Time to retire my pink one. This new one is all black. I love it. Makes the weather a little more bearable. He's getting a good watch per his request, assuming the weather lets up so we can go pick it up. And we're making plans for our next vacation...Vegas!! I've never been. He's been several times. I'm so excited.

I finished Zach's wool hat. He's worn it all day, every day since I've made it. Haha. I'm finishing up a bulky alpaca cowl for myself. Not sure why exactly, but this yarn is a giant pain in the butt to knit with. Maybe it's the color...charcoal-ish...maybe it's the weight...could be my needles...size 15 bamboo circular. Could be me. Unlikely. I've finished Bella's knit cotton bunny. Just have to sew it together and stuff it. I'm going to cast on my husband's hat now that Zach's is off my needles.

So today is Saturday. I'm having a pajama-Lost marathon-knitting day to ride out the storm.

Monday, January 13, 2014


It's been a strange start to the new year. Not bad, just strange. The weather for instance. Yes, it's winter, but no it is never really really cold where we live. It typically hovers in the 30s-50s December through February. In these first weeks of January, we've had a snowstorm, followed by 60 degree weather and rain to melt it all immediately, then freezing weather between 0-30 degrees for almost 10 days and now we've been in the 50s for a five day stretch. My sinuses are really struggling to keep up with the temp/humidity changes. Other things are strange. Bella's behaving. My husband is organizing. I'm caught up on all in services at both of my jobs. Paperwork is complete and turned in on time. I know! Strange. My knitting has turned a huge corner. I will be finished with my husband's hat by tomorrow or Wednesday. I can knit socks, mittens, scarves, cozies, cables...but I'm finding hats to be my zen knitting. As much as I love my Addi Turbos, I really love my bamboo 16-inch circular. Thank you goes to my husband for accompanying me to the yarn store. I'm sure it was the least fun he's had in a while but he and Bella were good sports while I decided on the right wool for the project. I totally want to raise my own sheep. I'm running at a pretty good rate these days. Tried on one of my bikinis and can't say I had that mid-winter "oh my god" shock. Actually looked pretty darn good so this summer will be an awesome one, especially since Bella is more agreeable these days. I plan on being at the beach in all of my spare time and I will even try to tolerate the tourists. Try. I will try.

Friday, January 03, 2014

Happy Snow Day!

Happy New Year too. I got my eight point five hours in last night. Awake by 7:30. Second cup of coffee down the hatch. Listening to Pandora. House cleaned. Gonna go for my three mile run here in a bit and shower up. My crazy busy work schedule restarts full force on Monday. Totally need to get my head in the game. I think that was a High School Musical reference. Should finish up my second knitting project of the year this weekend. These are going to be cute little gifts. Birthdays probably. Goals for this month...clean out my closet. Get paperwork caught up for job number 2. Register for some races.